AOC and Lunatic Mainstream Democrats Call Trump “War Criminal”

I haven't seen where he's said exactly what sites are part of the 52. I think you are reading into things on this one.
tRump's words, not mine.

"Let this serve as a WARNING that if Iran strikes any Americans, or American assets, we have.........targeted 52 Iranian sites (representing the 52 American hostages taken by Iran many years ago), some at a very high level & important to Iran & the Iranian culture, and those targets, and Iran itself, WILL BE HIT VERY FAST AND VERY HARD"

"important site" "important to Iranian 'culture' " does not seem to me
to be "cultural heritage sites" ------HOWEVER I would agree that if the
aggressions of Iranian sponsored groups like Hezbollah do involve trashing
of the cultural or holy sites of ---OTHERS----that equity demands an equal
and opposite reaction
So, what you're saying is you're ok with tRump committing war crimes.
There is Iran's side, and there is Trump's side. You are here to defend Iran's side.
We can't afford to indulge in that kind of "my country right or wrong" bullshit given the impulsive, erratic nitwit who is in charge.
Besides that, tRump isn't on "the country's" side. He's in his own.
I haven't seen where he's said exactly what sites are part of the 52. I think you are reading into things on this one.
tRump's words, not mine.

"Let this serve as a WARNING that if Iran strikes any Americans, or American assets, we have.........targeted 52 Iranian sites (representing the 52 American hostages taken by Iran many years ago), some at a very high level & important to Iran & the Iranian culture, and those targets, and Iran itself, WILL BE HIT VERY FAST AND VERY HARD"

"important site" "important to Iranian 'culture' " does not seem to me
to be "cultural heritage sites" ------HOWEVER I would agree that if the
aggressions of Iranian sponsored groups like Hezbollah do involve trashing
of the cultural or holy sites of ---OTHERS----that equity demands an equal
and opposite reaction
So, what you're saying is you're ok with tRump committing war crimes.
There is Iran's side, and there is Trump's side. You are here to defend Iran's side.
So, what you're saying is you're OK with the whole war crimes thing?
You misread my post, I said you are on Iran's side.
tRump's words, not mine.

"Let this serve as a WARNING that if Iran strikes any Americans, or American assets, we have.........targeted 52 Iranian sites (representing the 52 American hostages taken by Iran many years ago), some at a very high level & important to Iran & the Iranian culture, and those targets, and Iran itself, WILL BE HIT VERY FAST AND VERY HARD"

"important site" "important to Iranian 'culture' " does not seem to me
to be "cultural heritage sites" ------HOWEVER I would agree that if the
aggressions of Iranian sponsored groups like Hezbollah do involve trashing
of the cultural or holy sites of ---OTHERS----that equity demands an equal
and opposite reaction
So, what you're saying is you're ok with tRump committing war crimes.
There is Iran's side, and there is Trump's side. You are here to defend Iran's side.
So, what you're saying is you're OK with the whole war crimes thing?
You misread my post, I said you are on Iran's side.
So that's a "yes" then.

Good to know.
"important site" "important to Iranian 'culture' " does not seem to me
to be "cultural heritage sites" ------HOWEVER I would agree that if the
aggressions of Iranian sponsored groups like Hezbollah do involve trashing
of the cultural or holy sites of ---OTHERS----that equity demands an equal
and opposite reaction
So, what you're saying is you're ok with tRump committing war crimes.
There is Iran's side, and there is Trump's side. You are here to defend Iran's side.
So, what you're saying is you're OK with the whole war crimes thing?
You misread my post, I said you are on Iran's side.
So that's a "yes" then.
At least you were.honest enough to admit that you are on Iran's side. The left is on Iran's side, but not all lefties will admit it like you just did.
Now speaking for the mainstream of their “hate The United States” Democratic Party, AOC, Omar, and the whole entourage of fuck heads in the House accuse Trump of being a “war criminal.” Can we deport them to Iran if they love that country more than the United States?
AOC calls Trump 'a monster' over threat to Iran; Omar, other Democrats warn of potential 'war crimes'

Have you ever been in a firefight? Have you ever been in an overrun? It's not going to be a Firefight, it's going to be series of overruns. And those are the hairiest of them all. There is a lot of dying, panic and more going on. If you are lucky, some will live through it. Most won't even if relief forces get there in time to stop it. Get ready for a whole bunch of those.
yeah, where? tell the Mods for us.
Now speaking for the mainstream of their “hate The United States” Democratic Party, AOC, Omar, and the whole entourage of fuck heads in the House accuse Trump of being a “war criminal.” Can we deport them to Iran if they love that country more than the United States?
AOC calls Trump 'a monster' over threat to Iran; Omar, other Democrats warn of potential 'war crimes'
If he attacks "cultural heritige sites" like said he will be. That's a war crime.

I haven't seen where he's said exactly what sites are part of the 52. I think you are reading into things on this one.
tRump's words, not mine.

"Let this serve as a WARNING that if Iran strikes any Americans, or American assets, we have.........targeted 52 Iranian sites (representing the 52 American hostages taken by Iran many years ago), some at a very high level & important to Iran & the Iranian culture, and those targets, and Iran itself, WILL BE HIT VERY FAST AND VERY HARD"
yep, so? you know how to use the Quote signs?"" congratulations.
tRump's words, not mine.

"Let this serve as a WARNING that if Iran strikes any Americans, or American assets, we have.........targeted 52 Iranian sites (representing the 52 American hostages taken by Iran many years ago), some at a very high level & important to Iran & the Iranian culture, and those targets, and Iran itself, WILL BE HIT VERY FAST AND VERY HARD"

"important site" "important to Iranian 'culture' " does not seem to me
to be "cultural heritage sites" ------HOWEVER I would agree that if the
aggressions of Iranian sponsored groups like Hezbollah do involve trashing
of the cultural or holy sites of ---OTHERS----that equity demands an equal
and opposite reaction
So, what you're saying is you're ok with tRump committing war crimes.
There is Iran's side, and there is Trump's side. You are here to defend Iran's side.
We can't afford to indulge in that kind of "my country right or wrong" bullshit given the impulsive, erratic nitwit who is in charge.
Besides that, tRump isn't on "the country's" side. He's in his own.
your country is Iran. so he's on my country's side the US.
"important site" "important to Iranian 'culture' " does not seem to me
to be "cultural heritage sites" ------HOWEVER I would agree that if the
aggressions of Iranian sponsored groups like Hezbollah do involve trashing
of the cultural or holy sites of ---OTHERS----that equity demands an equal
and opposite reaction
So, what you're saying is you're ok with tRump committing war crimes.
There is Iran's side, and there is Trump's side. You are here to defend Iran's side.
So, what you're saying is you're OK with the whole war crimes thing?
You misread my post, I said you are on Iran's side.
So that's a "yes" then.

Good to know.
what war? you have to have a war for a war crime. so go issue your warrant big anti american fk. Step up big guy!!! fk you is all I can think of at this moment.
On Twitter Trump just threatened more war crimes. It is a literal war crime at the International Criminal Court of The Hague to destroy cultural sites. It violates the Geneva Convention treaties. Do you know who destroys cultural sites? Isis. Terrorists. Innocent men, women, and children are at those sites.
Democrats destroy cultural sites.
Now speaking for the mainstream of their “hate The United States” Democratic Party, AOC, Omar, and the whole entourage of fuck heads in the House accuse Trump of being a “war criminal.” Can we deport them to Iran if they love that country more than the United States?
AOC calls Trump 'a monster' over threat to Iran; Omar, other Democrats warn of potential 'war crimes'
This is not just a political criticism. Trump can't do that, legally, anyway. There are actually international laws that civilized nations follow and even if you're going to war with another country for a good reason, you don't start by taking out their cultural sites; you take out military/strategic targets. You know damned well that Trump the Asshole is saying we'll bomb Mecca. Too bad banned Marion Morrison couldn't be here to cheer that one. He's been saying it for years.

Mecca isn't in Iran dumb ass.


bombinb Mecca is not a good idea------maybe QOM where they buried the
rotting asshole, Suleiman aka Gen. Salami

Mecca is in Saudi Arabia, we have no reason to bomb them.

Their people were responsible for 9/11. We've been bombing the wrong folks the entire time. No other country since WWII has killed more Americans within our countries borders than Saudi Arabia. Iraq and Afghanistan had nothing to do with 9/11, and look where we are and look at Trumps language. He'll bomb the shit out of them and get their oil while we post up troops in Saudi Arabia and help them. :auiqs.jpg:We are way past fos.

Really, do you have evidence that the Saudi government was involved in 9/11, the way Iran is with their sponsoring terrorist?

If he attacks "cultural heritige sites" like said he will be. That's a war crime.

I haven't seen where he's said exactly what sites are part of the 52. I think you are reading into things on this one.
tRump's words, not mine.

"Let this serve as a WARNING that if Iran strikes any Americans, or American assets, we have.........targeted 52 Iranian sites (representing the 52 American hostages taken by Iran many years ago), some at a very high level & important to Iran & the Iranian culture, and those targets, and Iran itself, WILL BE HIT VERY FAST AND VERY HARD"

"important site" "important to Iranian 'culture' " does not seem to me
to be "cultural heritage sites" ------HOWEVER I would agree that if the
aggressions of Iranian sponsored groups like Hezbollah do involve trashing
of the cultural or holy sites of ---OTHERS----that equity demands an equal
and opposite reaction
So, what you're saying is you're ok with tRump committing war crimes.
There is Iran's side, and there is Trump's side. You are here to defend Iran's side.

There is a third side. It was once said about a Senator that misused his powers, "Have you no sense of Decency?" Congress needs to handle Rump the same way.
Now speaking for the mainstream of their “hate The United States” Democratic Party, AOC, Omar, and the whole entourage of fuck heads in the House accuse Trump of being a “war criminal.” Can we deport them to Iran if they love that country more than the United States?
AOC calls Trump 'a monster' over threat to Iran; Omar, other Democrats warn of potential 'war crimes'
Because he is, Loon.
He ordered the assassination of an elite foreign government official.

How would you feel if it happened here?

You do know the UN barred Soleimani from travel outside of Iran, right?

Mike Pompeo warns 'the clock is ticking' on end of U.N. sanctions on Iran

Now speaking for the mainstream of their “hate The United States” Democratic Party, AOC, Omar, and the whole entourage of fuck heads in the House accuse Trump of being a “war criminal.” Can we deport them to Iran if they love that country more than the United States?
AOC calls Trump 'a monster' over threat to Iran; Omar, other Democrats warn of potential 'war crimes'

You are a fuck head and a asshole to boot. Trump apparently wants to start a war to salvage his re-election and you have no problem with this. This is a result of Trump's incompetent foreign policy. He needs to be defeated in 2020.
Now speaking for the mainstream of their “hate The United States” Democratic Party, AOC, Omar, and the whole entourage of fuck heads in the House accuse Trump of being a “war criminal.” Can we deport them to Iran if they love that country more than the United States?
AOC calls Trump 'a monster' over threat to Iran; Omar, other Democrats warn of potential 'war crimes'
Because he is, Loon.
He ordered the assassination of an elite foreign government official.

How would you feel if it happened here?

You do know the UN barred Soleimani from travel outside of Iran, right?

Mike Pompeo warns 'the clock is ticking' on end of U.N. sanctions on Iran


You do know they are quoting one of the merry band of criminals, don't you.
Now speaking for the mainstream of their “hate The United States” Democratic Party, AOC, Omar, and the whole entourage of fuck heads in the House accuse Trump of being a “war criminal.” Can we deport them to Iran if they love that country more than the United States?
AOC calls Trump 'a monster' over threat to Iran; Omar, other Democrats warn of potential 'war crimes'

Notice how the libs celebrated when Obama whacked Laden and Qaddafi, but Dubya was a war criminal for wasting Saddam Hussein and Trump is reprobate for clipping al-Baghdadi and Soleimani.
You are a fuck head and a asshole to boot. Trump apparently wants to start a war to salvage his re-election and you have no problem with this. This is a result of Trump's incompetent foreign policy. He needs to be defeated in 2020.

Believe me, Trump doesn't want a war at all. He clipped Soleimani, because Soleimani capped the ass of one of our beloved contractors.

Very limited response.

I don't think the mullahs will escalate things, and I don't think that President Trump wants to provoke them into anything.
Notice how the libs celebrated when Obama whacked Laden and Qaddafi, but Dubya was a war criminal for wasting Saddam Hussein and Trump is reprobate for clipping al-Baghdadi and Soleimani.

Obama did take out OBL, but Qaddafi was killed by his own people. Dubya did a stupid thing by taking out Saddam as he destabilized the country, and that mistake was compounded by his refusal to take out OBL.

Trump taking out Al-Baghdadi? I'm all for it, and on that one he did a good thing. Baghdadi was a terrorist.

As far as Solemani? That one is a bit different. While he did help to plan attacks that killed many Westerners, he wasn't your average terrorist as he was a general and held a high place in Iranian government. He was a government official, and the repercussions for taking him out are much higher than taking out your average terrorist.

And, you should also remember the place Solemani holds with the people of Iran. Granted, he killed a whole bunch of Westerners, but his people hold him up as a hero as they think he was keeping them safe. Kinda the way that people here in America looked at Schwartzkopf as a hero and an icon. And, you might wanna consider that people in Iran would look at Schwartzkopf the same way that we view Solemeni, because Schwarzkopf did lots of tactics that killed many in the ME.
Notice how the libs celebrated when Obama whacked Laden and Qaddafi, but Dubya was a war criminal for wasting Saddam Hussein and Trump is reprobate for clipping al-Baghdadi and Soleimani.

Obama did take out OBL, but Qaddafi was killed by his own people. Dubya did a stupid thing by taking out Saddam as he destabilized the country, and that mistake was compounded by his refusal to take out OBL.

Trump taking out Al-Baghdadi? I'm all for it, and on that one he did a good thing. Baghdadi was a terrorist.

As far as Solemani? That one is a bit different. While he did help to plan attacks that killed many Westerners, he wasn't your average terrorist as he was a general and held a high place in Iranian government. He was a government official, and the repercussions for taking him out are much higher than taking out your average terrorist.

And, you should also remember the place Solemani holds with the people of Iran. Granted, he killed a whole bunch of Westerners, but his people hold him up as a hero as they think he was keeping them safe. Kinda the way that people here in America looked at Schwartzkopf as a hero and an icon. And, you might wanna consider that people in Iran would look at Schwartzkopf the same way that we view Solemeni, because Schwarzkopf did lots of tactics that killed many in the ME.

Do you seriously think Soleimani wouldn't take out a US general if given the chance?

Notice how the libs celebrated when Obama whacked Laden and Qaddafi, but Dubya was a war criminal for wasting Saddam Hussein and Trump is reprobate for clipping al-Baghdadi and Soleimani.

Obama did take out OBL, but Qaddafi was killed by his own people. Dubya did a stupid thing by taking out Saddam as he destabilized the country, and that mistake was compounded by his refusal to take out OBL.

Trump taking out Al-Baghdadi? I'm all for it, and on that one he did a good thing. Baghdadi was a terrorist.

As far as Solemani? That one is a bit different. While he did help to plan attacks that killed many Westerners, he wasn't your average terrorist as he was a general and held a high place in Iranian government. He was a government official, and the repercussions for taking him out are much higher than taking out your average terrorist.

And, you should also remember the place Solemani holds with the people of Iran. Granted, he killed a whole bunch of Westerners, but his people hold him up as a hero as they think he was keeping them safe. Kinda the way that people here in America looked at Schwartzkopf as a hero and an icon. And, you might wanna consider that people in Iran would look at Schwartzkopf the same way that we view Solemeni, because Schwarzkopf did lots of tactics that killed many in the ME.

Do you seriously think Soleimani wouldn't take out a US general if given the chance?


During the 2003 war, yes and we would have taken out (and did) Iraqi Generals as well as any supporting casts. But that is during war. We are NOT at war with Iran. Have you no decency?
I think Trump knew about the Saudis planning to kill Khashoggi and told Kushner to give the green light. Khashoggi was a critic of Trump (and of the Saudi regime).

Soleimani was also a critic of Trump, but his criticism was very restrained in my opinion, or what I found online at least. Could be Trump found out about it and ordered the airstrike based on that.

Trump wishes the US was a dictatorship so he could take out all his enemies.

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