Anti-gunner lunatics are getting hoisted by their own petards.

One more reason to tear each other up. Nothing is going to get done. If the Parkland shooting had happened on October 31, 2018, it might have made a difference. Not now. I predict March 14 and March 24 marches will fizzle like a wet match. 70% of the country supports banning AR-type guns. Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell will not let such legislation even come to the floor.
Why bother arguing it? Because it's one more reason to tear each other up.

Where do you get that 70% number?
Polls reported on the news.

Ohhh, those kind of polls. :badgrin:

A CNN poll reported by The Blaze:

What did the poll find?

The poll, conducted Feb. 20-23 among a sample of 1,016 respondents, found that 70 percent of American adults favor stricter gun control laws while just 27 are opposed.

The numbers mark a significant shift in public opinion on the issue, even after mass shootings. The same poll found that after the Las Vegas massacre last October, just 52 percent of American adults favored stricter gun control laws, while 44 percent didn’t.

And after the Pulse Nightclub shooting in June 2016, only 55 percent of adults told CNN they were in favor of increased gun regulations while 42 percent said they opposed them.

The last time CNN’s poll registered such high support for stricter gun control laws was in December 1993, when 70 percent of Americans said then they supported increased gun regulations.
New poll finds gun control support rising to levels seen just before 1994 assault weapons ban

A USA Today poll:
The poll found 63 percent of respondents believe weapons like the AR-15 should be banned. It is not clear from the polling if those surveyed support a full ban of semi-automatic weapons, or a ban of the AR-15 in particular, which was used in the Florida high school shooting and other recent mass shootings.

Majority support increased gun restrictions: poll

Seems the tv announcers are exaggerating a bit, mixing up their terms. "Stricter gun control laws" does not equal "banning AR-type rifles." However, according to the USA Today poll, 63% do. So thank you for helping me get that all straight.
All the gun nutters can relax. I heard on CNN this morning that nothing meaningful is going to get done. Politics wins.
So y'all can shut your ugly traps. The rest of us will just keep getting shot so you can keep your killing toys.
drop off the board and you won't have to read the posts.
What's that got to do with my post? The tussle is over. It lasted a week longer than it usually does after a mass shooting. Yay America.

Aww, cheer up! Eh, who am I kidding, I don't feel like cheering up, either.
Cant cheer up a miserable liberal, they cant ever be happy. Which is why they must FORCE their misery on the rest of US and the 2nd amendment wont let that happen. See?

You are the ones forcing Americans to die by your damn killing laws.. Remember that assault guns expired in 2004..its your corrupt NRA made sure that they didn't renew the ban.

Remember that gun free zones in schools was instituted in 1990 and since then school shootings have skyrocketed.

She was clearly talking about ASSAULT-style rifles

Don't be a DERP
No. They banned "assault rifles". That was after they passed the "Assault Weapons" Ban. She was talking about all the other guns and you know it.

Wrong - But that won't keep your clowns from repeating ridiculous assertions about Feinstein until the cows come home.

NRA leader mangles Feinstein quote about taking guns
Ted Cruz misfires on Feinstein gun claim
FACT CHECK: Dianne Feinstein 'Gunman' Quote
That is all fucking bullshit, and you fucking know it.

They had just enacted the "Assault Weapons Ban" so what other fucking guns would she be fucking talking about?

It's a lie. You know it. We know it. Stop denying it, gun-grabbing commie.

LoL - You a funny guy Boots. That turd was laid to rest years ago.
And the NRA will be laughing all the way to the bank, all while not doing shit for the average gun owner like myself.

Exactly correct - The NRA used to represent the average sportsman who also prepares for the unlikely event of a home invasion such as myself. They were fairly apolitical.

That changed at the turn of the century. At this point they are whores for industry manufacturers and don't care who they sell to or whether that gun actually has home defense or hunting applications.

The once mighty and respected have fallen.

What changed was the relatively new push to get rid of the 2nd Amendment. The NRA had to step up and step up they did. the NRA protects your right to the gun you pretend to have. To say that they haven't done anything for gun owners is the height of willful ignorance and downright stupidity.
I am watching how a big group like Delta who has a right to not give the NRA special prices get attacked by the paid off Georgia governor.

This NRA has everyone paid off, and it is looking pretty bad ..

They are exposing themselves. and they have too much power.
C'mon man. The NRA doesn't elect a governor. People do. Have you looked at the numbers of Georgians who support gun rights? An attack on the NRA appears as an attack on those rights. Dude has to get re-elected and that is a hot-button issue.

I don't even like the NRA, but the attack on them feels like an attack on my rights.

This governor has a A+ from the NRA..haaaa we know he gets big bucks..

God I hope so.
Tell me what they do for the average gun owner like myself?

Protected your right to have those guns you pretend to have. But you knew that already. Your bull shit is annoying me. Got anything of substance?

Oh yeah, they are just pretend guns! Silly little boy thinks anyone that is not a sheep for the NRA could not possibly own a gun or two. What a joke you have become very quickly. 20 years in the Corps leaves a hard to break habit of liking to shoot at shit from time to time.

No I just know that there are a legion of lefties who don't know which end of a gun the bullet comes out of who are trying to take guns away and kill the NRA and they all say; "I'm a gun owner but..." or "I have been around guns all my life but...." and that's some serious bull shit right there. And lying about military service is also a typical tact.

I was certified as an instructor for every automatic weapon in the Marine Corps arsenal, I am pretty sure I know which end the bullet comes out of. Not to mention qualifying with the M16A2 service rifle 14 times and the .45/9mm 18 times in my 20 years of service.

As far as my service goes I have posted proof of it multiple times on this forum.

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Meh, you are a proven liar. Why should I believe anything you say. Regardless, the NRA protects all of our 2nd Amendment rights, that's what they do for you.

NRA protects nothing except their salaries.
LoL - You a funny guy Boots. That turd was laid to rest years ago.
A turd was laid, I agree.

Tell me. What guns did Feinstein mean when she said all the guns, after the assault weapons ban was enacted? Surely, she didn't mean the assault weapons they just banned, did she? That would make no sense.
What's that got to do with my post? The tussle is over. It lasted a week longer than it usually does after a mass shooting. Yay America.

Aww, cheer up! Eh, who am I kidding, I don't feel like cheering up, either.
Cant cheer up a miserable liberal, they cant ever be happy. Which is why they must FORCE their misery on the rest of US and the 2nd amendment wont let that happen. See?

You are the ones forcing Americans to die by your damn killing laws.. Remember that assault guns expired in 2004..its your corrupt NRA made sure that they didn't renew the ban.

:slap: It's over, you lost.

Not on this one Marion... your NRA is showing Americans just how powerful they are.. No group should have this much power in America..
I understand you want your gun rights but this group is running America behind the scenes


God I hope so.
drop off the board and you won't have to read the posts.
What's that got to do with my post? The tussle is over. It lasted a week longer than it usually does after a mass shooting. Yay America.

Aww, cheer up! Eh, who am I kidding, I don't feel like cheering up, either.
Cant cheer up a miserable liberal, they cant ever be happy. Which is why they must FORCE their misery on the rest of US and the 2nd amendment wont let that happen. See?

You are the ones forcing Americans to die by your damn killing laws.. Remember that assault guns expired in 2004..its your corrupt NRA made sure that they didn't renew the ban.

Remember that gun free zones in schools was instituted in 1990 and since then school shootings have skyrocketed.

Yes! This is an excellent observation and very true too.
They have the right to bear arms and the right included a well regulated militia...What happened to the militia?

Well it looks like your NRA is to powerful of a one entity in America should have the power that this group has over Americans,,
Your protection has infiltrated the whole government system and is crooked as hell.

I've never been a member of the NRA and never will be...But I have had firearms for forty years and plan on having them till the day I die...
so you're saying that the NRA didn't twist your arm to buy a gun? You were able to purchase on without them?
how is then they influence shootings then?
I never said they did..
never said you did, I'm just curious how they actually influenced the shooter. I asked if you knew. you don't. just like me. no one seems to know this and yet the companies that do business in our country think they did. Along with the set of students that are masquerading around like the NRA helped the shooter.

Companies made a business decision to remain neutral on a topic that has strong feelings on both sides. Not a one of them blamed the NRA, they choose to not pick a side. But that is not good enough for some people.

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One more reason to tear each other up. Nothing is going to get done. If the Parkland shooting had happened on October 31, 2018, it might have made a difference. Not now. I predict March 14 and March 24 marches will fizzle like a wet match. 70% of the country supports banning AR-type guns. Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell will not let such legislation even come to the floor.
Why bother arguing it? Because it's one more reason to tear each other up.

Where do you get that 70% number?

from the same pollsters that said Trump didn't have a chance of winning the election.
Cant cheer up a miserable liberal, they cant ever be happy. Which is why they must FORCE their misery on the rest of US and the 2nd amendment wont let that happen. See?

You are the ones forcing Americans to die by your damn killing laws.. Remember that assault guns expired in 2004..its your corrupt NRA made sure that they didn't renew the ban.

:slap: It's over, you lost.

Not on this one Marion... your NRA is showing Americans just how powerful they are.. No group should have this much power in America..
I understand you want your gun rights but this group is running America behind the scenes


No they're not. In other news, neither are gun-grabbing leftists! :dance:

So that's a good thing. :)

I think I'll celebrate by buying some bullets, because I know the filthy gun-grabbers never cease. It's possible someday they'll have success like during Obama's presidency again.

Take a look at how the NRA responds via the Georgia Gov. when Delta and United pull their discounts.. They are so covered by their paid off politicians..Even Trump is afraid of going up against them..


God I hope so.

She was clearly talking about ASSAULT-style rifles

Don't be a DERP

What's an assault rifle?

Assault STYLE with a 30 round magazine .. The AR-15 qualifies.

And don't attempt to pull me into the swamp with discussion of other rifles that fire the same round.

They are not as easily concealed and clearly NOT the choice of nuts bent on human carnage.

that's YOUR definition of an assault riifle. It's just wrong.
LoL - You a funny guy Boots. That turd was laid to rest years ago.
A turd was laid, I agree.

Tell me. What guns did Feinstein mean when she said all the guns, after the assault weapons ban was enacted? Surely, she didn't mean the assault weapons they just banned, did she? That would make no sense.

Yes - she should have added the word assault, but that WAS the context of the conversation.

Give up the ghost Boots ;)

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