Anti-Semitism Codified By Elites; Merged with 'Double Standards'.

Ok so let's recap:

RWA: Jews deride those proud of being white. It's irrefutable.
Kat: Cool. Prove it.
RWA: Well, first re-assert you disagree with me. I don't want to waste my time otherwise.
Kat: I reassert my disagreement
RWA: Eh, I don't wanna prove it now. Go find other threads I've posted. You're brainwashed if you don't agree with me.

See, it's such a beautiful, well-constructed defense. The Matrix Defense.

"I am enlightened, and anyone who doesn't see things my way is brainwashed." You can avoid ever having to seriously refute arguments because you can just say they're all mind-controlled and wash your hands of it.

Well done, psych boy. Glad that degree went to something productive.
The ClayTaurus said:
Ok so let's recap:

RWA: Jews deride those proud of being white. It's irrefutable.
Kat: Cool. Prove it.
RWA: Well, first re-assert you disagree with me. I don't want to waste my time otherwise.
Kat: I reassert my disagreement
RWA: Eh, I don't wanna prove it now. Go find other threads I've posted. You're brainwashed if you don't agree with me.

See, it's such a beautiful, well-constructed defense. The Matrix Defense.

"I am enlightened, and anyone who doesn't see things my way is brainwashed." You can avoid ever having to seriously refute arguments because you can just say they're all mind-controlled and wash your hands of it.

Well done, psych boy. Glad that degree went to something productive.

The adl and aclu are so paranoically anti christian it is basically irrefutable. I'm on a slow connection and don't feel like posting the stuff now. BTW, recapping is kind of lame. Got anything new?
rtwngAvngr said:
I don't think I will. I've posted enough on all these topics. One more post proving my point won't convince you. You're brainwashed. Use this as evidence that I have no case if you wish. Everyone knows I'm right, everyone who ISN'T brainwashed that is.

Then it should only take a second to paste a link.

Who isn't brainwashed? Aside from WJ?
rtwngAvngr said:
The adl and aclu are so paranoically anti christian it is basically irrefutable. I'm on a slow connection and don't feel like posting the stuff now. BTW, recapping is kind of lame. Got anything new?
Well, that's not what you said before:
I don't think I will. I've posted enough on all these topics.

Funny how your 'slow connection' allows you to post so quickly. :shocked:
Said1 said:
Then it should only take a second to paste a link.

Who isn't brainwashed? Aside from WJ?

Fine. Jews love white pride and christian identity. I'm crazy to have ever thought otherwise.

et tu, said1?
rtwngAvngr said:
Fine. Jews love white pride and christian identity. I'm crazy to have ever thought otherwise.

et tu, said1?

Fine, don't answer anything or post a link to anything you've posted - n'est pas. :dunno:
The ClayTaurus said:
Everything's a dichotomy to you, isn't it?

Fine. Jews have no discrnable attitude regarding anything and really do not even exist, just like race itself.
Said1 said:
Fine, don't answer anything or post a link to anything you've posted - n'est pas. :dunno:

I've posted so much lately that corky from life goes on could find out the truth if he wanted to. Go get your brainwash on. Rinse. Lather. Repeat.
rtwngAvngr said:
Fine. Jews have no discrnable attitude regarding anything and really do not even exist, just like race itself.
That would be a "yes" then? I suppose it makes sense... if there's only two possible arguments its easy for you to declare one right and one wrong, and them summarily dismiss everyone who doesn't perfectly ascribe to your "right" argument as believing the "wrong" one. More excellent Matrix craftsmanship.
rtwngAvngr said:
I've posted so much lately that corky from life goes on could find out the truth if he wanted to. Go get your brainwash on. Rinse. Lather. Repeat.
MMMm follow the white rabbit said! Blue pill, no Red pill! The truth is out there! (cue x-files music)
rtwngAvngr said:
I've posted so much lately that corky from life goes on could find out the truth if he wanted to. Go get your brainwash on. Rinse. Lather. Repeat.

This is brilliant.

And your right, life does go on, so I've been busy going outside and stuff, not always reading every little thing you post. Sorry. Enjoy your bubble, bubble boy.
Said1 said:
This is brilliant.

And your right, life does go on, so I've been busy going outside and stuff, not always reading every little thing you post. Sorry. Enjoy your bubble, bubble boy.
Remember: Ad-hom attacks are an ineffective arguing tool. Jesus is watching.
The ClayTaurus said:
That would be a "yes" then? I suppose it makes sense... if there's only two possible arguments its easy for you to declare one right and one wrong, and them summarily dismiss everyone who doesn't perfectly ascribe to your "right" argument as believing the "wrong" one. More excellent Matrix craftsmanship.

there's no such thing as noahide laws, or the talmud, or the concept of Moshiach or a notion of how the world must be prepared for his coming, according to jews. Masons are not noahides, and have very little influence. I am clay, my head is full of mush.
The ClayTaurus said:
Remember: Ad-hom attacks are an ineffective arguing tool. Jesus is watching.

As is innuendo and refusal to answer the teeniest question. But whatevah.
rtwngAvngr said:
there's no such thing as noahide laws, or the talmud, or the concept of Moshiach or a notion of how the world must be prepared for his coming, according to jews. Masons are not noahides, and have very little influence. I am clay, my head is full of mush.
More construction of the arguments you wish I was supporting.

You continue to miss the point. No one argues noahide laws don't exist, or the talmud, or whatever.

People are taking issue with your connection of the dots, of which you have no credible proof nor sources except for "the writing's on the wall! You're brainwashed if you can't see it."

But I understand it's easier to mischaracterize us as believing that noahide law doesn't exist. Then you can summarily dismiss us. Like I said, everything's a dichotomy to you, and that's telling.
The ClayTaurus said:
More construction of the arguments you wish I was supporting.

You continue to miss the point. No one argues noahide laws don't exist, or the talmud, or whatever.

People are taking issue with your connection of the dots, of which you have no credible proof nor sources except for "the writing's on the wall! You're brainwashed if you can't see it."

But I understand it's easier to mischaracterize us as believing that noahide law doesn't exist. Then you can summarily dismiss us. Like I said, everything's a dichotomy to you, and that's telling.

What is your point? No non jewish organizations accept the noahide laws and consider them their duty to implement? Jews don't really believe in enforcing them on others? What is your argument exactly?
Kathianne said:
Check out the lead stories from any newspapers across the world, especially in Europe. One needn't be 'educated' or 'pro-Israel' to get it. :coffee3: Why do you think 'academic groups' in Europe are able to compare Israel to South Africa? Why can you? Simple, accepted anti-Semitism. It's not race.

Garbage--Israel practices racial discrmination. That's why the comparison is made. They have to and they want a free pass.
rtwngAvngr said:
What is your point? No non jewish organizations accept the noahide laws and consider them their duty to implement? Jews don't really believe in enforcing them on others? What is your argument exactly?

Why don't you provide the information you changed your mind about providing, before you start with others? :dunno:

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