Anti-terror operations


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Something I think we should start doing is making it public what we do with brave noble self-sacrifcing jihadis who carry out terrorist attacks.

They think they're going to paradise, but what happens to their bodies (or remains) matters to them. Not having any particular religious convictions I'm not bound to religious observances so give the remains to me. I'll take care of them.

Got a sewer nearby that'll I'll dump them unceremoniously into. Depend on when it rains next it might stay there for a while becomming putrid as it rots. If there's a recognizable body I'll step on it smooshing it into the mud and slime best I can and call that buried. I'll take pictures of it time-lapsed as animals come and eat and defecate on it after.

If you were expecting an Islamic burial guess again. You didn't die for Islam, you were a common murderer and if Allah love those who live justly as Qur'an says He does, I'm confident you're somewhere very hot, very humid, having your skin peeled from your body over and over. If that's your idea of Paradise, congratulations. We call it something else.
Something I think we should start doing is making it public what we do with brave noble self-sacrifcing jihadis who carry out terrorist attacks.

They think they're going to paradise, but what happens to their bodies (or remains) matters to them. Not having any particular religious convictions I'm not bound to religious observances so give the remains to me. I'll take care of them.

Got a sewer nearby that'll I'll dump them unceremoniously into. Depend on when it rains next it might stay there for a while becomming putrid as it rots. If there's a recognizable body I'll step on it smooshing it into the mud and slime best I can and call that buried. I'll take pictures of it time-lapsed as animals come and eat and defecate on it after.

If you were expecting an Islamic burial guess again. You didn't die for Islam, you were a common murderer and if Allah love those who live justly as Qur'an says He does, I'm confident you're somewhere very hot, very humid, having your skin peeled from your body over and over. If that's your idea of Paradise, congratulations. We call it something else.

OK --- what about all the terrorists who aren't "Islamic"? Including Muslims who aren't religious?
Something I think we should start doing is making it public what we do with brave noble self-sacrifcing jihadis who carry out terrorist attacks.

They think they're going to paradise, but what happens to their bodies (or remains) matters to them. Not having any particular religious convictions I'm not bound to religious observances so give the remains to me. I'll take care of them.

Got a sewer nearby that'll I'll dump them unceremoniously into. Depend on when it rains next it might stay there for a while becomming putrid as it rots. If there's a recognizable body I'll step on it smooshing it into the mud and slime best I can and call that buried. I'll take pictures of it time-lapsed as animals come and eat and defecate on it after.

If you were expecting an Islamic burial guess again. You didn't die for Islam, you were a common murderer and if Allah love those who live justly as Qur'an says He does, I'm confident you're somewhere very hot, very humid, having your skin peeled from your body over and over. If that's your idea of Paradise, congratulations. We call it something else.

OK --- what about all the terrorists who aren't "Islamic"? Including Muslims who aren't religious?

Got plans for what happens to your body when you die? Mine's 'just pinch my nose and poke in the ribs with a sharp stick a bit to make sure I"m dead, then place me by the curb.' I don't believe in an afterlife so don't care what happens to my bod. If people do believe they probably do care what happens. If they know it's gonna be spit on (and much worse) that might give them pause when considering their career path. Wouldn't ya think.

You will not be burried with honor. That ObL thing was just PR. You will not receive a rleigious burial. You'll be put in a garbage contained and 'buried' in the nearest landfill where birds will peck out your eyes just like what I'm sure would happen to your soul if that's really a thing.

Your parents will be evicted from their homes. Your brothers and sisters will lose their scholarships at school. Your entire family will be stripped and whipped through city streets while crowds throw rotten vile things at them. When they reach the airport they'll be flown to a CIA blacksite offshore where they'll be tortured for intelligence, or really just the fun of it.

If you become a terrorist you may htink you're becommig amartyr but really you're just bring pain and suiffering to your family. We might not get our hands on you, but we'll find your family.
Got a sewer nearby that'll I'll dump them unceremoniously into. Depend on when it rains next it might stay there for a while becomming putrid as it rots. If there's a recognizable body I'll step on it smooshing it into the mud and slime best I can and call that buried. I'll take pictures of it time-lapsed as animals come and eat and defecate on it after.
You should switch faiths, you could be a top ISIS commander in now time with an attitude like that.
Something I think we should start doing is making it public what we do with brave noble self-sacrifcing jihadis who carry out terrorist attacks.

They think they're going to paradise, but what happens to their bodies (or remains) matters to them. Not having any particular religious convictions I'm not bound to religious observances so give the remains to me. I'll take care of them.

Got a sewer nearby that'll I'll dump them unceremoniously into. Depend on when it rains next it might stay there for a while becomming putrid as it rots. If there's a recognizable body I'll step on it smooshing it into the mud and slime best I can and call that buried. I'll take pictures of it time-lapsed as animals come and eat and defecate on it after.

If you were expecting an Islamic burial guess again. You didn't die for Islam, you were a common murderer and if Allah love those who live justly as Qur'an says He does, I'm confident you're somewhere very hot, very humid, having your skin peeled from your body over and over. If that's your idea of Paradise, congratulations. We call it something else.

OK --- what about all the terrorists who aren't "Islamic"? Including Muslims who aren't religious?

Got plans for what happens to your body when you die? Mine's 'just pinch my nose and poke in the ribs with a sharp stick a bit to make sure I"m dead, then place me by the curb.' I don't believe in an afterlife so don't care what happens to my bod. If people do believe they probably do care what happens. If they know it's gonna be spit on (and much worse) that might give them pause when considering their career path. Wouldn't ya think.

You will not be burried with honor. That ObL thing was just PR. You will not receive a rleigious burial. You'll be put in a garbage contained and 'buried' in the nearest landfill where birds will peck out your eyes just like what I'm sure would happen to your soul if that's really a thing.

Your parents will be evicted from their homes. Your brothers and sisters will lose their scholarships at school. Your entire family will be stripped and whipped through city streets while crowds throw rotten vile things at them. When they reach the airport they'll be flown to a CIA blacksite offshore where they'll be tortured for intelligence, or really just the fun of it.

If you become a terrorist you may htink you're becommig amartyr but really you're just bring pain and suiffering to your family. We might not get our hands on you, but we'll find your family.

You didn't address the question at all. Nor did that question, nor you OP, have anything to do with me.

But no, I don't give a fuck what happens to my physical vehicle, as long as it's not in somebody's way. Feeding the birds would be fine. And my parents are both dead.

In other words you avoided my question like the plague.
As long as I'm not harvested, I don't care. Not being an ancient Egyptian, I have no belief that my physical body has anything to do with an afterlife.
Got a sewer nearby that'll I'll dump them unceremoniously into. Depend on when it rains next it might stay there for a while becomming putrid as it rots. If there's a recognizable body I'll step on it smooshing it into the mud and slime best I can and call that buried. I'll take pictures of it time-lapsed as animals come and eat and defecate on it after.
You should switch faiths, you could be a top ISIS commander in now time with an attitude like that.

Nah, ISIS isn't hardcore enough. Be afraid, be very afraid. ;)
Got a sewer nearby that'll I'll dump them unceremoniously into. Depend on when it rains next it might stay there for a while becomming putrid as it rots. If there's a recognizable body I'll step on it smooshing it into the mud and slime best I can and call that buried. I'll take pictures of it time-lapsed as animals come and eat and defecate on it after.
You should switch faiths, you could be a top ISIS commander in now time with an attitude like that.

Nah, ISIS isn't hardcore enough. Be afraid, be very afraid. ;)
Plenty of room to lock both of you up for life. Prison guards need work too...
[Marcus has just cleared out a bar, single-handedly]
Lennier: I see they trained you well back home.
Marcus Cole: Well, they said I was carrying around a lot of repressed anger.
Lennier: And?
Marcus Cole: I'm not repressed anymore!

Marcus Cole: The Minbari say the only way to understand the battle is to understand the language. War is as much concept as execution.
Dr. Stephen Franklin: What else did they teach you?
Marcus Cole: Delight, respect, compassion. That for your actions to be pure they must proceed from direction, determination, patience and strength. I'm afraid I'm still working on patience. They taught me how to live, how to breathe, how to fight and how to die. And they taught me terror. How to use it. And how to face it.
Dr. Stephen Franklin: I think I'd like to hear more about that.
Marcus Cole: No. You wouldn't.
Got a sewer nearby that'll I'll dump them unceremoniously into. Depend on when it rains next it might stay there for a while becomming putrid as it rots. If there's a recognizable body I'll step on it smooshing it into the mud and slime best I can and call that buried. I'll take pictures of it time-lapsed as animals come and eat and defecate on it after.
You should switch faiths, you could be a top ISIS commander in now time with an attitude like that.

Nah, ISIS isn't hardcore enough. Be afraid, be very afraid. ;)
Plenty of room to lock both of you up for life. Prison guards need work too...

Your naivete' is cute. Love how you think there's a philisophical difference between soldiers and terrorists.
Got a sewer nearby that'll I'll dump them unceremoniously into. Depend on when it rains next it might stay there for a while becomming putrid as it rots. If there's a recognizable body I'll step on it smooshing it into the mud and slime best I can and call that buried. I'll take pictures of it time-lapsed as animals come and eat and defecate on it after.
You should switch faiths, you could be a top ISIS commander in now time with an attitude like that.

Nah, ISIS isn't hardcore enough. Be afraid, be very afraid. ;)
Plenty of room to lock both of you up for life. Prison guards need work too...

Your naivete' is cute. Love how you think there's a philisophical difference between soldiers and terrorists.
There are people like me, and people like you. You are ISIS are evil peas in an evil pod, both of which the would would be better off without.
Consumerism Traffic: Jihad on Currency

There just has been nothing satisfying for Israel-Palestine since the end of WWII (1939-1945) for all parties concerned.

Terrorists with relevant grievances have attacked Western hot-spots on 9-11-2001 (9-1-1 emergency police phone call code, get it?) and 11-13-2015 (Friday the 13th, perhaps a pun on pedestrian traffic notions such as Wall Street consumerism claustrophobia, get it?).

Homeland security initiatives should focus on unordinary traffic or terrorism threats on consumerism-symbolic sites such as Target department stores, Starbucks coffee shops, stockbroker offices, and NAFTA-relevant stations.


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