Anyone else notice

I just don't know how much more obvious the media could make their bias.
Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Our guys can nebba win becuz da media is nawt faiya! Waaaaaaaaaaaa!

It sure is a good thing Obama and Clinton have never had to face media scrutiny.
that as soon as Carson passed Trump in the polls, the media went from Trump to Carson?
And the people just follow right along lol

What I noticed too was that the media has never delved into anyone's past like they have Carson's. Certainly, the media has had a hands-off approach to Obama's past. They won't even bring up his college records. Being an educated Black Conservative brings out the worst in the media bias.

This has been asked a million times by a million people, but never adequately answered. Aside from GW (whose records were leaked) when has a candidate's college records ever been brought into question? Why only Obama's?

Because Obama had his records sealed. The question is "What is he hiding?"

His records aren't sealed.
that as soon as Carson passed Trump in the polls, the media went from Trump to Carson?
And the people just follow right along lol
That's the"media's job .
It's been that way since "media"was created.
You dening that is what's really funny.

The media's job is to REPORT the news not CREATE the news

Everything being REPORTED is coming from Benny's own lips. If his stories aren't holding true- it's the media's JOB to REPORT it.
that as soon as Carson passed Trump in the polls, the media went from Trump to Carson?
And the people just follow right along lol

Well, it's not very surprising that when someone becomes the front-runner, they garner more attention.

On the other hand, I think we all know the media is going to put forth its best effort to destroy anyone they think might challenge the Democrat candidate.
that as soon as Carson passed Trump in the polls, the media went from Trump to Carson?
And the people just follow right along lol

What I noticed too was that the media has never delved into anyone's past like they have Carson's. Certainly, the media has had a hands-off approach to Obama's past. They won't even bring up his college records. Being an educated Black Conservative brings out the worst in the media bias.

The fact that Carson is a popular GOP candidate means the media is going to shit on him. The fact that he's black means they're not going to leave a single square inch clean.
the dopes on this board are still reporting articles from 6 months ago .. same day reporting is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO bias.


It's awesome, isn't it?

These nutbags actually think Carson is getting special treatment from the media. It is as if they have never witnessed an election cycle before.

The victims have been whining on overtime.

Not really. He's leading Hillary in several polls. It's you Liberals that are scared and whining.

He's not going to be your nominee. Your guys will destroy him first. He'll be lucky to make it past New Hampshire.

Yes and you're one of those who predicted Trump was washed up four or five times already.
I just don't know how much more obvious the media could make their bias.
that as soon as Carson passed Trump in the polls, the media went from Trump to Carson?
And the people just follow right along lol

What I noticed too was that the media has never delved into anyone's past like they have Carson's. Certainly, the media has had a hands-off approach to Obama's past. They won't even bring up his college records. Being an educated Black Conservative brings out the worst in the media bias.

This has been asked a million times by a million people, but never adequately answered. Aside from GW (whose records were leaked) when has a candidate's college records ever been brought into question? Why only Obama's?

Oh, it gets mentioned with other candidates, but generally, their college careers are pretty boring. Now, if the media can find an edge to pry at . . .
that as soon as Carson passed Trump in the polls, the media went from Trump to Carson?
And the people just follow right along lol

What I noticed too was that the media has never delved into anyone's past like they have Carson's. Certainly, the media has had a hands-off approach to Obama's past. They won't even bring up his college records. Being an educated Black Conservative brings out the worst in the media bias.

This has been asked a million times by a million people, but never adequately answered. Aside from GW (whose records were leaked) when has a candidate's college records ever been brought into question? Why only Obama's?
Because it speaks to the kind of leader he is. Because it speaks to the kind of people he holds as heros. Because it's important. If we stick with the way it has always been done, millions of Democrat voters would have to move back to the plantation. Just because it started with your guy, and it hurts your arguement, you want to leave it in the past. Well, that's not good enough for me, I want to know everything I can about all the canidates. From Carson to Sanders, from Clinton to Huckabee. If I am to make an informed decision, why would I not want to know everything I can? Let me decide for myself what is relavent and what is not. I have faith that, if given the chance, the American people will figure it out.

Started with my guy? Oh, that's right. If I don't demonize every action Obama makes it must mean I voted for him. Even though I've only ever supported Republican candidates.
that as soon as Carson passed Trump in the polls, the media went from Trump to Carson?
And the people just follow right along lol
That's the"media's job .
It's been that way since "media"was created.
You dening that is what's really funny.

Funny....I dont remember the media trashing obammy during the last two elections.


Kenya born/birth certificate.
Jeramiah Wright
Bill Ayers
Affirmative Action MUST have got him his professorship
White mother/disappearing daddy
Indonesian Muslim training



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It's awesome, isn't it?

These nutbags actually think Carson is getting special treatment from the media. It is as if they have never witnessed an election cycle before.

The victims have been whining on overtime.

Yo, your name fits you well? ""The Left-Wing Media"" was exposed in the last debate, that is all that matters!!!
We Conservatives inherited about 20 million Independent Votes, thank you FOOLS!!!

[QUOTE="the_human_being, post: 12777002, member: 51027

What I noticed too was that the media has never delved into anyone's past like they have Carson's. Certainly, the media has had a hands-off approach to Obama's past. They won't even bring up his college records. Being an educated Black Conservative brings out the worst in the media bias.[/QUOTE]

LOLOLOLOL!!!!!!!! Read post #25.
I just don't know how much more obvious the media could make their bias.

Ridiculous. They are asking questions about shit that the guy has said. Trump is leading the charge.

The whining is ridiculous.

93% of the media vote dem.
Even you cant believe that with percentages like that they're being unbiased.
In fact you'd have to be a complete moron to think otherwise....
And of course the reporting reflects the obvious bias.
It's awesome, isn't it?

These nutbags actually think Carson is getting special treatment from the media. It is as if they have never witnessed an election cycle before.

The victims have been whining on overtime.

Not really. He's leading Hillary in several polls. It's you Liberals that are scared and whining.

He's not going to be your nominee. Your guys will destroy him first. He'll be lucky to make it past New Hampshire.

Yes and you're one of those who predicted Trump was washed up four or five times already.

I absolutely did. Trumps ability to stay in the race has me as perplexed as I've ever been watching a race. I never thought that even the most retarded nutbags would put up with that blowhard for more than a few weeks.

Please know.....however....that next to Kasich.....Trump is my choice if I've got to have a Republican POTUS in 2016. He's almost as liberal as I am and he'd likely put people like you in your place if he was ever elected.

Ya dumb shit.
It's awesome, isn't it?

These nutbags actually think Carson is getting special treatment from the media. It is as if they have never witnessed an election cycle before.

The victims have been whining on overtime.

Yo, your name fits you well? ""The Left-Wing Media"" was exposed in the last debate, that is all that matters!!!
We Conservatives inherited about 20 million Independent Votes, thank you FOOLS!!!

View attachment 54381

YO new math? Yo, only 14 million watched the last debate YO ..

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