Anyone here tired of "too much winning" yet?

Also, if Congress didn't get a bill to his desk on day one, perhaps he shouldn't have made such an outlandish claim.
It's not a "claim". He was ready to sign in day one. He made that known so that Congress could get it done. The failed to do so. That's on Congress - not President Trump.

Maybe he shouldn't have said anything because he wasn't aware how logistical government is.
where's the wall 'patriot'?
Executive Order has been signed, my fragile little snowflake. A wall that size can't be built in under 100 days. When it is under construction, will you return to USMB and admit to everyone that you're a partisan hack and a liar?

And are you ready for the real gem here? I'm 100% against the wall. I actually hope it doesn't get built. I think that money would be better spent on technology (drones, satellites, etc.) to stop illegals from crossing over. But then again, I'm not a partisan hack like you are.

President Trump has delivered on every campaign promise he's made - and that's what has has you "triggered" right now. Grab your coloring books and your play-doh sweetie. You're in for a long 8 years.
he ran on it. he promised it. he failed can someone "fail" less than 100 days in to their presidency on something that isn't even under their jurisdiction? President Trump has a guaranteed 4 years and likely 8 years in the White House (very few sitting presidents have been defeated) - come talk to me about his accomplishments when he's no longer President.
where's the wall?
Keep your feminist granny panties on, snowflake. The Executive Order has been issued. The wall is coming (something you'll never experience :laugh: )
he's a (R). the senate is (R). the house is (R).that makes him a failed leader.
If you weren't a left-wing dimwit, you would have learned in school how government functions (like all left-wing hatriots, I'm sure you were too busy smoking pot and being promiscuous to learn). The President of the United States sits in the executive branch. He (or she) does not "lead" Congress - which resides in the legislative branch.
where's the wall?
Keep your feminist granny panties on, snowflake. The Executive Order has been issued. The wall is coming (something you'll never experience :laugh: )
Patriot - just curious how you feel about them thar poor trailor park unfortunates (that aren't on public assistance) giving their hard earned tax dollars to pay for trump's southern whitehouse trips that have been pretty much every single weekend since the election?
The same exact way I felt about Barack Obama doing it - appalled. The real question is: why did you support Barack Obama traveling all over the world for fun but lose your shit when President Trump does it? :dunno:
It's not a "claim". He was ready to sign in day one. He made that known so that Congress could get it done. The failed to do so. That's on Congress - not President Trump.

Very "true"....Those conservatives in congress couldn't find an adequate pencil in those SEVEN years to draft something for the orange clown to sign....I'll venture a guess, here, but in'ts DAY ONE for repeal and replace kind of passed already???
It's not a "claim". He was ready to sign in day one. He made that known so that Congress could get it done. The failed to do so. That's on Congress - not President Trump.
Very "true"....Those conservatives in congress couldn't find an adequate pencil in those SEVEN years to draft something for the orange clown to sign....I'll venture a guess, here, but in'ts DAY ONE for repeal and replace kind of passed already???
Unfortunately we still have some RINO's left in Congress that we have to get rid of. All we needed to do was repeal Obamacare. The RINO's want a "replace" (which is absolutely unconstitutional) for political expediency.
Unfortunately we still have some RINO's left in Congress that we have to get rid of. All we needed to do was repeal Obamacare. The RINO's want a "replace" (which is absolutely unconstitutional) for political expediency.

You bet.......Who needs those 24 MILLION Americans to have access to HC insurance; after all, most of these folks voted for the orange charlatan anyway...
Unfortunately we still have some RINO's left in Congress that we have to get rid of. All we needed to do was repeal Obamacare. The RINO's want a "replace" (which is absolutely unconstitutional) for political expediency.

You bet.......Who needs those 24 MILLION Americans to have access to HC insurance; after all, most of these folks voted for the orange charlatan anyway...
Bwahahaha! So Obama voters suddenly became Republicans?!? That's almost believable considering how badly Obama failed - but the parasite class is almost exclusively left-wing.
but the parasite class is almost exclusively left-wing.

You're such an idiot.......

States with the most reliance on federal aid:

KY, MS. Al, LA, TN, WV, SC, etc.......YEAH all these states are "left wing"....(What a dumb asshole you are, [email protected] you already knew that, I'm sure.....LOL)
but the parasite class is almost exclusively left-wing.
You're such an idiot.......

States with the most reliance on federal aid:

KY, MS. Al, LA, TN, WV, SC, etc.......YEAH all these states are "left wing"....(What a dumb asshole you are, [email protected] you already knew that, I'm sure.....LOL)
The parasite class is almost exclusively left-wing and you know it, dimwit. You always get "triggered" by facts. Look at every single destitute inner city ghetto and they vote Dumbocrat across the board. Their city council is Dumbocrat, their mayor is Dumbocrat, and they support the Dumbocrat candidate for President in every presidential election.

Here is a perfect example, snowflake. Just look at the swing state of Ohio in the last election. Completely covered in red except for Cleveland (ghetto), Toledo (ghetto), Cincinnati (ghetto), and Columbus (ghetto). All of the suburbs are red across the board, you dimwit. As got owned. Tell me Nathalie - how does it feel to be my personal bitch on USMB?

Screen Shot 2017-04-26 at 4.34.14 PM.png

2016 election results: Ohio
You're such an idiot.......States with the most reliance on federal aid:

KY, MS. Al, LA, TN, WV, SC, etc.......YEAH all these states are "left wing"....(What a dumb asshole you are, [email protected] you already knew that, I'm sure.....LOL)
The parasite class is almost exclusively left-wing and you know it, dimwit. You always get "triggered" by facts. Look at every single destitute inner city ghetto and they vote Dumbocrat across the board. Their city council is Dumbocrat, their mayor is Dumbocrat, and they support the Dumbocrat candidate for President in every presidential election.

Here is another perfect example, snowflake. Just look at the swing state of Michigan in the last election. Completely covered in red except for Detroit (ghetto), and Kalamazoo (ghetto). All of the suburbs are red across the board, you dimwit. As got owned. Tell me Nathalie - how does it feel to be my personal bitch on USMB?

Screen Shot 2017-04-26 at 4.38.59 PM.png

2016 election results: Michigan
You're such an idiot.......States with the most reliance on federal aid:

KY, MS. Al, LA, TN, WV, SC, etc.......YEAH all these states are "left wing"....(What a dumb asshole you are, [email protected] you already knew that, I'm sure.....LOL)
The parasite class is almost exclusively left-wing and you know it, dimwit. You always get "triggered" by facts. Look at every single destitute inner city ghetto and they vote Dumbocrat across the board. Their city council is Dumbocrat, their mayor is Dumbocrat, and they support the Dumbocrat candidate for President in every presidential election.

Daaaaaamn is yet another perfect example. This is the swing state of Pennsylvania in the last election. Completely covered in red except for Philadelphia (ghetto), and Pittsburgh (ghetto). All of the suburbs are red across the board, you dimwit. As got owned. Tell me Nathalie - how does it feel to be my personal bitch on USMB?

Screen Shot 2017-04-26 at 4.41.40 PM.png

2016 election results: Pennsylvania
Work harder, snowflake.
Just try working (for once), parasite. :laugh:

Oh, no. Resorting to baseless accusations now? How will I ever recover? You're apparently an idiot. To each his/her own. I guess you're at the end of your rope.

I actually work. Hard. Have been for decades since I was 14. Guess what? Also pay taxes each year and never been on govt. dole. Still think your president sucks. Anything else, Jethro?
Oh, I accept reality just fine. you don't. You can't accept the reality that Donald Trump won the election. You can't accept the reality that President Trump has delivered on almost every promise he made to the American people.
It's your constant spin on this shit show administration that defies reality. You're nothing but a partisan hack. A fucking cheerleader. Sad!
What "spin"? I provided nothing but indisputable facts. You're reaction to those facts? Full-on fragile snowflake meltdown. You've literally get "triggered" by facts. :laugh:

View attachment 123364

I know orange exists. I simply believe he's been a rather shitty president thus far. Accepted.

What I simply won't accept is your stupid cheer leading. What 'facts', snowflake? You've got nothing but your 'fee fees'. Links, or GTFO. Please refrain from being a partisan troll.
Patriot - just curious how you feel about them thar poor trailor park unfortunates (that aren't on public assistance) giving their hard earned tax dollars to pay for trump's southern whitehouse trips that have been pretty much every single weekend since the election?
The same exact way I felt about Barack Obama doing it - appalled. The real question is: why did you support Barack Obama traveling all over the world for fun but lose your shit when President Trump does it? :dunno:

8 years ≠ 100 days, snowflake. Basic math, catch it!
but the parasite class is almost exclusively left-wing.

You're such an idiot.......

States with the most reliance on federal aid:

KY, MS. Al, LA, TN, WV, SC, etc.......YEAH all these states are "left wing"....(What a dumb asshole you are, [email protected] you already knew that, I'm sure.....LOL)
Unfortunately we still have some RINO's left in Congress that we have to get rid of. All we needed to do was repeal Obamacare. The RINO's want a "replace" (which is absolutely unconstitutional) for political expediency.

You bet.......Who needs those 24 MILLION Americans to have access to HC insurance; after all, most of these folks voted for the orange charlatan anyway...
Bwahahaha! So Obama voters suddenly became Republicans?!? That's almost believable considering how badly Obama failed - but the parasite class is almost exclusively left-wing.

They don't know what that means.

Somehow the rural are worse than urban blacks who are very uneducated and vote overwhelmingly democratic.

But they don't get government they ?

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