Are Blacks More Racist Than Whites? Most Americans Say Yes

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Something I read on an other page on this thread...Whites may have once been slave owners, but whites also fought and died to set blacks FREE. Whites are neurotic as hell. Blacks, well they can be too. Racism, schmasim. Get over it. Lets put the POST in POST racial, kiddoes.

Whites did not die to set blacks free. Blacks had much more do with our freedom than whites did. .After all there was that 100 years after slavery when blacks still had no rights. So until those like you stop being racists, there is no post. Racism is a form of abuse, go study what every type of abuse does to people, then come back and talk..

What a stupid thing to say.


All rise! Class is in session.

Types of Abuse
There are several different types of abuse recognized. Forms of abuse include:1

  • Emotional abuse aka Psychological abuse – this type of abuse is likely the most common. Emotional abuse consists of any behavior designed to hurt another person mentally. Psychological abuse includes yelling, threats, shaming, humiliation and shaming, among other tactics.
Understand that white racism has included all of these things.

  • Financial abuse – this type of abuse is often seen alongside other forms of abuse. Financial abuse is when one person restricts access to money from another. This type of abuse includes actions like cutting off access to bank accounts, controlling where someone is allowed to work and preventing access to financial information.
Understand that white racism has included all of these things.

  • Physical abuse – this form of abuse shows the most outward signs. Physical abuse is also known as domestic abuse or domestic violence when it occurs within intimate relationships. Physical abuse is any physical act or threat of a physical act designed to harm another person physically. This type of abuse includes actions like slapping, punching, hair-pulling and kicking. Physical evidence such as bruises need not exist for the act to be physical abuse.
Understand that white racism has included all of these things.

  • Sexual abuse – this type of abuse is often perpetrated against women although men can be victims of sexual abuse too. Sexual abuse includes any unwanted sexual act forced on the victim. This form of abuse is also often known as sexual assault or rape. Sexual abuse can include anything from unwanted touching to forced intercourse or forced sexual contact with another person.
Understand that white racism included this.

  • Verbal abuse – verbal abuse is generally a form of psychological abuse. This type of abuse occurs when an abuser uses words and body language with the intent to hurt another person. Verbal abuse includes put-downs, name-calling and unreasonable criticisms.
Understand that white racism has included all of these things.

  • Spiritual abuse – spiritual abuse revolves around a person’s spirituality or religion. This type of abuse includes attacking another’s belief system, denying access to a house of worship or forced participation in a cult.
Understand that white racism has included all of these things.

And no, you can't make the clam that blacks have doe the same things to whites. You will, but you'll be lying.


Thanks for ignoring the sacrifices of generations of whites, trying to help.

I've been telling modern libs, that it was a huge waste. THey dont' listen to me.

I bet they are listening to you.

.Generations of whites trying to help? LOL!

.So tell me Cornholio, what were blacks dong for all these generations?

Being vastly outnumbered.

Lucking for them, whites voted for and endured generations of AA, and associated programs.

For how much longer?
If it does not bother you, that you are acting like a dick, by all means, continue.
That's cute that you believe you have any control over whether I continue or not. No I take that back, it's typical.

I went back and read about 30 pages of back & forth between us. The comment that I made that caused you to have your melt down was when you alleged that I concluded that you believed the ONLY reason the black candidates in the New Haven case scored less favorably than the white candidates was due to racial inferiority although I didn't phrase it that way.

You then went on a rant which ended in you stating "you never fucking asked me WHY I thought the blacks candidates performed less favorably than the white candidates" indicating that I just assumed that's what you thought and then demanded I retract my former statement.

Well the following post says I DID ask you but you never responded, per usual, as in all of the other cases where the truthful answer doesn't support your position.

I have been polite in my interactions with you and more than a little patient, but I am not to blame for the content of the factual material I have posed. You on the other hand have intimated that I am a liar or a fool, you've lumped me into some fantasy group of black racists that to hear you tell it are cause for great concern BY EVERYONE and then you called me a "dick". What kind of man calls a female that word?
I'm neither a liar or a fool however I am self-taught so I don't get everything right (DISCLAIMER: I'm not an attorney).

The test was thrown out because the results were suspect, which is why I asked if you knew whether or not this was the first time they had utilized that particular testing method, I honestly don't remember and it's been at least 5 years or so since I've viewed the court documents.

Title VII includes both disparate treatment and disparate impact. Essentially the law says that you can't use a testing method that would have disparate impact on a certain segment of the population resulting in a discriminatory result which is why the agency was concerned with being sued - the fault was in their testing methodology unless you simply believe that all of the black and Hispanic candidates were simply less intel or less qualified.
Calling you on your efforts to pretend that New Haven Conn. 2009, is Hicktown Georgia, 1901, is not "whitewashing" US history.
Okay so now we're getting somewhere. So you believe the only that racism existed/exists in the U.S. is in the south and ONLY in years gone by?
Recent Connecticut Cases:
2 Connecticut men win more than 3 million dollars in race discrimination case against Bridgeport company
'Code Words' Lead to Big Settlement in Housing Case
Racism at Car Dealership

Just because you are ignorant (unaware) of what goes on around you or in other places doesn't alter the fact that as IM2 and others have repeatedly pointed out, racism has not yet been abolished in the year 2018 nor have 60 years of civil rights legislation eradicated the affects of the previous 175+ of legislation that LEGALLY relegated Americans of African descent to 2nd class citizen status based of the belief of white superiority and black inferiority. THAT is was I was discussing and referring to in our conversation however if you want to continue to be affronted by what I have stated, then I don't know what else to tell you, other than nothing that I have stated is untrue therefore a retraction is not warranted and will not be forthcoming.

I'll get to the rest of your responses later.
Something I read on an other page on this thread...Whites may have once been slave owners, but whites also fought and died to set blacks FREE. Whites are neurotic as hell. Blacks, well they can be too. Racism, schmasim. Get over it. Lets put the POST in POST racial, kiddoes.

Whites did not die to set blacks free. Blacks had much more do with our freedom than whites did. .After all there was that 100 years after slavery when blacks still had no rights. So until those like you stop being racists, there is no post. Racism is a form of abuse, go study what every type of abuse does to people, then come back and talk..

What a stupid thing to say.


All rise! Class is in session.

Types of Abuse
There are several different types of abuse recognized. Forms of abuse include:1

  • Emotional abuse aka Psychological abuse – this type of abuse is likely the most common. Emotional abuse consists of any behavior designed to hurt another person mentally. Psychological abuse includes yelling, threats, shaming, humiliation and shaming, among other tactics.
Understand that white racism has included all of these things.

  • Financial abuse – this type of abuse is often seen alongside other forms of abuse. Financial abuse is when one person restricts access to money from another. This type of abuse includes actions like cutting off access to bank accounts, controlling where someone is allowed to work and preventing access to financial information.
Understand that white racism has included all of these things.

  • Physical abuse – this form of abuse shows the most outward signs. Physical abuse is also known as domestic abuse or domestic violence when it occurs within intimate relationships. Physical abuse is any physical act or threat of a physical act designed to harm another person physically. This type of abuse includes actions like slapping, punching, hair-pulling and kicking. Physical evidence such as bruises need not exist for the act to be physical abuse.
Understand that white racism has included all of these things.

  • Sexual abuse – this type of abuse is often perpetrated against women although men can be victims of sexual abuse too. Sexual abuse includes any unwanted sexual act forced on the victim. This form of abuse is also often known as sexual assault or rape. Sexual abuse can include anything from unwanted touching to forced intercourse or forced sexual contact with another person.
Understand that white racism included this.

  • Verbal abuse – verbal abuse is generally a form of psychological abuse. This type of abuse occurs when an abuser uses words and body language with the intent to hurt another person. Verbal abuse includes put-downs, name-calling and unreasonable criticisms.
Understand that white racism has included all of these things.

  • Spiritual abuse – spiritual abuse revolves around a person’s spirituality or religion. This type of abuse includes attacking another’s belief system, denying access to a house of worship or forced participation in a cult.
Understand that white racism has included all of these things.

And no, you can't make the clam that blacks have doe the same things to whites. You will, but you'll be lying.

Who is abusing you and how?

You can stop playing your passive aggressive racist game.

Why White People Can't Talk About Racism Effectively

We're socialized to not take the experiences of people of color seriously.

The primary reason white people cannot effectively talk about racism in America is because our initial reaction to racial injustice is to Victim Blame. When it comes to conversations about racism, white people are at a predisposition to blame or not take seriously the most common victims of racism, African Americans. Whenever an issue about racism comes up, instead of acknowledging harm and conceding at least the potential of wrong-doing, we change the subject of investigation upon those who have been harmed. We consider it worse to be called racist or to be accused of demonstrating a racial bias than perpetrating the actual harm of racism. As a result, we shift the burden of proof upon those harmed by racism; they have to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the action in question was racist by the white standard of racism. It’s a convenient tactic to prevent any productive conversation about racism and race relations by not taking responsibility for our actions at the outset.


Even so, one also cannot overstate the experience of brutalization and terror that African American people experienced since first stepping off of a boat as slaves in the 17th century. Racism didn’t end with slavery and didn’t end with the Civil Rights Act. No other group was abducted in such massive numbers, enslaved, terrorized, and discriminated against for 400 years as African Americans have been.


Lastly, white people don’t want to acknowledge the empirical fact of discrimination. Even if you pretend the crimes against African Americans before the Civil Rights Act are unrelated to African American problems today, there is still an abundance of evidence for racism’s existence today. From housing discrimination, red-lining, police brutality, racial profiling, the wage gap, the wealth gap, the college admissions gap, the employment gap, the school to prison pipeline, mass incarceration, and more, you don’t have to be a liberal loon to admit the objective reality of racism against African Americans in the United States of America in 2016, you just have to look at the facts.

Yet still, we don’t even get this far when discussing racism. We’re stuck at the superficial aspects of racism because white people are socialized to think about race in a way that secures white power and perpetuates black disempowerment. White People don’t view “African American” as a valid cultural identity worthy of protection or praise, so any attempt to cherish African American culture or draw attention to how African Americans have been historically brutalized by racism is seen as a method of being “divisive” or “antagonistic.” At the end of the day, we don’t want to admit that African Americans are discriminated against. We’ll blame them for their problems long before admitting White People had a hand in creating and perpetuating racism even to this day.

If we want to build a more harmonious and benevolent society in which all citizens can participate fully in the benefits of being an American, we have got to stop blaming African Americans for their problems. We also have to recognize the validity of African American Culture as an equally authentic niche of American Culture, just as Scottish Americans, Italian Americans, Indian Americans, Latin Americans, German Americans, and English Americans have an authentic niche in the Salad Bowl that is American Culture. Most Importantly, we have to acknowledge the empirical reality of systemic racism against African Americans; though other forms of discrimination against other races exist, African Americans are the main race victimized by racism.

Why White People Can't Talk About Racism Effectively
Something I read on an other page on this thread...Whites may have once been slave owners, but whites also fought and died to set blacks FREE. Whites are neurotic as hell. Blacks, well they can be too. Racism, schmasim. Get over it. Lets put the POST in POST racial, kiddoes.

Whites did not die to set blacks free. Blacks had much more do with our freedom than whites did. .After all there was that 100 years after slavery when blacks still had no rights. So until those like you stop being racists, there is no post. Racism is a form of abuse, go study what every type of abuse does to people, then come back and talk..

What a stupid thing to say.


All rise! Class is in session.

Types of Abuse
There are several different types of abuse recognized. Forms of abuse include:1

  • Emotional abuse aka Psychological abuse – this type of abuse is likely the most common. Emotional abuse consists of any behavior designed to hurt another person mentally. Psychological abuse includes yelling, threats, shaming, humiliation and shaming, among other tactics.
Understand that white racism has included all of these things.

  • Financial abuse – this type of abuse is often seen alongside other forms of abuse. Financial abuse is when one person restricts access to money from another. This type of abuse includes actions like cutting off access to bank accounts, controlling where someone is allowed to work and preventing access to financial information.
Understand that white racism has included all of these things.

  • Physical abuse – this form of abuse shows the most outward signs. Physical abuse is also known as domestic abuse or domestic violence when it occurs within intimate relationships. Physical abuse is any physical act or threat of a physical act designed to harm another person physically. This type of abuse includes actions like slapping, punching, hair-pulling and kicking. Physical evidence such as bruises need not exist for the act to be physical abuse.
Understand that white racism has included all of these things.

  • Sexual abuse – this type of abuse is often perpetrated against women although men can be victims of sexual abuse too. Sexual abuse includes any unwanted sexual act forced on the victim. This form of abuse is also often known as sexual assault or rape. Sexual abuse can include anything from unwanted touching to forced intercourse or forced sexual contact with another person.
Understand that white racism included this.

  • Verbal abuse – verbal abuse is generally a form of psychological abuse. This type of abuse occurs when an abuser uses words and body language with the intent to hurt another person. Verbal abuse includes put-downs, name-calling and unreasonable criticisms.
Understand that white racism has included all of these things.

  • Spiritual abuse – spiritual abuse revolves around a person’s spirituality or religion. This type of abuse includes attacking another’s belief system, denying access to a house of worship or forced participation in a cult.
Understand that white racism has included all of these things.

And no, you can't make the clam that blacks have doe the same things to whites. You will, but you'll be lying.

Who is abusing you and how?

You can stop playing your passive aggressive racist game.

Why White People Can't Talk About Racism Effectively

We're socialized to not take the experiences of people of color seriously.

The primary reason white people cannot effectively talk about racism in America is because our initial reaction to racial injustice is to Victim Blame. When it comes to conversations about racism, white people are at a predisposition to blame or not take seriously the most common victims of racism, African Americans. Whenever an issue about racism comes up, instead of acknowledging harm and conceding at least the potential of wrong-doing, we change the subject of investigation upon those who have been harmed. We consider it worse to be called racist or to be accused of demonstrating a racial bias than perpetrating the actual harm of racism. As a result, we shift the burden of proof upon those harmed by racism; they have to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the action in question was racist by the white standard of racism. It’s a convenient tactic to prevent any productive conversation about racism and race relations by not taking responsibility for our actions at the outset.


Even so, one also cannot overstate the experience of brutalization and terror that African American people experienced since first stepping off of a boat as slaves in the 17th century. Racism didn’t end with slavery and didn’t end with the Civil Rights Act. No other group was abducted in such massive numbers, enslaved, terrorized, and discriminated against for 400 years as African Americans have been.


Lastly, white people don’t want to acknowledge the empirical fact of discrimination. Even if you pretend the crimes against African Americans before the Civil Rights Act are unrelated to African American problems today, there is still an abundance of evidence for racism’s existence today. From housing discrimination, red-lining, police brutality, racial profiling, the wage gap, the wealth gap, the college admissions gap, the employment gap, the school to prison pipeline, mass incarceration, and more, you don’t have to be a liberal loon to admit the objective reality of racism against African Americans in the United States of America in 2016, you just have to look at the facts.

Yet still, we don’t even get this far when discussing racism. We’re stuck at the superficial aspects of racism because white people are socialized to think about race in a way that secures white power and perpetuates black disempowerment. White People don’t view “African American” as a valid cultural identity worthy of protection or praise, so any attempt to cherish African American culture or draw attention to how African Americans have been historically brutalized by racism is seen as a method of being “divisive” or “antagonistic.” At the end of the day, we don’t want to admit that African Americans are discriminated against. We’ll blame them for their problems long before admitting White People had a hand in creating and perpetuating racism even to this day.

If we want to build a more harmonious and benevolent society in which all citizens can participate fully in the benefits of being an American, we have got to stop blaming African Americans for their problems. We also have to recognize the validity of African American Culture as an equally authentic niche of American Culture, just as Scottish Americans, Italian Americans, Indian Americans, Latin Americans, German Americans, and English Americans have an authentic niche in the Salad Bowl that is American Culture. Most Importantly, we have to acknowledge the empirical reality of systemic racism against African Americans; though other forms of discrimination against other races exist, African Americans are the main race victimized by racism.

Why White People Can't Talk About Racism Effectively
Why can't you ever answer questions? Because you have no true answers.
Whites did not die to set blacks free. Blacks had much more do with our freedom than whites did. .After all there was that 100 years after slavery when blacks still had no rights. So until those like you stop being racists, there is no post. Racism is a form of abuse, go study what every type of abuse does to people, then come back and talk..

What a stupid thing to say.


All rise! Class is in session.

Types of Abuse
There are several different types of abuse recognized. Forms of abuse include:1

  • Emotional abuse aka Psychological abuse – this type of abuse is likely the most common. Emotional abuse consists of any behavior designed to hurt another person mentally. Psychological abuse includes yelling, threats, shaming, humiliation and shaming, among other tactics.
Understand that white racism has included all of these things.

  • Financial abuse – this type of abuse is often seen alongside other forms of abuse. Financial abuse is when one person restricts access to money from another. This type of abuse includes actions like cutting off access to bank accounts, controlling where someone is allowed to work and preventing access to financial information.
Understand that white racism has included all of these things.

  • Physical abuse – this form of abuse shows the most outward signs. Physical abuse is also known as domestic abuse or domestic violence when it occurs within intimate relationships. Physical abuse is any physical act or threat of a physical act designed to harm another person physically. This type of abuse includes actions like slapping, punching, hair-pulling and kicking. Physical evidence such as bruises need not exist for the act to be physical abuse.
Understand that white racism has included all of these things.

  • Sexual abuse – this type of abuse is often perpetrated against women although men can be victims of sexual abuse too. Sexual abuse includes any unwanted sexual act forced on the victim. This form of abuse is also often known as sexual assault or rape. Sexual abuse can include anything from unwanted touching to forced intercourse or forced sexual contact with another person.
Understand that white racism included this.

  • Verbal abuse – verbal abuse is generally a form of psychological abuse. This type of abuse occurs when an abuser uses words and body language with the intent to hurt another person. Verbal abuse includes put-downs, name-calling and unreasonable criticisms.
Understand that white racism has included all of these things.

  • Spiritual abuse – spiritual abuse revolves around a person’s spirituality or religion. This type of abuse includes attacking another’s belief system, denying access to a house of worship or forced participation in a cult.
Understand that white racism has included all of these things.

And no, you can't make the clam that blacks have doe the same things to whites. You will, but you'll be lying.


Thanks for ignoring the sacrifices of generations of whites, trying to help.

I've been telling modern libs, that it was a huge waste. THey dont' listen to me.

I bet they are listening to you.

.Generations of whites trying to help? LOL!

.So tell me Cornholio, what were blacks dong for all these generations?

Being vastly outnumbered.

Lucking for them, whites voted for and endured generations of AA, and associated programs.

For how much longer?

.Whites like you have done nothing consistently for generations but be racists.
IM2 I don't know how I missed this post of yours, but thank you very much for putting it here. It's VERY helpful to my work
All rise! Class is in session.

Types of Abuse
There are several different types of abuse recognized. Forms of abuse include:1

  • Emotional abuse aka Psychological abuse – this type of abuse is likely the most common. Emotional abuse consists of any behavior designed to hurt another person mentally. Psychological abuse includes yelling, threats, shaming, humiliation and shaming, among other tactics.
Understand that white racism has included all of these things.

  • Financial abuse – this type of abuse is often seen alongside other forms of abuse. Financial abuse is when one person restricts access to money from another. This type of abuse includes actions like cutting off access to bank accounts, controlling where someone is allowed to work and preventing access to financial information.
Understand that white racism has included all of these things.

  • Physical abuse – this form of abuse shows the most outward signs. Physical abuse is also known as domestic abuse or domestic violence when it occurs within intimate relationships. Physical abuse is any physical act or threat of a physical act designed to harm another person physically. This type of abuse includes actions like slapping, punching, hair-pulling and kicking. Physical evidence such as bruises need not exist for the act to be physical abuse.
Understand that white racism has included all of these things.

  • Sexual abuse – this type of abuse is often perpetrated against women although men can be victims of sexual abuse too. Sexual abuse includes any unwanted sexual act forced on the victim. This form of abuse is also often known as sexual assault or rape. Sexual abuse can include anything from unwanted touching to forced intercourse or forced sexual contact with another person.
Understand that white racism included this.

  • Verbal abuse – verbal abuse is generally a form of psychological abuse. This type of abuse occurs when an abuser uses words and body language with the intent to hurt another person. Verbal abuse includes put-downs, name-calling and unreasonable criticisms.
Understand that white racism has included all of these things.

  • Spiritual abuse – spiritual abuse revolves around a person’s spirituality or religion. This type of abuse includes attacking another’s belief system, denying access to a house of worship or forced participation in a cult.
Understand that white racism has included all of these things.

And no, you can't make the clam that blacks have doe the same things to whites. You will, but you'll be lying.
If it does not bother you, that you are acting like a dick, by all means, continue.
That's cute that you believe you have any control over whether I continue or not. No I take that back, it's typical.

I was not literally giving you permission.

That was obvious. Stop being a drama queen.

I went back and read about 30 pages of back & forth between us. The comment that I made that caused you to have your melt down was when you alleged that I concluded that you believed the ONLY reason the black candidates in the New Haven case scored less favorably than the white candidates was due to racial inferiority although I didn't phrase it that way.

You insulted me with a serious insult, based on your assumptions.

That was wrong of you, and you should stop doing that.

You then went on a rant which ended in you stating "you never fucking asked me WHY I thought the blacks candidates performed less favorably than the white candidates" indicating that I just assumed that's what you thought and then demanded I retract my former statement.

You did just assume that, and start calling me names based on that. And you should stop doing that. lt is wrong.

Well the following post says I DID ask you but you never responded, per usual, as in all of the other cases where the truthful answer doesn't support your position.

I must of missed that bolded, red portions in your long, rambling posts.

I have been polite in my interactions with you and more than a little patient, but I am not to blame for the content of the factual material I have posed. You on the other hand have intimated that I am a liar or a fool, you've lumped me into some fantasy group of black racists that to hear you tell it are cause for great concern BY EVERYONE and then you called me a "dick". What kind of man calls a female that word?

It is not polite to call someone a racist. Especially when it is completely uncalled for.

I'm neither a liar or a fool however I am self-taught so I don't get everything right (DISCLAIMER: I'm not an attorney).

The test was thrown out because the results were suspect, which is why I asked if you knew whether or not this was the first time they had utilized that particular testing method, I honestly don't remember and it's been at least 5 years or so since I've viewed the court documents.

Title VII includes both disparate treatment and disparate impact. Essentially the law says that you can't use a testing method that would have disparate impact on a certain segment of the population resulting in a discriminatory result which is why the agency was concerned with being sued - the fault was in their testing methodology unless you simply believe that all of the black and Hispanic candidates were simply less intel or less qualified.
Calling you on your efforts to pretend that New Haven Conn. 2009, is Hicktown Georgia, 1901, is not "whitewashing" US history.

Okay so now we're getting somewhere. So you believe the only that racism existed/exists in the U.S. is in the south and ONLY in years gone by?

Pointing out, correctly, that you were judging New Haven Conn, based as though they were likely to be using tactics of the JIm Crow South,

is NOT, "believing that racism existed/exists only in the the South and years gone by".
What a stupid thing to say.


All rise! Class is in session.

Types of Abuse
There are several different types of abuse recognized. Forms of abuse include:1

  • Emotional abuse aka Psychological abuse – this type of abuse is likely the most common. Emotional abuse consists of any behavior designed to hurt another person mentally. Psychological abuse includes yelling, threats, shaming, humiliation and shaming, among other tactics.
Understand that white racism has included all of these things.

  • Financial abuse – this type of abuse is often seen alongside other forms of abuse. Financial abuse is when one person restricts access to money from another. This type of abuse includes actions like cutting off access to bank accounts, controlling where someone is allowed to work and preventing access to financial information.
Understand that white racism has included all of these things.

  • Physical abuse – this form of abuse shows the most outward signs. Physical abuse is also known as domestic abuse or domestic violence when it occurs within intimate relationships. Physical abuse is any physical act or threat of a physical act designed to harm another person physically. This type of abuse includes actions like slapping, punching, hair-pulling and kicking. Physical evidence such as bruises need not exist for the act to be physical abuse.
Understand that white racism has included all of these things.

  • Sexual abuse – this type of abuse is often perpetrated against women although men can be victims of sexual abuse too. Sexual abuse includes any unwanted sexual act forced on the victim. This form of abuse is also often known as sexual assault or rape. Sexual abuse can include anything from unwanted touching to forced intercourse or forced sexual contact with another person.
Understand that white racism included this.

  • Verbal abuse – verbal abuse is generally a form of psychological abuse. This type of abuse occurs when an abuser uses words and body language with the intent to hurt another person. Verbal abuse includes put-downs, name-calling and unreasonable criticisms.
Understand that white racism has included all of these things.

  • Spiritual abuse – spiritual abuse revolves around a person’s spirituality or religion. This type of abuse includes attacking another’s belief system, denying access to a house of worship or forced participation in a cult.
Understand that white racism has included all of these things.

And no, you can't make the clam that blacks have doe the same things to whites. You will, but you'll be lying.


Thanks for ignoring the sacrifices of generations of whites, trying to help.

I've been telling modern libs, that it was a huge waste. THey dont' listen to me.

I bet they are listening to you.

.Generations of whites trying to help? LOL!

.So tell me Cornholio, what were blacks dong for all these generations?

Being vastly outnumbered.

Lucking for them, whites voted for and endured generations of AA, and associated programs.

For how much longer?

.Whites like you have done nothing consistently for generations but be racists.

Racism isn't defined as just institutional. There are no institutional laws or policies today that cause racism in this country. If you are denied resources it is because of your income, credit, education, etc, not because you are black, for the most part.
It sounds nice but it's not true although those things can contribute. The court standard is "how were you treated differently than other similarly situated individuals?"

One of my former colleagues is a high level software developer, team lead in some positions. A white co-worker going to a bank to get a mortgage so he can buy a house has equity simply because he works for Microsoft because the lender considers that he'll be in that position for the foreseeable future and if anything will move up within Microsoft and earn more money. My colleague? Not so much.

Just one example and there are many, many more....
Whites did not die to set blacks free. Blacks had much more do with our freedom than whites did. .After all there was that 100 years after slavery when blacks still had no rights. So until those like you stop being racists, there is no post. Racism is a form of abuse, go study what every type of abuse does to people, then come back and talk..

What a stupid thing to say.


All rise! Class is in session.

Types of Abuse
There are several different types of abuse recognized. Forms of abuse include:1

  • Emotional abuse aka Psychological abuse – this type of abuse is likely the most common. Emotional abuse consists of any behavior designed to hurt another person mentally. Psychological abuse includes yelling, threats, shaming, humiliation and shaming, among other tactics.
Understand that white racism has included all of these things.

  • Financial abuse – this type of abuse is often seen alongside other forms of abuse. Financial abuse is when one person restricts access to money from another. This type of abuse includes actions like cutting off access to bank accounts, controlling where someone is allowed to work and preventing access to financial information.
Understand that white racism has included all of these things.

  • Physical abuse – this form of abuse shows the most outward signs. Physical abuse is also known as domestic abuse or domestic violence when it occurs within intimate relationships. Physical abuse is any physical act or threat of a physical act designed to harm another person physically. This type of abuse includes actions like slapping, punching, hair-pulling and kicking. Physical evidence such as bruises need not exist for the act to be physical abuse.
Understand that white racism has included all of these things.

  • Sexual abuse – this type of abuse is often perpetrated against women although men can be victims of sexual abuse too. Sexual abuse includes any unwanted sexual act forced on the victim. This form of abuse is also often known as sexual assault or rape. Sexual abuse can include anything from unwanted touching to forced intercourse or forced sexual contact with another person.
Understand that white racism included this.

  • Verbal abuse – verbal abuse is generally a form of psychological abuse. This type of abuse occurs when an abuser uses words and body language with the intent to hurt another person. Verbal abuse includes put-downs, name-calling and unreasonable criticisms.
Understand that white racism has included all of these things.

  • Spiritual abuse – spiritual abuse revolves around a person’s spirituality or religion. This type of abuse includes attacking another’s belief system, denying access to a house of worship or forced participation in a cult.
Understand that white racism has included all of these things.

And no, you can't make the clam that blacks have doe the same things to whites. You will, but you'll be lying.

Who is abusing you and how?

You can stop playing your passive aggressive racist game.

Why White People Can't Talk About Racism Effectively

We're socialized to not take the experiences of people of color seriously.

The primary reason white people cannot effectively talk about racism in America is because our initial reaction to racial injustice is to Victim Blame. When it comes to conversations about racism, white people are at a predisposition to blame or not take seriously the most common victims of racism, African Americans. Whenever an issue about racism comes up, instead of acknowledging harm and conceding at least the potential of wrong-doing, we change the subject of investigation upon those who have been harmed. We consider it worse to be called racist or to be accused of demonstrating a racial bias than perpetrating the actual harm of racism. As a result, we shift the burden of proof upon those harmed by racism; they have to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the action in question was racist by the white standard of racism. It’s a convenient tactic to prevent any productive conversation about racism and race relations by not taking responsibility for our actions at the outset.


Even so, one also cannot overstate the experience of brutalization and terror that African American people experienced since first stepping off of a boat as slaves in the 17th century. Racism didn’t end with slavery and didn’t end with the Civil Rights Act. No other group was abducted in such massive numbers, enslaved, terrorized, and discriminated against for 400 years as African Americans have been.


Lastly, white people don’t want to acknowledge the empirical fact of discrimination. Even if you pretend the crimes against African Americans before the Civil Rights Act are unrelated to African American problems today, there is still an abundance of evidence for racism’s existence today. From housing discrimination, red-lining, police brutality, racial profiling, the wage gap, the wealth gap, the college admissions gap, the employment gap, the school to prison pipeline, mass incarceration, and more, you don’t have to be a liberal loon to admit the objective reality of racism against African Americans in the United States of America in 2016, you just have to look at the facts.

Yet still, we don’t even get this far when discussing racism. We’re stuck at the superficial aspects of racism because white people are socialized to think about race in a way that secures white power and perpetuates black disempowerment. White People don’t view “African American” as a valid cultural identity worthy of protection or praise, so any attempt to cherish African American culture or draw attention to how African Americans have been historically brutalized by racism is seen as a method of being “divisive” or “antagonistic.” At the end of the day, we don’t want to admit that African Americans are discriminated against. We’ll blame them for their problems long before admitting White People had a hand in creating and perpetuating racism even to this day.

If we want to build a more harmonious and benevolent society in which all citizens can participate fully in the benefits of being an American, we have got to stop blaming African Americans for their problems. We also have to recognize the validity of African American Culture as an equally authentic niche of American Culture, just as Scottish Americans, Italian Americans, Indian Americans, Latin Americans, German Americans, and English Americans have an authentic niche in the Salad Bowl that is American Culture. Most Importantly, we have to acknowledge the empirical reality of systemic racism against African Americans; though other forms of discrimination against other races exist, African Americans are the main race victimized by racism.

Why White People Can't Talk About Racism Effectively
Why can't you ever answer questions? Because you have no true answers.

I answered your question. But you are dumb. You asked me a stupid question because you want to victim blame and deny things. Everything this article mentions you do. Specifically this one:

Lastly, white people don’t want to acknowledge the empirical fact of discrimination. Even if you pretend the crimes against African Americans before the Civil Rights Act are unrelated to African American problems today, there is still an abundance of evidence for racism’s existence today. From housing discrimination, red-lining, police brutality, racial profiling, the wage gap, the wealth gap, the college admissions gap, the employment gap, the school to prison pipeline, mass incarceration, and more, you don’t have to be a liberal loon to admit the objective reality of racism against African Americans in the United States of America in 2016, you just have to look at the facts.

That's why you asked those questions.

All rise! Class is in session.

Types of Abuse
There are several different types of abuse recognized. Forms of abuse include:1

  • Emotional abuse aka Psychological abuse – this type of abuse is likely the most common. Emotional abuse consists of any behavior designed to hurt another person mentally. Psychological abuse includes yelling, threats, shaming, humiliation and shaming, among other tactics.
Understand that white racism has included all of these things.

  • Financial abuse – this type of abuse is often seen alongside other forms of abuse. Financial abuse is when one person restricts access to money from another. This type of abuse includes actions like cutting off access to bank accounts, controlling where someone is allowed to work and preventing access to financial information.
Understand that white racism has included all of these things.

  • Physical abuse – this form of abuse shows the most outward signs. Physical abuse is also known as domestic abuse or domestic violence when it occurs within intimate relationships. Physical abuse is any physical act or threat of a physical act designed to harm another person physically. This type of abuse includes actions like slapping, punching, hair-pulling and kicking. Physical evidence such as bruises need not exist for the act to be physical abuse.
Understand that white racism has included all of these things.

  • Sexual abuse – this type of abuse is often perpetrated against women although men can be victims of sexual abuse too. Sexual abuse includes any unwanted sexual act forced on the victim. This form of abuse is also often known as sexual assault or rape. Sexual abuse can include anything from unwanted touching to forced intercourse or forced sexual contact with another person.
Understand that white racism included this.

  • Verbal abuse – verbal abuse is generally a form of psychological abuse. This type of abuse occurs when an abuser uses words and body language with the intent to hurt another person. Verbal abuse includes put-downs, name-calling and unreasonable criticisms.
Understand that white racism has included all of these things.

  • Spiritual abuse – spiritual abuse revolves around a person’s spirituality or religion. This type of abuse includes attacking another’s belief system, denying access to a house of worship or forced participation in a cult.
Understand that white racism has included all of these things.

And no, you can't make the clam that blacks have doe the same things to whites. You will, but you'll be lying.


Thanks for ignoring the sacrifices of generations of whites, trying to help.

I've been telling modern libs, that it was a huge waste. THey dont' listen to me.

I bet they are listening to you.

.Generations of whites trying to help? LOL!

.So tell me Cornholio, what were blacks dong for all these generations?

Being vastly outnumbered.

Lucking for them, whites voted for and endured generations of AA, and associated programs.

For how much longer?

.Whites like you have done nothing consistently for generations but be racists.


Not really. It's all you do.
You insulted me with a serious insult, based on your assumptions.
And how has that harmed you? What are your damages? Has my comment lowered the esteem in which you were previously held on the US Message Board's thread on America Says Yes That Blacks Are More Racists Than Whites? Or within your family? Among your friends, neighbors, co-workers? How in the hell has my opinion, truthful and accurate as it may be, harmed you?
I must of missed that bolded, red portions in your long, rambling posts.
So it's my fault that you have the attention span of a gnat? Are you ready to concede I did not call you a "vile name" that you just misunderstood my comment yet you continue to call me names? Drama queen? Really?
Pointing out, incorrectly, that you were judging New Haven Conn, based as though they were likely to be using tactics of the JIm Crow South, is NOT, "believing that racism existed/exists only in the the South and years gone by".
Correll you do not understand that of which you speak. Did you even look at any of the links I sent you in my last comment? Those are current day racial discrimination cases and in one case religious bigotry in Connecticut which means the same set of state laws in addition to the federal laws that governed the New Haven, Connecticut Firefighters case also apply in these cases. They're NOT applying case law and statutes from the southern United States, they're applying Connecticut state laws yet found that many of the same tactics used in the south are the ones that racists use EVERYWHERE there are racists because that's what racists do. There are however more subtle forms or racism including refusing to hold accountable those who violate the law and rights of others. That is a form of racism that can be traced directly to the concept of jury nullification.
Something I read on an other page on this thread...Whites may have once been slave owners, but whites also fought and died to set blacks FREE. Whites are neurotic as hell. Blacks, well they can be too. Racism, schmasim. Get over it. Lets put the POST in POST racial, kiddoes.

Whites did not die to set blacks free. Blacks had much more do with our freedom than whites did. .After all there was that 100 years after slavery when blacks still had no rights. So until those like you stop being racists, there is no post. Racism is a form of abuse, go study what every type of abuse does to people, then come back and talk..

James Reeb - Wikipedia

Jonathan Daniels - Wikipedia

Viola Liuzzo - Wikipedia

Bruce W. Klunder - Wikipedia

Andrew Goodman - Wikipedia

Michael Schwerner - Wikipedia

Fuck you, you ungrateful piece of crap.
You have a computer and access to all the same facts. You live in a deluded dream world the rest of us don't share.
Yep, I have all the facts. That's the problem. You don't have any...The rest of us is who? You and the other 3 racists here?
Something I read on an other page on this thread...Whites may have once been slave owners, but whites also fought and died to set blacks FREE. Whites are neurotic as hell. Blacks, well they can be too. Racism, schmasim. Get over it. Lets put the POST in POST racial, kiddoes.

Whites did not die to set blacks free. Blacks had much more do with our freedom than whites did. .After all there was that 100 years after slavery when blacks still had no rights. So until those like you stop being racists, there is no post. Racism is a form of abuse, go study what every type of abuse does to people, then come back and talk..

James Reeb - Wikipedia

Jonathan Daniels - Wikipedia

Viola Liuzzo - Wikipedia

Bruce W. Klunder - Wikipedia

Andrew Goodman - Wikipedia

Michael Schwerner - Wikipedia

Fuck you, you ungrateful piece of crap.
You have a computer and access to all the same facts. You live in a deluded dream world the rest of us don't share.
Yep, I have all the facts. That's the problem. You don't have any...The rest of us is who? You and the other 3 racists here?
I have two words for you-BYE BYE.
Zimmerman is Hispanic
Yeah I don't understand the difference between White Hispanics and White Non-Hispanic but there was a guy named Ray who was arguing with us on the Affirmative Action message boards who kept insisting that he was discriminated against as a white person. Eventually he claimed that he is 51% Hispanic but we argued for at least a week before the thought occurred that IF he is being discriminated against why wouldn't he believe it's due to the 51% Hispanic and not the 49% white makeup. Never really got a response to that.

Putting that aside however, and as ATL pointed out the police report lists him as a white male, it doesn't negate the fact that Zimmerman had no authority to do any of the things he did which lead the the confrontation with Martin. In fact, the letter of the law states that a person utilizing lethal force in a self-defense scenario cannot be the aggressor. In other words, I can't pick a fight with you and antagonize you to the point of an unruly response or attack just so I can then shoot you and turn around and claim self defense although that's exactly what he did.
I agree. Zimmerman looks Hispanic, that is usually how someone is defined as per race. Didn't he claim to shoot in self defense? I don't remember all the details.
Of course he claimed self defense. He did exactly what I quoted the law says you can't do. That admonishment used to to be posted directly on the Florida CCW website but I haven't seen it since before Zimmerman took Martin's life.
Respect goes both ways chump. Katsteve is no child. And you are hiding behind a computer just as much as everyone else here. You seem to think that if you said the crap you say here to a back mans face the response would not be justified. Katsteve isn't unreasonable you are. And I certainly hope you aren't ruining those black kids lives by telling them how racism is over. What can you teach a black kid about avoiding racist situations? Nothing. What tools can you provide a black id to help them get beyond such a situation based on your experiences? None. You'll tell them it's a thing of the past, they'll get into a racist situation trusting the whites around him who are about to do him harm because you taught him a Iie and you are asking somebody when did they teach a white kid to catch a fucking baseball.

YOU command no respect from blacks. It's YOUR attitude. You are no ones father here. We are all grown ass men, you will be addressed by grown men in the way the grown man chooses to address you. Katsteve is almost 60 . This is the attitude I'm talking about. You racists seem to think we are all destitute blacks who are blaming whites for our failures. What I have accomplished, you can't touch. .Yet to you racists if we talk about our accomplishments we get the dumb ass white racist lectures about how we don't have the right to talk about racism because whitey has not held us down. You motherfuckers will look for any out to deny the personal responsibility you have to fix the damage your racism has caused..

Whites like you live by double standards. Trump, a rich man, was elected president because he was supposed to be the one fighting for the not so rich. What does he have to complain about he's rich, nothing stopped him, so why should he complain? You racists never ask yourselves that, so don't start that shit with us. You guys whine about not getting things because if affirmative action, but you never tell yourselves how you are just whining and blaming blacks for your failures. If you can't do that for yourselves, don't bring that bullshit to us. Get it?

You are NOT a grown ass man. You come on this board, showing your immaturity and your stupidity. What you post sounds like things a fifteen year old would say. You could be 50 and still not "grown."

There is not a swinging Richard on this board with white skin that hasn't experienced racism. Having to read your drivel is a testament to that fact. You're the original whiner here.

Now, if I had a personal issue with you, I'd PM you and tell you so. If I felt the need to call you N word, I'd do it and I'd do it in PM. And I'd make it easy for you. I'd say, name the time and place. It would be done in private, without fanfare or dragging moderators, the posters, etc. into the fray. It would be between two people.

For that reason, I don't start my posts as you do, calling people names, talking down to them, and accusing them of being racists, etc. I don't pretend to be superior to them by telling them they don't understand racism.

Finally, I'll talk Trump. I voted for the man as the lesser of two evils. I've called my own race out because they insist on calling foreigners "illegal aliens" when they really want to call them sand nI44ers, mud people or some other term. I would have more respect for them if they did. The white race is so freaking stupid that they don't understand that calling people "illegal aliens" invites the legal community to nullify the concept of a presumption of innocence / innocent until proven guilty. They want to argue laws they don't understand; they want to argue with people that are telling them, from working experience, WHY their legal arguments are failing. So, don't bother trying to weigh me on the basis of all you white people are alike (which is a racist postulate no matter how you spin it.) I'm not for Trump's wall and I'm not for allowing people like you to bully whites around with standing up to you and exposing you.

There is no white person who has experienced racism. Not one. Fact. No one here has said all whites are alike, You and those like you assume that even after we specifically state that we are referring to whites who are racists. Bullying whites? Have you lost your mind? I looked at the first 4 pages of this section and there are at least 115 different threads about blacks by whites, all of them racist. You make no sense You don't know anything about racism. Does that make me superior? No, but you want to make up racism as you go along. You don't get to do that.

I am a grown ass man and I choose to communicate how I want. You want intelligent insightful conversation, then you bring insightful thought to the conversation. For racism is the belief in the superiority of your race, not saying that there are whites who are still practicing racism. YOU and others never say there are some blacks who use racism as an excuse for their personal failings, it's ALL BLACKS are doing so. But you don't think that's racist. We who are here all must be dumb destitute black failures mad because whitey won't give us "free" money. I find it funny and disgusting that you, an old white man born during segregation, a person who benefitted directly from legalized racism dare comment to us about feeling entitled.

So you can try calling yourself standing up all you want. But the champ is here and it ain't you.
There is no way in hell that you would know if a white person has experienced racism.

I have no quarrel with you, at times you do appear to be reasonable.

If you have studied the history of America, whether it be factual or revised, on what basis do you equate anti black racism,and anti white racism to be the same?

By default, in many cases black people are presumed to be violent, as well as prone to corruption.

Speaking for myself, no one in my family is either of the two, however, I have been stopped by police before, one particular time less than a mile from my home, just because they "wanted to verify" my ownership of a Porsche that I was driving.

After they ran their :"check", I was told to "just take off, but to "watch myself"
Not certain what was meant by that, but to me, it sounded quite ominous.

I was not speeding nor driving erratically.

As recently as 2001, I made a business trip to Boston, and when I arrived at the Hyatt Regency at the Hynnes Convention Center, and tried to check in, I was told that they had no record of my reservation, but when a white friend of mine that I used to travel with arrived, he asked the front desk, "what room I was in", and they told him that "I had not arrived yet".

I could go on with some more examples, but I am certain that you get my point.

What is your opinion? Racism or imagination?
Respect goes both ways chump. Katsteve is no child. And you are hiding behind a computer just as much as everyone else here. You seem to think that if you said the crap you say here to a back mans face the response would not be justified. Katsteve isn't unreasonable you are. And I certainly hope you aren't ruining those black kids lives by telling them how racism is over. What can you teach a black kid about avoiding racist situations? Nothing. What tools can you provide a black id to help them get beyond such a situation based on your experiences? None. You'll tell them it's a thing of the past, they'll get into a racist situation trusting the whites around him who are about to do him harm because you taught him a Iie and you are asking somebody when did they teach a white kid to catch a fucking baseball.

YOU command no respect from blacks. It's YOUR attitude. You are no ones father here. We are all grown ass men, you will be addressed by grown men in the way the grown man chooses to address you. Katsteve is almost 60 . This is the attitude I'm talking about. You racists seem to think we are all destitute blacks who are blaming whites for our failures. What I have accomplished, you can't touch. .Yet to you racists if we talk about our accomplishments we get the dumb ass white racist lectures about how we don't have the right to talk about racism because whitey has not held us down. You motherfuckers will look for any out to deny the personal responsibility you have to fix the damage your racism has caused..

Whites like you live by double standards. Trump, a rich man, was elected president because he was supposed to be the one fighting for the not so rich. What does he have to complain about he's rich, nothing stopped him, so why should he complain? You racists never ask yourselves that, so don't start that shit with us. You guys whine about not getting things because if affirmative action, but you never tell yourselves how you are just whining and blaming blacks for your failures. If you can't do that for yourselves, don't bring that bullshit to us. Get it?

You are NOT a grown ass man. You come on this board, showing your immaturity and your stupidity. What you post sounds like things a fifteen year old would say. You could be 50 and still not "grown."

There is not a swinging Richard on this board with white skin that hasn't experienced racism. Having to read your drivel is a testament to that fact. You're the original whiner here.

Now, if I had a personal issue with you, I'd PM you and tell you so. If I felt the need to call you N word, I'd do it and I'd do it in PM. And I'd make it easy for you. I'd say, name the time and place. It would be done in private, without fanfare or dragging moderators, the posters, etc. into the fray. It would be between two people.

For that reason, I don't start my posts as you do, calling people names, talking down to them, and accusing them of being racists, etc. I don't pretend to be superior to them by telling them they don't understand racism.

Finally, I'll talk Trump. I voted for the man as the lesser of two evils. I've called my own race out because they insist on calling foreigners "illegal aliens" when they really want to call them sand nI44ers, mud people or some other term. I would have more respect for them if they did. The white race is so freaking stupid that they don't understand that calling people "illegal aliens" invites the legal community to nullify the concept of a presumption of innocence / innocent until proven guilty. They want to argue laws they don't understand; they want to argue with people that are telling them, from working experience, WHY their legal arguments are failing. So, don't bother trying to weigh me on the basis of all you white people are alike (which is a racist postulate no matter how you spin it.) I'm not for Trump's wall and I'm not for allowing people like you to bully whites around with standing up to you and exposing you.

There is no white person who has experienced racism. Not one. Fact. No one here has said all whites are alike, You and those like you assume that even after we specifically state that we are referring to whites who are racists. Bullying whites? Have you lost your mind? I looked at the first 4 pages of this section and there are at least 115 different threads about blacks by whites, all of them racist. You make no sense You don't know anything about racism. Does that make me superior? No, but you want to make up racism as you go along. You don't get to do that.

I am a grown ass man and I choose to communicate how I want. You want intelligent insightful conversation, then you bring insightful thought to the conversation. For racism is the belief in the superiority of your race, not saying that there are whites who are still practicing racism. YOU and others never say there are some blacks who use racism as an excuse for their personal failings, it's ALL BLACKS are doing so. But you don't think that's racist. We who are here all must be dumb destitute black failures mad because whitey won't give us "free" money. I find it funny and disgusting that you, an old white man born during segregation, a person who benefitted directly from legalized racism dare comment to us about feeling entitled.

So you can try calling yourself standing up all you want. But the champ is here and it ain't you.
There is no way in hell that you would know if a white person has experienced racism.

I have no quarrel with you, at times you do appear to be reasonable.

If you have studied the history of America, whether it be factual or revised, on what basis do you equate anti black racism,and anti white racism to be the same?

By default, in many cases black people are presumed to be violent, as well as prone to corruption.

Speaking for myself, no one in my family is either of the two, however, I have been stopped by police before, one particular time less than a mile from my home, just because they "wanted to verify" my ownership of a Porsche that I was driving.

After they ran their :"check", I was told to "just take off, but to "watch myself"
Not certain what was meant by that, but to me, it sounded quite ominous.

I was not speeding nor driving erratically.

As recently as 2001, I made a business trip to Boston, and when I arrived at the Hyatt Regency at the Hynnes Convention Center, and tried to check in, I was told that they had no record of my reservation, but when a white friend of mine that I used to travel with arrived, he asked the front desk, "what room I was in", and they told him that "I had not arrived yet".

I could go on with some more examples, but I am certain that you get my point.

What is your opinion? Racism or imagination?
Your experiences you posted appear to be racism. I have been told that I was disliked by black people just because I am white. I have been told that black people are the superior race by blacks. That is also racism. I was stopped many times as a teenager because we were a car full of "hippies", so we must have dope on us, which we didn't. There are many forms of discrimination, not always racism.
That is stereotyping leading to profiling which I'm pretty sure is also unlawful but still not the same thing a racial discrimination (not to belabor the point).
What a stupid thing to say.


All rise! Class is in session.

Types of Abuse
There are several different types of abuse recognized. Forms of abuse include:1

  • Emotional abuse aka Psychological abuse – this type of abuse is likely the most common. Emotional abuse consists of any behavior designed to hurt another person mentally. Psychological abuse includes yelling, threats, shaming, humiliation and shaming, among other tactics.
Understand that white racism has included all of these things.

  • Financial abuse – this type of abuse is often seen alongside other forms of abuse. Financial abuse is when one person restricts access to money from another. This type of abuse includes actions like cutting off access to bank accounts, controlling where someone is allowed to work and preventing access to financial information.
Understand that white racism has included all of these things.

  • Physical abuse – this form of abuse shows the most outward signs. Physical abuse is also known as domestic abuse or domestic violence when it occurs within intimate relationships. Physical abuse is any physical act or threat of a physical act designed to harm another person physically. This type of abuse includes actions like slapping, punching, hair-pulling and kicking. Physical evidence such as bruises need not exist for the act to be physical abuse.
Understand that white racism has included all of these things.

  • Sexual abuse – this type of abuse is often perpetrated against women although men can be victims of sexual abuse too. Sexual abuse includes any unwanted sexual act forced on the victim. This form of abuse is also often known as sexual assault or rape. Sexual abuse can include anything from unwanted touching to forced intercourse or forced sexual contact with another person.
Understand that white racism included this.

  • Verbal abuse – verbal abuse is generally a form of psychological abuse. This type of abuse occurs when an abuser uses words and body language with the intent to hurt another person. Verbal abuse includes put-downs, name-calling and unreasonable criticisms.
Understand that white racism has included all of these things.

  • Spiritual abuse – spiritual abuse revolves around a person’s spirituality or religion. This type of abuse includes attacking another’s belief system, denying access to a house of worship or forced participation in a cult.
Understand that white racism has included all of these things.

And no, you can't make the clam that blacks have doe the same things to whites. You will, but you'll be lying.

Who is abusing you and how?

You can stop playing your passive aggressive racist game.

Why White People Can't Talk About Racism Effectively

We're socialized to not take the experiences of people of color seriously.

The primary reason white people cannot effectively talk about racism in America is because our initial reaction to racial injustice is to Victim Blame. When it comes to conversations about racism, white people are at a predisposition to blame or not take seriously the most common victims of racism, African Americans. Whenever an issue about racism comes up, instead of acknowledging harm and conceding at least the potential of wrong-doing, we change the subject of investigation upon those who have been harmed. We consider it worse to be called racist or to be accused of demonstrating a racial bias than perpetrating the actual harm of racism. As a result, we shift the burden of proof upon those harmed by racism; they have to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the action in question was racist by the white standard of racism. It’s a convenient tactic to prevent any productive conversation about racism and race relations by not taking responsibility for our actions at the outset.


Even so, one also cannot overstate the experience of brutalization and terror that African American people experienced since first stepping off of a boat as slaves in the 17th century. Racism didn’t end with slavery and didn’t end with the Civil Rights Act. No other group was abducted in such massive numbers, enslaved, terrorized, and discriminated against for 400 years as African Americans have been.


Lastly, white people don’t want to acknowledge the empirical fact of discrimination. Even if you pretend the crimes against African Americans before the Civil Rights Act are unrelated to African American problems today, there is still an abundance of evidence for racism’s existence today. From housing discrimination, red-lining, police brutality, racial profiling, the wage gap, the wealth gap, the college admissions gap, the employment gap, the school to prison pipeline, mass incarceration, and more, you don’t have to be a liberal loon to admit the objective reality of racism against African Americans in the United States of America in 2016, you just have to look at the facts.

Yet still, we don’t even get this far when discussing racism. We’re stuck at the superficial aspects of racism because white people are socialized to think about race in a way that secures white power and perpetuates black disempowerment. White People don’t view “African American” as a valid cultural identity worthy of protection or praise, so any attempt to cherish African American culture or draw attention to how African Americans have been historically brutalized by racism is seen as a method of being “divisive” or “antagonistic.” At the end of the day, we don’t want to admit that African Americans are discriminated against. We’ll blame them for their problems long before admitting White People had a hand in creating and perpetuating racism even to this day.

If we want to build a more harmonious and benevolent society in which all citizens can participate fully in the benefits of being an American, we have got to stop blaming African Americans for their problems. We also have to recognize the validity of African American Culture as an equally authentic niche of American Culture, just as Scottish Americans, Italian Americans, Indian Americans, Latin Americans, German Americans, and English Americans have an authentic niche in the Salad Bowl that is American Culture. Most Importantly, we have to acknowledge the empirical reality of systemic racism against African Americans; though other forms of discrimination against other races exist, African Americans are the main race victimized by racism.

Why White People Can't Talk About Racism Effectively
Why can't you ever answer questions? Because you have no true answers.

I answered your question. But you are dumb. You asked me a stupid question because you want to victim blame and deny things. Everything this article mentions you do. Specifically this one:

Lastly, white people don’t want to acknowledge the empirical fact of discrimination. Even if you pretend the crimes against African Americans before the Civil Rights Act are unrelated to African American problems today, there is still an abundance of evidence for racism’s existence today. From housing discrimination, red-lining, police brutality, racial profiling, the wage gap, the wealth gap, the college admissions gap, the employment gap, the school to prison pipeline, mass incarceration, and more, you don’t have to be a liberal loon to admit the objective reality of racism against African Americans in the United States of America in 2016, you just have to look at the facts.

That's why you asked those questions.
You arent being abused, thats why you wont answer. All you are capable of doing is cutting and pasting from the internet, not showing that you have suffered. You do complain alot about racism. Racism has not ended, i doubt it ever will, but you call virtually ever white poster on here a racist, you are a liar.
IM2 I don't know how I missed this post of yours, but thank you very much for putting it here. It's VERY helpful to my work
All rise! Class is in session.

Types of Abuse
There are several different types of abuse recognized. Forms of abuse include:1

  • Emotional abuse aka Psychological abuse – this type of abuse is likely the most common. Emotional abuse consists of any behavior designed to hurt another person mentally. Psychological abuse includes yelling, threats, shaming, humiliation and shaming, among other tactics.
Understand that white racism has included all of these things.

  • Financial abuse – this type of abuse is often seen alongside other forms of abuse. Financial abuse is when one person restricts access to money from another. This type of abuse includes actions like cutting off access to bank accounts, controlling where someone is allowed to work and preventing access to financial information.
Understand that white racism has included all of these things.

  • Physical abuse – this form of abuse shows the most outward signs. Physical abuse is also known as domestic abuse or domestic violence when it occurs within intimate relationships. Physical abuse is any physical act or threat of a physical act designed to harm another person physically. This type of abuse includes actions like slapping, punching, hair-pulling and kicking. Physical evidence such as bruises need not exist for the act to be physical abuse.
Understand that white racism has included all of these things.

  • Sexual abuse – this type of abuse is often perpetrated against women although men can be victims of sexual abuse too. Sexual abuse includes any unwanted sexual act forced on the victim. This form of abuse is also often known as sexual assault or rape. Sexual abuse can include anything from unwanted touching to forced intercourse or forced sexual contact with another person.
Understand that white racism included this.

  • Verbal abuse – verbal abuse is generally a form of psychological abuse. This type of abuse occurs when an abuser uses words and body language with the intent to hurt another person. Verbal abuse includes put-downs, name-calling and unreasonable criticisms.
Understand that white racism has included all of these things.

  • Spiritual abuse – spiritual abuse revolves around a person’s spirituality or religion. This type of abuse includes attacking another’s belief system, denying access to a house of worship or forced participation in a cult.
Understand that white racism has included all of these things.

And no, you can't make the clam that blacks have doe the same things to whites. You will, but you'll be lying.
I will and you will run away when I post what an ignorant fool you are.
Racism isn't defined as just institutional. There are no institutional laws or policies today that cause racism in this country. If you are denied resources it is because of your income, credit, education, etc, not because you are black, for the most part.
It sounds nice but it's not true although those things can contribute. The court standard is "how were you treated differently than other similarly situated individuals?"

One of my former colleagues is a high level software developer, team lead in some positions. A white co-worker going to a bank to get a mortgage so he can buy a house has equity simply because he works for Microsoft because the lender considers that he'll be in that position for the foreseeable future and if anything will move up within Microsoft and earn more money. My colleague? Not so much.

Just one example and there are many, many more....
anecdotal bullshit
A hundred dollars says that anything you do physically, I can do better. Grandpa? You would rather poke butter up a wild cat's ass with a red hot poker than go up against me. You pick the physically activity. Might be some snow on the roof top, but plenty of fire in the furnace.

If you'd like to threaten me, like I tell all the people who say silly shit they won't say to a man's face. Unless you're uncouth, such talk belongs in a PM. But, we can all judge your IQ and maturity by your responses.

You are being judged by your previous conversations with other posters AND, unfortunately, by comments made by people like IM2 and another bigot that shares your sentiment. Now, no matter what white people say, you have them all figured out. Most likely, they could kiss your ass, grovel at your feet, tell them about how many blacks are in their family and how much they love them...

They might tell you about their trials and tribulations like having been called names or their house spray painted... of a cross burned in their yard, and you'd probably have some smart ass commentary that implies you've had it rougher than they did.

I don't give a fuck what you think about me personally. I've sweated more sweat, bled more blood and had it one Hell of a lot harder than you. And, unlike you, I have been a DFACS asset for a few years now. What have YOU done? Have you ever changed a white kid's diaper? Have you ever had a white baby puke on you? Have you ever taught a white kid how to catch a ball for the first time or take them to a fair for their first time?

And when you were growing up did you live in a house without electricity or water? Did the school you went to have an outhouse? Did they fix your meals on coal stoves and you went out in the snow and collected a bucket of coal while at school?

When you grew up were you ever tortured and beaten? Did anyone put cigarettes out on your body?

You never know the road the other guy traveled. But, you think of me any way you like. Your generation plays on the computer saying shit online that, in my state, constitutes "fighting words" and is a crime. AND if you said them to a stranger and they felt intimidated, whatever they did to you would be legally excusable.

Your generation has the Internet and anonymity. But, I'll tell you right now, like I told the last guy who spewed as much stupidity as you:

If Uncle Scam sends me kids that are as disrespectful as you, I reason with them. If they don't respond to reasoning, they are usually convinced when a leather strap goes across their ass and they're held accountable for being that disrespectful.

You command NO respect from whites. It's your attitude. That "grandpa" remark is one that if your parents wouldn't embarrassed that you said, would address the real reason this country still has this much chaos every time we try to discuss the issue. If they wouldn't spank you for the way you act here, that says more than if I spend another 100 paragraphs on this thread. Good Day and if you have any class, let's just part ways... barring that, you may want to act your age and not your IQ by posting personal commentary in a PM.

Respect goes both ways chump. Katsteve is no child. And you are hiding behind a computer just as much as everyone else here. You seem to think that if you said the crap you say here to a back mans face the response would not be justified. Katsteve isn't unreasonable you are. And I certainly hope you aren't ruining those black kids lives by telling them how racism is over. What can you teach a black kid about avoiding racist situations? Nothing. What tools can you provide a black id to help them get beyond such a situation based on your experiences? None. You'll tell them it's a thing of the past, they'll get into a racist situation trusting the whites around him who are about to do him harm because you taught him a Iie and you are asking somebody when did they teach a white kid to catch a fucking baseball.

YOU command no respect from blacks. It's YOUR attitude. You are no ones father here. We are all grown ass men, you will be addressed by grown men in the way the grown man chooses to address you. Katsteve is almost 60 . This is the attitude I'm talking about. You racists seem to think we are all destitute blacks who are blaming whites for our failures. What I have accomplished, you can't touch. .Yet to you racists if we talk about our accomplishments we get the dumb ass white racist lectures about how we don't have the right to talk about racism because whitey has not held us down. You motherfuckers will look for any out to deny the personal responsibility you have to fix the damage your racism has caused..

Whites like you live by double standards. Trump, a rich man, was elected president because he was supposed to be the one fighting for the not so rich. What does he have to complain about he's rich, nothing stopped him, so why should he complain? You racists never ask yourselves that, so don't start that shit with us. You guys whine about not getting things because if affirmative action, but you never tell yourselves how you are just whining and blaming blacks for your failures. If you can't do that for yourselves, don't bring that bullshit to us. Get it?

You are NOT a grown ass man. You come on this board, showing your immaturity and your stupidity. What you post sounds like things a fifteen year old would say. You could be 50 and still not "grown."

There is not a swinging Richard on this board with white skin that hasn't experienced racism. Having to read your drivel is a testament to that fact. You're the original whiner here.

Now, if I had a personal issue with you, I'd PM you and tell you so. If I felt the need to call you N word, I'd do it and I'd do it in PM. And I'd make it easy for you. I'd say, name the time and place. It would be done in private, without fanfare or dragging moderators, the posters, etc. into the fray. It would be between two people.

For that reason, I don't start my posts as you do, calling people names, talking down to them, and accusing them of being racists, etc. I don't pretend to be superior to them by telling them they don't understand racism.

Finally, I'll talk Trump. I voted for the man as the lesser of two evils. I've called my own race out because they insist on calling foreigners "illegal aliens" when they really want to call them sand nI44ers, mud people or some other term. I would have more respect for them if they did. The white race is so freaking stupid that they don't understand that calling people "illegal aliens" invites the legal community to nullify the concept of a presumption of innocence / innocent until proven guilty. They want to argue laws they don't understand; they want to argue with people that are telling them, from working experience, WHY their legal arguments are failing. So, don't bother trying to weigh me on the basis of all you white people are alike (which is a racist postulate no matter how you spin it.) I'm not for Trump's wall and I'm not for allowing people like you to bully whites around with standing up to you and exposing you.

There is no white person who has experienced racism. Not one. Fact. No one here has said all whites are alike, You and those like you assume that even after we specifically state that we are referring to whites who are racists. Bullying whites? Have you lost your mind? I looked at the first 4 pages of this section and there are at least 115 different threads about blacks by whites, all of them racist. You make no sense You don't know anything about racism. Does that make me superior? No, but you want to make up racism as you go along. You don't get to do that.

I am a grown ass man and I choose to communicate how I want. You want intelligent insightful conversation, then you bring insightful thought to the conversation. For racism is the belief in the superiority of your race, not saying that there are whites who are still practicing racism. YOU and others never say there are some blacks who use racism as an excuse for their personal failings, it's ALL BLACKS are doing so. But you don't think that's racist. We who are here all must be dumb destitute black failures mad because whitey won't give us "free" money. I find it funny and disgusting that you, an old white man born during segregation, a person who benefitted directly from legalized racism dare comment to us about feeling entitled.

So you can try calling yourself standing up all you want. But the champ is here and it ain't you.

So you're the champ? You're king of the Internet. Let the "old man" school you

1) The United States Supreme Court DISAGREES with you. In 1978 the high Court struck down racial quotas in college admissions. In order for them to do that, people had to face discrimination - and reverse discrimination DID happen and it was found to be unconstitutional

2) I once witnessed a case back in the day wherein a couple of Kluxers got into a spat with an inter-racial couple and a melee broke out. The white chick got into the thick of it and SHE was the one who had drawn the ire of the Kluxers. So your phony B.S. claim was that a white girl who was referred to as a N word lover was not a victim of racism?

3) While non-whites are still the numerical minority, blacks are more likely to murder a white than vice versa. But you operate under this mythical assumption that black people cannot be racist

4) Doctors are more likely to prescribe oipoids to whites than blacks. They operate under the assumption that white people have better insurance, etc. Doctors also prescribe SSRIs to whites more times than to blacks and, as a consequence, whites pretty well dominate the category of mass shootings (since homicidal and suicidal tendencies are known side effects of those drugs. A very subtle form of genocide is being committed on whites and yes, that IS racism

5) Your very comments show that you are a bigot and a racist. You claim I benefited off some supposed era where the whites got it all. The honest truth is, I grew up in an era where many whites were locked out of the job market and went on welfare. My mother ended up on welfare and one day my mother scratched up enough money to go to another state and live in one of our relative's shacks. Told you what that was really like. At about seven or so, one of my relatives bought me a Mountain Dew. That was my first soda in my life. At 14, I ran away from home and started making my own life.

I NEVER benefited off you nor did the color of my skin help me one iota. When racial quotas came along, a few months before the Bakke ruling came along, I DID lose my job due to the union's rules having to hire more black people. Unlike you, I did not get my boxers in a bunch and go off on a tangent. I lived in a mobile home that winter with two other guys that were unemployed. Most of the time we didn't have money for food or kerosene to put in the heater - and with us, we never considered the racial angle. Politics was out my league that year.

The last job I got, I was hired because the employer perceived me to be Hispanic; I did change my name because I've been pursued by white nationalists for quite some time. They don't like constructive criticism any more than you do. BTW, in a county that is 75 percent white, it is inconceivable that you would have over 85 percent of a company's employees being black - and no racism involved. But, I will say to you what I've said to the white racists. Unless an employer is beholden to the government (i.e. a government loan to get into business), then I strongly feel it is the owner's Right to hire whomever he or she wants... even if it is an all black staff.

But, I dismiss you as both a racist and a bigot as do most people here. You aren't the only person who can address the issue from an experience POV. And, if you want the insults to be nasty and public, then you are immature.

All rise! Class is in session.

* Whites are 6 times as likely to be murdered by another white person as by a black person; and overall, the percentage of white Americans who will be murdered by a black offender in a given year is only 2/10,000ths of 1 percent (0.0002). This means that only 1 in every 500,000 white people will be murdered by a black person in a given year. Although the numbers of black-on-white homicides are higher than the reverse (447 to 218 in 2010), the 218 black victims of white murderers is actually a higher percentage of the black population interracially killed than the 447 white victims of black murderers as a percentage of the white population. In fact, any given black person is 2.75 times as likely to be murdered by a white person as any given white person is to be murdered by an African American.

Race, Crime and Statistical Malpractice: How the Right Manipulates White Fear With Bogus Data

Your number 4 ignores racism in medical care to claim white victimhood.. Let me show you.

"Doctors are more likely to prescribe oipoids to whites than blacks. They operate under the assumption that white people have better insurance, etc. Doctors also prescribe SSRIs to whites more times than to blacks and, as a consequence, whites pretty well dominate the category of mass shootings (since homicidal and suicidal tendencies are known side effects of those drugs. A very subtle form of genocide is being committed on whites and yes, that IS racism."

Something like 5 percent of all doctors are black. This means that white doctors are the ones primarily prescribing the drugs to whites. If there is any genocide it's whites doing themselves in .That is not racism. This is the type of thing I mean when I say whites like you do not understand. That white girl is not the victim of racism, elitism maybe, but not racism.

To your number 5. You are in your late 60's in your 70's or older. You were born during segregation. You had rights blacks did not have.

Now allow me to talk about the Bakke case. In that case there were 100 seats in the Cal medical school. 84 were reserved for whites. So explain how 84seats out of 100 is racial discrimination against whites. Show me a case where a black person can cry about being discriminated against when 84 seats are reserved for that black person out of 100 possible seats. That case was an example of white backlash.

OBTW SCOTUS upheld Affirmative Action in this case. There is no such thing as reverse discrimination.

Racial quotas existed by law in the US from July 4th 1776 until Johnson issued that order. The quota was 100 percent white, 0 for everyone else. But you don't see that as a quota. You talk about losing a job because the union rules said they had to hire blacks. Why was that HUMONE? Can you explain to all the good people why a union in the 1970's had such rules? You couldn't play the racial angle Humone because the reason why the union had that rule was because the company you were with had not been following the law and was still practicing racial discrimination.

You can't accurately speak to what racism is after you think it's racism when you ignore the real racism in how doctors assume blacks don't have insurance and cry racism about a profession that is 95 percent white giving opioids to whites. That white doctors giving whites opioids that are killing them is not racism. .You hurl words around like bigot and racist at me, but you can't produce one racist quote I have ever said.

I don't ask for the insults to be nasty and pubic, but you don't get to call me a racist or bigot and think you are not making nasty public comments Maturity is simply knowing oneself. If you are 70 pus years old playing teenage games talking about someone being mature or not, then you have problems. You don't get to tone police old man. So as long as you bring your racist white attitude, you will be dealt with.

Seventy years old??? Well, your statistics are just as terrible as your ability to follow the signs. You are correct about one thing, however. The person that gets into a pissing match with you is going up a teenager and playing their game. It's pretty bad if someone of 70 can bet to go up against you and best you in any test of physical prowess you choose.

Now, all of us can play statistical prestidigitation, but at the end of the day, when you take a city like Chicago that is run virtually by an all black leadership, the statistics seem to point into a new direction.

As for numbers, Whites are almost 77 percent of this nation's population. Blacks are less than 13 percent. Now let us wave this little wand and presto. Hispanics are considered, by the government, to be an ethnicity as opposed to a "race." The bulk of those people are then categorized as whites. AND a lot of people classify Jews as whites, with a lot of whites claiming Jews are not white.

In the end, whites get the blame for a lot of foreigners who just happen to be "white." For all the jockeying that is being done some of you forget that you were arguing about George Zimmerman. His arrest record will always read his race as "white."

When statisticians want to argue stats, they will go to great lengths to prove their point. For instance, tell this to Trump supporters:

"If natural-born citizens were incarcerated at the same rate as undocumented immigrants, "about 893,000 fewer natives would be incarcerated," read the study. Similarly, if native citizens were incarcerated at the same rate as documented immigrants, 1.4 million fewer would be in prison"

Reports find that immigrants commit less crime than US-born citizens

It both naive and dishonest for you to claim that the opioid epidemic is anything less than racism. Look at the facts:

Virtually all mass shooters (save of political jihadists) are white; they are young males; they come from poor - one parent homes. AND what I said about doctors, got that tidbit from doctors.

"Something that we do know is that doctors prescribe narcotics more cautiously to their non-white patients. It would seem that if the patient is black, the doctor is more concerned about the patient becoming addicted, or maybe they're more concerned about the patient selling their pills, or maybe they are less concerned about pain in that population. But the black patient is less likely to be prescribed narcotics, and therefore less likely to wind up becoming addicted to the medication. So what I believe is happening is that racial stereotyping is having a protective effect on non-white populations."

Why Is The Opioid Epidemic Overwhelmingly White?

I would dismantle the balance of your argument, but the fact that you've read my posts and place my age at 70 shows that you are not qualified to extrapolate my age within even a decade.

But, you will always remain a legend in your own mind.
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