Anti-White Racism


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
The left is going off the rails, wtf are they going to do when Trump becomes POTUS...
Anti-White Racism
The hate that dares not speak its name.
April 27, 2016
David Horowitz


This progressive assault is being waged in the name of an “identity politics” that places whites at the bottom of the racial totem pole while holding them responsible for all the sins attributed to Americans but none of their achievements, specifically their success in creating the most tolerant and inclusive society on earth. Identity politics has a long and ugly history under its proper name - fascism – which is another term for the socialism of the Volk or nation (as opposed, for example, to the socialism of classes). Today p.c. fascism is an integral feature of the ethos and tactics of the progressive left, which has become the dominant force in the Democratic Party.

Republicans may feel they have the luxury of being nasty towards each other because they fail to grasp that in the hands of their opponents politics has become a form of warfare conducted by other means. It is no longer about getting elected and enjoying the perks of office. It is about defaming opponents with the intention of driving them from the public square, so that only the party of “decency” and “compassion” remains standing. Its effect is to traduce the culture of civility that respects dissent, and its logical conclusion is a one-party culture and state.

In this destructive enterprise the left’s chief weapon is race, which it uses to attack departures from its orthodoxies as racial bigotry. But even as progressives prosecute this race war, racial bigotry by whites has ceased to be a factor in public life. Progressives deal with this intractable reality by inventing a fictional construct called “institutional racism” to which they attribute all the disparities affecting blacks. “Institutional racism” is a necessary fiction - institutionalized racism has been outlawed for sixty years - because actual racists have become so hard to find.

Even as white racism has become a phenomenon of the insignificant fringe the left’s accusations of white racism have escalated to the point of terminal absurdity. Thus Black Lives Matter and other progressive voices describe America as a “white supremacist nation.” This accusation is made against a country that outlaws racial discrimination, that has twice elected a black president, has recently had a black four-star general head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, two black secretaries of state, three black national security advisors and two successive black attorneys general along with thousands of black elected officials, mayors, police chiefs and congressmen.


Here is how Black Lies Matter justifies its rhetorical venom and articulates its political goal: “#BlackLivesMatter is working for a world where Black lives are no longer systematically and intentionally targeted for demise.” According to the co-founder of the Black Lives Matter Seattle chapter, Marissa Jenae Johnson, the phrase “All lives matter,” which was coined as a response to the original, is a “new racial slur.” Her justification: “White Americans have created the conditions that require a phrase like ‘Black Likes Matter.’…Do you know how horrific it is to grow up as a child in a world that so hates you? While you’re literally being gunned down in the street, while you’re being rounded up and mass incarcerated and forced into prison slavery.”


According to FBI data, over the past decade 40% of cop killers have been black. Officers are killed by blacks at a rate 2.5 times higher than the rate at which blacks are killed by police officers who are black as well as white. Those blacks killed by police are with few exceptions resisting arrest, do not have their hands up and are not pleading, “Don’t shoot.”
Yet the sinister propaganda of Black Lives Matter is to suppress and invert these critical facts. That Black Lives Matter is attacking the police who constitute the first line of defense for inner city blacks’ reveals the truth about this movement, which is anti-white in its intentions, but anti-black in its effects.


Hatred of America and contempt for its guardians among the police and the military is the social gospel of the left. For nearly half a century this hatred has been the unwavering theme of the “progressive” movement in our universities and our streets and in the Democratic Party; its practical agendas are the destruction of the culture of individual liberty and accountability at home, and America’s retreat abroad. This is what Republicans and all Americans, black and white, should be concerned about and what they should be joining forces to defeat.

Anti-White Racism
Scripps: The Most Racist College in America
Students urged to feel good about hating white people.
May 9, 2016
Matthew Vadum

White people are worthy of hatred and no one should feel bad for hating them, incoming freshmen are told at the all-female, ultra-politically correct Scripps College in southern California, making it probably the worst and most racist undergraduate school in the United States.

“Anger is a legitimate response to oppression, as is sadness, fear, frustration, exhaustion, and a general distaste or hatred of white people," write the student authors of the Unofficial Scripps College Survival Guide. The 217-page exercise in PC brainwashing is supposed to help new students adjust to Scripps College.

Scripps is one member of Claremont Colleges, a consortium of five undergraduate schools (known as the 5Cs) and two graduate schools located in Claremont, which is between Los Angeles and San Bernardino. The other four undergraduate member colleges are Pomona, Claremont McKenna, Harvey Mudd, and Pitzer. All five undergraduate colleges are afflicted by a group called The 5C Students of Color Alliance which wants racially segregated "safe spaces" off-limits to white students created.

Anti-white racism, anti-male sexism, and a catalog of ugly leftist, un-American ideas are all on display in the Scripps so-called survival guide. Rest assured that if the targets were anyone other than Caucasians and men, investigators from the Justice Department would be swarming Scripps College as you read this column.

And don't let the weaselly word unofficial in the handbook's title fool you. The campus administration unashamedly supports and promotes this radical vade mecum that is packed with politically correct drivel intended to poison the minds of impressionable youth and turn them against the American experiment. The college's website contains an article describing the handbook in glowing terms. Officials appear to have chosen the descriptor unofficial only because they think it sounds cool.

The guidebook defines “White Privilege” as “the set of unearned benefits white people gain as a result of systematic racism and discrimination” that “benefits even those white people who are disadvantaged by other forms of institutionalized oppression like ableism, classism, sexism, homophobia, and transphobia.”

The writers add that “asking people of color to educate us about racism,” “asking people of color to absolve us of our guilt,” and “identifying the ways that we are engaging in the perpetuation of white supremacy” are all things that “we need to stop doing right now.”

In a “Dear white students” section, they explain that “[r]everse racism cannot exist because white people maintain power over people of color” and “because there are no institutions that were founded with the intention of discriminating against white people on the basis of their skin [color].”

A section focused on how to be a good "Trans Ally" urges new arrivals to ask for each of their peers’ gender pronouns to avoid unwittingly imposing the traditional male-female dichotomy on them. “Enacting a life of accountability and ownership over your own domination and privileges is the only way you can exhibit allyship,” the book states.


At Scripps College last October student activists denounced "Project Vulva," reportedly created by feminists "to initiate dialogue about the stigmatization of vulvas in society." Organizers described the event as "educating people about the vulva in order to confront society's stigmas and stereotypes, and make people more comfortable with the many varying images and types of cis and non-cis vulvas."

Even that exquisite, avant-garde example of political correctness was savaged by campus uber-radicals. Critics attacked the event for being "extremely transmisogynistic" and "incredibly violent to trans women."

In 2014 Scripps College abruptly rescinded an invitation to Pulitzer Prize-winning conservative columnist George Will to speak at the ninth annual Elizabeth Hubert Malott Public Affairs Program, "the mission of which," says the Claremont Independent, "is to bring speakers to campus whose political views differ from the majority of students at the all-women's college[.]"

Will was ostracized because he wrote a column expressing skepticism about the exaggerated reporting of rape incident on the nation's campuses.

But Will is a white male, so no one at Scripps College needs to hear from him anyway.

Scripps: The Most Racist College in America
Black Lives Matter Co-Founder: White People are Sub-Human
February 13, 2017
Daniel Greenfield

(Fuck her and allah...)


“Melanin enables black skin to capture light and hold it in its memory mode which reveals that blackness converts light into knowledge. Melanin directly communicates with cosmic energy,” she added.

Khogali then proclaimed: “White ppl are recessive genetic defects. This is factual.”

The Black Lives Matter leader then wondered how the white race could be wiped out. According to her, “Black ppl simply through their dominant genes can literally wipe out the white race if we had the power to.”

“Do you ever wonder how black ppl after centuries of colonial violence, genocide and destruction—no matter what systems created to make us extinct… How we keep coming back? It is because we are superhumxns,” she added.


One might say, the master race.

But under Obama, racism of this sort became normalized. There was even widespread denial that it was racism. Rather it was "reverse racism": a euphemism used by the left to whitewash black racism.

The dehumanization and demonization of white people under the guise of condemning "white privilege" became mandatory on campuses. Texts that dehumanized and demonized white people, such as Ta-Nehisi Coates' Between the World and Me were celebrated. This is the same ugliness, stripped of the poetry. This is the racism that the left can't see.

Black Lives Matter Co-Founder: White People are Sub-Human
The left is going off the rails, wtf are they going to do when Trump becomes POTUS...
Anti-White Racism
The hate that dares not speak its name.
April 27, 2016
David Horowitz


This progressive assault is being waged in the name of an “identity politics” that places whites at the bottom of the racial totem pole while holding them responsible for all the sins attributed to Americans but none of their achievements, specifically their success in creating the most tolerant and inclusive society on earth. Identity politics has a long and ugly history under its proper name - fascism – which is another term for the socialism of the Volk or nation (as opposed, for example, to the socialism of classes). Today p.c. fascism is an integral feature of the ethos and tactics of the progressive left, which has become the dominant force in the Democratic Party.

Republicans may feel they have the luxury of being nasty towards each other because they fail to grasp that in the hands of their opponents politics has become a form of warfare conducted by other means. It is no longer about getting elected and enjoying the perks of office. It is about defaming opponents with the intention of driving them from the public square, so that only the party of “decency” and “compassion” remains standing. Its effect is to traduce the culture of civility that respects dissent, and its logical conclusion is a one-party culture and state.

In this destructive enterprise the left’s chief weapon is race, which it uses to attack departures from its orthodoxies as racial bigotry. But even as progressives prosecute this race war, racial bigotry by whites has ceased to be a factor in public life. Progressives deal with this intractable reality by inventing a fictional construct called “institutional racism” to which they attribute all the disparities affecting blacks. “Institutional racism” is a necessary fiction - institutionalized racism has been outlawed for sixty years - because actual racists have become so hard to find.

Even as white racism has become a phenomenon of the insignificant fringe the left’s accusations of white racism have escalated to the point of terminal absurdity. Thus Black Lives Matter and other progressive voices describe America as a “white supremacist nation.” This accusation is made against a country that outlaws racial discrimination, that has twice elected a black president, has recently had a black four-star general head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, two black secretaries of state, three black national security advisors and two successive black attorneys general along with thousands of black elected officials, mayors, police chiefs and congressmen.


Here is how Black Lies Matter justifies its rhetorical venom and articulates its political goal: “#BlackLivesMatter is working for a world where Black lives are no longer systematically and intentionally targeted for demise.” According to the co-founder of the Black Lives Matter Seattle chapter, Marissa Jenae Johnson, the phrase “All lives matter,” which was coined as a response to the original, is a “new racial slur.” Her justification: “White Americans have created the conditions that require a phrase like ‘Black Likes Matter.’…Do you know how horrific it is to grow up as a child in a world that so hates you? While you’re literally being gunned down in the street, while you’re being rounded up and mass incarcerated and forced into prison slavery.”


According to FBI data, over the past decade 40% of cop killers have been black. Officers are killed by blacks at a rate 2.5 times higher than the rate at which blacks are killed by police officers who are black as well as white. Those blacks killed by police are with few exceptions resisting arrest, do not have their hands up and are not pleading, “Don’t shoot.”
Yet the sinister propaganda of Black Lives Matter is to suppress and invert these critical facts. That Black Lives Matter is attacking the police who constitute the first line of defense for inner city blacks’ reveals the truth about this movement, which is anti-white in its intentions, but anti-black in its effects.


Hatred of America and contempt for its guardians among the police and the military is the social gospel of the left. For nearly half a century this hatred has been the unwavering theme of the “progressive” movement in our universities and our streets and in the Democratic Party; its practical agendas are the destruction of the culture of individual liberty and accountability at home, and America’s retreat abroad. This is what Republicans and all Americans, black and white, should be concerned about and what they should be joining forces to defeat.

Anti-White Racism

You are wrong. White patriotism is the patriotism that dares not speak its name. As for what non-whites "think," who gives a shit about them.
The race hatred behind Muslim Kori Ali Muhammad's rampage in Fresno.
April 19, 2017

Lloyd Billingsley


Yelling “Allahu Akbar,” Kori Ali Muhammad killed three men in Fresno, California, on Tuesday. As Fox News reported, Muhammad fired 16 rounds in one minute at four locations within a single block. One victim was seated in a Pacific Gas and Electric utility truck, another on a sidewalk, and the third in the parking lot of a Catholic charity. The victims were all white males aged 34, 37, and 58.

According to news reports, Muhammad used a .357 magnum revolver in the attack, which Fresno police are calling a hate crime. Fresno police chief Jerry Dyer said “These individuals who were chosen today did not do anything to deserve what they got,” and that the shooter, “was intent on carrying out homicides today. He did that.”

Muhammad, 39, shot and missed a fourth man before surrendering to police and once on the ground again called out “Allahu Akbar.” Police had sought Muhammad for the killing of security guard Carl Williams, 25, at a Fresno motel last Thursday. Police believe Muhammad acted alone, and the FBI has not called the killings an act of terrorism.

As the Fresno Bee reported the African American who called himself Kori Muhammad was active online and posted “racially charged threats aimed at President Donald Trump.” In one of his online music videos, Muhammad talks about shooting “white devils” and hails an “Asiatic black God.” In one video, Muhammad demands “justice for the murders of my black kin,” adding, “Hollow points make a white devil body spin.”


'Hollow Points Make A White Devil Body Spin'
Look, it's the Jews pulling the strings behind the scenes.

Yes, of course, the blacks and muslims have alot of soldiers on the ground.

But behind it is the eternal Jew, who must simultaneously leech off white America, but also destroy it.

What I share with the Jews, however, is my contempt for the gullibility of humanity.
Look, it's the Jews pulling the strings behind the scenes.

Yes, of course, the blacks and muslims have alot of soldiers on the ground.

But behind it is the eternal Jew, who must simultaneously leech off white America, but also destroy it.

What I share with the Jews, however, is my contempt for the gullibility of humanity.

Look, it's the Jews pulling the strings behind the scenes.

Yes, of course, the blacks and muslims have alot of soldiers on the ground.

But behind it is the eternal Jew, who must simultaneously leech off white America, but also destroy it.

What I share with the Jews, however, is my contempt for the gullibility of humanity.


You mean like the gullible who violently protest on campus if they don't want a speaker there or the protestors that shoot law enforcement officials all for their "just" cause?


The race hatred behind Muslim Kori Ali Muhammad's rampage in Fresno.
April 19, 2017

Lloyd Billingsley


Yelling “Allahu Akbar,” Kori Ali Muhammad killed three men in Fresno, California, on Tuesday. As Fox News reported, Muhammad fired 16 rounds in one minute at four locations within a single block. One victim was seated in a Pacific Gas and Electric utility truck, another on a sidewalk, and the third in the parking lot of a Catholic charity. The victims were all white males aged 34, 37, and 58.

According to news reports, Muhammad used a .357 magnum revolver in the attack, which Fresno police are calling a hate crime. Fresno police chief Jerry Dyer said “These individuals who were chosen today did not do anything to deserve what they got,” and that the shooter, “was intent on carrying out homicides today. He did that.”

Muhammad, 39, shot and missed a fourth man before surrendering to police and once on the ground again called out “Allahu Akbar.” Police had sought Muhammad for the killing of security guard Carl Williams, 25, at a Fresno motel last Thursday. Police believe Muhammad acted alone, and the FBI has not called the killings an act of terrorism.

As the Fresno Bee reported the African American who called himself Kori Muhammad was active online and posted “racially charged threats aimed at President Donald Trump.” In one of his online music videos, Muhammad talks about shooting “white devils” and hails an “Asiatic black God.” In one video, Muhammad demands “justice for the murders of my black kin,” adding, “Hollow points make a white devil body spin.”


'Hollow Points Make A White Devil Body Spin'
And the pieces of shit at "The Guardian" are claiming he wasn't a racist because he had a "mental illness".
Another exhibit of academic rot.
June 23, 2017

Jack Kerwick


You be the judge of this.

Below are two of Williams’ posts from June 18. The first reads:

“It is past time for the racially oppressed to do what people who believe themselves to be ‘white’ will not do, put [an] end to the vectors of their destructive mythology of whiteness and their white supremacy system. #LetThemFuckingDie.

And then there was the second:

“I’m fed the fuck up with self identified ‘white’s’ daily violence directed at immigrants, Muslims, and sexual and racially oppressed people. The time is now to confront these inhuman assholes and end this now.”

On June 16, Williams shared on his page an article from the Medium. The essay’s title is: “Let Them Fucking Die.”


Professor Posts His Wish For Whites: “Let Them F**king Die!”

He needs to stfu and learn how to pick...
August 2, 2017
A Lesson from Cambridge University: 'All White People Are Racist'
By Paul Austin Murphy

A black student at Cambridge University has just said that “all white people are racist”. (This was in response to Saturday's riots in Dalston, east London.) His name is Jason Osamede Okundaye. He's also the President of the Black and Minority Ethnic society at the University.

Okundaye wrote:


The other fantastically ironic thing is that he also claimed that “middle-class white people” have “colonised” Dalston. In full:


However, if blacks can be racist, then what can Cambridge University do about this? Jason Osamede Okundaye has done nothing wrong. That is, according to many theorists and academics at Cambridge University, he's done nothing wrong. He's black and therefore he can't be a racist. He's only a victim. Not a suspect or even a free agent. He's a black man. A man infantilised by anti-racist theory and anti-racist activists.

According to Trinity College [Cambridge] Students' Union website:

“BME, Black and Minority Ethnic, is a term used in the UK to describe people of non-white descent.”

Thus, the Black and Minority Ethnic society seems to think that all people who aren't white have something in common. That's from middle-class African blacks (like Jason Osamede Okundaye?) to deprived Indians who've been given a scholarship. So this institution is racist for the simple reason that it places an absolute emphasis on race and colour. What better definition of racism can there be? After all, racism can be both positive and negative. Presumably, the BME sees itself as practicing and promoting positive racism; though it won't use the word “racism” about itself.


Read more: Articles: A Lesson from Cambridge University: 'All White People Are Racist'

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