Anyone else bored of the endless and pointless arguments we have here?

---of course the main, popular subjects go round and round and round in a circle with the same content.....I've mentioned this before
--we do see a lot of name calling with crap added but no real evidence from more than a few
I enjoy reading the differing opinions and the "good" trolling but it's all become a bit tiresome lately.
Although I did work so hard this month on the gun thing that I'm on the Leaderboard. Good God, that's embarrassing.
It fried my brain though. All I want is chicken memes from Lucy at this point.
Ass-u-me-ing of course that the fiction in everyone's profile and all the bullshit splattered on the walls of this forum is at any kind of risk for political manipulation by corporate players from across the pond......

As if corporate players from across the pond would want US.
I basically use this for the entertainment value.

Sometimes I do find it hard to believe that some people think the way they do, but I contribute that to demographics and geography.

Lets just say, it's a strange new world.
Ass-u-me-ing of course that the fiction in everyone's profile and all the bullshit splattered on the walls of this forum is at any kind of risk for political manipulation by corporate players from across the pond......

As if corporate players from across the pond would want US.

That right there is just one of the reasons I like getting all of my news and information from USMB on the right and NPR on the left.

:spinner: Fair and Balanced. It's not just an overused tagline.

I'm of the opinion that $$$ runs this rock , and that those in power want us at each other's throat, bickering , arguing over the minutia of partisan politics , guns , equality, etc

I basically use this for the entertainment value.

Sometimes I do find it hard to believe that some people think the way they do, but I contribute that to demographics and geography.

Lets just say, it's a strange new world.
I hate to break it to you but there is NOTHING new about the strangeness.

Weirdos and freaks have always been part of the landscape.... It's just that with every group of weirdos and freaks that manages to claim their rightful piece of the American Pie via successfully arguing in the Supreme Court that the US Constitution speaks liberally of ALL Americans and never once mentions that any of it's rights and protections should apply only to Americans who are deemed 'normal' by the blue-haired church lady society, more weirdos and freaks come pouring out of the shadows.

I guess successful living in a valid democracy requires tolerating your weird and freakish neighbors as long as everyone plays the game of life legally.

*sigh* :smoke:
Took me 5 years to reach 1000 posts. Just don't spend a lot of time arguing the same points to shills that have tens of thousands of posts.
What's the point? No one is changing minds.
If I find my blood pressure rising due to stupidity, I just move on to the lighter threads and post about puppies, or some shit like that.
Once one comes full circle to terminal misanthropy it's easier to take , it's just a matter of acceptance.....~S~
I enjoy reading the differing opinions and the "good" trolling but it's all become a bit tiresome lately.
Trump said he doesn't know what "community" means referring to community college.
Republicans provide endless opportunity for discussion. Weird and strange discussion, but not pointless.
An example of what bores me...^^^
Perhaps it's time to consider that you are just naturally a boring person.
The concept started off as a "Forum for Debate".

Who knew that in America that means childish name calling while accomplishing nothing.....
. IT'S just how bad things have gotten, and the MSM is the biggest pot stirrers in it all. Most media outlets are nothing more than the tabloids these days like the Enquirer etc. Real news has all but dissapered. The news show called "One America News Network" (OAN) is kind of interesting.

The 'Mainstream Media' is quickly melting in to the Internet. The information industry had a much easier time telling Americans how to think back when every town had a newspaper and every city had two.

It's up to us now. We get to choose the information that we want to digest in our minds from as few or as many sources as we have the balls and time to study.

If the bad news is that Trump became the first president elected via surgical FaceBook fear mongering, the good news is that he'll be the last.

The Internet is a game changer, but figuring out the new rules and how to use it takes time, trial, error, work, frustration, and various levels of success as Time marches on.

Baby steps to the stars... 200 years from now the FaceBook concept will probably be treated more like a utility than a for-profit industry. It's not like they actually make anything - it's just a platform for communication, and people are figuring it out that when the user is getting is something free, the user is probably the product being sold like so much marketable meat.

Baby steps.

Zuckerberg keeps his horns filed and tucks his pointy tail into his britches.
I enjoy reading the differing opinions and the "good" trolling but it's all become a bit tiresome lately.
Trump said he doesn't know what "community" means referring to community college.
Republicans provide endless opportunity for discussion. Weird and strange discussion, but not pointless.
An example of what bores me...^^^
Perhaps it's time to consider that you are just naturally a boring person.

Being bored and being boring are two different things.

Learn two reed moar beter.

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