Zone1 Are any Christians here interested to know WHY Jews don’t believe Jesus was the Messiah?

It's apparently NOT fine with you. You expect US to abandon our fundamental beliefs to appease you. That's not gonna happen.

Islam has a set of beliefs. So do Jews. I make no DEMANDS of them, and what someone else thinks of my beliefs is irrelevant to me. I need no ones approval. You seem to "need' Christians to change their fundamental beliefs. Not gonna happen.
We're fine with your beliefs and don't want to change them. All we want is that you stop trying to change OURS.
All we want is that you stop trying to change OURS.

provide the stone tablets claimed by moses to be heavenly etched w/ 10 commandments or remove them from your literature ... bring those that persecuted jesus to justice. their inquisition.

- the heavens that will never ascribe - the crime of heredity idolatry.
Both here and IRL, Christians feel quite comfortable telling Jews why they are wrong - and why Jesus was the Messiah. (It’s quite rude when Christians keeping arguing and warning Jews they will be damned, that G-d is angry with them, etc.), but they never are willing to hear why Jews don’t believe Jesus was the Messiah.

It’s as if they only want to tell Jews (“you’re wrong, and I’ll tell you why) and never want to hear the reasons for the opposite - why Jews think Christians are wrong.

So I’ve written to Christians asking if they would be interested in hearing the Jewish perspective, and they never respond. So I’m asking now:

Are there any Christians here who would like to understand why Jesus is not the Messiah - from the Jewish perspective - or must we simply be silent about our opposite view?

Thank you.

Jews worship a different god than Christians.
You are still coming at this from the Christian perspective, with your argument being that Jesus himself said that he was the only way.

What did he mean by that? That the only way to reach the World to Come is to follow his teachings, which were for the most part traditional Jewish values? Then yes, I agree that one must follow Gd’s commandments.

If, OTOH, he indicated that he had special “salvation powers,” with the ability to absorb sin, and that only those that believed he was a supreme being of some sort would get to Heaven, then there are two possibilities, from the Jewish perspective:

The first, and most likely, is that he never said (or intended) such a thing. From what I understand, he was a practicing Jew - and no Jew would elevate himself above his fellow human beings.

The second, and less likely, is that he did say and intend that, and if that were the case, yes….he was suffering from delusions of grandeur. Again, however, this is unlikely.

Finally, I wish to clarify that it is other Christians who are arrogant - specifically, the ones here who insist to Jews that unless they submit to THEIR beliefs, they will be banished from Heaven. What makes it even more annoying is the ridiculous quoting from the NT as to what Jesus (supposedly) said - as if this would be “proof” to the 98% of Jews who choose to maintain traditional Jewish beliefs.

I would prefer that everyone just believe what he wants, and allow others the same privilege.
Where do you think the writers of the NT got their inspiration the Yeshua is the Messiah? That's the first question you need to ponder. The writers of the NT, with the exception of Luke and possibly the writer of Hebrews, were observant Jews. That means they were convinced by the Hebrew scriptures that Yeshua is The Christ.
You start with the false assumption that the prophets were predicting events in the far future. They were not. They were current commentators. They were chastising the population and letting them know the direct consequence. Like a parent telling a child that if he does not eat his veggies, he won't get dessert. The oft quoted , out of context. Isaiah used a lot of parent-child imagery to describe the relationship between G-d and Israel.
So the prophets weren't prophesying or predicting events in the future? All of the prophecies that Orthodox Jews recognize as messianic, don't really exist? There is no temple in the future?
We're fine with your beliefs and don't want to change them. All we want is that you stop trying to change OURS.
This is a public forum where discussions are held to examine and exchange ideas. Perhaps you're not equipped to participate.
We're fine with your beliefs and don't want to change them. All we want is that you stop trying to change OURS.
I never have. I am actually one of the LEAST prosletysers you'll find.

The thread is about what JEWS want from Christians. This thread is about making DEMANDS of Christians.

I don't come to you for approval any more than you want my approval, but then I didn't start the thread
Perhaps those of you who can't defend your beliefs should examine your beliefs. Christians are taught in Scripture to examine everything and judge by the Word of God. Telling people to just shut up isn't gonna work.
Perhaps those of you who can't defend your beliefs should examine your beliefs. Christians are taught in Scripture to examine everything and judge by the Word of God. Telling people to just shut up isn't gonna work.
Telling Jews that your way is “the truth” and that they won’t be saved unless they submit to what YOU consider the truth ain’t gonna work, either. That’s why 98% of Jews have rejected the attempts by Evangelicals to abandon Judaism.

You believe in Jesus if you want. We choose not to. Gd doesn’t really care, because that’s not how He judges who goes to Heaven.
So the prophets weren't prophesying or predicting events in the future? All of the prophecies that Orthodox Jews recognize as messianic, don't really exist? There is no temple in the future?
We are waiting for Moshiach. He will rebuild the Temple, amongst other things. Prophets were not writing about events hundresds of year in the future.
Telling Jews that your way is “the truth” and that they won’t be saved unless they submit to what YOU consider the truth ain’t gonna work, either. That’s why 98% of Jews have rejected the attempts by Evangelicals to abandon Judaism.

You believe in Jesus if you want. We choose not to. Gd doesn’t really care, because that’s not how He judges who goes to Heaven.
I'm pretty sure God isn't going to change his Word simply because 98% of Jews don't agree with God.
I'm pretty sure God didn't change his word even though 100% of Christians don't agree with God.
I don’t think Gd is going to punish Christians for believing a mortal man was his “son,” do you? As long as they are good people, as outlined by the Noahide laws, they have a share in the World to Come.

What an open, tolerant religion Judaism is - allowing that those of other faiths can still be rewarded through their good behavior and works.
I’m pretty sure Jews and Christians who think only their “God” is the “real God” are suffering from profound ignorance … a kind of organized insanity!

Both are profoundly wrong about many things, especially when they argue that their Holy Books express the … “true word of God.”
I’m pretty sure Jews and Christians who think that only their “God” is the only “real God” are suffering from profound ignorance and. Collective delusion … a kind of organized insanity!

Both are profoundly wrong about many things, especially when they argue that their Holy Books express the “true word of God” or their religion is … “true.”
Jews and Christians have the same Gd.

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