Anyone else notice

that as soon as Carson passed Trump in the polls, the media went from Trump to Carson?
And the people just follow right along lol
That's the"media's job .
It's been that way since "media"was created.
You dening that is what's really funny.

Funny....I dont remember the media trashing obammy during the last two elections.
Nothing credible to trash.
So you're saying that fox and all other conservative "media" weren't trashing obama for the last 7 years.
If it wasn't trashing what was it?

You make the mistake of confusing the MSM with FOX.
The alphabet networks are supposed to be for the masses to learn the truth about all aspects of our political process and should not be corrupted by the networks political leanings.
They failed in this endeavor giving birth to conservative radio and TV.
Had the lame stream media help to their duty to be bipartisan we wouldnt be having this discussion.
Golly captain massive rationalization!
that as soon as Carson passed Trump in the polls, the media went from Trump to Carson?
And the people just follow right along lol
That's the"media's job .
It's been that way since "media"was created.
You dening that is what's really funny.

Funny....I dont remember the media trashing obammy during the last two elections.
Nothing credible to trash.
So you're saying that fox and all other conservative "media" weren't trashing obama for the last 7 years.
If it wasn't trashing what was it?

You make the mistake of confusing the MSM with FOX.
The alphabet networks are supposed to be for the masses to learn the truth about all aspects of our political process and should not be corrupted by the networks political leanings.
They failed in this endeavor giving birth to conservative radio and TV.
Had the lame stream media help to their duty to be bipartisan we wouldnt be having this discussion.
Golly captain massive rationalization!

I accept your capitulation...
* so Ben Carson says he was held at gunpoint at a 'Popeye's establishment', & takes the heat off himself by pointing out some poor pimply teenager behind the counter to rob instead... just a couple days after the campus shooting where Carson bloviated about what he would do in that situation (by rushing the gunman).... surely opens himself up to scrutiny.

Is that really being scrutinized unfairly, & harassed???

* so Ben Carson, in his own words, confesses to hitting his mama with a hammer, others with rocks & a baseball bat, & attempted to stab 'a friend' in the crotch & it's NOT going to be investigated & reported on? Why can't anybody be found that can corroborate his statements? Which is more pathological? Actually being that violent or making that shit up to get 'street cred'?

Is that really being scrutinized unfairly, & harassed???

* so Ben says he never hawked for the supplement 'Mannetech' claiming it cured all kinds of ailments, including his prostate cancer... yet he's on video doing exactly that, & had surgery to rid himself of cancer... but when he's questioned about it...

Is that really being scrutinized unfairly, & harassed???

* so when Ben says in his book that he was awarded a scholarship to West Point... & the academy never does such a thing... & he's questioned about it...

Is that really being scrutinized unfairly, & harassed???

* if Ben has a malpractice suit against him involving him leaving a sponge inside a patient's head after performing brain surgery.... & he's questioned about it...

Is that really being scrutinized unfairly, & harassed???

LOL. gimmee a break.
that as soon as Carson passed Trump in the polls, the media went from Trump to Carson?
And the people just follow right along lol
That's the"media's job .
It's been that way since "media"was created.
You dening that is what's really funny.

The media's job is to REPORT the news not CREATE the news

Wrong. If the media's only job was to report the news Rush Limbaugh wouldn't have a job.
Obama got hammered by the media for over a month about the Reverend Wright non-story to the point where Obama responded with a speech on race, which, btw, effectively ended the media witch hunt,

except of course in the RWnut media, where witch hunts never end.
that as soon as Carson passed Trump in the polls, the media went from Trump to Carson?
And the people just follow right along lol
Anyone else notice that's always what happens?
Is it happening now? With the left?

Hillary has been scrutinized since the day Bill announced his candidacy & hasn't stopped since.

They tried with Bernie, but the only thing worth noting was a small blurb written within an essay for a college paper.
that as soon as Carson passed Trump in the polls, the media went from Trump to Carson?
And the people just follow right along lol
Anyone else notice that's always what happens?
Is it happening now? With the left?

Hillary has been scrutinized since the day Bill announced his candidacy & hasn't stopped since.

They tried with Bernie, but the only thing worth noting was a small blurb written within an essay for a college paper.
Obama got hammered by the media for over a month about the Reverend Wright non-story to the point where Obama responded with a speech on race, which, btw, effectively ended the media witch hunt,

except of course in the RWnut media, where witch hunts never end.
Yes, because Obama and his racial issues are made up. He doesn't irrationally send aides to funerals of victims of cop murders before the evidence even comes out, does he? He is a divider and if you don't see that, you are plain delusional.
that as soon as Carson passed Trump in the polls, the media went from Trump to Carson?
And the people just follow right along lol

What I noticed too was that the media has never delved into anyone's past like they have Carson's. Certainly, the media has had a hands-off approach to Obama's past. They won't even bring up his college records. Being an educated Black Conservative brings out the worst in the media bias.

This has been asked a million times by a million people, but never adequately answered. Aside from GW (whose records were leaked) when has a candidate's college records ever been brought into question? Why only Obama's?
Cuz his are supposedly sealed.
It's really that Trump has been getting his talking points out, and Carson seems unable to really refute them. Scholarship or not, where was Westmoreland? Who did Carson try to stab/cut? He tried to hit his mother with a hammer?! WTF

Trump is going at this like it was a two party general election, and he's "murdering" the good doctor in media manipulation .... which all candidates try to manipulate. The gop used to get so mad at Slick for managing the message.

And meanwhile Rubio is rubbing out Jeb.

Maybe they have a secret deal. Rubio gets to be vp for four years, then some fancy think tank gig with millions of dolllars, and he's set to run any time in the next 20 years. (-:
Carson's mom claimed that she was the one who tried to hit Ben with the hammer. So either he's not remembering it correctly or she's protecting him. Either way no one got hit with a hammer.

Carson was just trying to show he had a bad temper. But now he's calm.
that as soon as Carson passed Trump in the polls, the media went from Trump to Carson?
And the people just follow right along lol

What I noticed too was that the media has never delved into anyone's past like they have Carson's. Certainly, the media has had a hands-off approach to Obama's past. They won't even bring up his college records. Being an educated Black Conservative brings out the worst in the media bias.

This has been asked a million times by a million people, but never adequately answered. Aside from GW (whose records were leaked) when has a candidate's college records ever been brought into question? Why only Obama's?
Cuz his are supposedly sealed.
They aren't. There is no way to seal the records without a court order. It's just illegal for Harvard to release them without Obama's permission. In fact Bush refused to release his.
that as soon as Carson passed Trump in the polls, the media went from Trump to Carson?
And the people just follow right along lol

What I noticed too was that the media has never delved into anyone's past like they have Carson's. Certainly, the media has had a hands-off approach to Obama's past. They won't even bring up his college records. Being an educated Black Conservative brings out the worst in the media bias.

This has been asked a million times by a million people, but never adequately answered. Aside from GW (whose records were leaked) when has a candidate's college records ever been brought into question? Why only Obama's?
Cuz his are supposedly sealed.
They aren't. There is no way to seal the records without a court order. It's just illegal for Harvard to release them without Obama's permission. In fact Bush refused to release his.

Go ahead and be truthful though. Once Bush's records were accessed, he released them.
that as soon as Carson passed Trump in the polls, the media went from Trump to Carson?
And the people just follow right along lol

What I noticed too was that the media has never delved into anyone's past like they have Carson's. Certainly, the media has had a hands-off approach to Obama's past. They won't even bring up his college records. Being an educated Black Conservative brings out the worst in the media bias.

This has been asked a million times by a million people, but never adequately answered. Aside from GW (whose records were leaked) when has a candidate's college records ever been brought into question? Why only Obama's?
Cuz his are supposedly sealed.
They aren't. There is no way to seal the records without a court order. It's just illegal for Harvard to release them without Obama's permission. In fact Bush refused to release his.
But Bush's got leaked and Obama's didn't?
The left media and Dems hope to get rid of Carson, before the primary. They hope Trump is the candidate for one of 2 reasons. They know his checkered past is best reserved for when he gets the nomination, if he does, or they know he is a donkey in elephant clothing. If it is the former, and he gets it, the guns will be blazing the very second it happens.
If the guns don't blaze, then you can rest assured he is the latter.
that as soon as Carson passed Trump in the polls, the media went from Trump to Carson?
And the people just follow right along lol

What I noticed too was that the media has never delved into anyone's past like they have Carson's. Certainly, the media has had a hands-off approach to Obama's past. They won't even bring up his college records. Being an educated Black Conservative brings out the worst in the media bias.
that as soon as Carson passed Trump in the polls, the media went from Trump to Carson?
And the people just follow right along lol

What I noticed too was that the media has never delved into anyone's past like they have Carson's. Certainly, the media has had a hands-off approach to Obama's past. They won't even bring up his college records. Being an educated Black Conservative brings out the worst in the media bias.

This has been asked a million times by a million people, but never adequately answered. Aside from GW (whose records were leaked) when has a candidate's college records ever been brought into question? Why only Obama's?
Cuz his are supposedly sealed.
They aren't. There is no way to seal the records without a court order. It's just illegal for Harvard to release them without Obama's permission. In fact Bush refused to release his.
But Bush's got leaked and Obama's didn't?
As far as I know Bush was the only president whose were ever leaked.
What I noticed too was that the media has never delved into anyone's past like they have Carson's. Certainly, the media has had a hands-off approach to Obama's past. They won't even bring up his college records. Being an educated Black Conservative brings out the worst in the media bias.

This has been asked a million times by a million people, but never adequately answered. Aside from GW (whose records were leaked) when has a candidate's college records ever been brought into question? Why only Obama's?
Cuz his are supposedly sealed.
They aren't. There is no way to seal the records without a court order. It's just illegal for Harvard to release them without Obama's permission. In fact Bush refused to release his.
But Bush's got leaked and Obama's didn't?
As far as I know Bush was the only president whose were ever leaked.
Ya. That's fucked. I'd love to see Obama's records just for fun.
* so Ben Carson, in his own words, confesses to hitting his mama with a hammer, others with rocks & a baseball bat, & attempted to stab 'a friend' in the crotch & it's NOT going to be investigated & reported on? Why can't anybody be found that can corroborate his statements? Which is more pathological? Actually being that violent or making that shit up to get 'street cred'?
On what planet does a Presidetial Canadate need THAT kind of "street cred"? It's called full disclosure, he believed, as do I, that these things help to tell his story. Who he is, where he came from, and why he is the way he is.
* so when Ben says in his book that he was awarded a scholarship to West Point
I recently read his book, did you? He never said he was awarded a scholarship, Only that it was made clear to him that it was a OPTION, if he chose to go there, which he didn't.
If you are just going to spew more lies and baseless liberal attacks then please stop talking.

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