AOC says "We’re not going back to working 70 hour weeks"

The average person working in the food industry works 70 hours a week.
They also have little education and the food industry is 24/7.
I hope Liberals on Food Stamps and Welfare are prepared to pay a lot more for food.
I will be mildly surprised if AOC has ever worked a 70 hour week in her life. I have worked my fair share of overtime over the years but I never racked up 30 hours of it in one week.
The bar wasn't open 70 hours a week?
I know more than a few people who work upwards of 70 or 80 hours a week. The bitch of it is that it's not like they're rolling in dough.

I used to work 12-14 hour days five, six or, on rare occasions, seven days a week. That hard work back in the day put me in a position to not have to work my ass off today. Now, I'll hit the office for four or so hours a day and then it's "me time"...

So how many hours does the typical American work per year?
In 2015 (the last year for which this data is available), the average employee put in 38.7 hours a week and worked 46.8 weeks that year, according to a Pew analysis of Labor Department data. All told, this means that the average employed U.S. adult works 1,811.16 hours per year.
I'm not the only one who's discovered this inflation. Over the years, University of Maryland sociologist John Robinson has conducted several studies comparing people's estimated workweeks to time logs.
It turns out that the average person claiming to work 70, 80, or more hours per week is actually working less than 60. After I wrote about that finding in my book, 168 Hours,
I heard from one consultant who'd analyzed security records from a bank.
The employees routinely claimed they were working 15-20 hours more per week than their badges showed they were there.
Sure, some did work from home on weekends. But not 20 hours worth.

So honestly, you worked 12-14 hours a day??? Were you one of those that INFLATED the number???
I will be mildly surprised if AOC has ever worked a 70 hour week in her life. I have worked my fair share of overtime over the years but I never racked up 30 hours of it in one week.
I have but it doesn’t last long. Long term 50 is about the limit.
The average person working in the food industry works 70 hours a week.
They also have little education and the food industry is 24/7.
I hope Liberals on Food Stamps and Welfare are prepared to pay a lot more for food.
Where did you get your statement average person working in food industry works 70 hours/week???
Here are the FACTS and based on the FACTS you are an out right LIAR! Prove it that food industry works work 70 hours! Prove it!
Do you see the leisure and hospitality? 26.1 hours! In fact the only group working the most at 42.2 hrs is utilities!
The average person working in the food industry works 70 hours a week.
They also have little education and the food industry is 24/7.
I hope Liberals on Food Stamps and Welfare are prepared to pay a lot more for food.
Where did you get your statement average person working in food industry works 70 hours/week???
Here are the FACTS and based on the FACTS you are an out right LIAR! Prove it that food industry works work 70 hours! Prove it!
Do you see the leisure and hospitality? 26.1 hours! In fact the only group working the most at 42.2 hrs is utilities!
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Stop and Shop.
Western Beef.
About a dozen kosher supermarkets in Nassau County.
I see the same people easily working from early morning to very late at night.
The average person working in the food industry works 70 hours a week.
They also have little education and the food industry is 24/7.
I hope Liberals on Food Stamps and Welfare are prepared to pay a lot more for food.

Average weekly hours worked in restaurants in the United States as of October 2013, by occupation
Managers the most with less than 54% working 50 hours or more!
Waiters/waitress... less than 3% work 50 hours or more!
So where ARE YOUR FACTS!!!
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The average person working in the food industry works 70 hours a week.
They also have little education and the food industry is 24/7.
I hope Liberals on Food Stamps and Welfare are prepared to pay a lot more for food.
Where did you get your statement average person working in food industry works 70 hours/week???
Here are the FACTS and based on the FACTS you are an out right LIAR! Prove it that food industry works work 70 hours! Prove it!
Do you see the leisure and hospitality? 26.1 hours! In fact the only group working the most at 42.2 hrs is utilities!
View attachment 327099
What's funny about this is that everyone I know in any career requiring a advanced degree works at least 80 hours a week.
Don't believe reality matches "Offical" Government rules.
She can get back to Mexico.

I don't think she's ever actually been to Mexico.

AOC is of Puerto Rican descent and is from New York City...

A spoiled rich brat of privilege.

That comment demonstrates that it's clear you don't really know the first thing about her...

Well, y'know, except for her history and her character.

Anyone who'd refer to AOC as "a spoiled rich brat of privilege" doesn't know the first thing about her. AOC was far from rich and spoiled growing up.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not defending AOC. I just believe that if someone wants to impart valid criticism of her, the first thing that the substance of that valid criticism needs to be is true...
Her father was the President /Founder of an architectural firm.

“Sergio Ocasio founded a company called Kirschenbaum Ocasio-Roman Pc. A Chamber of Commerce listing gives the company’s address as 1510 Archer Road, Apt TB in The Bronx, New York. That same Chamber of Commerce listing says that the business had a sales volume of 500,000 and employed six people.”

Yep...sales of a half million dollars a year.

Spoiled brat of privilege.

Sure, they had an office and employees. AOC's father and his business partner were also hit with two separate liens for failure to pay more than a year’s worth of common charges on their office space. That's not the earmark of a successful company.

And $500,000 in sales in nothing. It's almost embarrassingly low. But, even if it was meaningful, that money would've had to go to overhead and salaries, not into the pockets of AOC's father. I have a buddy who owns a landscape company here in town. Last year his revenue was just over $4,000,000 gross. He drives a 2014 Nissan Altima and his kids go to public school. He lives in a 3br/2ba house that's about 1,900 square feet and he's got a mortgage.

You come across as someone who's had little growing up. Hey, my Dad was a truck driver, so I know what it's like to do without sometimes, and it definitely sucked. But, unlike you, I went out and made something of myself and now enjjoy a very comfortable level of success. From all indications, you're just still jealous of those who have what you don't...
High enough for her to grow up in an affluent neighborhood and attend a private college. Intern for Ted Kennedy, inherit a condo etc...

Yet trying to destroy the Livelihood of others.

Poor AOC abused. Guess she should go eat some worms...
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The average person working in the food industry works 70 hours a week.
They also have little education and the food industry is 24/7.
I hope Liberals on Food Stamps and Welfare are prepared to pay a lot more for food.
Where did you get your statement average person working in food industry works 70 hours/week???
Here are the FACTS and based on the FACTS you are an out right LIAR! Prove it that food industry works work 70 hours! Prove it!
Do you see the leisure and hospitality? 26.1 hours! In fact the only group working the most at 42.2 hrs is utilities!
View attachment 327099
Stop and Shop.
Western Beef.
About a dozen kosher supermarkets in Nassau County.
I see the same people easily working from early morning to very late at night.
AGAIN FACTS! not subjective BIASED and purely speculative statements.
I mean it is totally possible these same people come in early...( I know I use to do it!!!) 4:00, 5:00 work couple hours... leave. Go to school,
may have another job who knows then come back around 4:00 PM work to 8:00 PM... AGAIN I use to do that!
But this bullshit from AOC about people working 70 hours per week. YES I grant that there may be a FEW... A FEW!! that do that.
But not in the volumes that she's presenting. Comprehend simple common sense folks.
The average person working in the food industry works 70 hours a week.
They also have little education and the food industry is 24/7.
I hope Liberals on Food Stamps and Welfare are prepared to pay a lot more for food.
Where did you get your statement average person working in food industry works 70 hours/week???
Here are the FACTS and based on the FACTS you are an out right LIAR! Prove it that food industry works work 70 hours! Prove it!
Do you see the leisure and hospitality? 26.1 hours! In fact the only group working the most at 42.2 hrs is utilities!
View attachment 327099
What's funny about this is that everyone I know in any career requiring a advanced degree works at least 80 hours a week.
Don't believe reality matches "Offical" Government rules.
AGAIN what's funny is how many people is that? 10? 20? 100?
Bullshit! AGAIN subjective unqualified and totally irrelevant to what AOC stated. YES I can believe some worked 80 hours! I did when
I was in college. Worked several part time jobs. Went to class and studied for a couple. BUT that is the EXCEPTION! NOT the rule!
Please stop with the personal, subjective statements "80 hours a week" bullshit!
The average person working in the food industry works 70 hours a week.
They also have little education and the food industry is 24/7.
I hope Liberals on Food Stamps and Welfare are prepared to pay a lot more for food.
I guess it would depend on what part of the food industry you are referring to? Most are lucky to get 40 hours...

Especially right now.
I am always amazed at how truly dumb some people are on this board!
It takes less than a few minutes to do some searches BEFORE you make dumb ass comments like supporting 70 hour work week by AOC!
Totally subjective. Totally hyperbolic. And it takes so little time to prove these comments are dumb ass comments!

The average person working in the food industry works 70 hours a week.
They also have little education and the food industry is 24/7.
I hope Liberals on Food Stamps and Welfare are prepared to pay a lot more for food.
I guess it would depend on what part of the food industry you are referring to? Most are lucky to get 40 hours...

Especially right now.
YOU were saying????
The average person working in the food industry works 70 hours a week.
They also have little education and the food industry is 24/7.
I hope Liberals on Food Stamps and Welfare are prepared to pay a lot more for food.
Where did you get your statement average person working in food industry works 70 hours/week???
Here are the FACTS and based on the FACTS you are an out right LIAR! Prove it that food industry works work 70 hours! Prove it!
Do you see the leisure and hospitality? 26.1 hours! In fact the only group working the most at 42.2 hrs is utilities!
View attachment 327099
What's funny about this is that everyone I know in any career requiring a advanced degree works at least 80 hours a week.
Don't believe reality matches "Offical" Government rules.
AGAIN what's funny is how many people is that? 10? 20? 100?
Bullshit! AGAIN subjective unqualified and totally irrelevant to what AOC stated. YES I can believe some worked 80 hours! I did when
I was in college. Worked several part time jobs. Went to class and studied for a couple. BUT that is the EXCEPTION! NOT the rule!
Please stop with the personal, subjective statements "80 hours a week" bullshit!
I worked on Wall Street and most of the guys and gals in the Synagogues in my community have advanced degrees...
They have always worked about 70-80 hours a week to make their 100K+ salaries + benefits.
Blue Collar workers have no choice and if they don'[t work the hours they get replaced.
I suggest you go out and take a real hard look because I know you're a hard core Conservative and you want to believe the US economic system is comprised of total justice.
It isn't.
The average person working in the food industry works 70 hours a week.
They also have little education and the food industry is 24/7.
I hope Liberals on Food Stamps and Welfare are prepared to pay a lot more for food.
I guess it would depend on what part of the food industry you are referring to? Most are lucky to get 40 hours...

Especially right now.
YOU were saying????
View attachment 327107
Do you really believe these charts reflect reality!?
The average person working in the food industry works 70 hours a week.
They also have little education and the food industry is 24/7.
I hope Liberals on Food Stamps and Welfare are prepared to pay a lot more for food.
I guess it would depend on what part of the food industry you are referring to? Most are lucky to get 40 hours...

Especially right now.
Now is a disaster.
I always say hello and thank you to the workers and I feel terrible about their current plight.
“When we have this discussion about going back or reopening, I think a lot people should just say ‘no, we’re not going back to that.’ We’re not going back to working 70 hour weeks just so that we can put food on the table and not even feel any sort of semblance of security in our lives,” Ocasio-Cortez finished.
Who in the hell works 70 hours a week?!!!

Average Hours per Week Worked (US)
Age 16 years and older: 38.9
Age 16-19: 24.1
Age 20-24: 34.8
Age 25-54: 40.5
55 and Over: 38.0

FACTS.. AOC... FACTS....Do you see the average hours being 70 hours a week!!!

Furthermore, are people actually working “60, 70, 80” hours per week?
The BLS defines full-time workers as those working at least 35 hours per week.
Those working 60 or more hours are workers with two full time jobs, a full time and part time job,
or two part-time jobs that are nearly full-time.
Data show that, among workers with multiple jobs, the vast majority are managing either one full-time job and a secondary part-time job or two part-time jobs. Only a tiny fraction (4 percent) work two full-time jobs.
If we extrapolate their average daily work hours to a full week, multiple jobholders work an average of 42.95 hours per five-day workweek,
relative to 39.7 hours for single jobholders, though they are also more likely to work on the weekends.

Study: People Claiming to Work More Than 70 Hours a Week Are Totally Lying, Probably
Not only that, but the more hours that people work, the more they exaggerate. Americans who say they work 75 hours a week tend to be exaggerating by 25 hours. (The average American work week in September was 34.5 hours, according to the BLS.)

SO...AOC... who is working 70 hours a week? How many Americans work 70 hours a week?
Or is this just more BULLSHIT!!!

Yeah, there are people who work 70 hours a week. Most are CEOs, and all of them do so because they want to. Of course she hates CEOs... but whatever.

I've worked 70 hours a week.... to pay off some debts and bills I had decades ago. Then I quit.

AOC and reality.... the non-stop disconnect.
She can get back to Mexico.

Excuse me?

Which part do you have trouble with? Clearly she is anti-American, we don't want her here.

The country better reflects her values, especially the socialist party. Get back to her home.

She can pick any 3rd world nation for all I care, fits right in. Preferably one that is extra brown, her brown new deal could do well.
You are an absolute moron, LOL.

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