Anyone else notice

that as soon as Carson passed Trump in the polls, the media went from Trump to Carson?
And the people just follow right along lol
That's the"media's job .
It's been that way since "media"was created.
You dening that is what's really funny.
that as soon as Carson passed Trump in the polls, the media went from Trump to Carson?
And the people just follow right along lol

What I noticed too was that the media has never delved into anyone's past like they have Carson's. Certainly, the media has had a hands-off approach to Obama's past. They won't even bring up his college records. Being an educated Black Conservative brings out the worst in the media bias.
that as soon as Carson passed Trump in the polls, the media went from Trump to Carson?
And the people just follow right along lol

What I noticed too was that the media has never delved into anyone's past like they have Carson's. Certainly, the media has had a hands-off approach to Obama's past. They won't even bring up his college records. Being an educated Black Conservative brings out the worst in the media bias.

This has been asked a million times by a million people, but never adequately answered. Aside from GW (whose records were leaked) when has a candidate's college records ever been brought into question? Why only Obama's?
What I noticed too was that the media has never delved into anyone's past like they have Carson's. Certainly, the media has had a hands-off approach to Obama's past. They won't even bring up his college records. Being an educated Black Conservative brings out the worst in the media bias.

You said, "Certainly, the media has had a hands-off approach to Obama's past."

Yes, they have completely ignored people like President Obama. It just came out recently that he may have not been born in the US and might not be a citizen to say nothing about his earlier associations with unsavory characters! They gave him a free pass on those other things through two whole elections that are just coming to light now. How very, very perceptive of you to notice the media have failed to delve into Obama's life until now!
It's really that Trump has been getting his talking points out, and Carson seems unable to really refute them. Scholarship or not, where was Westmoreland? Who did Carson try to stab/cut? He tried to hit his mother with a hammer?! WTF

Trump is going at this like it was a two party general election, and he's "murdering" the good doctor in media manipulation .... which all candidates try to manipulate. The gop used to get so mad at Slick for managing the message.

And meanwhile Rubio is rubbing out Jeb.

Maybe they have a secret deal. Rubio gets to be vp for four years, then some fancy think tank gig with millions of dolllars, and he's set to run any time in the next 20 years. (-:
It's awesome, isn't it?

These nutbags actually think Carson is getting special treatment from the media. It is as if they have never witnessed an election cycle before.

The victims have been whining on overtime.
that as soon as Carson passed Trump in the polls, the media went from Trump to Carson?
And the people just follow right along lol

What I noticed too was that the media has never delved into anyone's past like they have Carson's. Certainly, the media has had a hands-off approach to Obama's past. They won't even bring up his college records. Being an educated Black Conservative brings out the worst in the media bias.

This has been asked a million times by a million people, but never adequately answered. Aside from GW (whose records were leaked) when has a candidate's college records ever been brought into question? Why only Obama's?

Because Obama had his records sealed. The question is "What is he hiding?"
the media reporting new news ... confusing huh?

that as soon as Carson passed Trump in the polls, the media went from Trump to Carson?
And the people just follow right along lol
That's the"media's job .
It's been that way since "media"was created.
You dening that is what's really funny.

Funny....I dont remember the media trashing obammy during the last two elections.
They were too busy fighting each other to see who could be first in line to lick his ass.
that as soon as Carson passed Trump in the polls, the media went from Trump to Carson?
And the people just follow right along lol

What I noticed too was that the media has never delved into anyone's past like they have Carson's. Certainly, the media has had a hands-off approach to Obama's past. They won't even bring up his college records. Being an educated Black Conservative brings out the worst in the media bias.

This has been asked a million times by a million people, but never adequately answered. Aside from GW (whose records were leaked) when has a candidate's college records ever been brought into question? Why only Obama's?

Because Obama had his records sealed. The question is "What is he hiding?"

His personal private info.
It's awesome, isn't it?

These nutbags actually think Carson is getting special treatment from the media. It is as if they have never witnessed an election cycle before.

The victims have been whining on overtime.

Not really. He's leading Hillary in several polls. It's you Liberals that are scared and whining.
that as soon as Carson passed Trump in the polls, the media went from Trump to Carson?
And the people just follow right along lol

What I noticed too was that the media has never delved into anyone's past like they have Carson's. Certainly, the media has had a hands-off approach to Obama's past. They won't even bring up his college records. Being an educated Black Conservative brings out the worst in the media bias.

This has been asked a million times by a million people, but never adequately answered. Aside from GW (whose records were leaked) when has a candidate's college records ever been brought into question? Why only Obama's?

Because Obama had his records sealed. The question is "What is he hiding?"

His personal private info.

Well of course it is. That's why he had the records sealed.
It's awesome, isn't it?

These nutbags actually think Carson is getting special treatment from the media. It is as if they have never witnessed an election cycle before.

The victims have been whining on overtime.

Not really. He's leading Hillary in several polls. It's you Liberals that are scared and whining.

He's not going to be your nominee. Your guys will destroy him first. He'll be lucky to make it past New Hampshire.
that as soon as Carson passed Trump in the polls, the media went from Trump to Carson?
And the people just follow right along lol

What I noticed too was that the media has never delved into anyone's past like they have Carson's. Certainly, the media has had a hands-off approach to Obama's past. They won't even bring up his college records. Being an educated Black Conservative brings out the worst in the media bias.

This has been asked a million times by a million people, but never adequately answered. Aside from GW (whose records were leaked) when has a candidate's college records ever been brought into question? Why only Obama's?

Because Obama had his records sealed. The question is "What is he hiding?"

His personal private info.

Well of course it is. That's why he had the records sealed.

And......that pisses you off. Too bad. You ain't gonna see them. Get over it.
that as soon as Carson passed Trump in the polls, the media went from Trump to Carson?
And the people just follow right along lol

What I noticed too was that the media has never delved into anyone's past like they have Carson's. Certainly, the media has had a hands-off approach to Obama's past. They won't even bring up his college records. Being an educated Black Conservative brings out the worst in the media bias.

This has been asked a million times by a million people, but never adequately answered. Aside from GW (whose records were leaked) when has a candidate's college records ever been brought into question? Why only Obama's?
Because it speaks to the kind of leader he is. Because it speaks to the kind of people he holds as heros. Because it's important. If we stick with the way it has always been done, millions of Democrat voters would have to move back to the plantation. Just because it started with your guy, and it hurts your arguement, you want to leave it in the past. Well, that's not good enough for me, I want to know everything I can about all the canidates. From Carson to Sanders, from Clinton to Huckabee. If I am to make an informed decision, why would I not want to know everything I can? Let me decide for myself what is relavent and what is not. I have faith that, if given the chance, the American people will figure it out.

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