Another Vindication For the Right!!!

well, duh.

this is the main cost driver - medical procedures done when it is already totally unnecessary - has been known for years that the main medical expenditure is in the last 2 weeks of life. Statistically.

Could write volumes on this.


Even if that is so extremely expensive and unnecessary I do object that some bureaucrats or even some with medical education will have the power to decide what is going to benefit the patient and what is not.
NO. Because medicine is NOT a math and 2x2 is not always 4.
I'll put this in words the author can understand,
Halperin is a "DICK."

Not certain what you mean by that, but Halperin is a far Left Liberal, and a staple on the über-Leftwing MSNBC.

It is on that basis that he is a powerful witness against the Death Panels of ObamaCare.

By now it should be clear to all except the lock-step Liberals that Leftism is based on the view that the death of human beings is, as Ralph Kramden might posit it, 'a mere bag 'a shells.'

It seems from your post that you are ignoring rather than denying same.
Good Leftist! Doggie treat?

Halperin is a Right-wing Obama hating whacko like you, famous for calling Obama a "dick" on MSNBC.

There are no "death panels" in the ACA and there never have been. The ONLY death panels that exist are in the insurance industry!!!

yes, there are.

The whole obamacare IS a death panel - by default.
limited access to the newest medical practices - that IS the death panel.

and that is what obamacare is - a very limited cheap and inefficient networks.
Change may to will. Primary care doctors can quadruple their gross by going concierge care and eliminate 90% of their overhead.

except primary care doctors still have only 24 hours per day and obamacare increases stupid paperwork for the doctors exponentially.
Plus the illnesses which are deadly but can be alleviated are NOT managed by primary care doctors - and that is what is extremely limited by obamacare.

getting your insulin and lisinopril tuned is important but it is not going to help you in treating stage III metastatic breast cancer.
Change may to will. Primary care doctors can quadruple their gross by going concierge care and eliminate 90% of their overhead.

except primary care doctors still have only 24 hours per day and obamacare increases stupid paperwork for the doctors exponentially.
Plus the illnesses which are deadly but can be alleviated are NOT managed by primary care doctors - and that is what is extremely limited by obamacare.

getting your insulin and lisinopril tuned is important but it is not going to help you in treating stage III metastatic breast cancer.
Concierge care means no paperwork just a monthly retainer and a relatively small office fee when you need to see the doctor. The rest is handled by non-participating hospitals who agree to actual cost plus and an agency fee to the doctors. It is already happening with Cedars Sinai in LA.
Not certain what you mean by that, but Halperin is a far Left Liberal, and a staple on the über-Leftwing MSNBC.

It is on that basis that he is a powerful witness against the Death Panels of ObamaCare.

By now it should be clear to all except the lock-step Liberals that Leftism is based on the view that the death of human beings is, as Ralph Kramden might posit it, 'a mere bag 'a shells.'

It seems from your post that you are ignoring rather than denying same.
Good Leftist! Doggie treat?

Halperin is a Right-wing Obama hating whacko like you, famous for calling Obama a "dick" on MSNBC.

There are no "death panels" in the ACA and there never have been. The ONLY death panels that exist are in the insurance industry!!!

yes, there are.

The whole obamacare IS a death panel - by default.
limited access to the newest medical practices - that IS the death panel.

and that is what obamacare is - a very limited cheap and inefficient networks.

The insurance industry has been limiting access to new medical procedures for its entire existence.
Okay PC..

Here's a challenge.

Find some people that died as a direct cause of ObamaCare.

Like the people that died as a result of Republican Governor Jan Brewer Care.

She'd rather save money..then people.

Arizona Transplant Patients Die After State Cuts Medical Insurance - ABC News

She's my favorite conservative angel of death.

She's mine too. Good for her.

That they died is real. That you link them to her specious is best. Diane Saywer has always been one of my favorite liars.

We don't have resources to do everything for everybody.


if you have to chose to cut a possibility of the SECOND liver transplant to the hep C patient or the surgical correction of inborn heart abnormalities ( as an example) - the choice is obvious.
Before becoming "outraged" it is at least advisable to read the article and then get yourself acquainted with the facts connected to the particular situations.

Funds are LIMITED. and are being CUT. That is the reality. One has to make a CHOICE what to cut.

I know what is it to make a choice in the life and death situations - I did have to make a choice who from the 5-7 ICU patients in the need of the infusion of one particular medicine which was just ONE for the day and sufficient fro ONE patient is going to get it - by the redistribution of the pharmacy - the practice which follows IMMEDIATELY a "universal healthcare" where everything is "for free".
"for free" but not for everybody. Or not always. Or not this particular day. Or not in this hospital. Or not "for free".
That is the reality of socialism - there is always a shortage of "everything" and too many of the needy.
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Change may to will. Primary care doctors can quadruple their gross by going concierge care and eliminate 90% of their overhead.

except primary care doctors still have only 24 hours per day and obamacare increases stupid paperwork for the doctors exponentially.
Plus the illnesses which are deadly but can be alleviated are NOT managed by primary care doctors - and that is what is extremely limited by obamacare.

getting your insulin and lisinopril tuned is important but it is not going to help you in treating stage III metastatic breast cancer.
Doctors do not do paperwork, just like they don't roll out the new paper over the bed they do their examinations on, they have others do it!
Halperin is a Right-wing Obama hating whacko like you, famous for calling Obama a "dick" on MSNBC.

There are no "death panels" in the ACA and there never have been. The ONLY death panels that exist are in the insurance industry!!!

yes, there are.

The whole obamacare IS a death panel - by default.
limited access to the newest medical practices - that IS the death panel.

and that is what obamacare is - a very limited cheap and inefficient networks.

The insurance industry has been limiting access to new medical procedures for its entire existence.

nope. the obamacare regulations and the requests form the WH directly to make premiums cheap is what is making this crap one total death panel.
Change may to will. Primary care doctors can quadruple their gross by going concierge care and eliminate 90% of their overhead.

except primary care doctors still have only 24 hours per day and obamacare increases stupid paperwork for the doctors exponentially.
Plus the illnesses which are deadly but can be alleviated are NOT managed by primary care doctors - and that is what is extremely limited by obamacare.

getting your insulin and lisinopril tuned is important but it is not going to help you in treating stage III metastatic breast cancer.
Doctors do not do paperwork, just like they don't roll out the new paper over the bed they do their examinations on, they have others do it!

oh, yes they DO.
they are now obliged to something much worse - EMR.
And that is one of the reasons doctors are NOT going to participate in this crap obamacare.
Change may to will. Primary care doctors can quadruple their gross by going concierge care and eliminate 90% of their overhead.

except primary care doctors still have only 24 hours per day and obamacare increases stupid paperwork for the doctors exponentially.
Plus the illnesses which are deadly but can be alleviated are NOT managed by primary care doctors - and that is what is extremely limited by obamacare.

getting your insulin and lisinopril tuned is important but it is not going to help you in treating stage III metastatic breast cancer.
Concierge care means no paperwork just a monthly retainer and a relatively small office fee when you need to see the doctor. The rest is handled by non-participating hospitals who agree to actual cost plus and an agency fee to the doctors. It is already happening with Cedars Sinai in LA.

sorry, misread your post. yes, I agree with that.

And that is going to happen with specialty care as well.
It will be 2-3-4 tier system.
yes, there are.

The whole obamacare IS a death panel - by default.
limited access to the newest medical practices - that IS the death panel.

and that is what obamacare is - a very limited cheap and inefficient networks.

The insurance industry has been limiting access to new medical procedures for its entire existence.

nope. the obamacare regulations and the requests form the WH directly to make premiums cheap is what is making this crap one total death panel.
Just more BULLSHIT!

Please quote these PHANTOM regulations directly from the ACA.
Thank you in advance.
Screaming bullshit will not change the facts and they are pure and simple - doctors are not participating in obamacare because of idiotic government regulations and because of the low reimbursement. they don't want headaches in dealing with government regulations.

some are dropping dealing with ANY insurance - but the most are just not accepting medicaid and obamacare plans.
except primary care doctors still have only 24 hours per day and obamacare increases stupid paperwork for the doctors exponentially.
Plus the illnesses which are deadly but can be alleviated are NOT managed by primary care doctors - and that is what is extremely limited by obamacare.

getting your insulin and lisinopril tuned is important but it is not going to help you in treating stage III metastatic breast cancer.
Concierge care means no paperwork just a monthly retainer and a relatively small office fee when you need to see the doctor. The rest is handled by non-participating hospitals who agree to actual cost plus and an agency fee to the doctors. It is already happening with Cedars Sinai in LA.

sorry, misread your post. yes, I agree with that.

And that is going to happen with specialty care as well.
It will be 2-3-4 tier system.
It happens but with 50 different state systems I think your SWAG is an order of magnitude higher for the nation as a whole.
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Screaming bullshit will not change the facts and they are pure and simple - doctors are not participating in obamacare because of idiotic government regulations and because of the low reimbursement. they don't want headaches in dealing with government regulations.

some are dropping dealing with ANY insurance - but the most are just not accepting medicaid and obamacare plans.
I figure 2015 is when the bubble in CC franchises will hit and sponsered migration of MDs will swamp the medical field. The big question for me is how quickly will Canada's provinces feel the squeeze?
Screaming bullshit will not change the facts and they are pure and simple - doctors are not participating in obamacare because of idiotic government regulations and because of the low reimbursement. they don't want headaches in dealing with government regulations.

some are dropping dealing with ANY insurance - but the most are just not accepting medicaid and obamacare plans.
Why am I not surprised that you can't post your nonexistent death panel regulations direct from the ACA?
well, duh.

this is the main cost driver - medical procedures done when it is already totally unnecessary - has been known for years that the main medical expenditure is in the last 2 weeks of life. Statistically.

Could write volumes on this.


Even if that is so extremely expensive and unnecessary I do object that some bureaucrats or even some with medical education will have the power to decide what is going to benefit the patient and what is not.
NO. Because medicine is NOT a math and 2x2 is not always 4.

Beware of the half-truth. You may have gotten hold of the wrong half.
Seymour Essrog

Volumes? Do you know what conservatives did to destroy cost savings in the health care bill?

Almost 30% of Medicare costs are incurred in the last year of a person's life. The ACA originally had a provision to pay doctors to provide advice to patients about their end-of-life care options.

The health care bill would have provided Medicare coverage of annual physical exams, and the new rule adds the provision that reimburses consultation about advance directives as part of that wellness visit.

But, then the ignorant Sarah Palin turned it into death panels. The issue of death panels became so hot during the debate on health-care reform legislation that Democrats decided to pull that provision from the bill.

Here is the TRUTH...

Promoting advanced directives puts decisions in proper hands

It’s hard to imagine how a compassionate, family-friendly measure — a measure that ultimately respects individual rights — could be twisted so grossly into the erroneous phrase “death panels.”

But, prepare yourself for more lies and more nonsense, because President Barack Obama has decided to do the right thing — and his critics already have resorted to fear-mongering and name-calling.

The concept of advanced directives was pioneered in La Crosse, thanks to our two first-class health care institutions.

It’s a simple concept: An individual, with the help of family, should have the ultimate say in the type of end-of-life care the individual receives. The best way to do that is through a careful consultation, with family and physician, before there is a health crisis — while the individual is still capable of having a rational voice in the decision.

Too often, those decisions are made when it’s too late for the individual to make the decisions. Instead, grieving family members are left to make the decision — and at times it’s nothing more than a guess.

Would the individual want extraordinary measures taken when the end is near? Why wouldn’t we trust the individual — in advance and when thinking clearly — to make that decision?

For those who crusade for the rights of the individual, here’s the question: Why are you so opposed to the individual being able to set down on paper, with help from family and physician, the standards and wishes for end-of-life care?


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