Anyone here tired of "too much winning" yet?

Here's P@tsy claiming to speak for "the american people" instead of just his neighbors in his trailer park......Amazing...LOL
I don't speak for the American people, snowflake. Election results do...

View attachment 123349


Here's a better and more accurate map that, with the help of a grown up, you may not like too much.....LOL

US election by population.....

looks like the asshole progressive snubs his nose and looks down on people while pretending to be the champion of the little man.

Indeed, WHICH party is against unions...WHICH party is against raising the minimum wage, WHICH party tells the "little man",,,,,"screw you, find your own HC insurance".......Should I go on????LOL
With how ineffective Trump is at the moment, the Dems would need to run someone as unpopular and with as much baggage as Hillary for Trump to have another four years.
Really? You people have learned nothing from the last ass-kicking. :laugh:

What have we not learned? Both candidates were historically unpopular, something Trump still is, and his cabinet/administration isn't helping, nor or his policies, lack of diplomacy and failure to make deals.
Here's P@tsy claiming to speak for "the american people" instead of just his neighbors in his trailer park......Amazing...LOL
I don't speak for the American people, snowflake. Election results do...

View attachment 123349


Here's a better and more accurate map that, with the help of a grown up, you may not like too much.....
Oh snowflake...that's not a map. This is the official Electoral College map...

Maybe the GOP establishment is getting tired of beating Trump at every turn.

So far, every foreign leader has clobbered the cheeto do takes some pressure off the Repub congress and Repub prez to actually DO anything.

Starting with Mexico, bobby pin holding that embarrassing bright yellow mess. Trudeau made him look like an ass, Merkel tutored him, China made fun of him, Queen Elizabeth will give him that carriage rather than have to share it with him and his short fat doppelgänger has called his bluff.

The pussy grabber always backs down and leaves early to go play golf.

He's a hot mess.

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As we enter the last week of the "illustrious" Trump administration's first 100 days, the question arises as to how really tired we must be of so much "winning".....

A simple search of what was accomplished by Obama in his first 100 days, should yield some comparable data to Trump's nascent tenure.

Bear in mind what Obama was facing in his inheritance of the GWB economy woes, and what was inherited by Trump regarding job creation, Wall Street gauges and energy sources' stability.....Also, bear in mind the makeup of party affiliation in congress between these two recent presidents.

So, the question is a simple one: Are you yet tired of so much winning?
I'm guessing you are tired of us winning so much. eh?

You misspelled whining.

Stop whining.

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hilary lost and Trump won IResist !!

That's a typical deflection/argument. There's nothing too substantive there. Trump is learning the hard way he can't get everything he wants and that he had no idea the way things worked.
Talk about "nothing substantive"! Would you care to give any examples to back up your bizarre claim?

He said nobody knew healthcare would be so complicated.

He attacked NATO, then admitted he didn't know the function of NATO.

He said China was a currency manipulator, which he later retracted.

He tried to negotiate an Obamacare repeal. Failed.

He tried to get funding for the wall. Failed.

He has learned the hard way about diplomacy. The Merkel meeting was an absolute embarrassment and if Obama acted the way Trump did he'd never hear the end of it from the right.
Oh, I accept reality just fine. you don't. You can't accept the reality that Donald Trump won the election. You can't accept the reality that President Trump has delivered on almost every promise he made to the American people.
It's your constant spin on this shit show administration that defies reality. You're nothing but a partisan hack. A fucking cheerleader. Sad!
What "spin"? I provided nothing but indisputable facts. You're reaction to those facts? Full-on fragile snowflake meltdown. You've literally get "triggered" by facts. :laugh:

He tried to negotiate an Obamacare repeal. Failed.
Once again - only the legislative branch can repeal Obamacare. President Trump is in the executive branch.

Additionally - how could President Trump "fail" at anything considering he's still president?!? If Obamacare gets repealed next year, will you be all over this board posting over and over how you acted like a partisan hack and how you were 100% dead wrong about Obamacare?

He's 100 days into his presidency and you want to declare him a "failure" and a "liar" because he hasn't cured cancer, facilitated world peace, and ended world hunger. Do you have idea how ridiculous you sound claiming he "failed" to do something when he has almost 4 full years left as president (and possibly even 8 years left)?
He tried to negotiate an Obamacare repeal. Failed.
Once again - only the legislative branch can repeal Obamacare. President Trump is in the executive branch.

Additionally - how could President Trump "fail" at anything considering he's still president?!? If Obamacare gets repealed next year, will you be all over this board posting over and over how you acted like a partisan hack and how you were 100% dead wrong about Obamacare?

He's 100 days into his presidency and you want to declare him a "failure" and a "liar" because he hasn't cured cancer, facilitated world peace, and ended world hunger. Do you have idea how ridiculous you sound claiming he "failed" to do something when he has almost 4 full years left as president (and possibly even 8 years left)?

He pushed for it to get done. He tried to negotiate. He did everything he could to meet with members of his own party to get it done and he could not do it. At this point he is a failure and thus is not the great negotiator he claims to be. He promised a repeal and replacement on Day one. It has yet to happen.
With how ineffective Trump is at the moment, the Dems would need to run someone as unpopular and with as much baggage as Hillary for Trump to have another four years.
Yeah...just look at all of that "ineffectiveness" :lmao:
  • He promised to kill the Trans-Pacific Partnership - he did.
  • He promised to approve the Keystone Pipeline - he did.
  • He promised to secure the border - he did.
  • He promised to create jobs - he did.
  • He promised to renegotiate trade agreements in favor of the U.S. - he did.
  • He promised to return power to the states - he did.
  • He promised to cut the national debt - he did ($67 billion already).
  • He promised to roll back regulations - he did.
  • He promised to eliminate Barack Obama's unconstitutional Executive Orders - he did.
  • He promised to appoint a true constitutionalist to the Supreme Court - he did.
All that in under 100 days and while the Dumbocrats were doing everything in their power to obstruct his efforts.

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