Any guesses on whom Bernie picks as his VP?

You are not immune to the duopoly.

So stop acting like you are!


Sad but true, there are far too many of you folks so that my day to day life is still influenced by your voting patterns.
Not at all, I am an outsider observer. I sit up on the hill and watch the sheep in the left pen and you sheep in the right pen run around telling yourselves how different you are from the sheep on the other side.

So you're a Mac1958 disciple!
Why didn't you say so to begin with?

Not at all. We are all our own people. I know this is hard for you to grasp as you have never had an original thought in your lifetime, but Mac1958 and I disagree on a lot of issues. All we share is that we are no longer slaves to the duopoly.

What's the name of the Fantasy Island that you two inhabit?

Independence. Trust me you would not like it here, nobody to tell you what to think or what to post.

"Independence" is a pretty optimistic word. I'm thinking more like disgruntled, tired, bored, or lacking in enthusiasm.

That is because you do not pay attention, though bored does at times fit. Watching the same thing happen over and over and over again for the last 25 years can be a bit boring at times.
So you're a Mac1958 disciple!
Why didn't you say so to begin with?

Not at all. We are all our own people. I know this is hard for you to grasp as you have never had an original thought in your lifetime, but Mac1958 and I disagree on a lot of issues. All we share is that we are no longer slaves to the duopoly.

What's the name of the Fantasy Island that you two inhabit?

Independence. Trust me you would not like it here, nobody to tell you what to think or what to post.

"Independence" is a pretty optimistic word. I'm thinking more like disgruntled, tired, bored, or lacking in enthusiasm.

That is because you do not pay attention, though bored does at times fit. Watching the same thing happen over and over and over again for the last 25 years can be a bit boring at times.

How is Trump the "same thing" that's happened over and over?
Does he stick to his principles and nominate another True Believer?

Or does he bend over for the party and nominate one of those moderates he doesn't like?

It would be fun to watch, that's for sure.
Too bad AOC isn't a few years older.

She would be a few years dumber.
Wonk wonk wonk,

We know you conservative types find women with power and non-whites intimidating.

Just relax, she really won't hurt you.
Does he stick to his principles and nominate another True Believer?

Or does he bend over for the party and nominate one of those moderates he doesn't like?

It would be fun to watch, that's for sure.
Too bad AOC isn't a few years older.
Why? Young is her only attribute.

Old and dumb your Dimsocialist party has covered.
Does he stick to his principles and nominate another True Believer?

Or does he bend over for the party and nominate one of those moderates he doesn't like?

It would be fun to watch, that's for sure.
Too bad AOC isn't a few years older.
Why? Young is her only attribute.

Old and dumb your Dimsocialist party has covered.
She's far from stupid, and I think it would be hilarious to watch the republicans all freak out simultaneously.
Not at all. We are all our own people. I know this is hard for you to grasp as you have never had an original thought in your lifetime, but Mac1958 and I disagree on a lot of issues. All we share is that we are no longer slaves to the duopoly.

What's the name of the Fantasy Island that you two inhabit?

Independence. Trust me you would not like it here, nobody to tell you what to think or what to post.

"Independence" is a pretty optimistic word. I'm thinking more like disgruntled, tired, bored, or lacking in enthusiasm.

That is because you do not pay attention, though bored does at times fit. Watching the same thing happen over and over and over again for the last 25 years can be a bit boring at times.

How is Trump the "same thing" that's happened over and over?

Are we still spending far more than we bring in?

Are we still involved in wars all over the planet?

Is the NSA still spying on us?
My friends, as the anti-Bernie folks in the Dem party freak out over his success, you have to wonder, why dont they tell all the moderate candidates to drop out and unite behind a unity anti-Bernie candidate!
Does he stick to his principles and nominate another True Believer?

Or does he bend over for the party and nominate one of those moderates he doesn't like?

He'll almost certainly have to. I wouldn't be surprised if he chooses Buttigieg. On the other hand, if he does choose to stick with someone like minded then there is Warren, but it would be rather hypocritical of her to accept after her smear against him over his alleged chauvinism.
Tammy Baldwin, supports Medicare For All, won a red state by 10 points, 1st lesbian in congress.

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