Another shitty chain restaurant seeks free advertising by being douchebags

Yea, you sound like a real god damn expert on successful business, and who can and can't run one.

Why thank you.

Those greedy business owners should pay the full cost of employee "healthcare"........

And have at least a 25 $ minimum living wage............and union participation with collective bargaining rights.........

For the common good, and "prosperity"............

Yes free everything for all!!!!!:eusa_shifty:
You're the one that sounds greedy, you want your hands in their pockets. You think you should have a say on what they make, how much they get to keep of their profits, etc... It's none of your business. It's about freedom, sad that you can't understand that. You're so blinded by greed and ENVY that you can't see the forest for the trees. And it's used against you in this class warfare lie that your party wages non stop.

Oh puleeze! I have not one ounce of envy of his vile greed (and he is vile) ... but I did wait tables in college. How are you ok with a rich asshole charging a 5% surcharge on absolutely nothing, and then suggesting that diners then stiff his innocent waitress on her tip? How is that ok? That 5% is not going to her healthcare. It is going into his asshole pocket. This has nothing to do with envy at all - how on earth does this put my hand anywhere near his asshole pocket? This is just a matter of human decency.

And it is my business - this war on labor by corporations. God, we seriously need ot re-unionize the private sector to have any way of getting ahead in the future.
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You're the one that sounds greedy, you want your hands in their pockets. You think you should have a say on what they make, how much they get to keep of their profits, etc... It's none of your business. It's about freedom, sad that you can't understand that. You're so blinded by greed and ENVY that you can't see the forest for the trees. And it's used against you in this class warfare lie that your party wages non stop.

Oh puleeze! I have not one ounce of envy of his vile greed (and he is vile) ... but I did wait tables in college. How are you ok with a rich asshole charging a 5% surcharge on absolutely nothing, and then suggesting that diners then stiff his innocent waitress on her tip? How is that ok? That 5% is not going to her healthcare. It is going into his asshole pocket. This has nothing to do with envy at all - how on earth does this put my hand anywhere near his asshole pocket? This is just a matter of human decency.

And it is my business - this war on labor by corporations. God, we seriously need ot re-unionize the private sector to have any way of getting ahead in the future.

What else should we do in the name of 'human decency'? Where does it end, what else will you justify doing for its cause? Profit control by government? Or how about no private ownership of business, government owns and runs everything? Salary celing imposed by government? Do you even realize what you're promoting? Where it ends?

It's not your business, period. You didn't build that.
A bunch of drama to hurt Obama

It is no more than a normal fluctuation in operating expenses. To highlight...I am charging you more because of "Obama"...if you don't like it, take it out on my employees

It is petty and vindictive. The good employees will say screw this, I'm going elsewhere" the crappy employees will stick around to help him run his business

You're dodging the question. I already know personally dozens of employers who will not be hiring or will be laying off people or will be cutting employee hours because of Obamacare. The restauranteer is passing the cost of THEIR benefit--not his benefit, THEIR benefit--to his employees rather than use those other options. Again the average profit margin in the average restaurant is around 3% at best. There is consequence to raising the cost of doing business anywhere, but it is especially hard on businesses with very narrow profit margins.

So you see it as petty and vindictive to ask employees to absorb some of the cost of a benefit to THEM. And to do that in a way that will probably affect them less than would any other method of doing that? You see it as punishing them to give them a very expensive benefit and ask them to pay a portion of its cost? What exactly do you see wrong with that which makes it petty and vindictive? And why is that the restaurant owner's fault? Why isn't that Obama and Congress's fault?

Or are you one of these people who thinks the government should be able to do anything it wants to anybody and it is fair game to demonize anybody who objects or takes measures to protect himself or herself?

Well then they had better get used to it because Obamacare is the law of the land

If they think they can remain competitive with fewer employees, then I would encourage them to do so. You set the number of employees based on the demand for your product or service. If they think they can meet demand with fewer employees, they should do so. If they can't, they are only hurting themselves..

But at least they showed that Obama that he can't push them around

well you all better get used to PAYING higher COST for all goods and services..

you people were duped:lol:
You're dodging the question. I already know personally dozens of employers who will not be hiring or will be laying off people or will be cutting employee hours because of Obamacare. The restauranteer is passing the cost of THEIR benefit--not his benefit, THEIR benefit--to his employees rather than use those other options. Again the average profit margin in the average restaurant is around 3% at best. There is consequence to raising the cost of doing business anywhere, but it is especially hard on businesses with very narrow profit margins.

So you see it as petty and vindictive to ask employees to absorb some of the cost of a benefit to THEM. And to do that in a way that will probably affect them less than would any other method of doing that? You see it as punishing them to give them a very expensive benefit and ask them to pay a portion of its cost? What exactly do you see wrong with that which makes it petty and vindictive? And why is that the restaurant owner's fault? Why isn't that Obama and Congress's fault?

Or are you one of these people who thinks the government should be able to do anything it wants to anybody and it is fair game to demonize anybody who objects or takes measures to protect himself or herself?

Well then they had better get used to it because Obamacare is the law of the land

If they think they can remain competitive with fewer employees, then I would encourage them to do so. You set the number of employees based on the demand for your product or service. If they think they can meet demand with fewer employees, they should do so. If they can't, they are only hurting themselves..

But at least they showed that Obama that he can't push them around

well you all better get used to PAYING higher COST for all goods and services..

you people were duped:lol:

Actually, I am perfectly willing to pay more so that all Americans will have affordable healthcare coverage

It will bring down my bills the next time I use the hospital and my bill has a "surcharge" to cover those who are not insured
Well then they had better get used to it because Obamacare is the law of the land

If they think they can remain competitive with fewer employees, then I would encourage them to do so. You set the number of employees based on the demand for your product or service. If they think they can meet demand with fewer employees, they should do so. If they can't, they are only hurting themselves..

But at least they showed that Obama that he can't push them around

well you all better get used to PAYING higher COST for all goods and services..

you people were duped:lol:

Actually, I am perfectly willing to pay more so that all Americans will have affordable healthcare coverage

It will bring down my bills the next time I use the hospital and my bill has a "surcharge" to cover those who are not insured

yeah sure..get back to us IF it does ANY of that...:lol:

and enjoy all your higher prices, and cheer when the IRS starts fining people too so YOU can dream of having afforadble healthcare for YOU
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It is punishing your employees. They are holding up servers and saying...if you don't like the prices, take it out on the servers

How do you stay in business if that is the way you handle a fluctuating marketplace? When the price of food goes up, do you surcharge? When your rent or taxes go up, do you surcharge? When business is down in the offseason, do you surcharge? When a competitor opens up down the street, do you surcharge?

This is not about compensating for a new business cost. It is petty and vindictive against your customers and your employees

Not good business practice

It punishes employees by requiring them to help pay for a benefit to them? But it doesn't punish employees when they lose their jobs or their raises or have their hours cut because the government forced an unfunded mandate on their employers?

A bunch of drama to hurt Obama

It is no more than a normal fluctuation in operating expenses. To highlight...I am charging you more because of "Obama"...if you don't like it, take it out on my employees

It is petty and vindictive. The good employees will say screw this, I'm going elsewhere" the crappy employees will stick around to help him run his business

It has nothing to do with punishing Obama. It has everything to do with a government mandated benefit to the employees. Again, since it is the employees who will be benefitting from the benefit, why is it wrong to ask them to pay for part of it? It sure as hell wasn't the employer's idea or doing to force that benefit on them, so why should he or his customers be the ones to be stuck with all the bill for it?

And if you are one of those who think everybody should get whatever they want or need free of charge, I am eventually going to need to replace my 17-year-old Subaru. Can I count on you to buy me a new one?
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It punishes employees by requiring them to help pay for a benefit to them? But it doesn't punish employees when they lose their jobs or their raises or have their hours cut because the government forced an unfunded mandate on their employers?

A bunch of drama to hurt Obama

It is no more than a normal fluctuation in operating expenses. To highlight...I am charging you more because of "Obama"...if you don't like it, take it out on my employees

It is petty and vindictive. The good employees will say screw this, I'm going elsewhere" the crappy employees will stick around to help him run his business

It has nothing to do with punishing Obama. It has everything to do with a government mandated benefit to the employees. Again, since it is the employees who will be benefitting from the benefit, why is it wrong to ask them to pay for part of it? It sure as hell wasn't the employer's doing to force that benefit on them, so why should he be the one to be stuck with all the bill for it?

too them, everything done is to hurt their dear leader..
truly pathetic they can't see any further than that and what this is going to do to US and businesses..

Yet they cheer the fact Obama wants to RAISE taxes on US
What else should we do in the name of 'human decency'? Where does it end, what else will you justify doing for its cause? Profit control by government? Or how about no private ownership of business, government owns and runs everything? Salary celing imposed by government? Do you even realize what you're promoting? Where it ends?

It's not your business, period. You didn't build that.

I cannot believe you are defending the actions of this dishonest douchebag. Oh yeah, you're a rightie, yes I can. And it is my business. This man is taking advantage - hell the insurance part doesn't even kick in until 2014. He is a dishonest, greedy, vile douchebag. One word: Karma.

ps. It's a crappy franchise. He didn't build that either.
What else should we do in the name of 'human decency'? Where does it end, what else will you justify doing for its cause? Profit control by government? Or how about no private ownership of business, government owns and runs everything? Salary celing imposed by government? Do you even realize what you're promoting? Where it ends?

It's not your business, period. You didn't build that.

I cannot believe you are defending the actions of this dishonest douchebag. Oh yeah, you're a rightie, yes I can. And it is my business. This man is taking advantage - hell the insurance part doesn't even kick in until 2014. He is a dishonest, greedy, vile douchebag. One word: Karma.

ps. It's a crappy franchise. He didn't build that either.
Denny's doesn't approve of this man's actions. fwiw. Other than that I totally agree with what you've posted.
LOL, no one is FORCING any of you to eat at ANY of these places..

but the bitching about a restaurant was funny as hell..

took the obsession over a t.v station (fox) off for a few days..

still to come:lol:
I do that too....last night I made a delicious Pork Loin.....from a LOCAL butcher, along with baked potatoes from a LOCAL Farmer's Market and frozen sweet corn that my wife and I cut off the cob this Summer from a LOCAL grower.
Some items for your consideration:
1) Under the obamacare law, are these local businesses required to provide health insurance to their employees? Are they penalized under said law for failure to provide insurance?
2) If they are exempt from obamacare, let's assume they have some sort of private health insurance(remember, EVERYONE is covered under the new law)and that the cost of that plan goes up(new requirements for private health insurers, ya know). Are the bottom lines of all these local businesses strong enough that they will be able to resist passing along those costs to their customers?
3) If those costs are passed along to you, are you willing to pay them? After all, under this scenario, your local businesses are not supporting obamacare.
Don't get me wrong, I love these local businesses. I lament the passing of the mom and pops, but I also understand some basic economics. Your Abe Lincoln quote is quite relevant here, 151 years later. We are discussing the welfare of laborers. But did you read the rest of that address? The last two paragraphs in particular?
well you all better get used to PAYING higher COST for all goods and services..

you people were duped:lol:

Actually, I am perfectly willing to pay more so that all Americans will have affordable healthcare coverage

It will bring down my bills the next time I use the hospital and my bill has a "surcharge" to cover those who are not insured

yeah sure..get back to us IF it does ANY of that...:lol:

and enjoy all your higher prices, and cheer when the IRS starts fining people too so YOU can dream of having afforadble healthcare for YOU

I'll cheer when every American has access to healthcare and I'll enjoy knowing it pisses you off.
Well....they can shove their breakfasts up their asses....Grand Slam style.

I usually eat locally when we go out anyway. We have a dozen Mom and Pops that serve better food thank Denny's ever will. Same with upper echelon restaurants.....Won't see me at Applebee's or Olive Garden anymore either.

Beer? we have one of the top ten brew pubs in the country about 25 minutes away....the only problem is that it's 25 minutes back home too. Coffee shops? same thing.

I'm so sick of corporate assholes running this country. They can't afford to absorb $.05/plate....or $.14/ pizza? Such bullshit, such ridiculous greed.

And you're right about the free advertising. They're thinking they are going to become the next Chick-fil-a and all these teabaggers are going to flood their restaurants and then not tip the people busting their asses to support their families.....the sad thing is.....they are probably right.
Denny's already has had problems with how they treat their black customers, haven't they?

Denny's Restaurants to Pay $54 Million in Race Bias Suits - New York Times
Lawsuits..Yeah ok. Most were baseless nonsense that Denny's made go away.
Christ. You hang your hat on THAT?..
Most were copycat suits. When Denny's stopped settling and going to court, the suits dried up because the attorneys saw no income potential.
We need a "loser pays" system to stop this nonsense litigation.
A lot of what is wrong with this country is that employees are no longer valued assets to many corporations.

YUP, and too many don't realize that this is the way the people are played:


And this kind of shit makes you all wet doesn't it?
Some dope with an axe to grind because he couldn't cut it in the real world rails away at the capitalist system. And you are a hooked flounder. Nice.
So, how long have you and the Gorton's Fisherman been an item?
John Metz, Denny's Franchisee And Hurricane Grill & Wings Owner, Imposes Surcharge For Obamacare

"If I leave the prices the same, but say on the menu that there is a 5 percent surcharge for Obamacare, customers have two choices. They can either pay it and tip 15 or 20 percent, or if they really feel so inclined, they can reduce the amount of tip they give to the server, who is the primary beneficiary of Obamacare," Metz told The Huffington Post. "Although it may sound terrible that I'm doing this, it's the only alternative. I've got to pass the cost on to the consumer."

Metz is the franchisor of Hurricane Grill & Wings, which has 48 locations, five of which are corporate owned, and president and owner of RREMC Restaurants, which runs approximately 40 Denny's and several Dairy Queen locations. He planned to use the 5 percent surcharge tactic in all his restaurants starting in January 2014, when Obamacare is fully implemented.

Furthermore, I understand the price of Wavy Lays is going up because of Obamacare!

"I understand"...Since when?
Actually, I am perfectly willing to pay more so that all Americans will have affordable healthcare coverage

It will bring down my bills the next time I use the hospital and my bill has a "surcharge" to cover those who are not insured

yeah sure..get back to us IF it does ANY of that...:lol:

and enjoy all your higher prices, and cheer when the IRS starts fining people too so YOU can dream of having afforadble healthcare for YOU

I'll cheer when every American has access to healthcare and I'll enjoy knowing it pisses you off.

Every Amercian has access to health care now...
they can't afford it they already get HELP from us TAXPAYERS
And I'll cheer if you can't afford your ObamaCare fines and the Irs comes kicking your door down.
wouldn't that be sweet justice for you:lol:
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well for sure, ONLY you liberals can throw temper tanturms when your candidates lose.
You all wanted ObamaCare, SOMEONE HAS TO PAY FOR It..or you all really thought is was going to FREEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee:lol:

Yup. That's EXACTLY what they thought. They thought they could soak the so-called "rich" and that it would never cost them an extra dime. And we kept telling them that costs would be passed down to the consumer, but they're like little children who persist in believing that the nasty, mean, "rich" guy is lying to them about how much money he's got in his pocket.

Their problem with this guy is simply that he's HONEST. All these other businesses are going to raise prices and never say why.
They can kiss goodbye all the after midnight, college kid, hipster business. Thats a lot of $ he just pissed away.

:lol: They're gonna get pretty hungry then because regardless of whether a company is honest enough to say why... prices are going UP.

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