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Are Blacks More Racist Than Whites? Most Americans Say Yes

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Just pointing out that having a month dedicated to a certain race is racist itself. Which is true. If you weren't a racist yourself, you'd agree.

One must first be ignorant in order to actually be a racist.

There are specific months also dedicated to the heritage and history of hispanics, asians, and Native Americans.

Are you ignorant enough to believe that they are all racist as well?

I already know the answer to that question.
So you're saying that it wouldn't be racist to have a White History Month and some White Music Awards...?

No, you were asked a question. Try answering it.
Nobody's talking to you, you grumpy fat racist.

Well I'm talking to you, racist. So answer the question.
Look, it's simple, if everyone is going to get their own month, then whites should have one as well, it's only fair. Otherwise, you're all racist against whites.
LOL! I know what I did. I don't believe Taz.. I think he's lying. I've heard that same lame lie from many whites. Everybody white just all of a sudden came over here after slavery ended.. In another 10 years all of you will have immigrated over here after the civil rights act.

But really it doesn't matter. Both of you are crying about getting a white history month because you're whining abut how black history month is racist. So why don't you both take your proposal to congress to see if you can get enough support to make it happen.
Let's even assume that I'm lying for a second. A lot of "whites" were serfs... back in all kinds of countries and they came here to homestead and build this country. So even if not my ancestors, there are plenty of other whites would had the same experience as my ancestors did, so just to say that not all whites had something to do with slavery. Poor white people couldn't even afford slaves, you make it seem like every fucking white person had a ton of slaves.

You're missing the point. Most argue that only 2% of southerners owned slaves. Yet, that 2% convinced the other 98% to turn against the US and fight the bloodiest war on American soil. That same ideology and hate is spewing from you and your tiki torch carrying scum today.
The top 2% always get their way, just look at today's president, or the last one... they are part of the top 2% and they send grunts off to the Middle East to die for shit the grunts don't even believe in. You're just making up strawmen arguments to say that ALL white are tikki torch bearers, when in actuality, there was what, 200 people out of 200 million white people in the US with tikki torches?
LOL! I know what I did. I don't believe Taz.. I think he's lying. I've heard that same lame lie from many whites. Everybody white just all of a sudden came over here after slavery ended.. In another 10 years all of you will have immigrated over here after the civil rights act.

But really it doesn't matter. Both of you are crying about getting a white history month because you're whining abut how black history month is racist. So why don't you both take your proposal to congress to see if you can get enough support to make it happen.
Let's even assume that I'm lying for a second. A lot of "whites" were serfs... back in all kinds of countries and they came here to homestead and build this country. So even if not my ancestors, there are plenty of other whites would had the same experience as my ancestors did, so just to say that not all whites had something to do with slavery. Poor white people couldn't even afford slaves, you make it seem like every fucking white person had a ton of slaves.

You're missing the point. Most argue that only 2% of southerners owned slaves. Yet, that 2% convinced the other 98% to turn against the US and fight the bloodiest war on American soil. That same ideology and hate is spewing from you and your tiki torch carrying scum today.
The top 2% always get their way, just look at today's president, or the last one... they are part of the top 2% and they send grunts off to the Middle East to die for shit the grunts don't even believe in. You're just making up strawmen arguments to say that ALL white are tikki torch bearers, when in actuality, there was what, 200 people out of 200 million white people in the US with tikki torches?

Non sequitur. I'm not even close to suggesting all whites are tiki torch carriers, because the majority of whites hate people like you for making them look bad. No, you and the rest of your klan of limp dick, former sheet wearing cowards need to try and include decent white people because you are cowards and have been reduced to talking shit from behind a computer.
What "shit" have I said? And please quote me.

Your quotes are above his words.
The point shouldn't be Whites need a history month.
March is Irish-American History Month; April is Confederate History Month; May is Jewish-American History Month; and October is both Italian History Month and Polish-American History Month. There are quite a few history months that fall under the umbrella term of “white.”
The point should be no race deserves a month because this is simply Institutional Racism, favorable treatment for one race over all others.
We all read Shakespeare, but why not August Wilson? We learn about the Ottoman Empire and the rise and fall of the Nazis, but do you know about the Belgian concentration camps in the Congo ? Or the history of the Asante Kingdom in West Africa? We learn about Einstein, but why not David Blackwell who worked right alongside him? There is far more to black American history than slavery and civil rights, and failing to illuminate this teaches students of all colors that black achievements are not worth noting.

But as to slavery you act like being bought and sold, raped, having fingers cut off for learning to read, to being lynched, or relegated to the lowest-rung jobs and living in the poorest neighborhoods counts for nothing.

Does not surviving the attempt to destroy one’s people say something about the character of those who managed it ? Does not leading a struggle for freedom not suggest that the persons in question have made a substantial contribution to the nation in which they live, and indeed the world ?

This, in a nation that has made surviving a few weeks on an island with television cameras and emergency medical assistance at the ready something for which the last person standing get's a million dollars
Why don't we have an Asian History Month? Why do blacks get special treatment? Because 95% of them vote for Democrats.
You do have Asian history month. You clown and you have Hispanic history month

The reason why people know more about black history month is because black people fought and died to make sure everyone knows out history. These other just have to do the same
FYI, Whites fought just as hard for the rights you have. Probably harder. Some of them were hung for their efforts. Most of them were Republicans, and instead of thanking them you call them racists.
Are Blacks More Racist Than Whites? Most Americans Say Yes

Most Americans are white. Even racist Republicans don't want to admit they're racist.

But Steve Bannon says wear your racism proudly. He wasn't talking to blacks.
Very eloquently stated, however please don't be surprised when some here either pretend or don't actually comprehend it.
I understand it. I also know it is unjustified. None of the blacks that live in America were ever slaves.
The fact is, blacks are being used by the Democratic Party the same way that Muslims use Palestinians against Israel.
We've had plenty of progress in America when it comes to civil rights, but the fact still remains that race merchants can't make any cash if they solve the problem. Their job is to stir the pot and cause divisions and hatred, not create peace and love.
If they solve it they can't make any money off of it anymore.

When a man like John Lewis tells you that we still have a long way to go relative to civil rights learn to listen and accept that not enough has been done.

Appeal to Authority Logical Fallacy.



Prove when racism ended and its effects were allayed. Show, with data and peer-reviewed studies supporting your argument, when the effects of the hundreds of years of anti-Black racism from chattel slavery through Old Jim Crow leveled off. Show when the wealth expropriated during that oppression was repaid to those it was expropriated from and through. And remember, after you’ve addressed the end of anti-Black racism you’ll still have to explain when anti-Latinx, anti-Asian, anti-Arab, and anti-Native racism came to an end as well.
OH.......so it's all about money.


So you only want the end of racism towards blacks. First, tell me how you're going to enforce that. Kill every White on the planet? Second, tell me why racism of any kind should be accepted, much less black racism. It appears you want special rights and privileges because of your ancestors which is textbook racism.

How but this idea. Treat everyone the way you want to be treated and quit being an asshole. Mkay?

Produce me an example of black racism.by the definition of the word racism. Because you're dumb. You talk about special rights, that's all whites have ever got. Whites like you. So then the deal here is that you want to keep getting special rights.
The point shouldn't be Whites need a history month.
March is Irish-American History Month; April is Confederate History Month; May is Jewish-American History Month; and October is both Italian History Month and Polish-American History Month. There are quite a few history months that fall under the umbrella term of “white.”
The point should be no race deserves a month because this is simply Institutional Racism, favorable treatment for one race over all others.
We all read Shakespeare, but why not August Wilson? We learn about the Ottoman Empire and the rise and fall of the Nazis, but do you know about the Belgian concentration camps in the Congo ? Or the history of the Asante Kingdom in West Africa? We learn about Einstein, but why not David Blackwell who worked right alongside him? There is far more to black American history than slavery and civil rights, and failing to illuminate this teaches students of all colors that black achievements are not worth noting.

But as to slavery you act like being bought and sold, raped, having fingers cut off for learning to read, to being lynched, or relegated to the lowest-rung jobs and living in the poorest neighborhoods counts for nothing.

Does not surviving the attempt to destroy one’s people say something about the character of those who managed it ? Does not leading a struggle for freedom not suggest that the persons in question have made a substantial contribution to the nation in which they live, and indeed the world ?

This, in a nation that has made surviving a few weeks on an island with television cameras and emergency medical assistance at the ready something for which the last person standing get's a million dollars
Why don't we have an Asian History Month? Why do blacks get special treatment? Because 95% of them vote for Democrats.
You do have Asian history month. You clown and you have Hispanic history month

The reason why people know more about black history month is because black people fought and died to make sure everyone knows out history. These other just have to do the same
FYI, Whites fought just as hard for the rights you have. Probably harder. Some of them were hung for their efforts. Most of them were Republicans, and instead of thanking them you call them racists.

No they didn't. Stop lying to yourself. Thank them yourself.
One must first be ignorant in order to actually be a racist.

There are specific months also dedicated to the heritage and history of hispanics, asians, and Native Americans.

Are you ignorant enough to believe that they are all racist as well?

I already know the answer to that question.
So you're saying that it wouldn't be racist to have a White History Month and some White Music Awards...?

No, you were asked a question. Try answering it.
Nobody's talking to you, you grumpy fat racist.

Well I'm talking to you, racist. So answer the question.
Look, it's simple, if everyone is going to get their own month, then whites should have one as well, it's only fair. Otherwise, you're all racist against whites.

It's this simple, whites have 8 out of 12 months.
The point shouldn't be Whites need a history month.
March is Irish-American History Month; April is Confederate History Month; May is Jewish-American History Month; and October is both Italian History Month and Polish-American History Month. There are quite a few history months that fall under the umbrella term of “white.”
The point should be no race deserves a month because this is simply Institutional Racism, favorable treatment for one race over all others.
We all read Shakespeare, but why not August Wilson? We learn about the Ottoman Empire and the rise and fall of the Nazis, but do you know about the Belgian concentration camps in the Congo ? Or the history of the Asante Kingdom in West Africa? We learn about Einstein, but why not David Blackwell who worked right alongside him? There is far more to black American history than slavery and civil rights, and failing to illuminate this teaches students of all colors that black achievements are not worth noting.

But as to slavery you act like being bought and sold, raped, having fingers cut off for learning to read, to being lynched, or relegated to the lowest-rung jobs and living in the poorest neighborhoods counts for nothing.

Does not surviving the attempt to destroy one’s people say something about the character of those who managed it ? Does not leading a struggle for freedom not suggest that the persons in question have made a substantial contribution to the nation in which they live, and indeed the world ?

This, in a nation that has made surviving a few weeks on an island with television cameras and emergency medical assistance at the ready something for which the last person standing get's a million dollars
Why don't we have an Asian History Month? Why do blacks get special treatment? Because 95% of them vote for Democrats.
You do have Asian history month. You clown and you have Hispanic history month

The reason why people know more about black history month is because black people fought and died to make sure everyone knows out history. These other just have to do the same
FYI, Whites fought just as hard for the rights you have. Probably harder. Some of them were hung for their efforts. Most of them were Republicans, and instead of thanking them you call them racists.

No they didn't. Stop lying to yourself. Thank them yourself.
So what's it called when blacks celebrate their own color with black music awards and black history month...?

The same thing as St. Patrick's Day, Oktoberfest and every month but February.

Stop crying.

You see Dumbo McGee, our ethnic heritage was taken from us by your long dead ancestors during slavery, Therefore we were all left as black because of what whites have done. So your ancestors did this and now your bitch ass is crying about how it's racist because whites get to celebrate their true ethnic heritage.

My goodness! You are a dumbfuck!
That's rich.
St Patrick's Day is about nationality. If it was about race they'd call it Honky Day. Anyone can celebrate it. Oktoberfest is a German festival. And everyone can celebrate it.
Black history month is a politically motivated celebration and reminder of slavery, nothing more. It's only intended purpose is to piss blacks off at the White man.

Black history month is celebrated, because of a multi generational practice of omitting black people from American history as we know it.

As ignorant as you are, even you should know that after the Atlantic Slave trade and 100 years of Jim Crow, that there are unknown stories about the contributions of Black Americans, that have not seen mainstream recognition, just as there is likely unknown history about other minorities.

The history of America, as it is taught in the general curriculum in American Schools is predominately Eurocentric.

There is also an Asian Heritage Month, A Hispanic Heritage Month, and a Native Indian month.

Why is it such an issue for there to be Black History Month?

Truthfully, I sincerely wish that there was a White History Month..just to put a collective pacifier in the mouths of what must be millions.
The point shouldn't be Whites need a history month. The point should be no race deserves a month because this is simply Institutional Racism, favorable treatment for one race over all others. Why don't we have an Asian History Month? Why do blacks get special treatment? Because 95% of them vote for Democrats.

There IS an Asian History/ Heritage Month. Coming in May.

Why do you have a tendency to misquote facts so often?

You actually even believed that the Depression ended AFTER WW2, and that FDR was dead before it ended.
FDR died before the end of WWII and the Depression ended after WWII started.

JESUS, you're a dumbass.
Are Blacks More Racist Than Whites? Most Americans Say Yes

Most Americans are white. Even racist Republicans don't want to admit they're racist.

But Steve Bannon says wear your racism proudly. He wasn't talking to blacks.
Well considering almost all Democrats are racists and most blacks are Democrats you can see why most Americans feel blacks are more racist than Whites.
Let's even assume that I'm lying for a second. A lot of "whites" were serfs... back in all kinds of countries and they came here to homestead and build this country. So even if not my ancestors, there are plenty of other whites would had the same experience as my ancestors did, so just to say that not all whites had something to do with slavery. Poor white people couldn't even afford slaves, you make it seem like every fucking white person had a ton of slaves.

You're missing the point. Most argue that only 2% of southerners owned slaves. Yet, that 2% convinced the other 98% to turn against the US and fight the bloodiest war on American soil. That same ideology and hate is spewing from you and your tiki torch carrying scum today.
The top 2% always get their way, just look at today's president, or the last one... they are part of the top 2% and they send grunts off to the Middle East to die for shit the grunts don't even believe in. You're just making up strawmen arguments to say that ALL white are tikki torch bearers, when in actuality, there was what, 200 people out of 200 million white people in the US with tikki torches?
Let's even assume that I'm lying for a second. A lot of "whites" were serfs... back in all kinds of countries and they came here to homestead and build this country. So even if not my ancestors, there are plenty of other whites would had the same experience as my ancestors did, so just to say that not all whites had something to do with slavery. Poor white people couldn't even afford slaves, you make it seem like every fucking white person had a ton of slaves.

You're missing the point. Most argue that only 2% of southerners owned slaves. Yet, that 2% convinced the other 98% to turn against the US and fight the bloodiest war on American soil. That same ideology and hate is spewing from you and your tiki torch carrying scum today.
The top 2% always get their way, just look at today's president, or the last one... they are part of the top 2% and they send grunts off to the Middle East to die for shit the grunts don't even believe in. You're just making up strawmen arguments to say that ALL white are tikki torch bearers, when in actuality, there was what, 200 people out of 200 million white people in the US with tikki torches?

Non sequitur. I'm not even close to suggesting all whites are tiki torch carriers, because the majority of whites hate people like you for making them look bad. No, you and the rest of your klan of limp dick, former sheet wearing cowards need to try and include decent white people because you are cowards and have been reduced to talking shit from behind a computer.
What "shit" have I said? And please quote me.

Your quotes are above his words.
YOU CAN"T HANDLE THE TRUTH!!!!!!!! Not my problem, bro.
Black history month is celebrated, because of a multi generational practice of omitting black people from American history as we know it.

As ignorant as you are, even you should know that after the Atlantic Slave trade and 100 years of Jim Crow, that there are unknown stories about the contributions of Black Americans, that have not seen mainstream recognition, just as there is likely unknown history about other minorities.

The history of America, as it is taught in the general curriculum in American Schools is predominately Eurocentric.

There is also an Asian Heritage Month, A Hispanic Heritage Month, and a Native Indian month.

Why is it such an issue for there to be Black History Month?

Truthfully, I sincerely wish that there was a White History Month..just to put a collective pacifier in the mouths of what must be millions.
Black History Month is for taking a whole month to ignore all you black racists. And you should really get some black pointy hoods, just to make it a little more festive. :biggrin:

False. It never fails that during Black History Month, the internet white sheet and hood brigade shows up to whine for the entire 28 days of February.
Just pointing out that having a month dedicated to a certain race is racist itself. Which is true. If you weren't a racist yourself, you'd agree.

One must first be ignorant in order to actually be a racist.

There are specific months also dedicated to the heritage and history of hispanics, asians, and Native Americans.

Are you ignorant enough to believe that they are all racist as well?

I already know the answer to that question.
So you're saying that it wouldn't be racist to have a White History Month and some White Music Awards...?

YES. I truly wish that it would come to fruition? Why? Because I would simply just bypass acknowledging them if they existed.

Black History Month takes nothing away from anyone,.....especially white people. I have seen posts here where people here have stated that they had relatives that "immigrated" from various parts of Europe, "fought to free the slaves...etc...so white people get adequate recognition.

The issue at hand is this: How could captured or sold slaves even tell where in Af4ica they came from? Had they been able to, we maybe would have "Nigerian, Somalian, or Ghanan celebrations today. Right along with Irish, Italians, Germans, Poles, etc...

So if there was a "White History Month", please name some notable historic figures who happened to be white and were omitted from American history as we know it to be taught
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Look at the white boy throw a temper tantrum. Why, he got to use the word nigga 3 times on the internet. OOOH he's hard.
LOL, yeah that's how you can tell they've lost it, good job IM2! LOL

Let's just hope he keeps it on the internet and doesn't go out and shoot up or bomb a black church.
You even got THAT wrong: whites have great here and in all western style countries because we built them that way. Blacks built Africa, and I should hope that it's still a work in progress
You are just so amazingly and astoundingly... stupid uninformed. The picture below is of a plantation & botanical gardens in Charleston, South Carolina. The black slaves who were held captive there built and maintained this plantation. They resided in the slaves quarters that are on the property but placed out of sight of the occupants of the main house. Since they were slaves, they were not compensated for their labor nor in lieu of compensation did they inherit any of the land on which they labored. They were held captive there and made to work *** FOR FREE ***

There is a book written called "Lemon Swamp & Other Places" which details slave life at the Middleton plantation ("Middleton Place") written by one of my cousins who is now deceased. My father's family originated from there and he along with his dad and brothers went on to become some of the first if not the first African American building contractors in the state of Pennsylvania, They helped build part of the Los Angeles skyline as well as assisted with retrofitting and reconstruction of buildings either destroyed or damaged in the 1972 Northridge earthquake. My mom as well as my sister are educators and my sister's daughter who just turned 18 could run circles around some of you attempting to debate a topic on which you clearly have little to no knowledge. Opinions do not equal fact, particularly uninformed ones when you can't even point to anything to substantiate why you hold the opinion you do.

While our family is large, we're still just one family of of the tens of millions of African American who live in and have contributed to this country sometimes under the most horrendous of circumstances. Your perception of African Americans appears to be based on some stupid Hollywood film from an era long past but honestly it also appears that your parents were seriously remiss in your upbringing. They should be ashamed to have raised such an ill mannered and ignorant child as yourself. I probably should have left my original statement unedited.

And by the way, Captain John Daniels the Tuskegee airman in my signature block is from the other side of the family, he's my mom's dad. So even though CORRELL considers the Tuskegee airmen to be irrelevant because they're from 60 years ago, up until 2010 all three of his daughter were still living and talking about him was just something we as a family did so this is not ancient history for us. My mother thank God is still living so long as she does it's real and current history because she actually spent time with him whereas none of us grandchildren had that opportunity.


Ground Breaking on the Atlantic Richfield Plaza in 1969
YOu call the people you are "Debating" "extremely stupid white dumbfucks"
and than act like it there is something wrong with them, that they get angry with your asshole self.

Are you seriously trying to justify calling someone a racial slur simply because they're angry?

People who are not racists do not use the N-word not matter how angry they are. Racists on the other hand generally need no provocation at all.
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I'm sure that some of the cases are valid cases of racial discrimination, against blacks.

Just like a blind squirrel can sometimes find a nut, the witch hunt of the Left might stumble by luck over an ACTUAL witch, now and then.
Surely even you realize how ridiculous this sounds right?

First you complained that the example I was using was from too long ago even thought the Tuskegee Airmen are a perfect example of black people being believed to not have what it takes to make a good military officer nor fighter pilot. They accomplished what they did in a legally segregated military that was openly hostile to them. Nothing says hostility more openly than being told that you can only be here if you live, eat, sleep and train with your own race - AWAY from all of the white soldiers. They even were militarily punished for entering a club or facility for Officers only of which they were

Smith didn’t fly quite like anybody else in school, though – at 200 lbs., he pushed pedals differently from his 130 lbs. instructor. At that time, all military planes were assigned to white pilots, so Smith flew “primary” planes – service aircraft – and served as a flight instructor for “primaries” at the Tuskegee Institute. Later, since he was too big for a P-40 or a P-51, he was made a bomber pilot. It was difficult to assemble a full crew, though; black pilots were not allowed to command white crews under any circumstances, even white crewmen at the rank of private.

After spending time at Fort Knox, near Louisville, First Lieutenant Smith was transferred to Freeman Field in his home state of Indiana. As an officer, regulations said that Smith could enter any officers club, but black officers were barred from the club – along with the tennis court and swimming pool – at Freeman Field. A colonel informed them that they could use the facilities, but only before 1700 hours; in other words, only during hours when they’d be working anyway. “We booed him off the stage,” Smith recalls. He and the other black officers in the Air Corps were instructed to sign a new directive about the segregation of the officers clubs. Smith refused, along with 100 others, and they were confined to quarters. Three days later, an armed guard arrived; he and the other officers were sent to prison at Fort Leavenworth.

However, Fort Leavenworth, also segregated, wasn’t prepared to handle the sudden arrival of 101 black prisoners, so they were shipped back to Freeman Field. (“This was one time when segregation was pretty good,” says Smith.) The black officers who had signed the directive pooled their money and brought in a defense team led by Thurgood Marshall, who won their release. A little over two years later, Truman would sign the order to de-segregate the military. It was not for more than fifty years, however, through the intervention of several congressmen (and a fire that destroyed a records office), that the officers’ service records would be formally cleared of the reprimand from the incident.

Smith went on to earn a Masters degree in English. West Side High School which was founded in Gary Indiana in 1968, could initially accommodate over 3,000 pupils, and was at the time, the largest high school in the state of Indiana. It was initially founded in order to integrate students within the Gary School System. West Side is a compromised name which gave the general location of the school. However, some of the other names that were suggested for West Side were Paul Robeson, Martin Luther King, Malcom X Shabazz, and Nkhrumah, just to name a few. Since the school naming committee could not come to an agreement on another name, it was decided to keep the original name.

I then provide you with current racial cases that the EEOC has won and even that is still not good enough. And those are just the cases won, that doesn't even include the bulk of the complaints filed which doesn't mean that racism or a violation didn't occur, it's oftentimes impossible to prove.

SCOTUS overturning the lower courts in the New Haven case had more to do with establishing precedence for the status quo than it did with resolving the issue. And the fact that you continue to believe that the only possible explanation for the skewed test results is that blacks are inferior to whites is telling especially since there are ways to try and find out what really happened including examining the test results themselves but that all was prohibited to everyone so I guess we'll never find out what really happened unless some how someone comes up with a mechanism to get tests unsealed. Sort of reminds me of spoliation.
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Well considering almost all Democrats are racists and most blacks are Democrats you can see why most Americans feel blacks are more racist than Whites.
Have you ever thought about looking at your statement from a statistical point of view?
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You even got THAT wrong: whites have great here and in all western style countries because we built them that way. Blacks built Africa, and I should hope that it's still a work in progress
You are just so amazingly and astoundingly... stupid uninformed. The picture below is of a plantation & botanical gardens in Charleston, South Carolina. The black slaves who were held captive there built and maintained this plantation. They resided in the slaves quarters that are on the property but placed out of sight of the occupants of the main house. Since they were slaves, they were not compensated for their labor nor in lieu of compensation did they inherit any of the land on which they labored. They were held captive there and made to work *** FOR FREE ***

There is a book written called "Lemon Swamp & Other Places" which details slave life at the Middleton plantation ("Middleton Place") written by one of my cousins who is now deceased. My father's family originated from there and he along with his dad and brothers went on to become some of the first if not the first African American building contractors in the state of Pennsylvania, They helped build part of the Los Angeles skyline as well as assisted with retrofitting and reconstruction of buildings either destroyed or damaged in the 1972 Northridge earthquake. My mom as well as my sister are educators and my sister's daughter who just turned 18 could run circles around some of you attempting to debate a topic on which you clearly have little to no knowledge. Opinions do not equal fact, particularly uninformed ones when you can't even point to anything to substantiate why you hold the opinion you do.

While our family is large, we're still just one family of of the tens of millions of African American who live in and have contributed to this country sometimes under the most horrendous of circumstances. Your perception of African Americans appears to be based on some stupid Hollywood film from an era long past but honestly it also appears that your parents were seriously remiss in your upbringing. They should be ashamed to have raised such an ill mannered and ignorant child as yourself. I probably should have left my original statement unedited.

And by the way, Captain John Daniels the Tuskegee airman in my signature block is from the other side of the family, he's my mom's dad. So even though CORRELL considers the Tuskegee airmen to be irrelevant because they're from 60 years ago, up until 2010 all three of his daughter were still living and talking about him was just something we as a family did so this is not ancient history for us. My mother thank God is still living so long as she does it's real and current history because she actually spent time with him whereas none of us grandchildren had that opportunity.


Ground Breaking on the Atlantic Richfield Plaza in 1969

Some great information there. And as far as "Correll" goes, I would dismiss him and the rest of his ilk.

To him the Tuskeegee Airmen from 60 years ago are irrelevant, but in his mind, all Black americans should be grateful for white union soldiers "fighting to free" slaves in a war from 150 years ago, when the war was actually fought to keep the Union intact. Slaves being freed was not the central issue of that war.
But as to slavery you act like being bought and sold, raped, having fingers cut off for learning to read, to being lynched, or relegated to the lowest-rung jobs and living in the poorest neighborhoods counts for nothing.

Does not surviving the attempt to destroy one’s people say something about the character of those who managed it ? Does not leading a struggle for freedom not suggest that the persons in question have made a substantial contribution to the nation in which they live, and indeed the world ?
This accidentally ended up in another post. This was the only way I could figure out how to +1 you.

I for one really appreciate your contributions to the thread, as I do all of the others here.
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