Anyone here tired of "too much winning" yet?

I know orange exists. I simply believe he's been a rather shitty president thus far.
That's because you're an immature and idiotic partisan hack. It's less than 100 days into his first administration - what has he done that's been "shitty"? Returned power to the states? Created jobs? Approved the Keystone Pipeline? Renegotiated trade agreements in favor of the U.S.? Repealed illegal and burdensome regulations on small business?

If that's your idea of "shitty" you're a bigger moron than we all thought. The fact is - you're just another immature, idealistic, idiotic left-wing asshole who will proclaim anyone with an "R" behind their name to be "shitty". Now go away and let the adults talks, ok?
He promised a repeal and replacement on Day one. It has yet to happen.
And if Congress had a repeal bill sitting on his desk the day of his inauguration, he would have signed it. They didn't. That has nothing to do with him.

Its. Your. Party's. Fault. Dumbass. orange works for your party. Can you understand that, Jethro?'re getting closer at least. It is the fault of the Republican Party for not having that bill on his desk to sign. But President Trump doesn't work for the Republican Party, you dimwit. He works for the American people.

In fact, nobody in government "works for" the Republican Party, nitwit. They don't write checks to government officials.

You're not American, are you? You're another idiot socialist foreigner coming to this board to complain about our freedom, aren't you? You have no idea how U.S. government functions.
where's the wall 'patriot'?
Executive Order has been signed, my fragile little snowflake. A wall that size can't be built in under 100 days. When it is under construction, will you return to USMB and admit to everyone that you're a partisan hack and a liar?

And are you ready for the real gem here? I'm 100% against the wall. I actually hope it doesn't get built. I think that money would be better spent on technology (drones, satellites, etc.) to stop illegals from crossing over. But then again, I'm not a partisan hack like you are.

President Trump has delivered on every campaign promise he's made - and that's what has has you "triggered" right now. Grab your coloring books and your play-doh sweetie. You're in for a long 8 years.

haaaaaaaa....... did his EO demand that mexico still pay for it? because his (R) house will not fund it. nor do i care whether you wanted a wall or not although i suspect you thought he could lead his CONgress into getting 'er done. he outright LIED about it from start to finish. he only did that to get his diehard doffus' to vote for him because he was gonna do soooooooooooooo many things on day 1. he actually thought he could, because that is what the dictators do & he even thought he would hold healthcare hostage to get it. he bragged about the first 100 days & now that it's here--- of course he flipped & says it's meaningless. just like everything he says.

where's the wall?
where's the ACA repeal & replace?
where's the infrastructure bill?
tax reform?
jobs bill?

he ran on it. he promised it. he failed can someone "fail" less than 100 days in to their presidency on something that isn't even under their jurisdiction? President Trump has a guaranteed 4 years and likely 8 years in the White House (very few sitting presidents have been defeated) - come talk to me about his accomplishments when he's no longer President.
where's the wall?
Keep your feminist granny panties on, snowflake. The Executive Order has been issued. The wall is coming (something you'll never experience :laugh: )

he won't last two years. for someone who didn't want the wall, but is cheerleading like hell for his dear leader to get it cannot be anymore funnier than you are right now. oh thanx for the laugh this morning. :lmao:
How small is Trump ? He is this small...he was tired of others winning awards while he is mocked as a Nut bag...

Trump vetoes Carter tribute in Argentina
Source: Buenos Aires Herald

Argentine President Mauricio Macri reverted a decision to award former U.S. President Jimmy Carter the Order of the Liberator General San Martín - the maximum distinction the country can give to a foreign person.

The reversal followed pressure from President Donald Trump's administration, CNN reported this week.

The official tribute, which had already been published in the foreign ministry's Official Gazette, was cancelled after receiving a specific request by the U.S. government, which suggested it would be better to delay it.

Carter was to be given the award for his work in promoting human rights during Argentina's last military dictatorship, in power between 1976 and 1983. According to an official, 1984 Argentine report, deaths by forced disappearance slowed from 3,600 in 1976 to just 46 in 1980.

After being informed about the decision, the Argentine Foreign Ministry again requested that President Macri give the award in spite of Trumps opposition since it had already been made official, according to an anonymous foreign ministry official consulted by CNN's David Cox.

Read more: Trump vetoes Carter tribute
Patriot - just curious how you feel about them thar poor trailor park unfortunates (that aren't on public assistance) giving their hard earned tax dollars to pay for trump's southern whitehouse trips that have been pretty much every single weekend since the election?
The same exact way I felt about Barack Obama doing it - appalled. The real question is: why did you support Barack Obama traveling all over the world for fun but lose your shit when President Trump does it? :dunno:

lol.... comparing the two. how quaint. so how many 'fun' trips did obama take... meeting, working with leaders, & still maintaining close ties with our allies & freaking them out with the possibility of a nuclear war?

lol... 'fun'.....
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trump thought that being president would be easier than his old life.

^^^ right there - tells you how delusional he is ^^^

he has surrounded himself with 'yes men' all his life & now it's different.

& it's certainly showing just how incompetent he really is.

verb: fail

  1. be unsuccessful in achieving one's goal.

  2. neglect to do something.

  1. a grade that is not high enough to pass an examination or test.
An ungodly amount. Averaged 41 golf outings per year (there are only 52 weeks in a year), traveled to Hawaii or Martha's Vineyard constantly, and of course his wife and daughters loved Europe.

Donald Trump goes golfing five more times than Barack Obama so far .

Trump Tops Obama, Bush and Clinton in Golfing and Private ...

Obama averaged around $12.1 million a year during his presidency, or about $97 million during his two terms. If President Trump keeps vacationing at this rate, he will surpass Obama’s eight-year total in a mere 10 months.

An ungodly amount. Averaged 41 golf outings per year (there are only 52 weeks in a year), traveled to Hawaii or Martha's Vineyard constantly, and of course his wife and daughters loved Europe.

Donald Trump goes golfing five more times than Barack Obama so far .

Trump Tops Obama, Bush and Clinton in Golfing and Private ...

Obama averaged around $12.1 million a year during his presidency, or about $97 million during his two terms. If President Trump keeps vacationing at this rate, he will surpass Obama’s eight-year total in a mere 10 months.
Yep. And unlike you with Obama - I have called President Trump out on this. I've stated that he needs to get his ass in the Oval Office where it belongs.
As we enter the last week of the "illustrious" Trump administration's first 100 days, the question arises as to how really tired we must be of so much "winning".....

A simple search of what was accomplished by Obama in his first 100 days, should yield some comparable data to Trump's nascent tenure.

Bear in mind what Obama was facing in his inheritance of the GWB economy woes, and what was inherited by Trump regarding job creation, Wall Street gauges and energy sources' stability.....Also, bear in mind the makeup of party affiliation in congress between these two recent presidents.

So, the question is a simple one: Are you yet tired of so much winning?

/---- Nope and I won't be while he's in office
so how many 'fun' trips did obama take?
An ungodly amount. Averaged 41 golf outings per year (there are only 52 weeks in a year), traveled to Hawaii or Martha's Vineyard constantly, and of course his wife and daughters loved Europe.

oh give it up. with the speed to which your whining yam has been golfing @ his very own mar-a-lago on the taxpayer's dime - will be off the fucking charts compared to obama. isn't he a billionaire? he could pay for it & it wouldn't even pop a pimple on his fat golfing ass.

but he'd rather take it

from you.

& you are gladly bending over...

grabbing your ankles...

& askin' for more.


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An ungodly amount. Averaged 41 golf outings per year (there are only 52 weeks in a year), traveled to Hawaii or Martha's Vineyard constantly, and of course his wife and daughters loved Europe.

Donald Trump goes golfing five more times than Barack Obama so far .

Trump Tops Obama, Bush and Clinton in Golfing and Private ...

Obama averaged around $12.1 million a year during his presidency, or about $97 million during his two terms. If President Trump keeps vacationing at this rate, he will surpass Obama’s eight-year total in a mere 10 months.
Yep. And unlike you with Obama - I have called President Trump out on this. I've stated that he needs to get his ass in the Oval Office where it belongs.

he needs to be in jail.

a senate investigation re: russia.

a house investigation re: russia.

& not one...but TWO. yes, count them... 2

FBI investigations hovering over the orange snakeoil grifting salesman..

obama? zero. & hillary isn't under the microscope either for that matter.

oh what fun you are to bat around, patsy. :spinner:
gladly bending over... grabbing your ankles...& askin' for more. *smack*
How long have you had these fantasies about President Trump? Women are attracted to power - did it start when you were a young girl due to his success or did it manifest itself only after he became president?
he needs to be in jail.
Snowflake...your inability to handle losing gracefully due to a life of being handed participation trophies is not grounds for President Trump to be in "jail". :laugh:

your pussy grabbing pussy leader couldn't even take a roast from the media.

whaaaaaaaaaa................... oh & he's outa his fucking poorly educated mind.
gladly bending over... grabbing your ankles...& askin' for more. *smack*
How long have you had these fantasies about President Trump? Women are attracted to power - did it start when you were a young girl due to his success or did it manifest itself only after he became president?

lame, patsy. you know his 3 whores were attracted to his cash.

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