Apaches defeated the Spaniards?

Another cheap British lie. Apaches lived on the great plains
Until the Comanches nearly exterminated then and drove them into the mountains. Pre-Comanche, the Apache did use horses, but horses can’t survive in those rugged mountains, they are delicate animals that take a lot of care and a lot of acreage for fodder. The Apaches needed all the arable land to grow food for people, not horses.
You’ve been watching too many movies. That’s not the way plains Indians dressed.
All the steppe peoples dressed the same as the Apaches. The winged hussars wore wings, they all wore stripes, which originated from the fringe, the Indians also wore stripes, the Indian jackets looked like hussar dolmans.
all European slaves dressed approximately like the German nobility, only without lace. In their costumes there was nothing similar to what was worn by the Indians and cowboys, and in general by any steppe peoples. They wore shorts, stockings and clumsy shoes, martinets wore collars, wigs on and straps on.
The warrior peoples mistook them for women and faggots, it was a red herring. Their strength was that they bred like dogs.
This is a British lie based on nothing.

It is based on the fossil records and the animals present after the Ice Age. The first natives who saw the Conquistadors on horseback thought it was one animals.
All the steppe peoples dressed the same as the Apaches. The winged hussars wore wings, they all wore stripes, which originated from the fringe, the Indians also wore stripes, the Indian jackets looked like hussar dolmans.

There is no evidence that the natives in America dressed like tribes in eastern Europe and India.
Originally posted by Winterborn
It is based on the fossil records and the animals present after the Ice Age. The first natives who saw the Conquistadors on horseback thought it was one animals.

This is one of the first native american descriptions of Hernan Cortez and his small army that invaded Mexico:

"They have spears that spit fire and ride deers the size of a house."

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
Comanche were no joke. They discovered the horse and took to it like no one since the Mongols. Apache, tonkawa, kiowa, kickapoo, Spanish, lakotah, cheyenne, all were stomped by the Comanche.
The Race the Great Wall Was Built to Shut Out

They were descendants of the psychotic savage bandits whom the Mongols descended from. The prehistoric ancestors of our Indigians and Latin America's were criminal gangs on the run from the vengeance of evolved Asians.

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