AOC's minimum wage argument backfires.

Comrade, was Trump right or wrong in providing stimulus and expanded unemployment benefits after the bio-attack?

You ducked and ran when I asked this earlier.

When you post a question worthy of a reply, I'll address it.
When people are free, they determine the wage they are willing to work for. Why should the government have any say in it whatsoever?
Sadly, finding employment is very difficult. There should be more easily available employment for people in need.
How is it difficult? I see slews of signs advertising $17 and $18 an hour for “no experience needed” everywhere I go. We need to require people on welfare to take AT LEAST a part-time job!

That would go a long way to solving the labor shortage.
It does create a multiplying affect. Without it there would still be businesses trying to pay people $5.00 an hour. When these businesses have to pay a minimum wage it raises the wages elsewhere also.
The debate over minimum wage can not be had until Democrats get out of their own way and send illegals home to their shitholes. We simply have too many bottom-feeders fighting for the same menial work. Minimum wage employment should be and always was reserved for REAL AMERICAN children seeking work experience….you bleeding heart globalists made burger-flipping a career job for 36 year old Guadalupe who’s raising six anchor babies.
You deflecting from the real problems you create has to stop…
”White supremacists are America’s greatest threat.”
While dark people rape and murder like jungle savages.
”Minimum wage must be raised, employers must be forced to fund Guadalupe and her litters of filth.”
While Dems look the other way as millions of desperate, illiterate thirdworlders traverse our border.
The debate over minimum wage can not be had until Democrats get out of their own way and send illegals home to their shitholes. We simply have too many bottom-feeders fighting for the same menial work. Minimum wage employment should be and always was reserved for REAL AMERICAN children seeking work experience….you bleeding heart globalists made burger-flipping a career job for 36 year old Guadalupe who’s raising six anchor babies.
You deflecting from the real problems you create has to stop…
”White supremacists are America’s greatest threat.”
While dark people rape and murder like jungle savages.
”Minimum wage must be raised, employers must be forced to fund Guadalupe and her litters of filth.”
While Dems look the other way as millions of desperate, illiterate thirdworlders traverse our border.
pknopp I’m just making a point that you clearly can’t refute….you and your complaints can’t be taken seriously until you push against the shit that actually matters first.
I decided to go to McDonald's for breakfast today. Got a sausage mcmuffin with egg combo and a hot apple pie. $9.50. McDonald's had to offer much higher than minimum wage to get people to work.

I asked my husband to pick up Taco Bell one evening because we had a function, 42 bucks for freaking Taco Bell. I lived on Taco Bell while I college. Five bucks I was stuffed
How many teens getting work experience did you see behind the counter….or were they all older dark people trying to fund a family?

I went to the drive-thru but I know where you're going with this.

When I was a teen Burger King decided to open up a restaurant in my suburb. Over 1,000 kids stood in line in the hot humid son to get one of the dozen or so part-time minimum wage jobs. The adults referred to us as the druggy generation because we smoked pot. Well..... we druggies had a lot more work ethic than kids today.
I went to the drive-thru but I know where you're going with this.

When I was a teen Burger King decided to open up a restaurant in my suburb. Over 1,000 kids stood in line in the hot humid son to get one of the dozen or so part-time minimum wage jobs. The adults referred to us as the druggy generation because we smoked pot. Well..... we druggies had a lot more work ethic than kids today.
Today’s youth are shit human beings for sure….but this leftist built society has made them that way. Here in Mexifornia, there really isn’t a whole lot of employment opportunity for 16-19 year olds anymore….not with all the 36 year old illegals willing to work the jobs that teens use to.
pknopp I’m just making a point that you clearly can’t refute….you and your complaints can’t be taken seriously until you push against the shit that actually matters first.

I do. I'm told that businesses hiring illegals is not a problem.
Today’s youth are shit human beings for sure….but this leftist built society has made them that way. Here in Mexifornia, there really isn’t a whole lot of employment opportunity for 16-19 year olds anymore….not with all the 36 year old illegals willing to work the jobs that teens use to.

I think a lot of it has to do with parents. Kids don't want to work because when they need money, the parents just give it to them. That didn't happen in my day. Your parents didn't give you anything unless you worked for it. Even as young adults, many of them still live with mom and dad, and have no desire to work. Mom and Dad welcome the idea of their kids living with them forever. When I was younger, if you were living at home with no job, no ambition to advance yourself or get your own apartment, they threw you out of the house.

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