Anyone here tired of "too much winning" yet?

Does winning look like North Korea being able to put a nuclear tipped ICBM on US soil by 2018.
That's what happens when you elect Dumbocrats to the White House. They spend 8 years ignoring the North Korea problem, allowing them time to develop ICBM's, and kicking the can down the road for Republican's to deal with.

But....that's why the American people keep coming back to us. They see what an ignorant mistake the Dumbocrats are.
The number of asylum seekers walking across the U.S. border into Canada rose in June... Many asylum seekers whom Reuters has spoken to said they left the United States because they feared deportation in light of President Donald Trump's immigration crackdown.
Thank you President Trump for securing our borders and running these criminals out of our country. Let them be a burden to Canada.

Flow of asylum seekers crossing into Canada from U.S. rises in June
"AND SO IT BEGINS!" Just saw CNN reporting US car sales down drastically these last several months; 15% decline alone at Ford! That means employee cuts and scaling back on less popular models! "Thanks Donald; ya promised us so much and it looks like we're going DOWN!" ::nono: The unemployment rate will cascade across other segments of the industry like parts, Truck driving them cross country, maybe saving on gas and pollution, but we all know most would rather breath poison with jobs abound! :poop: :puke:
"AND SO IT BEGINS!" Just saw CNN reporting US car sales down drastically these last several months; 15% decline alone at Ford! That means employee cuts and scaling back on less popular models! "Thanks Donald; ya promised us so much and it looks like we're going DOWN!" ::nono: The unemployment rate will cascade across other segments of the industry like parts, Truck driving them cross country, maybe saving on gas and pollution, but we all know most would rather breath poison with jobs abound! :poop: :puke:

This has nothing to do with Trump.

It's been well-known well before the election that cheap financing was creating an oversupply of cars.

This was going to happen regardless of who was elected President.
"AND SO IT BEGINS!" Just saw CNN reporting US car sales down drastically these last several months; 15% decline alone at Ford! That means employee cuts and scaling back on less popular models! "Thanks Donald; ya promised us so much and it looks like we're going DOWN!" ::nono: The unemployment rate will cascade across other segments of the industry like parts, Truck driving them cross country, maybe saving on gas and pollution, but we all know most would rather breath poison with jobs abound! :poop: :puke:

This has nothing to do with Trump.

It's been well-known well before the election that cheap financing was creating an oversupply of cars.

This was going to happen regardless of who was elected President.

Nice deflection! The problem is we all know if Hillary had won the presidency, you wouldn't be as forgiving! It's such a joke to watch FNC where Hannity is crying the blues to Laura Ingraham; talking about Democratic obstruction, blah, blah, blah, .... the MSM is so down on this President, blah, blah, blah, ... why aren't they investigating the Clintons, the server situation, Susan Rice and unmasking? The desperation would be laughable if it weren't so serious with dueling ICBM test going on with the US and North Korea! Like this dim MF is going to save our arse! :anj_stfu: Send Dennis Rodman; he'd have a better chance than Tillerson! :blahblah: :ahole-1: :banana2:
"AND SO IT BEGINS!" Just saw CNN reporting US car sales down drastically these last several months; 15% decline alone at Ford! That means employee cuts and scaling back on less popular models! "Thanks Donald; ya promised us so much and it looks like we're going DOWN!" ::nono: The unemployment rate will cascade across other segments of the industry like parts, Truck driving them cross country, maybe saving on gas and pollution, but we all know most would rather breath poison with jobs abound! :poop: :puke:

This has nothing to do with Trump.

It's been well-known well before the election that cheap financing was creating an oversupply of cars.

This was going to happen regardless of who was elected President.

Nice deflection! The problem is we all know if Hillary had won the presidency, you wouldn't be as forgiving! It's such a joke to watch FNC where Hannity is crying the blues to Laura Ingraham; talking about Democratic obstruction, blah, blah, blah, .... the MSM is so down on this President, blah, blah, blah, ... why aren't they investigating the Clintons, the server situation, Susan Rice and unmasking? The desperation would be laughable if it weren't so serious with dueling ICBM test going on with the US and North Korea! Like this dim MF is going to save our arse! :anj_stfu: Send Dennis Rodman; he'd have a better chance than Tillerson! :blahblah: :ahole-1: :banana2:

I voted for Hillary.

But that doesn't mean you can blame Trump for every bird that falls out of the sky.
"AND SO IT BEGINS!" Just saw CNN reporting US car sales down drastically these last several months; 15% decline alone at Ford! That means employee cuts and scaling back on less popular models! "Thanks Donald; ya promised us so much and it looks like we're going DOWN!" ::nono: The unemployment rate will cascade across other segments of the industry like parts, Truck driving them cross country, maybe saving on gas and pollution, but we all know most would rather breath poison with jobs abound! :poop: :puke:

This has nothing to do with Trump.

It's been well-known well before the election that cheap financing was creating an oversupply of cars.

This was going to happen regardless of who was elected President.

Nice deflection! The problem is we all know if Hillary had won the presidency, you wouldn't be as forgiving! It's such a joke to watch FNC where Hannity is crying the blues to Laura Ingraham; talking about Democratic obstruction, blah, blah, blah, .... the MSM is so down on this President, blah, blah, blah, ... why aren't they investigating the Clintons, the server situation, Susan Rice and unmasking? The desperation would be laughable if it weren't so serious with dueling ICBM test going on with the US and North Korea! Like this dim MF is going to save our arse! :anj_stfu: Send Dennis Rodman; he'd have a better chance than Tillerson! :blahblah: :ahole-1: :banana2:

I voted for Hillary.

But that doesn't mean you can blame Trump for every bird that falls out of the sky.
I've had to make that same point about a zillion times now.

It does get tedious.
"AND SO IT BEGINS!" Just saw CNN reporting US car sales down drastically these last several months; 15% decline alone at Ford! That means employee cuts and scaling back on less popular models! "Thanks Donald; ya promised us so much and it looks like we're going DOWN!" ::nono: The unemployment rate will cascade across other segments of the industry like parts, Truck driving them cross country, maybe saving on gas and pollution, but we all know most would rather breath poison with jobs abound! :poop: :puke:

This has nothing to do with Trump.

It's been well-known well before the election that cheap financing was creating an oversupply of cars.

This was going to happen regardless of who was elected President.

Nice deflection! The problem is we all know if Hillary had won the presidency, you wouldn't be as forgiving! It's such a joke to watch FNC where Hannity is crying the blues to Laura Ingraham; talking about Democratic obstruction, blah, blah, blah, .... the MSM is so down on this President, blah, blah, blah, ... why aren't they investigating the Clintons, the server situation, Susan Rice and unmasking? The desperation would be laughable if it weren't so serious with dueling ICBM test going on with the US and North Korea! Like this dim MF is going to save our arse! :anj_stfu: Send Dennis Rodman; he'd have a better chance than Tillerson! :blahblah: :ahole-1: :banana2:

I voted for Hillary.

But that doesn't mean you can blame Trump for every bird that falls out of the sky.
I've had to make that same point about a zillion times now.

It does get tedious.

Partisan hacks will be partisan hacks.
P@triot sez--
He promised to kill the Trans-Pacific Partnership - he did.

I, and most liberals oppose shipping jobs overseas.
This is a good move.

P@triot sez--
He promised to approve the Keystone Pipeline - he did.

We have 2 and 1/2 million miles of pipeline in this country.
Another thousand or so miles is a VERY-VERY SMALLISH DEAL,

P@triot lies Bigly-
He promised to secure the border - he did.

You are a republican,trailer-trash Bigly liar.

P@triot lies Bigly-
He promised to create jobs - he did.

The magnificent,phenomenal, astounding exceptional, OBAMA. Expansion
feb 2010
jun 2017 --A record 88 consecutive months of job growth. A phenomenal achievement. Obama's the very best.
It brakes down.
FEB --2010 --107,257
Jan --2017 --123,230
--------------15,973 /83 =192.5 -jobs per month
The Bigly Lying baboon
=164.5 -jobs per month

The Bigly Lying baboon has almost 30 thousand fewer jobs a month than had Obama. FAIL

P@triot lies Bigly-
He promised to renegotiate trade agreements in favor of the U.S. - he did.

The Bigly Lying baboon renegotiated NOTHING.

P@triot sez--
He promised to return power to the states - he did.

I have no idea what the fuck you are yakking about and I don't think you do.

P@triot lies Bigly-
He promised to cut the national debt - he did ($67 billion already).

President Donald Trump has signed 40 bills into law. Here's what they do -
May 5, 2017: H.R. 244 - "Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2017"
This omnibus bill provides $1.1 trillion to fund federal agencies for the remainder of the fiscal year (through September 2017).
The President signed the bill into law just hours before the deadline, narrowly averting a government shutdown.

This trillion in spending should handle that accounting error. BIGLY.

P@triot sez--
He promised to roll back regulations - he did.

Yeah, I noticed that there were 6 or 8 regulations cut in the 40 paces of legislation that
the lying baboon signed.



All that ass-less,ball-less. baboon has is a lying bigly mouth.

For Republicans, Lying is a way of life.


-------Bluecoller--the grumpy old kraut ----
Last edited:
P@triot sez--
He promised to kill the Trans-Pacific Partnership - he did.

I, and most liberals oppose shipping jobs overseas. This is a good move.
So you admit he kept his promise. Good. That's also an acknowledgment that what I stated was 100% accurate.
P@triot sez--
He promised to approve the Keystone Pipeline - he did.

We have 2 and 1/2 million miles of pipeline in this country. Another thousand or so miles is a VERY-VERY SMALLISH DEAL
So you admit he kept his promise. Good. That's also an acknowledgment that what I stated was 100% accurate.
P@triot lies Bigly- He promised to secure the border - he did.

You are a republican,trailer-trash Bigly liar.
Illegals even attempting to cross over the border is way down and illegals already in this country thanks to the Dumbocrats are self-deporting. Winning!

And while you have juvenile, uninformed, uneducated, opinions - I have facts backed up by links:

Worried about Trump, asylum seekers walk cold road to Canada

Report: Immigration Enforcement Causing Illegal Aliens to Self Deport | NumbersUSA

Trump Enforces Immigration Law In First 100 Days

Drop in Border Arrests a Credit to Trump's Enforcement of Law

Tell me something bluecoller-eddy - how does it feel to be my personal bitch on USMB? :ahole-1:
P@triot lies Bigly-
He promised to create jobs - he did.

The magnificent,phenomenal, astounding exceptional, OBAMA.
Like all acid-dropping, pot-smoking, immature idiot progressives who never grew up - you're illiterate. That isn't even a coherent sentence. I literally have no idea what you're trying to say here. However, you typed "lies bigly" above so I'm assuming you are trying to illustrate your ignorance for everyone yet again.

Since his inauguration, the job market has averaged over 184,000 jobs per month. Over 1 million total in just 6 months. The lowest unemployment rate (4.3%) in 16 years.

Trump (finally!) reaches million-jobs mark

U.S. unemployment rate drops to 4.3% as employers add 209,000 jobs in July

* Making bluecoller-eddy my personal bitch on USMB since December 7, 2010
P@triot sez-- He promised to return power to the states - he did.

I have no idea what the fuck you are yakking about...
Well that is understandable - I am educated and you are not. President Trump has eliminated all of Barack Insane Obama's illegal Executive Orders. By doing so, he has restored power back to the states where it rightfully belongs per the U.S. Constitution.

* Making bluecoller-eddy my personal bitch on USMB since December 7, 2010

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