Anyone here tired of "too much winning" yet?

I couldn't be happier with Trump. He's doing exactly what I'd do if I were in his shoes.
Am I tired of winning? Absolutely not! We have a lot to fix after 8 years of obama.
I couldn't be happier with Trump. He's doing exactly what I'd do if I were in his shoes.
Am I tired of winning? Absolutely not! We have a lot to fix after 8 years of obama.

good luck with that....
I'll only get 'tired' when i see real Immigration Reform and 2-3 Trump-appointed Justices to the Supreme Court. Those were the two main reasons i supported Trump. I mean, consider the alternative? Clinton was gonna go the Merkel route and open the Immigration Floodgates. And obviously, she would have appointed extremist Leftist Globalists to the Supreme Court. So my answer to the OP is no. I'm not tired of winning yet.
I'll only get 'tired' when i see real Immigration Reform and 2-3 Trump-appointed Justices to the Supreme Court. Those were the two main reasons i supported Trump. I mean, consider the alternative? Clinton was gonna go the Merkel route and open the Immigration Floodgates. And obviously, she would have appointed extremist Leftist Globalists to the Supreme Court. So my answer to the OP is no. I'm not tired of winning yet.
I thank God that crazy bitch wasn't elected.
I couldn't be happier with Trump. He's doing exactly what I'd do if I were in his shoes.
Am I tired of winning? Absolutely not! We have a lot to fix after 8 years of obama.

good luck with that....
Good luck with what?
The guy is doing better than I expected. I'm amazed at how much he's done in the short time he's been in office.

No money for Trump’s wall, plus 6 other GOP issues missing from $1T spending bill
By Josh Magness

Congressional negotiators have come up with a $1.07 trillion plan to keep the government running through the end of September – but there’s a lot missing from the 1,665-page bill.

And much of it involves items that President Donald Trump promised during his campaign and the early days of his presidency.

Here’s a list of GOP-friendly issues missing from the spending bill.

Border wall
The bill includes $1.5 billion for border security, but noticeably absent is any funding for a border wall on the U.S.-Mexico border, a major promise of the Trump administration to curb illegal immigration. Instead, the money will go toward enhanced technology and improving existing infrastructure.

Planned Parenthood
There are no cuts for Planned Parenthood, a target of abortion opponents and many Republicans for its provision of abortion services. Republicans have threatened to shut down the federal government in the past over Planned Parenthood funding.

Deportation forces
During the presidential campaign, Trump promised to build a “new special deportation task force” to remove millions of immigrants who are in the U.S. illegally. No funding goes toward such a force. The bill does, however, fund 5,000 additional detention beds.

$18 billion cut in non-defense spending
There is no sign of massive non-defense spending cuts, another goal of the Trump administration. The Environmental Protection Agency maintains nearly 99 percent of its funding, $295 million goes toward Medicaid in Puerto Rico and $4.6 billion is set aside to permanently grant health benefits to 22,000 retired Appalachian coal miners.

In a March budget proposal, the Trump administration sought to cut EPA funding by $2.6 billion. It also aimed to decrease funding for the National Institutes of Health by $5.8 billion. Instead, NIH will receive a funding increase of $2 billion.

Sanctuary cities
So-called sanctuary cities — which limit cooperation with the federal government on immigration law in order to shelter immigrants here illegally — will not be deprived of federal funding. Trump has threatened to withhold funds from sanctuary cities in the past.

The bill does not roll back President Barack Obama’s easing of economic and trade restrictions with Cuba, a goal of some Republicans such as Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida. It contains no language barring Americans from bringing home merchandise from Cuba or doing business with companies owned by Cuban officials or family members. Travel for educational purposes is also still allowed.

In February, White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer said Trump would take a “full review” of U.S. foreign policy on Cuba.

The bill bars the Department of Justice from using funds to interfere with medical marijuana use in states where it is legal.

Operators of marijuana companies will still have to deal in cash, as lawmakers rejected a proposal that aimed to make it easier for cannabis shops to use banking services.

No money for Trump’s wall, plus 6 other GOP issues missing from $1T spending bill

"Anyone here tired of "too much winning" yet"

Leave it to some smarmy, antagonistic butthead with a need for attention to ask a question like that when the guy has barely even gotten going yet, and indeed has accomplished quite a bit. In fact, on his 4th day, the WH staff said they saw more going on there than in all of Obama's 8 years! What were you asking of Obama 100 days into his administration? Nothing? But never mind, you'll obviously regurgitate some revisionist history now to support your claim. I could ask 996 legitimate criticisms of Obama, Biden, Pelosi, Schummer, Reid, Waters, and a dozen others but I've made my point. I actually have better things to do. But threads which serve only to attack someone on baseless grounds only serve to bring out the point that no matter how bad you think or claim Trump is, he was still better than Hillary enough to win the popular vote in 30 states, to her mere 20. The worse you try to make Trump look, you're only making Hillarious look worse. She lost. Twice. First to an unknown senator barely wet behind the ears, then to a guy who had never run nor held office before in his life. And she had been First Lady, Senator, Presidential Candidate twice and even Secretary of State! I sure do pity Bill for having to come home at night and look at that sorry mess. At least they haven't slept together in years. Seems they BOTH like the ladies.
I couldn't be happier with Trump. He's doing exactly what I'd do if I were in his shoes.
Am I tired of winning? Absolutely not! We have a lot to fix after 8 years of obama.
The winning continues! President Trump continues to be absolutely amazing...
Private equity firm Blackstone Group, in partnership with Saudi Arabia’s sovereign wealth fund, announced that they would commit $40 billion to invest in infrastructure projects, mainly in the U.S.
Blackstone, Saudi Arabia Announce $40 Billion Investment in U.S. Infrastructure - Breitbart
Thank you President Trump for acting like a real leader. Thank you for ignoring politics and making the choices necessary to save the U.S. from the catastrophic damage inflicted on it by progressivism.
The Trump administration on Tuesday unveiled a budget seeking $1.5 trillion in nondefense discretionary cuts and $1.4 trillion in Medicaid cuts over the course of a decade, while adding nearly half a trillion dollars to defense spending.
$2.9 trillion in cuts is exactly what this nation desperately needed. It should have been done a long time ago.
Thank you President Trump for putting the American people first. Thank you for doing the right thing when every other coward in Washington D.C. found it too hard.
This Tuesday, the president will release his Fiscal Year 2018 budget request. The title on the cover reads “A New Foundation for American Greatness.” But it’s what’s inside that’s more important. What people will see there is something that has been missing from Washington for a long time: “A Taxpayer First Budget.”

It starts with two principles. First: our government works for the American people, not the other way around. Second: our government must be more efficient, more effective and more accountable to the hardworking taxpayers who fund it.
Mulvaney: The federal budget released today puts taxpayers first
I guess the answer is no:

The Trump folks keep winning and continue to like it.
Trump passing healthcare is easy
Trump talking to the boyscouts
Trump telling the military no more transgenders
Trump on Sessions

Is he tired of how many wins he's had this week ;)
/----/ "Trump passing healthcare is easy" ---- The swamp needs more draining to get rid of Libs Corrupt Career Politicians.
I guess the answer is no:

The Trump folks keep winning and continue to like it.
Trump passing healthcare is easy
Trump talking to the boyscouts
Trump telling the military no more transgenders
Trump on Sessions

Is he tired of how many wins he's had this week ;)
/----/ "Trump passing healthcare is easy" ---- The swamp needs more draining to get rid of Libs Corrupt Career Politicians.

Trump got sidetracked from draining the swamp. He seems to be having too much fun making mud pies.
I guess the answer is no:

The Trump folks keep winning and continue to like it.
Trump passing healthcare is easy
Trump talking to the boyscouts
Trump telling the military no more transgenders
Trump on Sessions

Is he tired of how many wins he's had this week ;)
/----/ "Trump passing healthcare is easy" ---- The swamp needs more draining to get rid of Libs Corrupt Career Politicians.

Trump got sidetracked from draining the swamp. He seems to be having too much fun making mud pies.
/----/ We know how you cherish your self service political hacks.

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