Anyone here tired of "too much winning" yet?

Ill be tiring after 2 more Supreme Court justices are named to the bench by Trump.....

So far, all you idiots got is a right wing moderate, replacing a right wing maniac, Scalia.......

Is that "too much winning"???
When Barack Insane Obama took office, the national debt stood at $10 trillion after 232 years. When Barack Insane Obama left office, the national debt stood at $20 trillion after only 8 years.

Yep.......true......Someone had to FINALLY place the war costs on the books, Medicare Advantage on the books, and save our country from a GWB recession....Problem with that??? Too fucking bad.
Especially considering where the economy was when he took over, an amazing 11.3 million new jobs were created under President Obama (far more than President Bush). Has this caused your suffering?
After causing the U.S. to lose over 10 million jobs. So your messiah had a net result of about +1 million jobs over 8 years (or about 10,416 jobs per month). :lmao:

By comparison - President Trump has created over 1 million jobs in 6 months. He's averaging 184,000 jobs per month (or a mind-boggling 10x's what Obama managed to "achieve").

Facts...they are a bitch Natalie
When Barack Insane Obama took office, the national debt stood at $10 trillion after 232 years. When Barack Insane Obama left office, the national debt stood at $20 trillion after only 8 years.
Yep.......true......Someone had to FINALLY place the war costs on the books, Medicare Advantage on the books, and save our country from a GWB recession....Problem with that??? Too fucking bad.
Snowflake....all of those costs were already accounted for. That's $10 trillion was ALL Obama's. Stop being such a desperate little lapdog.
We need a transgendered, overweight, IQ challenged, illegal alien, gaian, midget on welfare for president !!!!!!!
Obama has taken Unemployment from 10% down to 4.7%. Has this caused your suffering?
Bwahahahahaha! Obama caused unemployment to skyrocket to 10%. It wasn't there when he took office.

And it was Republicans who created all of the jobs in spite of Obama's best efforts to prevent them that reversed the trajectory and got the unemployment down to 4.7%. The Dumbocrats got slaughtered in the 2010 mid-terms because of jobs. And immediately we started to see the effects of Republicans controlling damn near every state, county, and city.

Facts...they are a bitch Natalie.
Snowflake....all of those costs were already accounted for. That's $10 trillion was ALL Obama's. Stop being such a desperate little lapdog.

Yes, FACTS are a bitch to idiots like you.....Presidents don't raise the debt CONGRESS does...

By the time that Bush left the white house, he had run at least two wars that were never authorized, nor were the costs for them entered into any budgets. At the same time, he created the Medicare Prescription plan, but it was also unfunded. He (and Congress) created the biggest tax cuts for the wealthy in the history of the nation. He (and Congress) also built up military spending to unheard of figures
We landed a rover on Mars. Has this caused your suffering?
It's not the federal government's job to land rovers on Mars. It accounts for his staggering $20 trillion debt which has caused suffering for all of us and many generations to come.

Facts...they are a bitch Natalie.
Presidents don't raise the debt CONGRESS does...
You're right...Presidents just spend beyond the budget making it necessary for Congress to raise the budget. Something Barack Insane Obama demanded of them. Oops...

Facts...they are a bitch Natalie.
Uninsured adults has decreased to below 10%: 90% of adults are insured - an increase of 20 Million Adults. Has this caused your suffering?
While causing millions to lose their insurance. What a trade. Punch hard working Americans in the face to insure heroin addicts and crack whores.

Facts...they are a bitch Natalie.
Snowflake....all of those costs were already accounted for. That's $10 trillion was ALL Obama's. Stop being such a desperate little lapdog.

Yes, FACTS are a bitch to idiots like you.....Presidents don't raise the debt CONGRESS does...

By the time that Bush left the white house, he had run at least two wars that were never authorized, nor were the costs for them entered into any budgets. At the same time, he created the Medicare Prescription plan, but it was also unfunded. He (and Congress) created the biggest tax cuts for the wealthy in the history of the nation. He (and Congress) also built up military spending to unheard of figures

And justified Obama's out-of-control spending ?

Yes, Obama's spending is a fact....moron.

To bad more of it wasn't on research to help your condition.
He passed the Matthew Shepard Hate Crimes Prevention Act. Has this caused your suffering?
Because it over-criminalizes statutes and grants unauthorized power to the government, you dimwit. All they have to say is that your self-defense in a fist fight against a "minority" was "hate" driven and your misdemeanor instantly becomes a felony, you dumb-shit ignorant tool.

Facts...they are a bitch Natalie.
You're right...Presidents just spend beyond the budget making it necessary for Congress to raise the budget. Something Barack Insane Obama demanded of them. Oops.

So, the RIGHT WING CONGRESS that Obama had for 6 years is full of pussies like you??? LOL
Yes, he killed Osama Bin Laden and retrieved all the documents in his possession for analysis. Perhaps THIS caused your suffering?
Yep...while giving rise to ISIS and arming Al Qaeda to overthrow allies of the U.S. in the Middle East (like Mubarak and Gaddafi). The Middle East was completely on fire by the time Obama left office. More instability, more violence, more terrorism.

Facts...they are a bitch Natalie.

He banned torture. Has this caused your suffering?
Because it drastically weakens our National Security, you dimwit. That causes all of us to suffer. You know how you were crowing about Obama "getting" Osama Bin Laden? Well that was only made possible through torture, you nitwit.

Facts...they are a bitch Natalie.
Now that I have systematically obliterated Natalie's idiotic and inaccurate post - let's take a look at the actual facts. Under Barack Insane Obama:
  • Highest national deficit in U.S. history
  • Highest national debt in U.S. history
  • Record number of people on food stamps
  • Record number of people out of the labor force
  • Record number of "Presidential Memorandums" issued
  • Record loss of liberty
  • Record federal land grab
  • Record number of scandals for an Administration
  • Gave rise to ISIS
  • Set the Middle East on fire
  • Allowed North Korea to become a nuclear power
  • Allowed Iran to develop nuclear power
I could go deeper, but going into energy costs, healthcare costs, food costs, etc. all skyrocketing under him would take far too long. Bottom line - he supplanted Jimmy Carter as the worst President in U.S. history.

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