Anti-Semitism Codified By Elites; Merged with 'Double Standards'.

dilloduck said:
Garbage--Israel practices racial discrmination. That's why the comparison is made. They have to and they want a free pass.
Reopening a new front...
It's a new world order
The Bush boys comin'!
Check it

Open your eyes and your ears and your hearts and your minds and you'll see that something's goin' on
Open your soul and your spirit. Your mellon is trying to tell you brother somethign is wrong!
Reagan and Bush and then Reagan and Bush and then Bush and then Clinton and Clinton and Bush again!
I never thought I would ever see the day when African people would say they Republican
Act like they love 'em but aint nobody sayin' nothin.
Motherfucker's got they finger on the button

Bush boys ready to blow!
rtwngAvngr said:
What is your point? No non jewish organizations accept the noahide laws and consider them their duty to implement? Jews don't really believe in enforcing them on others? What is your argument exactly?
Let's see if I can try it...

*clears throat*

I've posted enough on all these topics. One more post proving my point won't convince you. You're brainwashed. Use this as evidence that I have no case if you wish. Everyone knows I'm right, everyone who ISN'T brainwashed that is.

Wow. That does make life easier.
The ClayTaurus said:
Let's see if I can try it...

*clears throat*

I've posted enough on all these topics. One more post proving my point won't convince you. You're brainwashed. Use this as evidence that I have no case if you wish. Everyone knows I'm right, everyone who ISN'T brainwashed that is.

Wow. That does make life easier.

So you can't really say which part of the argument is false. Why don't you just stfu then.
rtwngAvngr said:
So you can't really say which part of the argument is false. Why don't you just stfu then.

How about until you answer some of our questions, you STFU then?
rtwngAvngr said:
.......They continually deride any group which is proud of white christian identity. This is irrefutable.
I think the movies & television prove this. I sometimes HATE watching either with Mm as he is quick to point out the underlying message they are selling to the masses. We see what their influence is doing to our culture, daily.
Joz said:
I think the movies & television prove this. I sometimes HATE watching either with Mm as he is quick to point out the underlying message they are selling to the masses. We see what their influence is doing to our culture, daily.
Joz, can you give some examples from movies and television? RWA has only been able to give conspiracy sites? Thanks.
Joz said:
I think the movies & television prove this. I sometimes HATE watching either with Mm as he is quick to point out the underlying message they are selling to the masses. We see what their influence is doing to our culture, daily.

I know. That's why the insane denials of these braindead lapdogs are so funny.:cof:
rtwngAvngr said:
So you can't really say which part of the argument is false. Why don't you just stfu then.
Should I really just keep posting your own answers? As amusing as it is to see your argue with yourself... I would have thought you got the point by now. I guess not. Fine. Here's "my" response:

I've posted so much lately that corky from life goes on could find out the truth if he wanted to. Go get your brainwash on. Rinse. Lather. Repeat.
rtwngAvngr said:
I know. That's why the insane denials of these braindead lapdogs are so funny.:cof:
Yeah, you've been :laugh: all morning. Gee, Clay, Said1, myself as lapdogs. Too funny you are.
Kathianne said:
Joz, can you give some examples from movies and television? RWA has only been able to give conspiracy sites? Thanks.

Actually I've given direct racist quotes from the talmud, but you stay in your bubble, bubble bi$ch.
Kathianne said:
Yeah, you've been :laugh: all morning. Gee, Clay, Said1, myself as lapdogs. Too funny you are.

Yep. with mange and gooey eyes.
rtwngAvngr said:
Actually I've given direct racist quotes from the talmud, but you stay in your bubble, bubble bi$ch.
Ba$tard, that's not what anyone is talking about and you know it. When you used the Talmud, I responded that like the bible or koran, not hard to do. Difference between the Koran and others is that the Muslims are acting on the quotes.
The ClayTaurus said:
Should I really just keep posting your own answers? As amusing as it is to see your argue with yourself... I would have thought you got the point by now. I guess not. Fine. Here's "my" response:

I've posted so much lately that corky from life goes on could find out the truth if he wanted to. Go get your brainwash on. Rinse. Lather. Repeat.

See, the difference is I actually have posted great links on this topic. All you've ever had up your sleeve is ignorance. You're a one trick lap doggy. Ruff Ruff! Get bent, stooge of satan!:banana:
rtwngAvngr said:
See, the difference is I actually have posted great links on this topic. All you've ever had up your sleeve is ignorance. You're a one trick lap doggy. Ruff Ruff! Get bent, stooge of satan!:banana:
Oh that was great! Much better than saying you'll answer, then saying no, then saying you will when you get a better connection, then saying you've already done so, then saying you rule.

Oh, much better. :clap1:
rtwngAvngr said:
See, the difference is I actually have posted great links on this topic. All you've ever had up your sleeve is ignorance. You're a one trick lap doggy. Ruff Ruff! Get bent, stooge of satan!:banana:
And we're back to the Matrix Defense.

So how much money have you spent buying the "resources" for sale on these websites? I bet you, being the good enlightened citizen that you are, are certainly donating to their cause, right? Gotta support the truthseekers! How many of them do you have on your paypal speeddial?
The ClayTaurus said:
And we're back to the Matrix Defense.

So how much money have you spent buying the "resources" for sale on these websites? I bet you, being the good enlightened citizen that you are, are certainly donating to their cause, right? Gotta support the truthseekers! How many of them do you have on your paypal speeddial?

And that is somehow different from the pro-semite sites who ask you to donate to Israel ?
dilloduck said:
And that is somehow different from the pro-semite sites who ask you to donate to Israel ?
And exactly where is anyone using these 'pro-semite' sites as references?
The ClayTaurus said:
And we're back to the Matrix Defense.

So how much money have you spent buying the "resources" for sale on these websites? I bet you, being the good enlightened citizen that you are, are certainly donating to their cause, right? Gotta support the truthseekers! How many of them do you have on your paypal speeddial?

No. I'm asking you if you think the noahide laws mean nothing to anyone or if people believe in them and seek to enforce them. Do you think they just exist in a vacuum?

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