Anti gay people of MessageBoard, why do you feel that way?

I'm trying to wrap my mind around how you can be pro-war and "very" Christian.... go to war to save lives and stop do less is anti Christian....that must be balanced by what you can actually achieve but going to war as a Christian isn't a problem......

not going to war to stop a great evil as a liberal is the bigger problem......
This goes out to all you lefties here..
For the record, I bear no ill will toward gays. As a matter of fact, I say to them, go ahead and get married. Fine. If they can do better than a 53% chance of failure, God bless them.
What fires me up is when militant gay activists and their complicit minions on the left use these dirty rotten tactics to discriminate against Christians, harass and harangue people who dare to not agree with their lifestyle.
This thing with the pizza place and the Indiana law is over the line. It's false rage. Another stupid "cause"....
This goes out to all you lefties here..
For the record, I bear no ill will toward gays. As a matter of fact, I say to them, go ahead and get married. Fine. If they can do better than a 53% chance of failure, God bless them.
What fires me up is when militant gay activists and their complicit minions on the left use these dirty rotten tactics to discriminate against Christians, harass and harangue people who dare to not agree with their lifestyle.
This thing with the pizza place and the Indiana law is over the line. It's false rage. Another stupid "cause"....

actually, it isn't a false is rage for a purpose....silencing those who oppose them and creating submission to their agenda.......make people afraid and they won't resist you...
Why do you think that gay people should not join the military or get married?
I used to be harshly anti-homo. I was also pro-war and very christian. At the time I viewed gays as dysfunctional perverts, akin to a malignant growth like a tumor that must be excised. The hatred kind of melded with a general disdain for women and passivity.
What is about you?
I have nothing against gays.

I do have a bitch with in your face anybody.

As for 'gay marriage" time for government to get totally out of marriage and issue civil contracts to any and all consenting adults in any combination of race, creed, color, gender or previous condition of servitude.

Calling a cat a dog does not make a cat a dog.
Obviously you don't know how ignorant and ridiculous this is, and that you're just as ignorant and ridiculous.
Coming from an asswipe like you, I can only thank the post.
Why do you think that gay people should not join the military or get married?
I used to be harshly anti-homo. I was also pro-war and very christian. At the time I viewed gays as dysfunctional perverts, akin to a malignant growth like a tumor that must be excised. The hatred kind of melded with a general disdain for women and passivity.
What is about you?
I have nothing against gays.

I do have a bitch with in your face anybody.

As for 'gay marriage" time for government to get totally out of marriage and issue civil contracts to any and all consenting adults in any combination of race, creed, color, gender or previous condition of servitude.

Calling a cat a dog does not make a cat a dog.
Homosexuality HAS a dark side. Believe me. Be careful.
  1. Homosexuality is a desire that can be controlled. It's different from race or gender because it is avoidable, whereas a woman or racial minority cannot help but present their status.

  2. Marriage is a private institution that the government can choose to recognize or not. For example, I can't go perform a marriage ceremony because I am not recognized. In the same way, a union between a man and another man are not what the government recognizes. It's defined by rules and homosexual marriage doesn't fit. As for the fiscal benefits of marriage like taxes or hospitals, they can get civil unions and take other measures for full equality.

  3. Military: it would undermine troop moral and unit cohesion because soldiers wouldn't trust the motivations of their fellow soldiers. There's also more of a fear that it would be used to pressure lower ranking officers into doing it.
Why do you think that gay people should not join the military or get married?
I used to be harshly anti-homo. I was also pro-war and very christian. At the time I viewed gays as dysfunctional perverts, akin to a malignant growth like a tumor that must be excised. The hatred kind of melded with a general disdain for women and passivity.
What is about you?
I have nothing against gays.

I do have a bitch with in your face anybody.

As for 'gay marriage" time for government to get totally out of marriage and issue civil contracts to any and all consenting adults in any combination of race, creed, color, gender or previous condition of servitude.

Calling a cat a dog does not make a cat a dog.
Homosexuality HAS a dark side. Believe me. Be careful.
  1. Homosexuality is a desire that can be controlled. It's different from race or gender because it is avoidable, whereas a woman or racial minority cannot help but present their status.

  2. Marriage is a private institution that the government can choose to recognize or not. For example, I can't go perform a marriage ceremony because I am not recognized. In the same way, a union between a man and another man are not what the government recognizes. It's defined by rules and homosexual marriage doesn't fit. As for the fiscal benefits of marriage like taxes or hospitals, they can get civil unions and take other measures for full equality.

  3. Military: it would undermine troop moral and unit cohesion because soldiers wouldn't trust the motivations of their fellow soldiers. There's also more of a fear that it would be used to pressure lower ranking officers into doing it.
“Homosexuality is a desire that can be controlled. It's different from race or gender because it is avoidable, whereas a woman or racial minority cannot help but present their status.”


Whether homosexuality manifest as a consequence of birth or choice is legally irrelevant – the Constitution recognizes the protected liberty of choice immune from attack by the state; although not a suspect class, gay Americans nonetheless represent a protected class of persons entitled to those Constitutional protections, the same as a racial minority.

“Marriage is a private institution that the government can choose to recognize or not. For example, I can't go perform a marriage ceremony because I am not recognized. In the same way, a union between a man and another man are not what the government recognizes. It's defined by rules and homosexual marriage doesn't fit. As for the fiscal benefits of marriage like taxes or hospitals, they can get civil unions and take other measures for full equality.”


Marriage is contract law written by the states and administered by state courts.

Same-sex couples are eligible to enter into those contracts; marriage is the union of two equal, consenting adult partners not related to each other in a commitment recognized by the state – same- or opposite-sex.

To seek to deny gay Americans access to marriage law they're eligible to participate in violates the Due Process and Equal Protection Clauses of the 14th Amendment, where such state measures have been invalidated by the courts accordingly.

“Military: it would undermine troop moral and unit cohesion because soldiers wouldn't trust the motivations of their fellow soldiers. There's also more of a fear that it would be used to pressure lower ranking officers into doing it.”


There is no evidence that gay individuals serving in the military has any adverse effect on the military – the notion is ridiculous, ignorant, and unfounded; indeed, that is why a Federal appeals court ruled DADT un-Constitutional, because the policy was completely devoid of merit and objective, documented evidence in support of prohibiting gays from serving in the military.

Your ignorance and hate represents well why we still very much need the Constitution and its case law, to protect citizens from this type of ignorance and hate.

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