Are Blacks More Racist Than Whites? Most Americans Say Yes

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Reality. Not the ramblings of morons on the internet. Have you ever bothered to look at how americans view race? In 1960 4% of americans approved of interracial marriage, in 2010 that number was 87%. My god the horrors of racism rearing it's ugly head.

On a personal level, I grew up in a predominantly white suburb. I went and watched the 4th of July fireworks last year in the same park I watched as a child. White kids, black kids, chinese kids, arab kids, indian kids, korean kids, hispanic kids and a whole boatload that I'd have to guess what mix. None of them segregated, just like the parents. Oh No, racism everywhere.
The political left in this country MUST keep race alive as an issue, otherwise they have nothing.

Rumblings of "morons" on the Internet are more reflective of true feelings than face to face dialogue. Trump rules by texting and he galvanizes his base by that means. That reality in and of itself denotes the seriousness of the vile racism that permeates the Internet. Russia has discovered that medium to be useful too. Some of the hate is generated by Russians posing as Black Lives Matter bloggers or or Trump supporters. And the naive Trump bots suck it up and become emboldened by it. Putin is, in the meantime grinning from ear to ear.


This whole topic is probably a Russian bot contrivance constructed to inflame and divide on an impossible to prove and meaningless point. Who is more racist? What a totally useless subject.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

The Russians need do nothing. Without screaming "racism" there would be no democratic party.

Your an idiot. In what none dictatorial political construct does there not exist an opposition party? If you think that liberalism is based upon race, the world over, you are an idiot.

In conclusion: You are an idiot.

You're either a liar or a can choose.

This is the reason why Liberals keep the racism farrago going:

But, the Dems can's take a chance on losing the black, here we are.
They're pretty much saddled with this donkey.

"...what would happen if a smaller percentage of blacks turned out:

- At 90 percent black turn-out, Wisconsin’s 10 electoral votes slide into the GOP column.

- At 75 percent black turn-out, Pennsylvania’s 21 electoral votes go Republican.

- At 70 percent Michigan’s 17 electoral votes turn from blue to red.

- At 50 percent the GOP collects Delawre’s three electoral votes.

I don’t know what a realistic number to project is for the effects of angry black apathy, but I’ll stop at 50 percent. It may be that going as low as 75 percent is unrealistic. Most likely it’s impossible to say. (And this doesn’t take into account things like congressional districts where black voters make the margin of difference.)"

Do Democrats need the black vote? | RobertEmmet

But what exactly would that mean? In how many states do black voters make the difference? I ran some rough numbers over at Robert Emmet -- check them out. Depending on how much of a drop-off you assume, it could cost the Democrats 10 to 76 electoral votes.

The Democrats and the Black Vote | HuffPost

Democrats are heavily dependent on the black vote. That’s an opportunity for the GOP.
The black vote has become important enough to the Democratic party that a small drop in support could make a big difference.

in the 1992 election, 13 percent of the Democratic vote came from black voters. In 2014, it was 23 percent.

That's the overall trend. On a state-by-state basis -- which is much more important in presidential politics -- it's more complex.

If there'd been a one-point swing from Obama to McCain in North Carolina in 2008, McCain would have won the state. And if the black vote in Florida and Ohio in 2012 had been as strong for the Republicans as it was in 2004 -- in the pre-Obama era -- Romney would have won both." Democrats are heavily dependent on the black vote. That’s an opportunity for the GOP.

The democrats are not dependent upon the black vote. The Democratic party was a viable party winning elections before blacks started voting democrat in large percentages. What happened is that RACE led many whites to vacate the democratic party due to the dems support of efforts to undo racial injustice. If there were no blacks in this country the majority of whites would lean to the left politically, like whites do in nearly every other white majority nation.
Evidence of present day or contemporary racism persisted unabashed during Obama's presidency. This message board is full of examples. And after reviewing other boards and media, I discovered the anti-Black racism reflected here is viral and has spread to every corner of the USA and beyond.
What a crock. In the US today the overwhelming number of people couldn't give a hoot about the color of peoples skin or their ethnic background. If the ramblings of idiots on the web is "evidence" of anything for you, you need to get out more. The fact is with every passing year race means less and less to pretty much everyone in this country, a fact that drives some people crazy, mostly on the left. The idea that a handful of idiots with tiki torches somehow is the harbinger of the rise of nazis is absurd.
I've given you the source of my premise so what prompted YOUR conclusions?
Reality. Not the ramblings of morons on the internet. Have you ever bothered to look at how americans view race? In 1960 4% of americans approved of interracial marriage, in 2010 that number was 87%. My god the horrors of racism rearing it's ugly head.

On a personal level, I grew up in a predominantly white suburb. I went and watched the 4th of July fireworks last year in the same park I watched as a child. White kids, black kids, chinese kids, arab kids, indian kids, korean kids, hispanic kids and a whole boatload that I'd have to guess what mix. None of them segregated, just like the parents. Oh No, racism everywhere.
The political left in this country MUST keep race alive as an issue, otherwise they have nothing.

Rumblings of "morons" on the Internet are more reflective of true feelings than face to face dialogue. Trump rules by texting and he galvanizes his base by that means. That reality in and of itself denotes the seriousness of the vile racism that permeates the Internet. Russia has discovered that medium to be useful too. Some of the hate is generated by Russians posing as Black Lives Matter bloggers or or Trump supporters. And the naive Trump bots suck it up and become emboldened by it. Putin is, in the meantime grinning from ear to ear.

"Rumblings of "morons" on the Internet are more reflective of true feelings than face to face dialogue."

You can't really believe that, can you? I know 8 year olds that aren't that stupid.

The vile racism that "permeates" the internet? A bunch of 14 year olds sitting in their parents basement, trying to get a rise out of idiots? And succeeding?

Russians posing as BLM? And the Trump supporters are naive?

Putin is truly grinning. "hey someone put a green frog on the internet, let's watch people freak out about fascism".

You are in denial. Virtually every news media outlet out there has reported on this, yet somehow you missed it.
You need to get your face out of the video games and start watching the world around you. But I I'm amazed to learn that you really didn't know that some of the stuff right-wing conservatives point to as militant BLM rhetoric is really Russians posing as BLM.
Russians were also the impetus behind some of .the Trump rallies. Does it take a rocket scientist to connect the dots?
What a crock. In the US today the overwhelming number of people couldn't give a hoot about the color of peoples skin or their ethnic background. If the ramblings of idiots on the web is "evidence" of anything for you, you need to get out more. The fact is with every passing year race means less and less to pretty much everyone in this country, a fact that drives some people crazy, mostly on the left. The idea that a handful of idiots with tiki torches somehow is the harbinger of the rise of nazis is absurd.
I've given you the source of my premise so what prompted YOUR conclusions?
Reality. Not the ramblings of morons on the internet. Have you ever bothered to look at how americans view race? In 1960 4% of americans approved of interracial marriage, in 2010 that number was 87%. My god the horrors of racism rearing it's ugly head.

On a personal level, I grew up in a predominantly white suburb. I went and watched the 4th of July fireworks last year in the same park I watched as a child. White kids, black kids, chinese kids, arab kids, indian kids, korean kids, hispanic kids and a whole boatload that I'd have to guess what mix. None of them segregated, just like the parents. Oh No, racism everywhere.
The political left in this country MUST keep race alive as an issue, otherwise they have nothing.

Rumblings of "morons" on the Internet are more reflective of true feelings than face to face dialogue. Trump rules by texting and he galvanizes his base by that means. That reality in and of itself denotes the seriousness of the vile racism that permeates the Internet. Russia has discovered that medium to be useful too. Some of the hate is generated by Russians posing as Black Lives Matter bloggers or or Trump supporters. And the naive Trump bots suck it up and become emboldened by it. Putin is, in the meantime grinning from ear to ear.


This whole topic is probably a Russian bot contrivance constructed to inflame and divide on an impossible to prove and meaningless point. Who is more racist? What a totally useless subject.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

The Russians need do nothing. Without screaming "racism" there would be no democratic party.
Wow are YOU ignorant. a lot of White people in both parties have racial issues. The White democrats in Ferguson proved that. On the whole, however, the appeal of the Democrat support for labor has brought smart white and black people together under the Democrat umbrella for the common good.
I give everyone the benefit of the doubt in regards to intelligence. Thus, I assume that you or any one who concludes that blacks are more racist than whites, are as smart as I am...if not smarter. Hence, if I know that the belief that blacks are more racist than whites is false, what prevents people like you from knowing it too?

If an intelligent person cannot figure out the correct answer to a simple question, when all the information is there to get the right answer, its because the intelligent persons intellect is being subdued by emotions and prejudice. There is a clear reason why people like you have to be "educated by force" on such matters. Its because you don't want to be educated, but rather, to believe what your prejudice and emotions want you to believe. Even when forced fed the stick your finger down your throat to throw it back up.

America has as many racist whites as it has ever has in its history. What different today is that there are also many whites who are not like that and don't feel that they have to pretend to be that way or to be silent about the racism of other, just to get along and fit in. There are a lot of racist white people and there are a lot of white people who are not racist. The former just seek to camouflage themselves as the latter.
There is no way to prove that. So please spare us.
You have history on your side but like almost every thread on race you post in, you dont have the present.
Evidence of present day or contemporary racism persisted unabashed during Obama's presidency. This message board is full of examples. And after reviewing other boards and media, I discovered the anti-Black racism reflected here is viral and has spread to every corner of the USA and beyond.


A human being with a backbone and self-respect would never demand that government penalize any who hurt their feelings.

And hurt feelings is the 'thought crime' that Liberals call 'racism.'

Now, get off your knees.
Naw, get off YOUR knees...if you want to screw me I want to look in your eyes.
The scope of pervasive racial animosity in this country isn't about "hurt feelings." Its about people like you who are complicit in
nurturing predjudice and racial animus behind the scenes and pretending it doesn't
exist in public or in your social media narratives. Need I also remind you that not one gain towards equality by blacks was attributable to a national mandate.
Last edited:
Reality. Not the ramblings of morons on the internet. Have you ever bothered to look at how americans view race? In 1960 4% of americans approved of interracial marriage, in 2010 that number was 87%. My god the horrors of racism rearing it's ugly head.

On a personal level, I grew up in a predominantly white suburb. I went and watched the 4th of July fireworks last year in the same park I watched as a child. White kids, black kids, chinese kids, arab kids, indian kids, korean kids, hispanic kids and a whole boatload that I'd have to guess what mix. None of them segregated, just like the parents. Oh No, racism everywhere.
The political left in this country MUST keep race alive as an issue, otherwise they have nothing.

Rumblings of "morons" on the Internet are more reflective of true feelings than face to face dialogue. Trump rules by texting and he galvanizes his base by that means. That reality in and of itself denotes the seriousness of the vile racism that permeates the Internet. Russia has discovered that medium to be useful too. Some of the hate is generated by Russians posing as Black Lives Matter bloggers or or Trump supporters. And the naive Trump bots suck it up and become emboldened by it. Putin is, in the meantime grinning from ear to ear.


This whole topic is probably a Russian bot contrivance constructed to inflame and divide on an impossible to prove and meaningless point. Who is more racist? What a totally useless subject.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

The Russians need do nothing. Without screaming "racism" there would be no democratic party.

Your an idiot. In what none dictatorial political construct does there not exist an opposition party? If you think that liberalism is based upon race, the world over, you are an idiot.

In conclusion: You are an idiot.

You're either a liar or a can choose.

This is the reason why Liberals keep the racism farrago going:

But, the Dems can's take a chance on losing the black, here we are.
They're pretty much saddled with this donkey.

"...what would happen if a smaller percentage of blacks turned out:

- At 90 percent black turn-out, Wisconsin’s 10 electoral votes slide into the GOP column.

- At 75 percent black turn-out, Pennsylvania’s 21 electoral votes go Republican.

- At 70 percent Michigan’s 17 electoral votes turn from blue to red.

- At 50 percent the GOP collects Delawre’s three electoral votes.

I don’t know what a realistic number to project is for the effects of angry black apathy, but I’ll stop at 50 percent. It may be that going as low as 75 percent is unrealistic. Most likely it’s impossible to say. (And this doesn’t take into account things like congressional districts where black voters make the margin of difference.)"

Do Democrats need the black vote? | RobertEmmet

But what exactly would that mean? In how many states do black voters make the difference? I ran some rough numbers over at Robert Emmet -- check them out. Depending on how much of a drop-off you assume, it could cost the Democrats 10 to 76 electoral votes.

The Democrats and the Black Vote | HuffPost

Democrats are heavily dependent on the black vote. That’s an opportunity for the GOP.
The black vote has become important enough to the Democratic party that a small drop in support could make a big difference.

in the 1992 election, 13 percent of the Democratic vote came from black voters. In 2014, it was 23 percent.

That's the overall trend. On a state-by-state basis -- which is much more important in presidential politics -- it's more complex.

If there'd been a one-point swing from Obama to McCain in North Carolina in 2008, McCain would have won the state. And if the black vote in Florida and Ohio in 2012 had been as strong for the Republicans as it was in 2004 -- in the pre-Obama era -- Romney would have won both." Democrats are heavily dependent on the black vote. That’s an opportunity for the GOP.
So..conversely that means the GOP depends on the RW white radical vote...and their collective name is LEGION.
How many generations do we go back?

Just so I can be ready.....

I'm guessing that the only cotton you picked came out of an aspirin bottle.

True, what about all the white descendants of the whites who died fighting for blacks to be free? Their lives were cut short, thus they didn't live to succeed in life. How would anyone determine who gets what and how much?

OK let's play your little game of whites died for us to be free. Whites were free. They died choosing to fight. Let me repeat. The whites were free. The blacks were not. Blacks had no choice. In addition whites were paid for their labor, not owned as property, had the freedom to go wherever they wanted, not just where their owners said they could go, and were considered citizens with full rights. So I must ask, do you guys even think before you start posting these comments? What reparations would whites be entitled to for fighting to free people who were supposed to already be free according to the constitution? Really do you guys even think? You are paying reparations to Native Americans every year. So again, do you guys even think before you hit the post reply button?
You were not a slave, you are due nothing from slavery. So, you are saying because a white man was free but chose to fight for the blacks to be free, they aren't worthy of compensation too? If it weren't for them, blacks might not have gained their freedom.

Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying.

Who freed the slaves?

Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation was limited to freeing only slaves in states that had seceded--slave masters in the border states that had remained officially neutral were exempt, as were any parts of the Confederacy already under Union control. Still, the document was a recognition that the goals of a Union victory to keep the United States together and the destruction of slavery were tied together and inseparable. Since the proclamation could only apply in reality if the North won the war, the Northern army became a de facto army of liberation--with slaves escaping to Union lines to gain their freedom.

Soon thereafter, the Union finally agreed to arm and train Black soldiers. Large numbers of Black men poured into the Union Army, more than half of them former slaves. Their sacrifices were enormous. Blacks suffered a casualty rate 40 percent higher than white soldiers (of the 38,000 who died, only 2,870 were actually killed in combat, reflecting the horrific living conditions for these soldiers.)

Black troops fought in nearly every major campaign. As a result of one battle alone in Virginia, 14 African Americans received the Medal of Honor. Yet these soldiers faced discrimination at every turn--racist treatment at the hands of all-white officers, disparity in pay, the worst assignments, outdated equipment.

Some white officers fought for the dignity of their troops. Robert Gould Shaw, the commander of the 54th Massachusetts Infantry, whose story was immortalized in the excellent film Glory, was one example. The entire 54th--including the white officers who weren't subject to unfair wages--refused their unequal pay for an entire year. Towards the end of the war, the government relented and granted full and equal back pay.

Not surprisingly, armed Black soldiers terrified the Confederacy, which vowed to return to slavery or put to death any so-called "slave insurrectionists" caught in uniform (as well as any white officers leading them).

Blacks also played a crucial role in the war effort from behind Southern lines--engaging in sabotage, strikes, individual acts of violence, conspiracy, rebellion and marronage (forming illegal communities.) These slave disturbances drained Confederate resources, with militia and army units forced to patrol at home rather than fight the Union Army.

Confederate President Jefferson Davis' own slaves eavesdropped on his meetings--and passed information to Union agents, who were often Black women.

One of the more brazen acts of resistance came on the morning of May 13, 1862. Robert Smalls and a crew of seven other slaves snuck aboard the Confederate ship Planter with their families and piloted it over to Union lines. Smalls joined the Union Navy--and later became a five-term member of Congress from South Carolina during the short-lived Reconstruction era.

African American resistance is important to note because conservative historians attempted to obliterate this record.

Who freed the slaves?

The U.S. Owes African-Americans Reparations, Says United Nations

The United Nations released its final report this week outlining a host of concerns about the treatment of African-Americans in the United States.

In short, it isn’t pretty, and it’s a reflection of what many activists have been saying for a long time.

The 22-page document issued by the U.N. Working Group includes 37 “manifestations of racial discrimination” in criminal justice, health care, education, and more.

Many of the conclusions relate to criminal justice, specifically policing and incarceration and their relation to history.

"In particular, the legacy of colonial history, enslavement, racial subordination and segregation, racial terrorism and racial inequality in the United States remains a serious challenge, as there has been no real commitment to reparations and to truth and reconciliation for people of African descent," the report states. "Contemporary police killings and the trauma that they create are reminiscent of the past racial terror of lynching. Impunity for State violence has resulted in the current human rights crisis and must be addressed as a matter of urgency."

The U.S. Owes African-Americans Reparations, Says U.N. Report

Those whites who died fighting were paid. You don't get reparations for choosing to join the army. And as you see if you can read are that the violations extend to today and are not just about slavery.
Blacks today are owed nothing. How do you know who is or who is not a decendent of slaves? How do you pay those mixed people who's parents were blacks who willingly had children with whites? How about everyone work for what they get and not expect handouts, that is what that is. I can't control whether or not the Native Americans get reparations. This does not mean everyone who had oppressed ancestors are due something.
The matter has been addressed by a UN commitee with results favoring reparations for the black collective domiciled in America.
Proposals for dissemination of the judgement agreed upon were narrowed to one that is most practical:

"full implementation of special programs based on education, socioeconomic, and environmental rights."

UN committee urges US government to pay reparations for slavery
Last edited:
Rumblings of "morons" on the Internet are more reflective of true feelings than face to face dialogue. Trump rules by texting and he galvanizes his base by that means. That reality in and of itself denotes the seriousness of the vile racism that permeates the Internet. Russia has discovered that medium to be useful too. Some of the hate is generated by Russians posing as Black Lives Matter bloggers or or Trump supporters. And the naive Trump bots suck it up and become emboldened by it. Putin is, in the meantime grinning from ear to ear.


This whole topic is probably a Russian bot contrivance constructed to inflame and divide on an impossible to prove and meaningless point. Who is more racist? What a totally useless subject.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

The Russians need do nothing. Without screaming "racism" there would be no democratic party.

Your an idiot. In what none dictatorial political construct does there not exist an opposition party? If you think that liberalism is based upon race, the world over, you are an idiot.

In conclusion: You are an idiot.

You're either a liar or a can choose.

This is the reason why Liberals keep the racism farrago going:

But, the Dems can's take a chance on losing the black, here we are.
They're pretty much saddled with this donkey.

"...what would happen if a smaller percentage of blacks turned out:

- At 90 percent black turn-out, Wisconsin’s 10 electoral votes slide into the GOP column.

- At 75 percent black turn-out, Pennsylvania’s 21 electoral votes go Republican.

- At 70 percent Michigan’s 17 electoral votes turn from blue to red.

- At 50 percent the GOP collects Delawre’s three electoral votes.

I don’t know what a realistic number to project is for the effects of angry black apathy, but I’ll stop at 50 percent. It may be that going as low as 75 percent is unrealistic. Most likely it’s impossible to say. (And this doesn’t take into account things like congressional districts where black voters make the margin of difference.)"

Do Democrats need the black vote? | RobertEmmet

But what exactly would that mean? In how many states do black voters make the difference? I ran some rough numbers over at Robert Emmet -- check them out. Depending on how much of a drop-off you assume, it could cost the Democrats 10 to 76 electoral votes.

The Democrats and the Black Vote | HuffPost

Democrats are heavily dependent on the black vote. That’s an opportunity for the GOP.
The black vote has become important enough to the Democratic party that a small drop in support could make a big difference.

in the 1992 election, 13 percent of the Democratic vote came from black voters. In 2014, it was 23 percent.

That's the overall trend. On a state-by-state basis -- which is much more important in presidential politics -- it's more complex.

If there'd been a one-point swing from Obama to McCain in North Carolina in 2008, McCain would have won the state. And if the black vote in Florida and Ohio in 2012 had been as strong for the Republicans as it was in 2004 -- in the pre-Obama era -- Romney would have won both." Democrats are heavily dependent on the black vote. That’s an opportunity for the GOP.

The democrats are not dependent upon the black vote. The Democratic party was a viable party winning elections before blacks started voting democrat in large percentages. What happened is that RACE led many whites to vacate the democratic party due to the dems support of efforts to undo racial injustice. If there were no blacks in this country the majority of whites would lean to the left politically, like whites do in nearly every other white majority nation.

"The democrats are not dependent upon the black vote."

I believe you just proved you can't read.
I give everyone the benefit of the doubt in regards to intelligence. Thus, I assume that you or any one who concludes that blacks are more racist than whites, are as smart as I am...if not smarter. Hence, if I know that the belief that blacks are more racist than whites is false, what prevents people like you from knowing it too?

If an intelligent person cannot figure out the correct answer to a simple question, when all the information is there to get the right answer, its because the intelligent persons intellect is being subdued by emotions and prejudice. There is a clear reason why people like you have to be "educated by force" on such matters. Its because you don't want to be educated, but rather, to believe what your prejudice and emotions want you to believe. Even when forced fed the stick your finger down your throat to throw it back up.

America has as many racist whites as it has ever has in its history. What different today is that there are also many whites who are not like that and don't feel that they have to pretend to be that way or to be silent about the racism of other, just to get along and fit in. There are a lot of racist white people and there are a lot of white people who are not racist. The former just seek to camouflage themselves as the latter.
There is no way to prove that. So please spare us.
You have history on your side but like almost every thread on race you post in, you dont have the present.
Evidence of present day or contemporary racism persisted unabashed during Obama's presidency. This message board is full of examples. And after reviewing other boards and media, I discovered the anti-Black racism reflected here is viral and has spread to every corner of the USA and beyond.


A human being with a backbone and self-respect would never demand that government penalize any who hurt their feelings.

And hurt feelings is the 'thought crime' that Liberals call 'racism.'

Now, get off your knees.
Naw, get off YOUR knees...if you want to screw me I want to look in your eyes.
The scope of pervasive racial animosity in this country isn't about "hurt feelings." Its about people like you who are complicit in
nurturing predjudice and racial animus behind the scenes and pretending it doesn't
exist in public or in your social media narratives. Need I also remind you that not one gain towards equality by blacks was attributable to a national mandate.

Let's concentrate on your 'swallowing'....

...swallowing the propaganda that a poor opinion of someone prevents them from being a success.

Were you always this gullible????
Rumblings of "morons" on the Internet are more reflective of true feelings than face to face dialogue. Trump rules by texting and he galvanizes his base by that means. That reality in and of itself denotes the seriousness of the vile racism that permeates the Internet. Russia has discovered that medium to be useful too. Some of the hate is generated by Russians posing as Black Lives Matter bloggers or or Trump supporters. And the naive Trump bots suck it up and become emboldened by it. Putin is, in the meantime grinning from ear to ear.


This whole topic is probably a Russian bot contrivance constructed to inflame and divide on an impossible to prove and meaningless point. Who is more racist? What a totally useless subject.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

The Russians need do nothing. Without screaming "racism" there would be no democratic party.

Your an idiot. In what none dictatorial political construct does there not exist an opposition party? If you think that liberalism is based upon race, the world over, you are an idiot.

In conclusion: You are an idiot.

You're either a liar or a can choose.

This is the reason why Liberals keep the racism farrago going:

But, the Dems can's take a chance on losing the black, here we are.
They're pretty much saddled with this donkey.

"...what would happen if a smaller percentage of blacks turned out:

- At 90 percent black turn-out, Wisconsin’s 10 electoral votes slide into the GOP column.

- At 75 percent black turn-out, Pennsylvania’s 21 electoral votes go Republican.

- At 70 percent Michigan’s 17 electoral votes turn from blue to red.

- At 50 percent the GOP collects Delawre’s three electoral votes.

I don’t know what a realistic number to project is for the effects of angry black apathy, but I’ll stop at 50 percent. It may be that going as low as 75 percent is unrealistic. Most likely it’s impossible to say. (And this doesn’t take into account things like congressional districts where black voters make the margin of difference.)"

Do Democrats need the black vote? | RobertEmmet

But what exactly would that mean? In how many states do black voters make the difference? I ran some rough numbers over at Robert Emmet -- check them out. Depending on how much of a drop-off you assume, it could cost the Democrats 10 to 76 electoral votes.

The Democrats and the Black Vote | HuffPost

Democrats are heavily dependent on the black vote. That’s an opportunity for the GOP.
The black vote has become important enough to the Democratic party that a small drop in support could make a big difference.

in the 1992 election, 13 percent of the Democratic vote came from black voters. In 2014, it was 23 percent.

That's the overall trend. On a state-by-state basis -- which is much more important in presidential politics -- it's more complex.

If there'd been a one-point swing from Obama to McCain in North Carolina in 2008, McCain would have won the state. And if the black vote in Florida and Ohio in 2012 had been as strong for the Republicans as it was in 2004 -- in the pre-Obama era -- Romney would have won both." Democrats are heavily dependent on the black vote. That’s an opportunity for the GOP.
So..conversely that means the GOP depends on the RW white radical vote...and their collective name is LEGION.

There is no 'white radical vote' ......just as there is no Far Right in this country.....only a Far Left, your masters.
True, what about all the white descendants of the whites who died fighting for blacks to be free? Their lives were cut short, thus they didn't live to succeed in life. How would anyone determine who gets what and how much?

OK let's play your little game of whites died for us to be free. Whites were free. They died choosing to fight. Let me repeat. The whites were free. The blacks were not. Blacks had no choice. In addition whites were paid for their labor, not owned as property, had the freedom to go wherever they wanted, not just where their owners said they could go, and were considered citizens with full rights. So I must ask, do you guys even think before you start posting these comments? What reparations would whites be entitled to for fighting to free people who were supposed to already be free according to the constitution? Really do you guys even think? You are paying reparations to Native Americans every year. So again, do you guys even think before you hit the post reply button?
You were not a slave, you are due nothing from slavery. So, you are saying because a white man was free but chose to fight for the blacks to be free, they aren't worthy of compensation too? If it weren't for them, blacks might not have gained their freedom.

Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying.

Who freed the slaves?

Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation was limited to freeing only slaves in states that had seceded--slave masters in the border states that had remained officially neutral were exempt, as were any parts of the Confederacy already under Union control. Still, the document was a recognition that the goals of a Union victory to keep the United States together and the destruction of slavery were tied together and inseparable. Since the proclamation could only apply in reality if the North won the war, the Northern army became a de facto army of liberation--with slaves escaping to Union lines to gain their freedom.

Soon thereafter, the Union finally agreed to arm and train Black soldiers. Large numbers of Black men poured into the Union Army, more than half of them former slaves. Their sacrifices were enormous. Blacks suffered a casualty rate 40 percent higher than white soldiers (of the 38,000 who died, only 2,870 were actually killed in combat, reflecting the horrific living conditions for these soldiers.)

Black troops fought in nearly every major campaign. As a result of one battle alone in Virginia, 14 African Americans received the Medal of Honor. Yet these soldiers faced discrimination at every turn--racist treatment at the hands of all-white officers, disparity in pay, the worst assignments, outdated equipment.

Some white officers fought for the dignity of their troops. Robert Gould Shaw, the commander of the 54th Massachusetts Infantry, whose story was immortalized in the excellent film Glory, was one example. The entire 54th--including the white officers who weren't subject to unfair wages--refused their unequal pay for an entire year. Towards the end of the war, the government relented and granted full and equal back pay.

Not surprisingly, armed Black soldiers terrified the Confederacy, which vowed to return to slavery or put to death any so-called "slave insurrectionists" caught in uniform (as well as any white officers leading them).

Blacks also played a crucial role in the war effort from behind Southern lines--engaging in sabotage, strikes, individual acts of violence, conspiracy, rebellion and marronage (forming illegal communities.) These slave disturbances drained Confederate resources, with militia and army units forced to patrol at home rather than fight the Union Army.

Confederate President Jefferson Davis' own slaves eavesdropped on his meetings--and passed information to Union agents, who were often Black women.

One of the more brazen acts of resistance came on the morning of May 13, 1862. Robert Smalls and a crew of seven other slaves snuck aboard the Confederate ship Planter with their families and piloted it over to Union lines. Smalls joined the Union Navy--and later became a five-term member of Congress from South Carolina during the short-lived Reconstruction era.

African American resistance is important to note because conservative historians attempted to obliterate this record.

Who freed the slaves?

The U.S. Owes African-Americans Reparations, Says United Nations

The United Nations released its final report this week outlining a host of concerns about the treatment of African-Americans in the United States.

In short, it isn’t pretty, and it’s a reflection of what many activists have been saying for a long time.

The 22-page document issued by the U.N. Working Group includes 37 “manifestations of racial discrimination” in criminal justice, health care, education, and more.

Many of the conclusions relate to criminal justice, specifically policing and incarceration and their relation to history.

"In particular, the legacy of colonial history, enslavement, racial subordination and segregation, racial terrorism and racial inequality in the United States remains a serious challenge, as there has been no real commitment to reparations and to truth and reconciliation for people of African descent," the report states. "Contemporary police killings and the trauma that they create are reminiscent of the past racial terror of lynching. Impunity for State violence has resulted in the current human rights crisis and must be addressed as a matter of urgency."

The U.S. Owes African-Americans Reparations, Says U.N. Report

Those whites who died fighting were paid. You don't get reparations for choosing to join the army. And as you see if you can read are that the violations extend to today and are not just about slavery.
Blacks today are owed nothing. How do you know who is or who is not a decendent of slaves? How do you pay those mixed people who's parents were blacks who willingly had children with whites? How about everyone work for what they get and not expect handouts, that is what that is. I can't control whether or not the Native Americans get reparations. This does not mean everyone who had oppressed ancestors are due something.

Blacks today are owed. Your excuses do not cover for the fact that all who were wronged by this government have got reparations but us. You are just repeating silly white racist opinion without thinking. Whites have not worked get what they have. You've been shown that. This is not just about slavery. But you are dumb so you don't have the capacity to understand that reality. So run along molly because you're dumb and until you get better informed maybe you'd better off staying quiet untii you are.
There you go with your name calling again. Everything i have i worked for, no handouts. Nothing you have done has benefitted me, i owe you nothing. It is a shame that you resort to demeaning replies instead of showing how you came to your conclusions, realistic conclusions.
Last edited:
True, what about all the white descendants of the whites who died fighting for blacks to be free? Their lives were cut short, thus they didn't live to succeed in life. How would anyone determine who gets what and how much?

OK let's play your little game of whites died for us to be free. Whites were free. They died choosing to fight. Let me repeat. The whites were free. The blacks were not. Blacks had no choice. In addition whites were paid for their labor, not owned as property, had the freedom to go wherever they wanted, not just where their owners said they could go, and were considered citizens with full rights. So I must ask, do you guys even think before you start posting these comments? What reparations would whites be entitled to for fighting to free people who were supposed to already be free according to the constitution? Really do you guys even think? You are paying reparations to Native Americans every year. So again, do you guys even think before you hit the post reply button?
You were not a slave, you are due nothing from slavery. So, you are saying because a white man was free but chose to fight for the blacks to be free, they aren't worthy of compensation too? If it weren't for them, blacks might not have gained their freedom.

Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying.

Who freed the slaves?

Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation was limited to freeing only slaves in states that had seceded--slave masters in the border states that had remained officially neutral were exempt, as were any parts of the Confederacy already under Union control. Still, the document was a recognition that the goals of a Union victory to keep the United States together and the destruction of slavery were tied together and inseparable. Since the proclamation could only apply in reality if the North won the war, the Northern army became a de facto army of liberation--with slaves escaping to Union lines to gain their freedom.

Soon thereafter, the Union finally agreed to arm and train Black soldiers. Large numbers of Black men poured into the Union Army, more than half of them former slaves. Their sacrifices were enormous. Blacks suffered a casualty rate 40 percent higher than white soldiers (of the 38,000 who died, only 2,870 were actually killed in combat, reflecting the horrific living conditions for these soldiers.)

Black troops fought in nearly every major campaign. As a result of one battle alone in Virginia, 14 African Americans received the Medal of Honor. Yet these soldiers faced discrimination at every turn--racist treatment at the hands of all-white officers, disparity in pay, the worst assignments, outdated equipment.

Some white officers fought for the dignity of their troops. Robert Gould Shaw, the commander of the 54th Massachusetts Infantry, whose story was immortalized in the excellent film Glory, was one example. The entire 54th--including the white officers who weren't subject to unfair wages--refused their unequal pay for an entire year. Towards the end of the war, the government relented and granted full and equal back pay.

Not surprisingly, armed Black soldiers terrified the Confederacy, which vowed to return to slavery or put to death any so-called "slave insurrectionists" caught in uniform (as well as any white officers leading them).

Blacks also played a crucial role in the war effort from behind Southern lines--engaging in sabotage, strikes, individual acts of violence, conspiracy, rebellion and marronage (forming illegal communities.) These slave disturbances drained Confederate resources, with militia and army units forced to patrol at home rather than fight the Union Army.

Confederate President Jefferson Davis' own slaves eavesdropped on his meetings--and passed information to Union agents, who were often Black women.

One of the more brazen acts of resistance came on the morning of May 13, 1862. Robert Smalls and a crew of seven other slaves snuck aboard the Confederate ship Planter with their families and piloted it over to Union lines. Smalls joined the Union Navy--and later became a five-term member of Congress from South Carolina during the short-lived Reconstruction era.

African American resistance is important to note because conservative historians attempted to obliterate this record.

Who freed the slaves?

The U.S. Owes African-Americans Reparations, Says United Nations

The United Nations released its final report this week outlining a host of concerns about the treatment of African-Americans in the United States.

In short, it isn’t pretty, and it’s a reflection of what many activists have been saying for a long time.

The 22-page document issued by the U.N. Working Group includes 37 “manifestations of racial discrimination” in criminal justice, health care, education, and more.

Many of the conclusions relate to criminal justice, specifically policing and incarceration and their relation to history.

"In particular, the legacy of colonial history, enslavement, racial subordination and segregation, racial terrorism and racial inequality in the United States remains a serious challenge, as there has been no real commitment to reparations and to truth and reconciliation for people of African descent," the report states. "Contemporary police killings and the trauma that they create are reminiscent of the past racial terror of lynching. Impunity for State violence has resulted in the current human rights crisis and must be addressed as a matter of urgency."

The U.S. Owes African-Americans Reparations, Says U.N. Report

Those whites who died fighting were paid. You don't get reparations for choosing to join the army. And as you see if you can read are that the violations extend to today and are not just about slavery.
Blacks today are owed nothing. How do you know who is or who is not a decendent of slaves? How do you pay those mixed people who's parents were blacks who willingly had children with whites? How about everyone work for what they get and not expect handouts, that is what that is. I can't control whether or not the Native Americans get reparations. This does not mean everyone who had oppressed ancestors are due something.
The matter has been addressed by a UN commitee with results favoring reparations for the black collective domiciled in America.
Proposals for dissemination of the judgement agreed upon were narrowed to one that is most practical:

"full implementation of special programs based on education, socioeconomic, and environmental rights."

UN committee urges US government to pay reparations for slavery
How do you suppose they figure out who gets what?
OK let's play your little game of whites died for us to be free. Whites were free. They died choosing to fight. Let me repeat. The whites were free. The blacks were not. Blacks had no choice. In addition whites were paid for their labor, not owned as property, had the freedom to go wherever they wanted, not just where their owners said they could go, and were considered citizens with full rights. So I must ask, do you guys even think before you start posting these comments? What reparations would whites be entitled to for fighting to free people who were supposed to already be free according to the constitution? Really do you guys even think? You are paying reparations to Native Americans every year. So again, do you guys even think before you hit the post reply button?
You were not a slave, you are due nothing from slavery. So, you are saying because a white man was free but chose to fight for the blacks to be free, they aren't worthy of compensation too? If it weren't for them, blacks might not have gained their freedom.

Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying.

Who freed the slaves?

Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation was limited to freeing only slaves in states that had seceded--slave masters in the border states that had remained officially neutral were exempt, as were any parts of the Confederacy already under Union control. Still, the document was a recognition that the goals of a Union victory to keep the United States together and the destruction of slavery were tied together and inseparable. Since the proclamation could only apply in reality if the North won the war, the Northern army became a de facto army of liberation--with slaves escaping to Union lines to gain their freedom.

Soon thereafter, the Union finally agreed to arm and train Black soldiers. Large numbers of Black men poured into the Union Army, more than half of them former slaves. Their sacrifices were enormous. Blacks suffered a casualty rate 40 percent higher than white soldiers (of the 38,000 who died, only 2,870 were actually killed in combat, reflecting the horrific living conditions for these soldiers.)

Black troops fought in nearly every major campaign. As a result of one battle alone in Virginia, 14 African Americans received the Medal of Honor. Yet these soldiers faced discrimination at every turn--racist treatment at the hands of all-white officers, disparity in pay, the worst assignments, outdated equipment.

Some white officers fought for the dignity of their troops. Robert Gould Shaw, the commander of the 54th Massachusetts Infantry, whose story was immortalized in the excellent film Glory, was one example. The entire 54th--including the white officers who weren't subject to unfair wages--refused their unequal pay for an entire year. Towards the end of the war, the government relented and granted full and equal back pay.

Not surprisingly, armed Black soldiers terrified the Confederacy, which vowed to return to slavery or put to death any so-called "slave insurrectionists" caught in uniform (as well as any white officers leading them).

Blacks also played a crucial role in the war effort from behind Southern lines--engaging in sabotage, strikes, individual acts of violence, conspiracy, rebellion and marronage (forming illegal communities.) These slave disturbances drained Confederate resources, with militia and army units forced to patrol at home rather than fight the Union Army.

Confederate President Jefferson Davis' own slaves eavesdropped on his meetings--and passed information to Union agents, who were often Black women.

One of the more brazen acts of resistance came on the morning of May 13, 1862. Robert Smalls and a crew of seven other slaves snuck aboard the Confederate ship Planter with their families and piloted it over to Union lines. Smalls joined the Union Navy--and later became a five-term member of Congress from South Carolina during the short-lived Reconstruction era.

African American resistance is important to note because conservative historians attempted to obliterate this record.

Who freed the slaves?

The U.S. Owes African-Americans Reparations, Says United Nations

The United Nations released its final report this week outlining a host of concerns about the treatment of African-Americans in the United States.

In short, it isn’t pretty, and it’s a reflection of what many activists have been saying for a long time.

The 22-page document issued by the U.N. Working Group includes 37 “manifestations of racial discrimination” in criminal justice, health care, education, and more.

Many of the conclusions relate to criminal justice, specifically policing and incarceration and their relation to history.

"In particular, the legacy of colonial history, enslavement, racial subordination and segregation, racial terrorism and racial inequality in the United States remains a serious challenge, as there has been no real commitment to reparations and to truth and reconciliation for people of African descent," the report states. "Contemporary police killings and the trauma that they create are reminiscent of the past racial terror of lynching. Impunity for State violence has resulted in the current human rights crisis and must be addressed as a matter of urgency."

The U.S. Owes African-Americans Reparations, Says U.N. Report

Those whites who died fighting were paid. You don't get reparations for choosing to join the army. And as you see if you can read are that the violations extend to today and are not just about slavery.
Blacks today are owed nothing. How do you know who is or who is not a decendent of slaves? How do you pay those mixed people who's parents were blacks who willingly had children with whites? How about everyone work for what they get and not expect handouts, that is what that is. I can't control whether or not the Native Americans get reparations. This does not mean everyone who had oppressed ancestors are due something.

Blacks today are owed. Your excuses do not cover for the fact that all who were wronged by this government have got reparations but us. You are just repeating silly white racist opinion without thinking. Whites have not worked get what they have. You've been shown that. This is not just about slavery. But you are dumb so you don't have the capacity to understand that reality. So run along molly because you're dumb and until you get better informed maybe you'd better off staying quiet untii you are.
There you go with your name calling again. Everything i have i worked for, no handouts. Nothing you have done has benefitted me, i owe you nothing. It is a shame that you resort to demeaning replies instead of showing hiw you came to your conclusions, realistic conclusions.

I have shown you actual supreme court cases and you still cling to ignorance. The US government does owe us. And when you can understand that we are asking the US government instead of arguing the race baited and race pimped argument of how we are asking for your money, then I will treat you with respect,. As long as you continue arguing race baited garbage it's going to be called that.
OK let's play your little game of whites died for us to be free. Whites were free. They died choosing to fight. Let me repeat. The whites were free. The blacks were not. Blacks had no choice. In addition whites were paid for their labor, not owned as property, had the freedom to go wherever they wanted, not just where their owners said they could go, and were considered citizens with full rights. So I must ask, do you guys even think before you start posting these comments? What reparations would whites be entitled to for fighting to free people who were supposed to already be free according to the constitution? Really do you guys even think? You are paying reparations to Native Americans every year. So again, do you guys even think before you hit the post reply button?
You were not a slave, you are due nothing from slavery. So, you are saying because a white man was free but chose to fight for the blacks to be free, they aren't worthy of compensation too? If it weren't for them, blacks might not have gained their freedom.

Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying.

Who freed the slaves?

Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation was limited to freeing only slaves in states that had seceded--slave masters in the border states that had remained officially neutral were exempt, as were any parts of the Confederacy already under Union control. Still, the document was a recognition that the goals of a Union victory to keep the United States together and the destruction of slavery were tied together and inseparable. Since the proclamation could only apply in reality if the North won the war, the Northern army became a de facto army of liberation--with slaves escaping to Union lines to gain their freedom.

Soon thereafter, the Union finally agreed to arm and train Black soldiers. Large numbers of Black men poured into the Union Army, more than half of them former slaves. Their sacrifices were enormous. Blacks suffered a casualty rate 40 percent higher than white soldiers (of the 38,000 who died, only 2,870 were actually killed in combat, reflecting the horrific living conditions for these soldiers.)

Black troops fought in nearly every major campaign. As a result of one battle alone in Virginia, 14 African Americans received the Medal of Honor. Yet these soldiers faced discrimination at every turn--racist treatment at the hands of all-white officers, disparity in pay, the worst assignments, outdated equipment.

Some white officers fought for the dignity of their troops. Robert Gould Shaw, the commander of the 54th Massachusetts Infantry, whose story was immortalized in the excellent film Glory, was one example. The entire 54th--including the white officers who weren't subject to unfair wages--refused their unequal pay for an entire year. Towards the end of the war, the government relented and granted full and equal back pay.

Not surprisingly, armed Black soldiers terrified the Confederacy, which vowed to return to slavery or put to death any so-called "slave insurrectionists" caught in uniform (as well as any white officers leading them).

Blacks also played a crucial role in the war effort from behind Southern lines--engaging in sabotage, strikes, individual acts of violence, conspiracy, rebellion and marronage (forming illegal communities.) These slave disturbances drained Confederate resources, with militia and army units forced to patrol at home rather than fight the Union Army.

Confederate President Jefferson Davis' own slaves eavesdropped on his meetings--and passed information to Union agents, who were often Black women.

One of the more brazen acts of resistance came on the morning of May 13, 1862. Robert Smalls and a crew of seven other slaves snuck aboard the Confederate ship Planter with their families and piloted it over to Union lines. Smalls joined the Union Navy--and later became a five-term member of Congress from South Carolina during the short-lived Reconstruction era.

African American resistance is important to note because conservative historians attempted to obliterate this record.

Who freed the slaves?

The U.S. Owes African-Americans Reparations, Says United Nations

The United Nations released its final report this week outlining a host of concerns about the treatment of African-Americans in the United States.

In short, it isn’t pretty, and it’s a reflection of what many activists have been saying for a long time.

The 22-page document issued by the U.N. Working Group includes 37 “manifestations of racial discrimination” in criminal justice, health care, education, and more.

Many of the conclusions relate to criminal justice, specifically policing and incarceration and their relation to history.

"In particular, the legacy of colonial history, enslavement, racial subordination and segregation, racial terrorism and racial inequality in the United States remains a serious challenge, as there has been no real commitment to reparations and to truth and reconciliation for people of African descent," the report states. "Contemporary police killings and the trauma that they create are reminiscent of the past racial terror of lynching. Impunity for State violence has resulted in the current human rights crisis and must be addressed as a matter of urgency."

The U.S. Owes African-Americans Reparations, Says U.N. Report

Those whites who died fighting were paid. You don't get reparations for choosing to join the army. And as you see if you can read are that the violations extend to today and are not just about slavery.
Blacks today are owed nothing. How do you know who is or who is not a decendent of slaves? How do you pay those mixed people who's parents were blacks who willingly had children with whites? How about everyone work for what they get and not expect handouts, that is what that is. I can't control whether or not the Native Americans get reparations. This does not mean everyone who had oppressed ancestors are due something.
The matter has been addressed by a UN commitee with results favoring reparations for the black collective domiciled in America.
Proposals for dissemination of the judgement agreed upon were narrowed to one that is most practical:

"full implementation of special programs based on education, socioeconomic, and environmental rights."

UN committee urges US government to pay reparations for slavery
How do you suppose they figure out who gets what?
I would personally propose that every native born black citizen be eligible for sponsorship in the special programs suggested by the UN.
I give everyone the benefit of the doubt in regards to intelligence. Thus, I assume that you or any one who concludes that blacks are more racist than whites, are as smart as I am...if not smarter. Hence, if I know that the belief that blacks are more racist than whites is false, what prevents people like you from knowing it too?

If an intelligent person cannot figure out the correct answer to a simple question, when all the information is there to get the right answer, its because the intelligent persons intellect is being subdued by emotions and prejudice. There is a clear reason why people like you have to be "educated by force" on such matters. Its because you don't want to be educated, but rather, to believe what your prejudice and emotions want you to believe. Even when forced fed the stick your finger down your throat to throw it back up.

America has as many racist whites as it has ever has in its history. What different today is that there are also many whites who are not like that and don't feel that they have to pretend to be that way or to be silent about the racism of other, just to get along and fit in. There are a lot of racist white people and there are a lot of white people who are not racist. The former just seek to camouflage themselves as the latter.
There is no way to prove that. So please spare us.
You have history on your side but like almost every thread on race you post in, you dont have the present.
Evidence of present day or contemporary racism persisted unabashed during Obama's presidency. This message board is full of examples. And after reviewing other boards and media, I discovered the anti-Black racism reflected here is viral and has spread to every corner of the USA and beyond.


A human being with a backbone and self-respect would never demand that government penalize any who hurt their feelings.

And hurt feelings is the 'thought crime' that Liberals call 'racism.'

Now, get off your knees.
Naw, get off YOUR knees...if you want to screw me I want to look in your eyes.
The scope of pervasive racial animosity in this country isn't about "hurt feelings." Its about people like you who are complicit in
nurturing predjudice and racial animus behind the scenes and pretending it doesn't
exist in public or in your social media narratives. Need I also remind you that not one gain towards equality by blacks was attributable to a national mandate.

Let's concentrate on your 'swallowing'....

...swallowing the propaganda that a poor opinion of someone prevents them from being a success.

Were you always this gullible????
I don't swallow anything that's not healthy.
And your foul assertion that Black activism is driven by propaganda won't even make it to the table. Poor opinions of blacks have dominated the social fabric of this nation ever since they were brought to the New World shores. It is the hate and predjudice behind those "poor opinions" that tempts me to invoke Godwin's Law. There is no gullibility in my perceptions... Now get down on your don't deserve to look me in the eye.
This whole topic is probably a Russian bot contrivance constructed to inflame and divide on an impossible to prove and meaningless point. Who is more racist? What a totally useless subject.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

The Russians need do nothing. Without screaming "racism" there would be no democratic party.

Your an idiot. In what none dictatorial political construct does there not exist an opposition party? If you think that liberalism is based upon race, the world over, you are an idiot.

In conclusion: You are an idiot.

You're either a liar or a can choose.

This is the reason why Liberals keep the racism farrago going:

But, the Dems can's take a chance on losing the black, here we are.
They're pretty much saddled with this donkey.

"...what would happen if a smaller percentage of blacks turned out:

- At 90 percent black turn-out, Wisconsin’s 10 electoral votes slide into the GOP column.

- At 75 percent black turn-out, Pennsylvania’s 21 electoral votes go Republican.

- At 70 percent Michigan’s 17 electoral votes turn from blue to red.

- At 50 percent the GOP collects Delawre’s three electoral votes.

I don’t know what a realistic number to project is for the effects of angry black apathy, but I’ll stop at 50 percent. It may be that going as low as 75 percent is unrealistic. Most likely it’s impossible to say. (And this doesn’t take into account things like congressional districts where black voters make the margin of difference.)"

Do Democrats need the black vote? | RobertEmmet

But what exactly would that mean? In how many states do black voters make the difference? I ran some rough numbers over at Robert Emmet -- check them out. Depending on how much of a drop-off you assume, it could cost the Democrats 10 to 76 electoral votes.

The Democrats and the Black Vote | HuffPost

Democrats are heavily dependent on the black vote. That’s an opportunity for the GOP.
The black vote has become important enough to the Democratic party that a small drop in support could make a big difference.

in the 1992 election, 13 percent of the Democratic vote came from black voters. In 2014, it was 23 percent.

That's the overall trend. On a state-by-state basis -- which is much more important in presidential politics -- it's more complex.

If there'd been a one-point swing from Obama to McCain in North Carolina in 2008, McCain would have won the state. And if the black vote in Florida and Ohio in 2012 had been as strong for the Republicans as it was in 2004 -- in the pre-Obama era -- Romney would have won both." Democrats are heavily dependent on the black vote. That’s an opportunity for the GOP.
So..conversely that means the GOP depends on the RW white radical vote...and their collective name is LEGION.

There is no 'white radical vote' ......just as there is no Far Right in this country.....only a Far Left, your masters.
You, my dear, epitomize, RW radicalism.
One symptom of that is not being able to discern it in your self. But the whole USMB village knows who and what you are.
This whole topic is probably a Russian bot contrivance constructed to inflame and divide on an impossible to prove and meaningless point. Who is more racist? What a totally useless subject.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

The Russians need do nothing. Without screaming "racism" there would be no democratic party.

Your an idiot. In what none dictatorial political construct does there not exist an opposition party? If you think that liberalism is based upon race, the world over, you are an idiot.

In conclusion: You are an idiot.

You're either a liar or a can choose.

This is the reason why Liberals keep the racism farrago going:

But, the Dems can's take a chance on losing the black, here we are.
They're pretty much saddled with this donkey.

"...what would happen if a smaller percentage of blacks turned out:

- At 90 percent black turn-out, Wisconsin’s 10 electoral votes slide into the GOP column.

- At 75 percent black turn-out, Pennsylvania’s 21 electoral votes go Republican.

- At 70 percent Michigan’s 17 electoral votes turn from blue to red.

- At 50 percent the GOP collects Delawre’s three electoral votes.

I don’t know what a realistic number to project is for the effects of angry black apathy, but I’ll stop at 50 percent. It may be that going as low as 75 percent is unrealistic. Most likely it’s impossible to say. (And this doesn’t take into account things like congressional districts where black voters make the margin of difference.)"

Do Democrats need the black vote? | RobertEmmet

But what exactly would that mean? In how many states do black voters make the difference? I ran some rough numbers over at Robert Emmet -- check them out. Depending on how much of a drop-off you assume, it could cost the Democrats 10 to 76 electoral votes.

The Democrats and the Black Vote | HuffPost

Democrats are heavily dependent on the black vote. That’s an opportunity for the GOP.
The black vote has become important enough to the Democratic party that a small drop in support could make a big difference.

in the 1992 election, 13 percent of the Democratic vote came from black voters. In 2014, it was 23 percent.

That's the overall trend. On a state-by-state basis -- which is much more important in presidential politics -- it's more complex.

If there'd been a one-point swing from Obama to McCain in North Carolina in 2008, McCain would have won the state. And if the black vote in Florida and Ohio in 2012 had been as strong for the Republicans as it was in 2004 -- in the pre-Obama era -- Romney would have won both." Democrats are heavily dependent on the black vote. That’s an opportunity for the GOP.

The democrats are not dependent upon the black vote. The Democratic party was a viable party winning elections before blacks started voting democrat in large percentages. What happened is that RACE led many whites to vacate the democratic party due to the dems support of efforts to undo racial injustice. If there were no blacks in this country the majority of whites would lean to the left politically, like whites do in nearly every other white majority nation.

"The democrats are not dependent upon the black vote."
I believe you just proved you can't read.

I don't think the black vote will be that big a factor this November. The GOP is imploding
You were not a slave, you are due nothing from slavery. So, you are saying because a white man was free but chose to fight for the blacks to be free, they aren't worthy of compensation too? If it weren't for them, blacks might not have gained their freedom.

Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying.

Who freed the slaves?

Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation was limited to freeing only slaves in states that had seceded--slave masters in the border states that had remained officially neutral were exempt, as were any parts of the Confederacy already under Union control. Still, the document was a recognition that the goals of a Union victory to keep the United States together and the destruction of slavery were tied together and inseparable. Since the proclamation could only apply in reality if the North won the war, the Northern army became a de facto army of liberation--with slaves escaping to Union lines to gain their freedom.

Soon thereafter, the Union finally agreed to arm and train Black soldiers. Large numbers of Black men poured into the Union Army, more than half of them former slaves. Their sacrifices were enormous. Blacks suffered a casualty rate 40 percent higher than white soldiers (of the 38,000 who died, only 2,870 were actually killed in combat, reflecting the horrific living conditions for these soldiers.)

Black troops fought in nearly every major campaign. As a result of one battle alone in Virginia, 14 African Americans received the Medal of Honor. Yet these soldiers faced discrimination at every turn--racist treatment at the hands of all-white officers, disparity in pay, the worst assignments, outdated equipment.

Some white officers fought for the dignity of their troops. Robert Gould Shaw, the commander of the 54th Massachusetts Infantry, whose story was immortalized in the excellent film Glory, was one example. The entire 54th--including the white officers who weren't subject to unfair wages--refused their unequal pay for an entire year. Towards the end of the war, the government relented and granted full and equal back pay.

Not surprisingly, armed Black soldiers terrified the Confederacy, which vowed to return to slavery or put to death any so-called "slave insurrectionists" caught in uniform (as well as any white officers leading them).

Blacks also played a crucial role in the war effort from behind Southern lines--engaging in sabotage, strikes, individual acts of violence, conspiracy, rebellion and marronage (forming illegal communities.) These slave disturbances drained Confederate resources, with militia and army units forced to patrol at home rather than fight the Union Army.

Confederate President Jefferson Davis' own slaves eavesdropped on his meetings--and passed information to Union agents, who were often Black women.

One of the more brazen acts of resistance came on the morning of May 13, 1862. Robert Smalls and a crew of seven other slaves snuck aboard the Confederate ship Planter with their families and piloted it over to Union lines. Smalls joined the Union Navy--and later became a five-term member of Congress from South Carolina during the short-lived Reconstruction era.

African American resistance is important to note because conservative historians attempted to obliterate this record.

Who freed the slaves?

The U.S. Owes African-Americans Reparations, Says United Nations

The United Nations released its final report this week outlining a host of concerns about the treatment of African-Americans in the United States.

In short, it isn’t pretty, and it’s a reflection of what many activists have been saying for a long time.

The 22-page document issued by the U.N. Working Group includes 37 “manifestations of racial discrimination” in criminal justice, health care, education, and more.

Many of the conclusions relate to criminal justice, specifically policing and incarceration and their relation to history.

"In particular, the legacy of colonial history, enslavement, racial subordination and segregation, racial terrorism and racial inequality in the United States remains a serious challenge, as there has been no real commitment to reparations and to truth and reconciliation for people of African descent," the report states. "Contemporary police killings and the trauma that they create are reminiscent of the past racial terror of lynching. Impunity for State violence has resulted in the current human rights crisis and must be addressed as a matter of urgency."

The U.S. Owes African-Americans Reparations, Says U.N. Report

Those whites who died fighting were paid. You don't get reparations for choosing to join the army. And as you see if you can read are that the violations extend to today and are not just about slavery.
Blacks today are owed nothing. How do you know who is or who is not a decendent of slaves? How do you pay those mixed people who's parents were blacks who willingly had children with whites? How about everyone work for what they get and not expect handouts, that is what that is. I can't control whether or not the Native Americans get reparations. This does not mean everyone who had oppressed ancestors are due something.

Blacks today are owed. Your excuses do not cover for the fact that all who were wronged by this government have got reparations but us. You are just repeating silly white racist opinion without thinking. Whites have not worked get what they have. You've been shown that. This is not just about slavery. But you are dumb so you don't have the capacity to understand that reality. So run along molly because you're dumb and until you get better informed maybe you'd better off staying quiet untii you are.
There you go with your name calling again. Everything i have i worked for, no handouts. Nothing you have done has benefitted me, i owe you nothing. It is a shame that you resort to demeaning replies instead of showing hiw you came to your conclusions, realistic conclusions.

I have shown you actual supreme court cases and you still cling to ignorance. The US government does owe us. And when you can understand that we are asking the US government instead of arguing the race baited and race pimped argument of how we are asking for your money, then I will treat you with respect,. As long as you continue arguing race baited garbage it's going to be called that.
Just because I don't think you or other blacks are due reparations does not make me racist. I explained to you how other people were held back but I don't think they are due anything either. I am not ignorant, Opinions are like butt holes, everyone has one and they usually stink, but I am entitled to mine.
You were not a slave, you are due nothing from slavery. So, you are saying because a white man was free but chose to fight for the blacks to be free, they aren't worthy of compensation too? If it weren't for them, blacks might not have gained their freedom.

Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying.

Who freed the slaves?

Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation was limited to freeing only slaves in states that had seceded--slave masters in the border states that had remained officially neutral were exempt, as were any parts of the Confederacy already under Union control. Still, the document was a recognition that the goals of a Union victory to keep the United States together and the destruction of slavery were tied together and inseparable. Since the proclamation could only apply in reality if the North won the war, the Northern army became a de facto army of liberation--with slaves escaping to Union lines to gain their freedom.

Soon thereafter, the Union finally agreed to arm and train Black soldiers. Large numbers of Black men poured into the Union Army, more than half of them former slaves. Their sacrifices were enormous. Blacks suffered a casualty rate 40 percent higher than white soldiers (of the 38,000 who died, only 2,870 were actually killed in combat, reflecting the horrific living conditions for these soldiers.)

Black troops fought in nearly every major campaign. As a result of one battle alone in Virginia, 14 African Americans received the Medal of Honor. Yet these soldiers faced discrimination at every turn--racist treatment at the hands of all-white officers, disparity in pay, the worst assignments, outdated equipment.

Some white officers fought for the dignity of their troops. Robert Gould Shaw, the commander of the 54th Massachusetts Infantry, whose story was immortalized in the excellent film Glory, was one example. The entire 54th--including the white officers who weren't subject to unfair wages--refused their unequal pay for an entire year. Towards the end of the war, the government relented and granted full and equal back pay.

Not surprisingly, armed Black soldiers terrified the Confederacy, which vowed to return to slavery or put to death any so-called "slave insurrectionists" caught in uniform (as well as any white officers leading them).

Blacks also played a crucial role in the war effort from behind Southern lines--engaging in sabotage, strikes, individual acts of violence, conspiracy, rebellion and marronage (forming illegal communities.) These slave disturbances drained Confederate resources, with militia and army units forced to patrol at home rather than fight the Union Army.

Confederate President Jefferson Davis' own slaves eavesdropped on his meetings--and passed information to Union agents, who were often Black women.

One of the more brazen acts of resistance came on the morning of May 13, 1862. Robert Smalls and a crew of seven other slaves snuck aboard the Confederate ship Planter with their families and piloted it over to Union lines. Smalls joined the Union Navy--and later became a five-term member of Congress from South Carolina during the short-lived Reconstruction era.

African American resistance is important to note because conservative historians attempted to obliterate this record.

Who freed the slaves?

The U.S. Owes African-Americans Reparations, Says United Nations

The United Nations released its final report this week outlining a host of concerns about the treatment of African-Americans in the United States.

In short, it isn’t pretty, and it’s a reflection of what many activists have been saying for a long time.

The 22-page document issued by the U.N. Working Group includes 37 “manifestations of racial discrimination” in criminal justice, health care, education, and more.

Many of the conclusions relate to criminal justice, specifically policing and incarceration and their relation to history.

"In particular, the legacy of colonial history, enslavement, racial subordination and segregation, racial terrorism and racial inequality in the United States remains a serious challenge, as there has been no real commitment to reparations and to truth and reconciliation for people of African descent," the report states. "Contemporary police killings and the trauma that they create are reminiscent of the past racial terror of lynching. Impunity for State violence has resulted in the current human rights crisis and must be addressed as a matter of urgency."

The U.S. Owes African-Americans Reparations, Says U.N. Report

Those whites who died fighting were paid. You don't get reparations for choosing to join the army. And as you see if you can read are that the violations extend to today and are not just about slavery.
Blacks today are owed nothing. How do you know who is or who is not a decendent of slaves? How do you pay those mixed people who's parents were blacks who willingly had children with whites? How about everyone work for what they get and not expect handouts, that is what that is. I can't control whether or not the Native Americans get reparations. This does not mean everyone who had oppressed ancestors are due something.
The matter has been addressed by a UN commitee with results favoring reparations for the black collective domiciled in America.
Proposals for dissemination of the judgement agreed upon were narrowed to one that is most practical:

"full implementation of special programs based on education, socioeconomic, and environmental rights."

UN committee urges US government to pay reparations for slavery
How do you suppose they figure out who gets what?
I would personally propose that every native born black citizen be eligible for sponsorship in the special programs suggested by the UN.
Not all native born black people came from slavery. A lot of native born black people are mixed races. Again, how do you determine how much and who gets what?
Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying.

Who freed the slaves?

Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation was limited to freeing only slaves in states that had seceded--slave masters in the border states that had remained officially neutral were exempt, as were any parts of the Confederacy already under Union control. Still, the document was a recognition that the goals of a Union victory to keep the United States together and the destruction of slavery were tied together and inseparable. Since the proclamation could only apply in reality if the North won the war, the Northern army became a de facto army of liberation--with slaves escaping to Union lines to gain their freedom.

Soon thereafter, the Union finally agreed to arm and train Black soldiers. Large numbers of Black men poured into the Union Army, more than half of them former slaves. Their sacrifices were enormous. Blacks suffered a casualty rate 40 percent higher than white soldiers (of the 38,000 who died, only 2,870 were actually killed in combat, reflecting the horrific living conditions for these soldiers.)

Black troops fought in nearly every major campaign. As a result of one battle alone in Virginia, 14 African Americans received the Medal of Honor. Yet these soldiers faced discrimination at every turn--racist treatment at the hands of all-white officers, disparity in pay, the worst assignments, outdated equipment.

Some white officers fought for the dignity of their troops. Robert Gould Shaw, the commander of the 54th Massachusetts Infantry, whose story was immortalized in the excellent film Glory, was one example. The entire 54th--including the white officers who weren't subject to unfair wages--refused their unequal pay for an entire year. Towards the end of the war, the government relented and granted full and equal back pay.

Not surprisingly, armed Black soldiers terrified the Confederacy, which vowed to return to slavery or put to death any so-called "slave insurrectionists" caught in uniform (as well as any white officers leading them).

Blacks also played a crucial role in the war effort from behind Southern lines--engaging in sabotage, strikes, individual acts of violence, conspiracy, rebellion and marronage (forming illegal communities.) These slave disturbances drained Confederate resources, with militia and army units forced to patrol at home rather than fight the Union Army.

Confederate President Jefferson Davis' own slaves eavesdropped on his meetings--and passed information to Union agents, who were often Black women.

One of the more brazen acts of resistance came on the morning of May 13, 1862. Robert Smalls and a crew of seven other slaves snuck aboard the Confederate ship Planter with their families and piloted it over to Union lines. Smalls joined the Union Navy--and later became a five-term member of Congress from South Carolina during the short-lived Reconstruction era.

African American resistance is important to note because conservative historians attempted to obliterate this record.

Who freed the slaves?

The U.S. Owes African-Americans Reparations, Says United Nations

The United Nations released its final report this week outlining a host of concerns about the treatment of African-Americans in the United States.

In short, it isn’t pretty, and it’s a reflection of what many activists have been saying for a long time.

The 22-page document issued by the U.N. Working Group includes 37 “manifestations of racial discrimination” in criminal justice, health care, education, and more.

Many of the conclusions relate to criminal justice, specifically policing and incarceration and their relation to history.

"In particular, the legacy of colonial history, enslavement, racial subordination and segregation, racial terrorism and racial inequality in the United States remains a serious challenge, as there has been no real commitment to reparations and to truth and reconciliation for people of African descent," the report states. "Contemporary police killings and the trauma that they create are reminiscent of the past racial terror of lynching. Impunity for State violence has resulted in the current human rights crisis and must be addressed as a matter of urgency."

The U.S. Owes African-Americans Reparations, Says U.N. Report

Those whites who died fighting were paid. You don't get reparations for choosing to join the army. And as you see if you can read are that the violations extend to today and are not just about slavery.
Blacks today are owed nothing. How do you know who is or who is not a decendent of slaves? How do you pay those mixed people who's parents were blacks who willingly had children with whites? How about everyone work for what they get and not expect handouts, that is what that is. I can't control whether or not the Native Americans get reparations. This does not mean everyone who had oppressed ancestors are due something.
The matter has been addressed by a UN commitee with results favoring reparations for the black collective domiciled in America.
Proposals for dissemination of the judgement agreed upon were narrowed to one that is most practical:

"full implementation of special programs based on education, socioeconomic, and environmental rights."

UN committee urges US government to pay reparations for slavery
How do you suppose they figure out who gets what?
I would personally propose that every native born black citizen be eligible for sponsorship in the special programs suggested by the UN.
Not all native born black people came from slavery. A lot of native born black people are mixed races. Again, how do you determine how much and who gets what?
Again, access to the programs offered would be awarded based on being native born with any degree of black african ancestry ...including the native born children of .recent African immigrants. Should the aopearance of an individual raise questions about his African inheritance, DNA testing would be implemented to resolve the issue. Of course that paradigm is reflective of my own opinion.
There might be better means to disseminate
benefits...but my idea is going to be hard to beat.
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Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying.

Who freed the slaves?

Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation was limited to freeing only slaves in states that had seceded--slave masters in the border states that had remained officially neutral were exempt, as were any parts of the Confederacy already under Union control. Still, the document was a recognition that the goals of a Union victory to keep the United States together and the destruction of slavery were tied together and inseparable. Since the proclamation could only apply in reality if the North won the war, the Northern army became a de facto army of liberation--with slaves escaping to Union lines to gain their freedom.

Soon thereafter, the Union finally agreed to arm and train Black soldiers. Large numbers of Black men poured into the Union Army, more than half of them former slaves. Their sacrifices were enormous. Blacks suffered a casualty rate 40 percent higher than white soldiers (of the 38,000 who died, only 2,870 were actually killed in combat, reflecting the horrific living conditions for these soldiers.)

Black troops fought in nearly every major campaign. As a result of one battle alone in Virginia, 14 African Americans received the Medal of Honor. Yet these soldiers faced discrimination at every turn--racist treatment at the hands of all-white officers, disparity in pay, the worst assignments, outdated equipment.

Some white officers fought for the dignity of their troops. Robert Gould Shaw, the commander of the 54th Massachusetts Infantry, whose story was immortalized in the excellent film Glory, was one example. The entire 54th--including the white officers who weren't subject to unfair wages--refused their unequal pay for an entire year. Towards the end of the war, the government relented and granted full and equal back pay.

Not surprisingly, armed Black soldiers terrified the Confederacy, which vowed to return to slavery or put to death any so-called "slave insurrectionists" caught in uniform (as well as any white officers leading them).

Blacks also played a crucial role in the war effort from behind Southern lines--engaging in sabotage, strikes, individual acts of violence, conspiracy, rebellion and marronage (forming illegal communities.) These slave disturbances drained Confederate resources, with militia and army units forced to patrol at home rather than fight the Union Army.

Confederate President Jefferson Davis' own slaves eavesdropped on his meetings--and passed information to Union agents, who were often Black women.

One of the more brazen acts of resistance came on the morning of May 13, 1862. Robert Smalls and a crew of seven other slaves snuck aboard the Confederate ship Planter with their families and piloted it over to Union lines. Smalls joined the Union Navy--and later became a five-term member of Congress from South Carolina during the short-lived Reconstruction era.

African American resistance is important to note because conservative historians attempted to obliterate this record.

Who freed the slaves?

The U.S. Owes African-Americans Reparations, Says United Nations

The United Nations released its final report this week outlining a host of concerns about the treatment of African-Americans in the United States.

In short, it isn’t pretty, and it’s a reflection of what many activists have been saying for a long time.

The 22-page document issued by the U.N. Working Group includes 37 “manifestations of racial discrimination” in criminal justice, health care, education, and more.

Many of the conclusions relate to criminal justice, specifically policing and incarceration and their relation to history.

"In particular, the legacy of colonial history, enslavement, racial subordination and segregation, racial terrorism and racial inequality in the United States remains a serious challenge, as there has been no real commitment to reparations and to truth and reconciliation for people of African descent," the report states. "Contemporary police killings and the trauma that they create are reminiscent of the past racial terror of lynching. Impunity for State violence has resulted in the current human rights crisis and must be addressed as a matter of urgency."

The U.S. Owes African-Americans Reparations, Says U.N. Report

Those whites who died fighting were paid. You don't get reparations for choosing to join the army. And as you see if you can read are that the violations extend to today and are not just about slavery.
Blacks today are owed nothing. How do you know who is or who is not a decendent of slaves? How do you pay those mixed people who's parents were blacks who willingly had children with whites? How about everyone work for what they get and not expect handouts, that is what that is. I can't control whether or not the Native Americans get reparations. This does not mean everyone who had oppressed ancestors are due something.
The matter has been addressed by a UN commitee with results favoring reparations for the black collective domiciled in America.
Proposals for dissemination of the judgement agreed upon were narrowed to one that is most practical:

"full implementation of special programs based on education, socioeconomic, and environmental rights."

UN committee urges US government to pay reparations for slavery
How do you suppose they figure out who gets what?
I would personally propose that every native born black citizen be eligible for sponsorship in the special programs suggested by the UN.
Not all native born black people came from slavery. A lot of native born black people are mixed races. Again, how do you determine how much and who gets what?

All native born blacks faced racial discrimination and American Aparthied. A mixed race black was considered black. .I think if you are going to argue, you should know what you are arguing abut instead of seeking ways to discredit an argument based in not knowing any of the facts. I am quite sure we are capable of determining eligibility for reparations and the majority opinion seems to be that the money be put in funds for specific types of programs instead of paying individuals. If you thought about this with some common sense instead of race baited thinking, you would see this is the perfect solution. If blacks are awarded reparations and we piss it away with no improvements, we have nothing more to complain about as whites would have done all they could do to make up for the wrongs done..

Unless angry whites decide to burn down prosperous black communities and projects again.
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