Another Lie Debunked- The trump Economy

Yes, hundreds, maybe thousands, of the over 16,000 lies trump has told has been about the economy.
In the first three years under Trump, the economy grew more than any three year period under Obama.

2009 -2.5
2010 +2.6
2011 +1.6
2012 +2.2
2013 +1.8
2014 +2.5
2015 +2.9
2016 +1.6
2017 +2.4
2018 +2.9
2019 +2.3
But the longest expansion in history, now in its 11th year
Speaking of lies...
Longest expansion... save for...
I see republicans gave no real bump to the economy. Their policy just bumped deficits.
We should all be pissed that republican policy did nothing for the economy but gave us trillion dollar deficits.
Wow, lotsa winger cut & paste!
That is all that the sheep can do. Actual independent thought is outside of their capabilities.
Being stuck at 2.1% with all that spending and Fed intervention will get the spinning going, for sure.
Actually, I'll take that 2.1%. It's going in the right direction and not overheating.
Low unemployment and low inflation.
You liberals just have to bitch, bitch, sound like someone's mother-in-law.
Trump promised 3-4 percent GDP and criticized Obama for not having over 3 percent a year.

Where does 2.1 percent work into that?
I don't care what Trump promised. That only matters to those that are suffering from TDS.
At this stage of the bull market, I'll take it. So bitch away, RW.
Well well well, from CNN of all, places.....
It took 10 years. Americans finally believe the economy is good

Fri December 20, 2019 * a few weeks ago)
US economy: Americans finally believe it is good - CNN

QUOTE: New York (CNN Business)The old saying "time heals all wounds" applies to the economy. Stung by the Great Recession, it has taken a decade for many Americans to feel safe in their jobs and investments again.
The polls tell the story. As 2019 winds down, the economy is getting its best rating in almost 20 years. Overall, 76% of those polled rate the economy very or somewhat good, according to a new CNN poll conducted by SSRS. That's up nine points from last year and the highest percentage since February 2001.
Time gets some of the credit. The president and his bullish megaphone get the rest.

MY COMMENT: So CNN is forced to admit that Americans are finally happy with the economy. And that last sentence: "Time gets some of the credit. The president and his bullish megaphone get the rest." Will CNN fire this lady? LOL.

Its all thanks to Trump too, the greatest POTUS ever

Face it: The economy under Trump is great | Opinion

Here's the reality. By most traditional measures, the economy is stronger than it's been in over three decades, especially where job creation is concerned. Trump's policy of tax relief and deregulation—the president likes to brag his administration has eliminated more than a dozen regulations for each new one it has imposed—has led to the creation of the three most important things in U.S. politics: jobs, jobs and more jobs.

"On a scale of 1 to 10," economist Steve Moore recently wrote of the job market, "it's an 11."

Moore has it right. The unemployment rate soared above 9 percent during President Barack Obama's early years in office. Obama promised it would soon plateau at a manageable level if Congress would only approve his stimulus package to kick-start the public works projects we were all told were "shovel-ready." It did, but they weren't. And although unemployment began falling after 2010, as Moore wrote, "from January 2009 to December 2016, almost 10 million jobs were added, but amazingly, 1.6 million working-age people dropped out of the workforce."

Under Trump, unemployment has continued to go down and the labor force participation rate is rising, contrary to what the Congressional Budget Office predicted would be the continuing trend just as he came into office.

More people are working, and because real wages are rising, they have the "hope," finally, that Obama promised but found so hard to deliver. We're as close to full employment as economists in the 1970s and 1980s said we'd ever be.

Face it: The economy under Trump is great | Opinion

Here's the reality. By most traditional measures, the economy is stronger than it's been in over three decades, especially where job creation is concerned. Trump's policy of tax relief and deregulation—the president likes to brag his administration has eliminated more than a dozen regulations for each new one it has imposed—has led to the creation of the three most important things in U.S. politics: jobs, jobs and more jobs.

"On a scale of 1 to 10," economist Steve Moore recently wrote of the job market, "it's an 11."

Moore has it right. The unemployment rate soared above 9 percent during President Barack Obama's early years in office. Obama promised it would soon plateau at a manageable level if Congress would only approve his stimulus package to kick-start the public works projects we were all told were "shovel-ready." It did, but they weren't. And although unemployment began falling after 2010, as Moore wrote, "from January 2009 to December 2016, almost 10 million jobs were added, but amazingly, 1.6 million working-age people dropped out of the workforce."

Under Trump, unemployment has continued to go down and the labor force participation rate is rising, contrary to what the Congressional Budget Office predicted would be the continuing trend just as he came into office.

More people are working, and because real wages are rising, they have the "hope," finally, that Obama promised but found so hard to deliver. We're as close to full employment as economists in the 1970s and 1980s said we'd ever be.

Nothing beats weak growth and trillion dollar deficits...
Actually, I'll take that 2.1%. It's going in the right direction and not overheating.
Low unemployment and low inflation.
You liberals just have to bitch, bitch, sound like someone's mother-in-law.

How do you people look at yourself in the mirror each morning?

Under Obama 2.1% was the end of the fucking world as we know it, it was one of the main rally points for Trump and his followers.

Now that has all changed.

One thing that is really odd, the GDP growth is heading down year to year and you say that is the right direction...seems the wrong direction to most of us.

Other then spending, what policies of Trump do you believe have hurt the economy?

His stupid ass trade war.
Forever both sides of the political spectrum have complained about the abuses of China.............and our country getting screwed over by them.............And finally someone takes them on..............

And people like you bitch about it........You don't get any deals at all if you SURRENDER from the get go.........

Brings me to my next question..........ARE YOU REALLY FRENCH?

We've been taking on china and were doing so before trump. The reality here is that things are not what trump says they are.

Stimulus price tag: $2.8 trillion - Dec. 20, 2010

Obama had an open ended check book in office............QE to the moon as well.......and we still had one of the slowest recovers around...........But hey...............political pundits got money from the Taxpayer while we looked the other way. Fed Investigation.pdf

But that was only the tip of the iceberg.
Try up is running a trillion dollar deficit in a strong economy. A time you should be paying down debt

Please do explain how any of the Democrats economic plans will pay down our debt. Warren and Sanders plans will explode the debt and implode the economy.
Return tax rates for billionaires and corporations to their former rates

Regardless of tax rate..........the Fed gets about 18.1 % on average of GDP..........History doesn't lie..........and history has many different tax brackets .............hmmmm.........
The trump tax cuts flattened out revenue. I see your chart doesn’t include trump years conveniently...
A History of revenue from WWII til now is mostly on average.......which was the point.......During that time the Tax rates were all over the place.............Revenue didn't change much.

It all has cause and effect..........or's a 2 bladed axe that cuts both get the point unless you live under a rock.
OP is desperate and ignorant.

For we with operable brains and knowledge, let's hope we're headed into a mild recession.
Yes, hundreds, maybe thousands, of the over 16,000 lies trump has told has been about the economy.
In the first three years under Trump, the economy grew more than any three year period under Obama.

2009 -2.5
2010 +2.6
2011 +1.6
2012 +2.2
2013 +1.8
2014 +2.5
2015 +2.9
2016 +1.6
2017 +2.4
2018 +2.9
2019 +2.3
But the longest expansion in history, now in its 11th year
Speaking of lies...
Longest expansion... save for...

there were two recessions in the 60s and one in 2000.
Yes, hundreds, maybe thousands, of the over 16,000 lies trump has told has been about the economy.

U.S. Growth at Slowest Since 2016, Complicating Trump’s Pitch
Boeing’s troubles, trade disruption and a tight job market held back growth last year, and a more subdued expansion appears to lie ahead.

The government’s latest economic scorecard arrived on Thursday, offering fresh evidence that the economy continues to grow, but at a frustratingly slow pace.

As the nation heads toward a presidential election, the question is whether voters will view steady but unspectacular growth as a sign that President Trump’s handling of the economy has succeeded or stumbled.

Gross domestic product, which measures the value of goods and services produced inside the United States, grew at a 2.1 percent annual rate between October and December, the same as the previous three months, according to preliminary data released by the Commerce Department. As for 2019 as a whole, the report shows that the economy turned in a weaker annual showing than it did in 2017 and 2018.

In previous decades, growth that consistently fell below 3 percent would have been seen as distressing. Now most economists — at least those outside the administration — see normal growth circling the 2 percent mark.

official jobless rate creeps along at half-century lows as the expansion heads toward its 11th anniversary. A hefty chunk of the population is also aging into retirement.

“Underneath what you’re seeing is slower domestic activity,” said Kathy Bostjancic, chief United States financial economist at Oxford Economics. “It’s just the natural state of things.”

Thursday’s report shows that trend is continuing.

“We’re seeing some loss of economic momentum as we exit 2019 and come into this year,” Ms. Bostjancic said.

U.S. Growth at Slowest Since 2016, Complicating Trump’s Pitch

US economy posts slowest annual growth since 2016
But the country's longest expansion in history, now in its 11th year, remains on track and a downturn is unlikely

The US economy missed the Trump administration’s 3% growth target for a second straight year, posting its slowest annual growth in three years in 2019 as the slowdown in business investment deepened amid trade uncertainty.

The lofty growth goal has remained elusive despite the White House and Republicans’ $1.5-trillion tax cut package, which President Donald Trump had predicted would lift growth persistently above that threshold. The economy grew 2.3% in 2019, the commerce department said on Thursday. That was the slowest since 2016 and followed the 2.9% growth notched in 2018.

While the department’s snapshot of GDP showed the economy maintaining a moderate pace of growth in the fourth quarter, that was in part because of a smaller import bill, which is unsustainable. Consumer spending slowed considerably last quarter and that could persist with wage growth appearing to have stalled.

But the longest expansion in history, now in its 11th year, remains on track and a downturn is unlikely as the Federal Reserve’s three interest rate cuts in 2019 kick in.

US economy posts slowest annual growth since 2016

The economic expansion started 7 years before trump took office. He has just been riding the wave.

U.S. factory activity growing at weakest pace since 2016
Well, look at the bright side.

At least Trump exploded the deficit (in a period of growth, something Keynes himself would have been against), and at least the Fed has increased its balance sheet by a few hundred billion dollars, which will take more serious unwinding later, all just to grease the system.

Fuck it. Our kids and grandkids can worry about it. Fuck 'em.

/----/ "Well, look at the bright side. At least Trump exploded the deficit "
Why do you Libtards consistently lie about this when you know it's Congress that controls the spending?
View attachment 303660

I am sure there are 100s of post from you straightening out all those people blaming Obama for the debt during his time in office...


/——/ Not Reagan, not Bush, not Clinton, not Obozo. Not once since I started posting on the Yahoo HAL board in 2000. I voted for a Republican Congress who would control spending.
Trump is no more / less a bag 'o wind that Obama was

trump is far worse than Obama. Obama was given a depression and turned it around.
Well, the nature of a "recession" cycle dictates that it turns around. No matter who is president.

there's a lot of truth to any economy always in flux landing in whoever seats the WH Meister

my problem is Trump takes credit for it

so....will he when it crashes too?

Trump is no more / less a bag 'o wind that Obama was

trump is far worse than Obama. Obama was given a depression and turned it around.
Well, the nature of a "recession" cycle dictates that it turns around. No matter who is president.

there's a lot of truth to any economy always in flux landing in whoever seats the WH Meister

my problem is Trump takes credit for it

so....will he when it crashes too?

/----/ "..will he when it crashes too?"
You're still preaching the doom and gloom, we're all gonna die, the sky is falling BS. And the economy isn't going to crash.
drama queen.jpg

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