Another Trillion in Debt. Thanks Republicans.


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2010
I am a God on this message board.
And that’s a Drudge headline.

A trillion dollar deficit???

And the economy is supposed to be booming (it isn't actually, btw)...and yet Trump is still going to run over a $1 trillion deficit???

At least GWB/Obama had the excuses of a major recession (and loss of revenue) to fall back on.

The last GDP growth number was 4.2% The U-3 is under 4%. So what the FUCK is Trump's excuse?

And save it Trumpbots...whatever it is (outside of a major war - which is not applicable here), it ain't good enough.

This stupid, lying, fat fuck is fiscally incompetent and should resign IMMEDIATELY.

And - BTW - if Obama and/or GWB was in power with these GDP Growth/U-3 numbers and was running a trillion dollar deficit - I would be saying EXACTLY the same thing (except I would not call them fat - they were both very fit).
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And that’s a Drudge headline.

View attachment 219806

And that is why I am NOT A REPUBLICAN, because I am a conservative. Both parties over spend, but Republican Party wants the moniker of fiscal responsibility, yet they are as irresponsible as the Dems. The main difference- Dems create long term debt with entitlement spending like BOcare, the Repubs usually create shorter term (not generational entitlements) but tax reductions and infrastructure spending.
A trillion dollar deficit???

And the economy is supposed to be booming (it isn't actually, btw)...and yet Trump is still going to run over a $1 trillion deficit???

At least GWB/Obama had the excuses of a major recession (and loss of revenue) to fall back on.

The last GDP growth number was 4.2% The U-3 is under 4%. So what the FUCK is Trump's excuse?

And save it Trumpbots...whatever it is (outside of a major war - which is not applicable here), it ain't good enough.

This stupid, lying, fat fuck is fiscally incompetent and should resign IMMEDIATELY.

^^^ what a cry baby...
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If the meat puppet faggot was still polluting the air in the WH, he would have increased it by 3 trillion.

Hopefully the regressives get crushed next month, and Trump will have a mandate to unfuck the checkbook. If democrooks lose as bad as I hope, they won't be able to stop a thing. Bed wetters might start doing the right thing , turn themselves in and stop being fugitives from natural selection.

You expect us to think that you care about deficits, now? LMAO.

But by all means, advance your position by insulting the electorate. People always vote for those who insult them.
This spiraling debt is going to be a danger. That's the problem, once you get citizens addicted to entitlements, you lose Power if you try to wean them off as the other party just promises to keep giving them their fix even if it's unhealthy for the nation.

Look at Ontario, a complete state of dependence, covert government operatives and debt that is at global record levels for a sub borrowers. We just lost 80k jobs last month, a complete train wreck.

Stop funding PP, get the wall done and throw out all free loading illegals who shouldn't be in the nation or don't pay taxes. Make it a law balance the deficit. Force Term Limits to cut down on lobbying.

Oh, and above all, stop all socialists. Call them out, expose them, debate them and prevent them from obtaining power. You get a socialist in the WH, America will be belly up in 18 months.
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And that’s a Drudge headline.

View attachment 219806
Well FUCK, skippy... I don't recall you getting your Depends in a bunch when your little kenyan muslim dog turd DOUBLED the national debt... what's up with that, bubble head?

You wouldn't be pulling another one of your trashy democrat double standard turds again would you?
The debt will contunute to rise with relation to its size. It has done so before Obama and will contunue to do so. It will be therefore at least 35 trillion by the end of Trump's time in the office. But I'm betting nearer to 42 trillion...
And that’s a Drudge headline.

View attachment 219806
Well FUCK, skippy... I don't recall you getting your Depends in a bunch when your little kenyan muslim dog turd DOUBLED the national debt... what's up with that, bubble head?

You wouldn't be pulling another one of your trashy democrat double standard turds again would you?
Tax cuts and two wars (one started with lies) put on the credit card blew up the deficit when a civil president with a measurable IQ was in the Whitehouse. Republicans love their free stuff. You`ll probably need a grown up to help you understand.
The three best charts on how Clinton’s surpluses became Bush and Obama’s deficits
Yeah if I were a Democrat I'd be trying to change the subject off of my Party's endorsement of character assassination too.
. Still, doesn't it warm your heart and maybe bring a tear to your eye knowing a lib is concerned with debt and the deficit.

Gosh, I'm bawling right now. Damn, I feel like a sissy.
A trillion dollar deficit???

And the economy is supposed to be booming (it isn't actually, btw)...and yet Trump is still going to run over a $1 trillion deficit???

At least GWB/Obama had the excuses of a major recession (and loss of revenue) to fall back on.

The last GDP growth number was 4.2% The U-3 is under 4%. So what the FUCK is Trump's excuse?

And save it Trumpbots...whatever it is (outside of a major war - which is not applicable here), it ain't good enough.

This stupid, lying, fat fuck is fiscally incompetent and should resign IMMEDIATELY.

And - BTW - if Obama and/or GWB was in power with these GDP Growth/U-3 numbers and was running a trillion dollar deficit - I would be saying EXACTLY the same thing (except I would not call them fat - they were both very fit).
You are right but it is the height of hypocrisy for Ds or Rs to complain about the national debt, when the opposing party is in office.

It is a game that has been played for many decades. Hell...Stalin’s Stooge (FDR) complained about Hoover’s radical spending, then he spent considerably more.
The deficit for the fiscal year comes in at $1,271,158,167,126.

That is the single biggest increase to the deficit in a single year dollar wise, even beating out the jump between 2008 and 2009.

That is a 91.2% increase in the deficit from last year, the 2nd largest such jump in the history of our county.

All this in a booming economy!

Debt to the Penny (Daily History Search Application)

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