Anyone here tired of "too much winning" yet?

He tried to negotiate.
He's the executive branch - he didn't (nor should he) "negotiate" bills which are the responsibility of the legislative branch. You need to go study how your government actually functions. It's a shame you don't know - that is your responsibility as a citizen.
WHICH party is against unions...WHICH party is against raising the minimum wage, WHICH party tells the "little man",,,,,"screw you, find your own HC insurance".......Should I go on????LOL
Which asshole on USMB claims others are from a "trailer park" when he wants to attempt to degrade and insult them? (Nathalie!)

Which asshole on USMB can't get over the fact that the American people elected Donald Trump as President of the United States? (Nathalie!)

Which asshole on USMB keeps lying about everything pertaining to President Trump? (Nathalie!)

Which asshole fragile snowflake on USMB is "triggered" by facts? (Nathalie!)

Which asshole on USMB has become my personal bitch? (Nathalie!)

He tried to negotiate.
He's the executive branch - he didn't (nor should he) "negotiate" bills which are the responsibility of the legislative branch. You need to go study how your government actually functions. It's a shame you don't know - that is your responsibility as a citizen.

No. He did try meeting with Republican lawmakers to get something passed. Nothing happened.

Also, if Congress didn't get a bill to his desk on day one, perhaps he shouldn't have made such an outlandish claim.
WHICH party is against unions...
The Republicans! Because, unlike the Dumbocrats, the Republicans are educated. They understand basic economics and basic business. They understand how unions artificially inflate wages, create unsustainable cost of labor, steal from the little guy in the from of "union dues", and eventually lead to bankruptcy (just ask GM).
WHICH party is against raising the minimum wage
The Republicans! Because, unlike the Dumbocrats, the Republicans are educated. They understand basic economics and basic business. They understand how raising the minimum wage does nothing but take low-wage jobs and turn them into no-wage jobs. They understand that business owners don't eat cost (including labor costs). They pass it on to the consumer - which means higher prices. Which means the few minimum wage workers who are still employed (albeit with less hours) after the increase are no further ahead because everything costs more, stupid. :laugh:
WHICH party tells the "little man",,,,,"screw you, find your own HC insurance"
The Republicans! Because, unlike the Dumbocrats, the Republicans are educated. They understand this thing called the U.S. Constitution restricts the federal government to 18 enumerated powers - and healthcare is not one of them.
Should I go on????LOL
Please do! Every time you speak, you embarrass yourself, your ideology, and your party. Here is a reality for you, snowflake:

Also, if Congress didn't get a bill to his desk on day one, perhaps he shouldn't have made such an outlandish claim.
It's not a "claim". He was ready to sign in day one. He made that known so that Congress could get it done. The failed to do so. That's on Congress - not President Trump.
Work harder, snowflake.
Look at the unimaginative, micro-aggressed snowflake resort to the "I'm rubber - you're glue" defense. :lmao:

Snowflake - you can't assign that term to conservatives. That's exclusively reserved for you fragile left-wing hatriots who need coloring books and play-doh (like small children) every time you don't get your way in life.
Look who says dump us doing a great job and you can see exactly who will be hurt the most by him. And they KNOW it.
If we're abiding by the U.S. Constitution - the President of the United States has zero ability to impact the average citizen. He can't set tax rates (only Congress can do that). He can't create legislation (only Congress can do that). He can't repeal legislation (only Congress can do that).

So if President Trump has the ability to "hurt" citizens, that's only made possible by you left-wing fascists shredding the U.S. Constitution and consolidating powers into the White House. Oops...
you suck as a troll.
That's because I'm not "trolling", snowflake. You just supported that reality. You're inability to dispute the facts left you with literally nothing left to say except to change the subject and focus on a personal attack.

haaa....... uh-huh. i have figured out you are a troll quite a while ago on another thread when confronted about bible verses.... you had zero to say except regurgitated replies. yu got that straight outa trump's playbook. you really cannot defend your overlord's LACK of winning because short of the SC pick- & that has been in the works for 18 months- it mattered not what (R) prez was installed. yes, sweetcakes - it was a ban. trump said so. his mook guliani said so. no matter how you slice & dice it...

trump failed twice.

where's the wall 'patriot'???

He pushed for it and tried to negotiate a repeal and couldn't.
You're right - he can't. Because he's in the executive branch and only the legislative branch can repeal Obamacare. Learn how your own government functions before commenting. Please.

he ran on it. he promised it. he failed at getting his CONgress to act efficiently. he's a failed leader.

where's the wall?
Look who says dump us doing a great job and you can see exactly who will be hurt the most by him. And they KNOW it.
If we're abiding by the U.S. Constitution - the President of the United States has zero ability to impact the average citizen. He can't set tax rates (only Congress can do that). He can't create legislation (only Congress can do that). He can't repeal legislation (only Congress can do that).

So if President Trump has the ability to "hurt" citizens, that's only made possible by you left-wing fascists shredding the U.S. Constitution and consolidating powers into the White House. Oops...

he's a (R). the senate is (R). the house is (R).

that makes him a failed leader.

where's the wall?
Even the media is acknowledging that he has delivered on every promise that he made that he has control over.
The empty praise is palpable.
Your inability to accept reality is equally as palpable...

Oh, I accept reality just fine. It's your constant spin on this shit show administration that defies reality. You're nothing but a partisan hack. A fucking cheerleader. Sad!

i never get tired of posting this.... such blind loyalty..... no matter how fucked in the head their dear leader is or how his fans bend over & grab their ankles for him....

Are those "experts" in that same trailer park we already spoke about ??? LOL
Look at the progressive belittle people who don't have much and are struggling to get by in life. Typical of a left-winger.

the ones that are stupid enough to think that trump is their savior & voted for him despite everything that has come out even before the election deserve every bit of mocking & ridicule they get.

tell me.... when trump attempted to drive an old lady from her home thru eminent domain; demolish & pave over it , so he can have a parking lot for one of his casinos....

was that looking out for the avg. working man or senior citizens?

google: vera coking if you want to learn all about it..

<pssst> your beloved anus faced tribblehead failed at that too.
Work harder, snowflake.
Look at the unimaginative, micro-aggressed snowflake resort to the "I'm rubber - you're glue" defense. :lmao:

Snowflake - you can't assign that term to conservatives. That's exclusively reserved for you fragile left-wing hatriots who need coloring books and play-doh (like small children) every time you don't get your way in life.

you need to study up on what sarcasm looks like....
i seriously doubt comrade drumpf will still be in office by the midterms... but whether he is, or pence is after the impeachment... or we even have paul ryan.... they are gonna be cut & will become a eunuch

.i love being called a snowflake. this is what happens when snowflakes get angry & gather in strength.


2018 is really not that far off because the next election cycle will actually be starting after the summer.
Patriot - just curious how you feel about them thar poor trailor park unfortunates (that aren't on public assistance) giving their hard earned tax dollars to pay for trump's southern whitehouse trips that have been pretty much every single weekend since the election?

how about paying for melania to stay in NYC so she doesn't have to sleep with the bloated orange clown?

how about all the trips his offspring are taking & the security detail it demands?

NONE of that is coming out of the trumps' own pockets. they are grifters & suckers don't even care.

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