Anyone else notice

that as soon as Carson passed Trump in the polls, the media went from Trump to Carson?
And the people just follow right along lol

What I noticed too was that the media has never delved into anyone's past like they have Carson's. Certainly, the media has had a hands-off approach to Obama's past. They won't even bring up his college records. Being an educated Black Conservative brings out the worst in the media bias.

The fact that Carson is a popular GOP candidate means the media is going to shit on him. The fact that he's black means they're not going to leave a single square inch clean.

You mean like exactly how Obama was treated?

If you really think Obama has ever been objected to because of his skin color, then YOU are the one who has a problem with blacks, not us.
that as soon as Carson passed Trump in the polls, the media went from Trump to Carson?
And the people just follow right along lol

What I noticed too was that the media has never delved into anyone's past like they have Carson's. Certainly, the media has had a hands-off approach to Obama's past. They won't even bring up his college records. Being an educated Black Conservative brings out the worst in the media bias.

This has been asked a million times by a million people, but never adequately answered. Aside from GW (whose records were leaked) when has a candidate's college records ever been brought into question? Why only Obama's?
Because it speaks to the kind of leader he is. Because it speaks to the kind of people he holds as heros. Because it's important. If we stick with the way it has always been done, millions of Democrat voters would have to move back to the plantation. Just because it started with your guy, and it hurts your arguement, you want to leave it in the past. Well, that's not good enough for me, I want to know everything I can about all the canidates. From Carson to Sanders, from Clinton to Huckabee. If I am to make an informed decision, why would I not want to know everything I can? Let me decide for myself what is relavent and what is not. I have faith that, if given the chance, the American people will figure it out.

Well, it is too late for Obama. You can't impeach him for what he has sealed!:eusa_whistle:

Fortunately, we can start on Carson. So delve into his past is exctly what you want, right? You've just said so!

No, actually I believe the point is that we'd like you to investigate EVERY politician that way, not just the ones with (R) after their names.

Maybe the media could stop running interference for Hillary in between attacks on Carson, hmmm?
that as soon as Carson passed Trump in the polls, the media went from Trump to Carson?
And the people just follow right along lol

What I noticed too was that the media has never delved into anyone's past like they have Carson's. Certainly, the media has had a hands-off approach to Obama's past. They won't even bring up his college records. Being an educated Black Conservative brings out the worst in the media bias.

This has been asked a million times by a million people, but never adequately answered. Aside from GW (whose records were leaked) when has a candidate's college records ever been brought into question? Why only Obama's?
Because it speaks to the kind of leader he is. Because it speaks to the kind of people he holds as heros. Because it's important. If we stick with the way it has always been done, millions of Democrat voters would have to move back to the plantation. Just because it started with your guy, and it hurts your arguement, you want to leave it in the past. Well, that's not good enough for me, I want to know everything I can about all the canidates. From Carson to Sanders, from Clinton to Huckabee. If I am to make an informed decision, why would I not want to know everything I can? Let me decide for myself what is relavent and what is not. I have faith that, if given the chance, the American people will figure it out.

Well, it is too late for Obama. You can't impeach him for what he has sealed!:eusa_whistle:

Fortunately, we can start on Carson. So delve into his past is exctly what you want, right? You've just said so!

Again... none of Obama's college records are sealed.
that as soon as Carson passed Trump in the polls, the media went from Trump to Carson?
And the people just follow right along lol

What I noticed too was that the media has never delved into anyone's past like they have Carson's. Certainly, the media has had a hands-off approach to Obama's past. They won't even bring up his college records. Being an educated Black Conservative brings out the worst in the media bias.

This has been asked a million times by a million people, but never adequately answered. Aside from GW (whose records were leaked) when has a candidate's college records ever been brought into question? Why only Obama's?
Because it speaks to the kind of leader he is. Because it speaks to the kind of people he holds as heros. Because it's important. If we stick with the way it has always been done, millions of Democrat voters would have to move back to the plantation. Just because it started with your guy, and it hurts your arguement, you want to leave it in the past. Well, that's not good enough for me, I want to know everything I can about all the canidates. From Carson to Sanders, from Clinton to Huckabee. If I am to make an informed decision, why would I not want to know everything I can? Let me decide for myself what is relavent and what is not. I have faith that, if given the chance, the American people will figure it out.

Well, it is too late for Obama. You can't impeach him for what he has sealed!:eusa_whistle:

Fortunately, we can start on Carson. So delve into his past is exctly what you want, right? You've just said so!

No, actually I believe the point is that we'd like you to investigate EVERY politician that way, not just the ones with (R) after their names.

Maybe the media could stop running interference for Hillary in between attacks on Carson, hmmm?

You are right. We know nothing about Hillary's private life!
Like who she is married to
Where she worked
Her associations and aides and the people she pals around with.
Her character
Let alone any juicy rumors concerning her sex life!

Nope, none of that!

Stop deluding yourself!

The media delve into all front runners past. You are complaining because the GOP new front runner past is now the target.
that as soon as Carson passed Trump in the polls, the media went from Trump to Carson?
And the people just follow right along lol

What I noticed too was that the media has never delved into anyone's past like they have Carson's. Certainly, the media has had a hands-off approach to Obama's past. They won't even bring up his college records. Being an educated Black Conservative brings out the worst in the media bias.

This has been asked a million times by a million people, but never adequately answered. Aside from GW (whose records were leaked) when has a candidate's college records ever been brought into question? Why only Obama's?
Because it speaks to the kind of leader he is. Because it speaks to the kind of people he holds as heros. Because it's important. If we stick with the way it has always been done, millions of Democrat voters would have to move back to the plantation. Just because it started with your guy, and it hurts your arguement, you want to leave it in the past. Well, that's not good enough for me, I want to know everything I can about all the canidates. From Carson to Sanders, from Clinton to Huckabee. If I am to make an informed decision, why would I not want to know everything I can? Let me decide for myself what is relavent and what is not. I have faith that, if given the chance, the American people will figure it out.

Well, it is too late for Obama. You can't impeach him for what he has sealed!:eusa_whistle:

Fortunately, we can start on Carson. So delve into his past is exctly what you want, right? You've just said so!

Again... none of Obama's college records are sealed.

Even if they were, is it a bit too late to complain now?
Why should I care how they came to be idiots?
Their job is to report the news,regardless of political affiliation.
Not twist it to fit their narrative.

They don't twist any more than is needed to get eyeballs......and that twisting has no bias.

Please.....humor me by trying to answer my question. It's a good one. You probably should care.

Why would I care about a bunch of narcissistic dimwits that report what they are told to report?

Hold on. You don't care about the media......or their voting habits? brought it up.

I think you are avoiding the question for some reason. I wonder what that reason is.

Why doesnt matter.
And what are the odds of a conservative getting a job as a reporter at See BS or any of the other alphabet liberal news agencies?
And to be honest liberals are attracted to the narcissistic jobs like acting and television.

If I didn't know better, I'd think you were trying to respond without giving the question a moment's thought. I've asked you to think about it......and respond in a thoughtful manner. Why is that so hard? This is a subject that you introduced to the discussion. your considered most journalists and media types vote dem? Again...I am assuming that they do for the sake of this discussion. Can you think of a reason that isn't reflective of you being butthurt about it?

Seems to me you're trying to turn this into some excuse as to why the media is biased.
that as soon as Carson passed Trump in the polls, the media went from Trump to Carson?
And the people just follow right along lol

What I noticed too was that the media has never delved into anyone's past like they have Carson's. Certainly, the media has had a hands-off approach to Obama's past. They won't even bring up his college records. Being an educated Black Conservative brings out the worst in the media bias.

The fact that Carson is a popular GOP candidate means the media is going to shit on him. The fact that he's black means they're not going to leave a single square inch clean.

You mean like exactly how Obama was treated?

If you really think Obama has ever been objected to because of his skin color, then YOU are the one who has a problem with blacks, not us.

:afro:well sweety- sometimesreal racism has reared its ugly head & other times it hasn't.

tell me, what category would you put the singing of 'barrack the magic negro' or the memes of him with African photoshopped all over him including a bone thru his nose 'eh?
Next person to pass Carson, good luck!
That's why smart campaigns try to hang back in about third place or so in the early stages: to cut down on the length of time they have to take media flak.

...And to save their campaign funds for the spring primaries.

Meanwhile a young, good-looking, Hispanic Floridian is growing and learning before our very eyes and coming up fast on the rail to challenge whichever old, white Dem gets that nomination.
...Please know.....however....that next to Kasich.....Trump is my choice if I've got to have a Republican POTUS in 2016. He's almost as liberal as I am and he'd likely put people like you in your place if he was ever elected...

Such is the dream of the typical Loony Leftist who expects of our elected officials that they put people in their place.

You, least of all, have the room to refer to anyone - including Forrest Gump - as an idiot, Moron.
Next person to pass Carson, good luck!
That's why smart campaigns try to hang back in about third place or so in the early stages: to cut down on the length of time they have to take media flak.

...And to save their campaign funds for the spring primaries.

Meanwhile a young, good-looking, Hispanic Floridian is growing and learning before our very eyes and coming up fast on the rail to challenge whichever old, white Dem gets that nomination.

I am not sure if Rubio is trying to become president, or setting the groundwork for 2020/24.

In any case, his political future is the brightest one in the race.
...Please know.....however....that next to Kasich.....Trump is my choice if I've got to have a Republican POTUS in 2016. He's almost as liberal as I am and he'd likely put people like you in your place if he was ever elected...

Such is the dream of the typical Loony Leftist who expects of our elected officials that they put people in their place.

You, least of all, have the room to refer to anyone - including Forrest Gump - as an idiot, Moron.

Is that right? really told me! Brutal. I'm gonna go cry now.

Trump is very capable of telling nutjobs that he thinks they are nutjobs. you won't like that very much.
Next person to pass Carson, good luck!
That's why smart campaigns try to hang back in about third place or so in the early stages: to cut down on the length of time they have to take media flak.

...And to save their campaign funds for the spring primaries.

Meanwhile a young, good-looking, Hispanic Floridian is growing and learning before our very eyes and coming up fast on the rail to challenge whichever old, white Dem gets that nomination.

I am not sure if Rubio is trying to become president, or setting the groundwork for 2020/24.

In any case, his political future is the brightest one in the race.

He doesn't have it. Listen to his speeches. He has that sing-song whine that people who aren't sure of themselves have. Same as Romney. It's as if they both make speeches while pleading for the audience to agree with them.

It's not appealing.
Next person to pass Carson, good luck!
That's why smart campaigns try to hang back in about third place or so in the early stages: to cut down on the length of time they have to take media flak.

...And to save their campaign funds for the spring primaries.

Meanwhile a young, good-looking, Hispanic Floridian is growing and learning before our very eyes and coming up fast on the rail to challenge whichever old, white Dem gets that nomination.

I am not sure if Rubio is trying to become president, or setting the groundwork for 2020/24.

In any case, his political future is the brightest one in the race.

A Dem victory in 2016 means 8 more years of wandering in the desert.

I doubt Rubio wants to wait that long or that he would sentence us to such a fate.
that as soon as Carson passed Trump in the polls, the media went from Trump to Carson?
And the people just follow right along lol

What I noticed too was that the media has never delved into anyone's past like they have Carson's. Certainly, the media has had a hands-off approach to Obama's past. They won't even bring up his college records. Being an educated Black Conservative brings out the worst in the media bias.

This has been asked a million times by a million people, but never adequately answered. Aside from GW (whose records were leaked) when has a candidate's college records ever been brought into question? Why only Obama's?
Was it HS or college when Romney pick on that guy?
Next person to pass Carson, good luck!
That's why smart campaigns try to hang back in about third place or so in the early stages: to cut down on the length of time they have to take media flak.

...And to save their campaign funds for the spring primaries.

Meanwhile a young, good-looking, Hispanic Floridian is growing and learning before our very eyes and coming up fast on the rail to challenge whichever old, white Dem gets that nomination.

I am not sure if Rubio is trying to become president, or setting the groundwork for 2020/24.

In any case, his political future is the brightest one in the race.

He doesn't have it. Listen to his speeches. He has that sing-song whine that people who aren't sure of themselves have. Same as Romney. It's as if they both make speeches while pleading for the audience to agree with them.

It's not appealing.
Compared to Hilderbeast's screeching??
Next person to pass Carson, good luck!
That's why smart campaigns try to hang back in about third place or so in the early stages: to cut down on the length of time they have to take media flak.

...And to save their campaign funds for the spring primaries.

Meanwhile a young, good-looking, Hispanic Floridian is growing and learning before our very eyes and coming up fast on the rail to challenge whichever old, white Dem gets that nomination.

I am not sure if Rubio is trying to become president, or setting the groundwork for 2020/24.

In any case, his political future is the brightest one in the race.

He doesn't have it. Listen to his speeches. He has that sing-song whine that people who aren't sure of themselves have. Same as Romney. It's as if they both make speeches while pleading for the audience to agree with them.

It's not appealing.
Compared to Hilderbeast's screeching??

If made to listen to that for 8 years I will gouge my eye out with an oyster fork.
that as soon as Carson passed Trump in the polls, the media went from Trump to Carson?
And the people just follow right along lol
That's the"media's job .
It's been that way since "media"was created.
You dening that is what's really funny.

The media's job is to REPORT the news not CREATE the news
False, when a story is breaks all the facts who ,what, where, why and when must be gathered , fact checked, Arranged.
That's creating the news .
Also if there is a story behind the story that is also created.
One more thing how something is reported is also creation
Sometimes the news is the news.
that as soon as Carson passed Trump in the polls, the media went from Trump to Carson?
And the people just follow right along lol
That's the"media's job .
It's been that way since "media"was created.
You dening that is what's really funny.

Funny....I dont remember the media trashing obammy during the last two elections.
Nothing credible to trash.
So you're saying that fox and all other conservative "media" weren't trashing obama for the last 7 years.
If it wasn't trashing what was it?
that as soon as Carson passed Trump in the polls, the media went from Trump to Carson?
And the people just follow right along lol
That's the"media's job .
It's been that way since "media"was created.
You dening that is what's really funny.

Funny....I dont remember the media trashing obammy during the last two elections.
Nothing credible to trash.
So you're saying that fox and all other conservative "media" weren't trashing obama for the last 7 years.
If it wasn't trashing what was it?

You make the mistake of confusing the MSM with FOX.
The alphabet networks are supposed to be for the masses to learn the truth about all aspects of our political process and should not be corrupted by the networks political leanings.
They failed in this endeavor giving birth to conservative radio and TV.
Had the lame stream media help to their duty to be bipartisan we wouldnt be having this discussion.

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