AOC takes down the GOPs inflation talking points in 3 mins

I've listened that economic illiterate enough to know that the's completely full of shit, her undergrad degree notwithstanding.
Oh yea? Well then go ahead and tell us what was it that she said in OP that contradicts economics.
Did 2020 have a good economy?

Simple question, lets see if you have the balls to answer it.

The 2nd quarter GDP was down 32.8%. That's really bad!
Then 3rd quarter was up 38.3%.
Is it safe to say we were no longer in recession?
How about after 4th quarter real GDP grew 6.3%?
The 2nd quarter GDP was down 32.8%. That's really bad!
Then 3rd quarter was up 38.3%.
Is it safe to say we were no longer in recession?
How about after 4th quarter real GDP grew 6.3%?

You can't answer that simple question, can you?

I can answer the question - 2020 was not great or good economy by any stretch of imagination. Why can't you?

You'll twist, you'll turn, you'll deflect, you'll nitpick. ANYTHING to not answer the question that is the very meat of what is being discussed.

This is why I call you an asshole hack. It's dishonest argument making and it's just what you do time and time again.
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AOC tears down the GOP talking points on inflation. It’s not monetary policy it’s specific industries with specific causes and the answer is improved infrastructure. Get on board boys she’s on a roll.

You can't answer that simple question, can you?

I can answer the question - 2020 was not great or good economy by any stretch of imagination. Why can't you?

You'll twist, you'll turn, you'll deflect, you'll nitpick. ANYTHING to not answer the question that is the very meat of what is being discussed.

This is why I call you an asshole hack. It's dishonest argument making and it's just what you do time and time again.

Wtf?...we were in a deep recession during Trump's last year.

We were in a deep, deep recession in March and April. Make that 4 deeps. Fuck it...6 deeps.
Then we were in a huge recovery. MASSIVE recovery the rest of the year.

Are you gonna keep whining like the stupid twat I showed you to be? LOL!
Wtf?...we were in a deep recession during Trump's last year.

We were in a deep, deep recession in March and April. Make that 4 deeps. Fuck it...6 deeps.
Then we were in a huge recovery. MASSIVE recovery the rest of the year.

Are you gonna keep whining like the stupid twat I showed you to be? LOL!

"massive recovery" in second half of 2020 DID NOT make up for the recession.

Total 2020 Real GDP growth is -3.5% - in what universe is that good economy?
We were still down 7 million jobs by the end of 2020 - in what universe is that good eoconomy?
And all that WITH $3 trillion deficit in 2020 - in what universe is that good economy?

Why can't you just admit that 2020 economy wasn't good? Wtf is wrong with you?
AOC tears down the GOP talking points on inflation. It’s not monetary policy it’s specific industries with specific causes and the answer is improved infrastructure. Get on board boys she’s on a roll.

Holy crap, good for her. Supply chain issues, as many have been saying. As I've been saying.

Supply chain issues (disruptions, slowdowns, stoppages), when combined with exploding demand, are at the foundation of this.

Getting specific, looking carefully at what is happening, getting to the "root cause" is a bit too complicated for Trumpsters, so they do what they always do when confused: Attack out of ignorance.
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She is most idiotic, stupid, out of touch politician in my lifetime. And if people believe what comes out of her mouth, that speaks even less of them.
Please demonstrate the economic acumen that gives you the knowledge to disagree with her.

Tell us how she's wrong. Show us how significant supply chain disruptions combined with exploding demand aren't at the heart of this.

Top of her class?? Kinda nice for a bar tender.

Youngest dingbat in history.

Some of what she proposed told us all what a lefty loon she is. Enjoy.
One thing about these dishonest Democrats. You can always count on them to deny the damage they do this country.

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