AOC takes down the GOPs inflation talking points in 3 mins

Still waiting to see if your claim of an Economics Degree is real or more bullshit

AOC stated her explanation for the sector based inflation. Have seen nothing out of you

We can only conclude AOC has a degree and you don’t.
Her claim is so much bullshit like 100% of her posts.
Her claim is so much bullshit like 100% of her posts.

Oooh, Asslips and Winger got something going on.

Let's play this out, does winger want BBC or Asslips want a cuck?

You two, toads, Nobody graduates cum laude and works as a barmaid.

Give it up and move on
One of my degrees is in economics and I graduated from Ross School of Business. I don’t need to tell you where that is. ;) Oh, I waited tables. Was good money until I made real money.
And yet your learned nothing about basic economics, apparently. You care more about supporting a moron
like Alexandria Ocasio Cortez make her specious political claims than actual real economic policy.
All jokes aside I’m in the import export business and she nailed the biggest issues these days. It’s raw material shortages, production issues, and transportation bottlenecks. I.e infrastructure.
The ONLY one listed that has any relation to infrastructure MIGHT be transportation bottlenecks. The rest have NOTHING to do with infrastructure and everything to do with international trade and America getting fucked up the ass.

Enjoy it.
Nobody graduates cum laude and works as a barmaid.

Oooh Business Insider and Snopes? Go find your nuts, Grumble
One of my degrees is in economics and I graduated from Ross School of Business. I don’t need to tell you where that is. ;) Oh, I waited tables. Was good money until I made real money.

My degree isn't in economics. It's in Accounting/Finance.

I was required to take economics courses every year in college.

What AOC was saying was simple, basic supply and demand capitalism.

The inflation started when the supply chain was disturbed because of the pandemic. It didn't start when Biden became president.

republicans are lying if they say they don't remember the price of toilet paper and paper goods increasing last year because of the shortage and stores were limiting people to only 2 of those paper items.

They are lying when they say they don't remember the price of beef going sky high because meat processing plants had to be shutdown due to so many people being in the hospital dying from the virus and very few willing to go back to those jobs.

The supply chain for many products was stopped or very disturbed because of the virus.

Yet the demand for everything didn't decrease. In fact in some cases the demand increased. Such as used cars. Which drove up the price of a used car.

republicans don't seem to understand the basic concepts of the economic system they claim they love so much, capitalism.

Which doesn't surprise me at all.
Oooh, Asslips and Winger got something going on.

Let's play this out, does winger want BBC or Asslips want a cuck?

You two, toads, Nobody graduates cum laude and works as a barmaid.

Give it up and move on
Once again you prove you have nothing of value to add to this board
While bragging about your degree in Economics from a University you can’t even spell, you are unable to provide any rationale for the current inflation.

Snarky personal insults are not a substitute for actual knowledge
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Then why can’t you refute her claims on the root causes of our current inflation?

Printing money >>"free" handouts which entice previously employed and productive workers to stay home, thus creating a shortage in the work force >> thus a shortage of supply >> increase in demand >>> inflation.

But then again, I don't have a degree in Economics. I was smart enough to choose a career path that paid better.
So why is she a bartender??

If I had an economic degree I sure as shit wouldn't be pouring drinks.

I wanted to know the exact same thing.

So I did what all intelligent people do.

I went to find the answer for it.

The world's best information resources is literally at our finger tips with the internet. I did a simple search on her biography. I found the answer to that question in that biography. The answer is a very logical one. However I wouldn't be surprised if you didn't understand the reason. You're way to selfish and self centered to understand the concept of loving, helping and giving back to the woman who gave you life.

So if you honestly want to know that answer there is nothing stopping you from doing what I did.

Stop being so lazy and do the search for yourself.
So why is she a bartender??

If I had an economic degree I sure as shit wouldn't be pouring drinks.
Because her father had died and she had to pay the rent in ultra expensive Manhattan. Entry level Economics jobs do not pay well……Bartending in a high end bar can be quite lucrative.

In her defense, she did become the youngest female Congresswoman in history

How many have done that?
Printing money >>"free" handouts which entice previously employed and productive workers to stay home, thus creating a shortage in the work force >> thus a shortage of supply >> increase in demand >>> inflation.

But then again, I don't have a degree in Economics. I was smart enough to choose a career path that paid better.
It is quite obvious you don’t have a degree in Economics
Entry level Economics jobs do not pay well

Maybe she should have thought about moving out of Manhattan. Maybe she should have chosen a more lucrative major. Props to her, she is doing well now and has managed to convince many gullible and previously indoctrinated folks that her ultra left-wing ideology will be a good thing for the US. Many folks can't think for themselves(Democrats in particular) so they need people like her to spoon feed them nonsense.

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