Anyone else notice

That's the"media's job .
It's been that way since "media"was created.
You dening that is what's really funny.

Funny....I dont remember the media trashing obammy during the last two elections.
Nothing credible to trash.
So you're saying that fox and all other conservative "media" weren't trashing obama for the last 7 years.
If it wasn't trashing what was it?

You make the mistake of confusing the MSM with FOX.
The alphabet networks are supposed to be for the masses to learn the truth about all aspects of our political process and should not be corrupted by the networks political leanings.
They failed in this endeavor giving birth to conservative radio and TV.
Had the lame stream media help to their duty to be bipartisan we wouldnt be having this discussion.
Golly captain massive rationalization!

I accept your capitulation...
Wrongly. Fox is as are all media part of the MSN
Dening that is proof of republican desperation.
It's awesome, isn't it?

These nutbags actually think Carson is getting special treatment from the media. It is as if they have never witnessed an election cycle before.

The victims have been whining on overtime.

Not really. He's leading Hillary in several polls. It's you Liberals that are scared and whining.

He's not going to be your nominee. Your guys will destroy him first. He'll be lucky to make it past New Hampshire.
This I will agree with. I mean look at Jebby trying to take down Rubio. Republicans are their own worst enemy.
that as soon as Carson passed Trump in the polls, the media went from Trump to Carson?
And the people just follow right along lol
That's the"media's job .
It's been that way since "media"was created.
You dening that is what's really funny.
Good, then you can give us the MSM link to the lies in Dreams of My Father, what the community organizer really did, what his college records look like, his ties to terrorists, etc etc.
that as soon as Carson passed Trump in the polls, the media went from Trump to Carson?
And the people just follow right along lol

What I noticed too was that the media has never delved into anyone's past like they have Carson's. Certainly, the media has had a hands-off approach to Obama's past. They won't even bring up his college records. Being an educated Black Conservative brings out the worst in the media bias.


Those are just 4 articles from one publication outside the right wing propaganda noise machine that covered issues "important" to conservatives.
that as soon as Carson passed Trump in the polls, the media went from Trump to Carson?
And the people just follow right along lol

What I noticed too was that the media has never delved into anyone's past like they have Carson's. Certainly, the media has had a hands-off approach to Obama's past. They won't even bring up his college records. Being an educated Black Conservative brings out the worst in the media bias.


Those are just 4 articles from one publication outside the right wing propaganda noise machine that covered issues "important" to conservatives.

OMG!! Four? Really???
that as soon as Carson passed Trump in the polls, the media went from Trump to Carson?
And the people just follow right along lol
That's the"media's job .
It's been that way since "media"was created.
You dening that is what's really funny.
Good, then you can give us the MSM link to the lies in Dreams of My Father, what the community organizer really did, what his college records look like, his ties to terrorists, etc etc.

What lies?

He used some literary techniques to protect people's identities.

And was extensively covered.

Obama's Composite Girlfriend: How Politico and Drudge Created Fake News
Dreams From My Father

Google broke?
that as soon as Carson passed Trump in the polls, the media went from Trump to Carson?
And the people just follow right along lol

What I noticed too was that the media has never delved into anyone's past like they have Carson's. Certainly, the media has had a hands-off approach to Obama's past. They won't even bring up his college records. Being an educated Black Conservative brings out the worst in the media bias.


Those are just 4 articles from one publication outside the right wing propaganda noise machine that covered issues "important" to conservatives.

OMG!! Four? Really???

Those are from the same publication.

And there are works for you too.
that as soon as Carson passed Trump in the polls, the media went from Trump to Carson?
And the people just follow right along lol
That's the"media's job .
It's been that way since "media"was created.
You dening that is what's really funny.
Good, then you can give us the MSM link to the lies in Dreams of My Father, what the community organizer really did, what his college records look like, his ties to terrorists, etc etc.

What lies?

He used some literary techniques to protect people's identities.

And was extensively covered.

Obama's Composite Girlfriend: How Politico and Drudge Created Fake News
Dreams From My Father

Google broke?
Oh? And what did the community organizer actually do, what of his ties to terrorists, his crazy pastor, how'd a community organizer afford a huge home, etc etc?

Funny how you link to an article defending Obama, my point exactly.
We are in control of your television. We are in control of your video and your audio. We are in control of what you read. We will give you your marching orders and tell you what to think and say. We are in control of your mind, your thoughts. We are your Democrat Party.
Amazing the defense that comes to such a simple observation. You people got it BAD :lol:
that as soon as Carson passed Trump in the polls, the media went from Trump to Carson?
And the people just follow right along lol
That's the"media's job .
It's been that way since "media"was created.
You dening that is what's really funny.
Good, then you can give us the MSM link to the lies in Dreams of My Father, what the community organizer really did, what his college records look like, his ties to terrorists, etc etc.

What lies?

He used some literary techniques to protect people's identities.

And was extensively covered.

Obama's Composite Girlfriend: How Politico and Drudge Created Fake News
Dreams From My Father

Google broke?
Oh? And what did the community organizer actually do, what of his ties to terrorists, his crazy pastor, how'd a community organizer afford a huge home, etc etc?

Funny how you link to an article defending Obama, my point exactly.

What terrorist? Bill Ayers?

Ayers did nothing more than set off an explosive on public property. The same thing is done by folks on the fourth of July and plenty of destroyed much more public property. College football riots of caused more damage than Ayers.

Carson, by the way, ADMITTED to attempted murder.

I mean, not only ADMITTED it, but is fighting claims to the opposite.

Perhaps that's why the Supreme court appointed the first President with a criminal Record - George W. Bush.

Cause when it's an actual criminal, so long as it's a conservative? You guys could care less.
I bet there's some new news today too ... any takers?

that as soon as Carson passed Trump in the polls, the media went from Trump to Carson?
And the people just follow right along lol
That's the"media's job .
It's been that way since "media"was created.
You dening that is what's really funny.
Good, then you can give us the MSM link to the lies in Dreams of My Father, what the community organizer really did, what his college records look like, his ties to terrorists, etc etc.
Google search challenged are we?
We are in control of your television. We are in control of your video and your audio. We are in control of what you read. We will give you your marching orders and tell you what to think and say. We are in control of your mind, your thoughts. We are your Democrat Party.
Bad parody of the outer limits opening monolog to cover obvious fear.
Besides that Obama will be yesterday's news a year from now , so what's the point?
Oh! that's right you assholes have none!
What I noticed too was that the media has never delved into anyone's past like they have Carson's. Certainly, the media has had a hands-off approach to Obama's past. They won't even bring up his college records. Being an educated Black Conservative brings out the worst in the media bias.

You said, "Certainly, the media has had a hands-off approach to Obama's past."

Yes, they have completely ignored people like President Obama. It just came out recently that he may have not been born in the US and might not be a citizen to say nothing about his earlier associations with unsavory characters! They gave him a free pass on those other things through two whole elections that are just coming to light now. How very, very perceptive of you to notice the media have failed to delve into Obama's life until now!
You do understand Obama is not running for president?
Appears to me we would have plenty of money were the war-mongering Obama not having us involved in THREE wars right now. Is he blood-thirsty or what?

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