Are Blacks More Racist Than Whites? Most Americans Say Yes

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Molly doesn't seem to understand why she's been called a racist. In her mind she's has never made a racist commemt.

You would think using the "N" word amongst themselves would be nothing but a reason to incite anger with white people, why use a word you hate to be called by white people, unless it is to start shit?

These ae just 2..
Actually, that's just one. Maybe spend a little less time and energy being butthurt, and a little more getting educated and being coherent.

Also, she didn't say anything racist. She asked a perfectly valid, logical question. The fact that you don't like it is not evidence of racism . . . at least, not on HER part.

Aw shut up. These are two examples of racism. And if I wanted to take the time, I could find many more. .I don't use white ethnic slurs even when I hear whites using them among themselves. But whites like you think you can ask us questions justify why you can use the word because you have no respect for our wishes and that is racist.
I'm not allowed to be in the conversation until I stipulate, up front, to many things that, if I agreed, we'd all be wrong about.
Why is it so difficult to admit the U.S. of A. has racists origins? It's not like it's a secret or anything.

Maybe because, hundreds of years later, we're tired of STILL being beaten to death with it.

Also, like most historical things, it's not nearly that cut-and-dried and simple.

Then stop beating us over the head by still doing it. And it is just that cut and dried.
Only an idiot would argue a fact
Is that why they're refusing to acknowledge the facts to avoid having to concede?
But, your problem is that racism is standard fare throughout the world. You don't have a problem with it anywhere in the world
The title of the thread indicates that Americans believe blacks are more racist than whites genius. I don't know why you all keep acting like the United States has jurisdiction over the entire world.
Yesterday is gone and there is a point where the current generation does not (legally nor morally) have to pay for the alleged wrongs that happened generations ago AND that do not affect you.
You don't know what affects me now do you or how?
Molly doesn't seem to understand why she's been called a racist. In her mind she's has never made a racist commemt.

You would think using the "N" word amongst themselves would be nothing but a reason to incite anger with white people, why use a word you hate to be called by white people, unless it is to start shit?

These ae just 2..
Actually, that's just one. Maybe spend a little less time and energy being butthurt, and a little more getting educated and being coherent.

Also, she didn't say anything racist. She asked a perfectly valid, logical question. The fact that you don't like it is not evidence of racism . . . at least, not on HER part.

Aw shut up. These are two examples of racism. And if I wanted to take the time, I could find many more. .I don't use white ethnic slurs even when I hear whites using them among themselves. But whites like you think you can ask us questions justify why you can use the word because you have no respect for our wishes and that is racist.

You cited ONE quote from Molly. Maybe Ignorant Racist Math is different from Real World Math, but one is one, and two is two, and never shall they be the same.

No one gives a shit if YOU used any sort of slur. Amazingly enough, everything in the world is not about you personally, no matter how much you want to pretend it does.

I will point out, however, that saying "whites like you" and then trying to pretend that somehow, my presumed race excludes me from being able to do something you don't want me to do is blatant racism, no matter how much you want to believe you're morally superior.

HUMANS like me can ask HUMANS like you any damned question we want, regardless of the melanin content of our skins. If color somehow plays into the ability to have a conversation for you, that's YOUR primitive, unevolved problem, not mine.

Neither Molly nor I are "justifying" the use of any word. Again, that interpretation of what she said - not to mention that imputation of me of all manner of positions that aren't even remotely addressed in my post - is 100% a product of YOUR ignorance and bigoted desire to see white people as "eeeeevil". Reality bears no relation to your bullshit, and neither Molly nor I are in any way responsible to answer for what you want to believe.

Finally, it is not "racist" to not give a shit about your "wishes". I can't speak for Molly, but my lack of interest in your DEMANDS has nothing to do with your race, and everything to do with the fact that you're an ignorant, bigoted, hate-filled piece of shit. I firmly believe that would be the case, no matter what race you were. Congratulations on demonstrating so brilliantly that race has nothing to do with quality, though.
I'm not allowed to be in the conversation until I stipulate, up front, to many things that, if I agreed, we'd all be wrong about.
Why is it so difficult to admit the U.S. of A. has racists origins? It's not like it's a secret or anything.

Maybe because, hundreds of years later, we're tired of STILL being beaten to death with it.

Also, like most historical things, it's not nearly that cut-and-dried and simple.

Then stop beating us over the head by still doing it. And it is just that cut and dried.

Still doing WHAT, precisely? Not cowering in shame every time you get your panties in a twist about something and decide that it's "racist"?

Contemplate the possibility that your life sucks and people hate you NOT because of your race, but because you're a complete and utter ass napkin, with absolutely no redeeming value to society, which I am convinced would be the case no matter what color you were.
Molly doesn't seem to understand why she's been called a racist. In her mind she's has never made a racist commemt.

These ae just 2..

You call people racists (as I've pointed out before.) You just dance around the subject and let others hint at it while you second their sentiment. You're part of that group people call the KIan with a tan.

There is no klan with a tan. What you define as racism is not racism.

Prejudice, bigotry, intolerance - call it what you like. Wrong is wrong.

The attitude that I have to agree with views such as yours in order to express an opinion may not be your definition of racism, but no matter what you'd like to call it, it is wrong.

You're a joke. I've never said you had to agree with me. You came in here talking about standing up to someone and got your ass handed to you. We do not have to accept your racist views, and we don't have to tolerate them. Refusing to tolerate racism is not bigotry. And blacks doing that are not extremists. There are no black extremists here.

I don't have a definition of racism, but the dictionary does.

Definition of racism

1 : a belief that
race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race

2 a : a doctrine or political program based on the assumption of racism and designed to execute its principles

b : a political or social system founded on racism

So you show me where in the hell this definition says that opposing racist ideology and beliefs such as what you have presented is racism.


This reply is a continuation of posts 1445 and 1448:

I have established in prior posts that the founders created a Constitution that was specific to building a constitutional Republic for the benefit of themselves and their posterity (their race) as evidenced by most of the early state constitutions.

America has fought many wars to secure the Liberties of foreign nations - and all without claiming a single acre of land for themselves. The policies of this country include giving BILLIONS of dollars to countries whose people wanting their own homeland. katsteve2012 wrote:

"Those are thinly veiled inferences that unless you study the past, you will not understand.

Keeping with thought, those "ideals" often translate to this "statement" in the minds of non whites:

"We built America, not you. You exist here because we allow you too. and based on its history, we have the right to determine if YOU should be here or not"

Of course, since for the most part, EVERY tax paying American citizen who was born here and resides here, has a right to be here

I would say that katsteve2012 was at least 80 percent right in that assessment. What pisses me off about the whites is that, it is like katsteve2012 says, "Those are thinly veiled inferences..." In my mind, whites don't have a clue as to their history nor their destiny. In many cases they DO cherry pick which laws and which tidbits they want to post on these boards in support of their ideology - which is almost as weak as that of the black extremists.

I realize that black people don't want to hear this, but whites DID build this nation. Pharaoh Khufu is credited with building the Great Pyramid in about 2551 B.C. So, when you Google him you will find that he is credited with that feat. Did he haul the rocks, sweat his ass off, and do the physical labor? No. Did he draw up the blueprints and supervise all the laborers? So, who were the people that DID the physical labor? Nobody cares and nobody bothers to record it for the most part.

Our system of laws; the Constitution, Declaration of Independence, Articles of Confederation and the many major decisions that took the idea and put them into an achievable form in the United States was the product of white people.

Their intention was to build a homeland for whites. While you think on that I'm going to be thinking about the rest of the answer to katsteve2012's response that every tax paying citizen has a "right" to be here. He'll be coming back. He cannot afford to miss the answer.

I hate to tell you but Whites did not build this nation. This system was the product of whites excluding everyone else from the decision making process. You made claims about Americans fighting wars without claiming a single bit of land for themselves. Are you insane?

If whites wanted a homeland for whites they should have stayed where it was all white. Because this country was not going to be all white when at last 500 non white nations were already here. Sane whites understand their history. That is why you post his crap anonymously in a race and racism section in a small internet forum because you know good and well that you are posting a bunch of extremist crap. You don't dare take this any non white forum. That's why I say you are a coward. I'm here with a few blacks in a mostly white forum opposing the racism of the likes of you with fact. You post your drivel only here where whites who are as dumb and racist as you will cosign and make you feel good about yourself.
Molly doesn't seem to understand why she's been called a racist. In her mind she's has never made a racist commemt.

You would think using the "N" word amongst themselves would be nothing but a reason to incite anger with white people, why use a word you hate to be called by white people, unless it is to start shit?

These ae just 2..
Actually, that's just one. Maybe spend a little less time and energy being butthurt, and a little more getting educated and being coherent.

Also, she didn't say anything racist. She asked a perfectly valid, logical question. The fact that you don't like it is not evidence of racism . . . at least, not on HER part.

Aw shut up. These are two examples of racism. And if I wanted to take the time, I could find many more. .I don't use white ethnic slurs even when I hear whites using them among themselves. But whites like you think you can ask us questions justify why you can use the word because you have no respect for our wishes and that is racist.

You cited ONE quote from Molly. Maybe Ignorant Racist Math is different from Real World Math, but one is one, and two is two, and never shall they be the same.

No one gives a shit if YOU used any sort of slur. Amazingly enough, everything in the world is not about you personally, no matter how much you want to pretend it does.

I will point out, however, that saying "whites like you" and then trying to pretend that somehow, my presumed race excludes me from being able to do something you don't want me to do is blatant racism, no matter how much you want to believe you're morally superior.

HUMANS like me can ask HUMANS like you any damned question we want, regardless of the melanin content of our skins. If color somehow plays into the ability to have a conversation for you, that's YOUR primitive, unevolved problem, not mine.

Neither Molly nor I are "justifying" the use of any word. Again, that interpretation of what she said - not to mention that imputation of me of all manner of positions that aren't even remotely addressed in my post - is 100% a product of YOUR ignorance and bigoted desire to see white people as "eeeeevil". Reality bears no relation to your bullshit, and neither Molly nor I are in any way responsible to answer for what you want to believe.

Finally, it is not "racist" to not give a shit about your "wishes". I can't speak for Molly, but my lack of interest in your DEMANDS has nothing to do with your race, and everything to do with the fact that you're an ignorant, bigoted, hate-filled piece of shit. I firmly believe that would be the case, no matter what race you were. Congratulations on demonstrating so brilliantly that race has nothing to do with quality, though.

Aw shut up. Whites like you is a comment that does not imply anything about the entire white race.

So let me go directly to your last paragraph. Until you can speak to the white racists here in the same manner you really aren't saying anything I need to hear.
I'm not allowed to be in the conversation until I stipulate, up front, to many things that, if I agreed, we'd all be wrong about.
Why is it so difficult to admit the U.S. of A. has racists origins? It's not like it's a secret or anything.

Maybe because, hundreds of years later, we're tired of STILL being beaten to death with it.

Also, like most historical things, it's not nearly that cut-and-dried and simple.

Then stop beating us over the head by still doing it. And it is just that cut and dried.

Still doing WHAT, precisely? Not cowering in shame every time you get your panties in a twist about something and decide that it's "racist"?

Contemplate the possibility that your life sucks and people hate you NOT because of your race, but because you're a complete and utter ass napkin, with absolutely no redeeming value to society, which I am convinced would be the case no matter what color you were.


Prove when racism ended and its effects were allayed. Show, with data and peer-reviewed studies supporting your argument, when the effects of the hundreds of years of anti-Black racism from chattel slavery through Old Jim Crow leveled off. Show when the wealth expropriated during that oppression was repaid to those it was expropriated from and through. And remember, after you’ve addressed the end of anti-Black racism you’ll still have to explain when anti-Latinx, anti-Asian, anti-Arab, and anti-Native racism came to an end as well.

If you can't prove this, if you say that you've never said racism has ended, then maybe you just need to shut the hell up.
You call people racists (as I've pointed out before.) You just dance around the subject and let others hint at it while you second their sentiment. You're part of that group people call the KIan with a tan.

There is no klan with a tan. What you define as racism is not racism.

Prejudice, bigotry, intolerance - call it what you like. Wrong is wrong.

The attitude that I have to agree with views such as yours in order to express an opinion may not be your definition of racism, but no matter what you'd like to call it, it is wrong.

You're a joke. I've never said you had to agree with me. You came in here talking about standing up to someone and got your ass handed to you. We do not have to accept your racist views, and we don't have to tolerate them. Refusing to tolerate racism is not bigotry. And blacks doing that are not extremists. There are no black extremists here.

I don't have a definition of racism, but the dictionary does.

Definition of racism

1 : a belief that
race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race

2 a : a doctrine or political program based on the assumption of racism and designed to execute its principles

b : a political or social system founded on racism

So you show me where in the hell this definition says that opposing racist ideology and beliefs such as what you have presented is racism.


This reply is a continuation of posts 1445 and 1448:

I have established in prior posts that the founders created a Constitution that was specific to building a constitutional Republic for the benefit of themselves and their posterity (their race) as evidenced by most of the early state constitutions.

America has fought many wars to secure the Liberties of foreign nations - and all without claiming a single acre of land for themselves. The policies of this country include giving BILLIONS of dollars to countries whose people wanting their own homeland. katsteve2012 wrote:

"Those are thinly veiled inferences that unless you study the past, you will not understand.

Keeping with thought, those "ideals" often translate to this "statement" in the minds of non whites:

"We built America, not you. You exist here because we allow you too. and based on its history, we have the right to determine if YOU should be here or not"

Of course, since for the most part, EVERY tax paying American citizen who was born here and resides here, has a right to be here

I would say that katsteve2012 was at least 80 percent right in that assessment. What pisses me off about the whites is that, it is like katsteve2012 says, "Those are thinly veiled inferences..." In my mind, whites don't have a clue as to their history nor their destiny. In many cases they DO cherry pick which laws and which tidbits they want to post on these boards in support of their ideology - which is almost as weak as that of the black extremists.

I realize that black people don't want to hear this, but whites DID build this nation. Pharaoh Khufu is credited with building the Great Pyramid in about 2551 B.C. So, when you Google him you will find that he is credited with that feat. Did he haul the rocks, sweat his ass off, and do the physical labor? No. Did he draw up the blueprints and supervise all the laborers? So, who were the people that DID the physical labor? Nobody cares and nobody bothers to record it for the most part.

Our system of laws; the Constitution, Declaration of Independence, Articles of Confederation and the many major decisions that took the idea and put them into an achievable form in the United States was the product of white people.

Their intention was to build a homeland for whites. While you think on that I'm going to be thinking about the rest of the answer to katsteve2012's response that every tax paying citizen has a "right" to be here. He'll be coming back. He cannot afford to miss the answer.

I hate to tell you but Whites did not build this nation. This system was the product of whites excluding everyone else from the decision making process. You made claims about Americans fighting wars without claiming a single bit of land for themselves. Are you insane?

If whites wanted a homeland for whites they should have stayed where it was all white. Because this country was not going to be all white when at last 500 non white nations were already here. Sane whites understand their history. That is why you post his crap anonymously in a race and racism section in a small internet forum because you know good and well that you are posting a bunch of extremist crap. You don't dare take this any non white forum. That's why I say you are a coward. I'm here with a few blacks in a mostly white forum opposing the racism of the likes of you with fact. You post your drivel only here where whites who are as dumb and racist as you will cosign and make you feel good about yourself.

I hate to tell you, but LOTS of people, of all different colors, built this nation, INCLUDING whites. As much as you want to pretend that the only white people around were rich robber barons, sitting in their board rooms and sipping whiskey while grinding the faces of "people of color", reality is ALWAYS going to be far more complex than your simpleminded "I want to hate someone because my life is a shit sandwich" worldview allows for.

Got some more news for you, Chuckles: black people aren't the only people who have suffered in human history. They aren't even the people who have suffered WORST in human history. And YOU didn't do ANY of the suffering, so you have zero moral high ground to claim on that account.
I'm not allowed to be in the conversation until I stipulate, up front, to many things that, if I agreed, we'd all be wrong about.
Why is it so difficult to admit the U.S. of A. has racists origins? It's not like it's a secret or anything.

Maybe because, hundreds of years later, we're tired of STILL being beaten to death with it.

Also, like most historical things, it's not nearly that cut-and-dried and simple.

Then stop beating us over the head by still doing it. And it is just that cut and dried.

Still doing WHAT, precisely? Not cowering in shame every time you get your panties in a twist about something and decide that it's "racist"?

Contemplate the possibility that your life sucks and people hate you NOT because of your race, but because you're a complete and utter ass napkin, with absolutely no redeeming value to society, which I am convinced would be the case no matter what color you were.


Prove when racism ended and its effects were allayed. Show, with data and peer-reviewed studies supporting your argument, when the effects of the hundreds of years of anti-Black racism from chattel slavery through Old Jim Crow leveled off. Show when the wealth expropriated during that oppression was repaid to those it was expropriated from and through. And remember, after you’ve addressed the end of anti-Black racism you’ll still have to explain when anti-Latinx, anti-Asian, anti-Arab, and anti-Native racism came to an end as well.

If you can't prove this, if you say that you've never said racism has ended, then maybe you just need to shut the hell up.

And I'm obligated to "show" you something you refuse to see because why? Exactly who named you Torquemada and put you in charge of the Inquisition? If you are looking around the United States in 2018 and saying, "Nothing has improved in the last 50 years", you are too damned pig-stupid to be shown anything. Furthermore, I am not your waitress, so I will not be taking your order.

And I will "shut the hell up" when you are man enough to MAKE me shut up, instead of just whining at me about how "oppressed" you feel because I won't send flowers to your pity party.

I repeat: your life doesn't suck because you're black; it sucks because you're a sniveling piece of shit. You are your own proof of that.
Depending on how one interprets history
There is nothing for me to "lose" here. It's an anonymous forum, frequented by a majority of people like YOU that I am elated to NOT KNOW personally.

Sure there is. You made an argument that your friend was justified in calling me a vile insult for no reason.

You lost that argument. You lose.

That this is an anonymous forum, doesn't change that. That it won't change your life, doesn't change that.

Nothing about my statement implies real significant harm to you.

Yet, you took a stupid stance, and you lost.

In a few cases, there are some here who make sense.

Your warped perception of what is "vile" versus what is not, in a setting like this is childish and resembles the logic of a 10 year old, who failed the 5th grade.

In our society, "racist" is a very serious insult. Careers, lives are ruined by being labeled as such, whether the accusation is true or not.

To deny that it is a vile insult, is absurd.

It is an indisputable fact that in a forum called "Race Relations" even the most benign and innocuous individual will at some point in time be referred to as a "Racist".

Only because assholes like to call people names. Nothing I have said in this thread justifies calling me such a name, and I have demonstrated that, by challenging your friend to back it up, and her utter failure to do so.

You are quick on the trigger to accuse others of "race baiting" and in turn have no moral compass regarding some of what you have stated.

I am quick to call people on race baiting. It is a real problem in our society, and assholes who do it, need to be called on their shit.

My morals are fine.

And when you do get called out, you throw a whiny bitch tantrum.

ANd that's just an ass trying to minimizing my proper response to asses being asses.

Your lie is rejected.

If you can't understand that, and accept that by visiting this forum you WILL be subject to what everyone else here experiences, you're a damn fool.

I'm well aware that the world if full of lefty race baiting assholes, and I enjoy that on this site I get to call them on their bullshit.

You are not unique or above anyone else who posts here.

My arguments stand on their own merits or don't. That you feel a need to attack me personally, shows that my arguments are such that you cannot refute them.

But you appear to believe that you are.

Nope. Nothing I have said supports that stupid claim.

That makes you delusional.

Said the man that thinks that not answering a question is reason to call someone racist.
I get called racist. Nowhere have I even hinted that I am, because I am not.

Ive been called the same, but Ive never implied that any race is superior to another.

Do you support discrimination based on race? Do you think that blacks have a right to judge whites and decide if something they said is a micro agression?

I do not support discrimination of any kind, but no race of people has a monopoly on doing so.

People are judged here everyday, based on what they take personally. What I see as a "micro agression may differ from someone elses perception.

Speaking for myself, I refuse to give someone on an anonymous message board that kind of power over me.

Face to face in real time will get a much different reaction.

What are you talking about? What "power" over you?
You call people racists (as I've pointed out before.) You just dance around the subject and let others hint at it while you second their sentiment. You're part of that group people call the KIan with a tan.

There is no klan with a tan. What you define as racism is not racism.

Prejudice, bigotry, intolerance - call it what you like. Wrong is wrong.

The attitude that I have to agree with views such as yours in order to express an opinion may not be your definition of racism, but no matter what you'd like to call it, it is wrong.

You're a joke. I've never said you had to agree with me. You came in here talking about standing up to someone and got your ass handed to you. We do not have to accept your racist views, and we don't have to tolerate them. Refusing to tolerate racism is not bigotry. And blacks doing that are not extremists. There are no black extremists here.

I don't have a definition of racism, but the dictionary does.

Definition of racism

1 : a belief that
race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race

2 a : a doctrine or political program based on the assumption of racism and designed to execute its principles

b : a political or social system founded on racism

So you show me where in the hell this definition says that opposing racist ideology and beliefs such as what you have presented is racism.


This reply is a continuation of posts 1445 and 1448:

I have established in prior posts that the founders created a Constitution that was specific to building a constitutional Republic for the benefit of themselves and their posterity (their race) as evidenced by most of the early state constitutions.

America has fought many wars to secure the Liberties of foreign nations - and all without claiming a single acre of land for themselves. The policies of this country include giving BILLIONS of dollars to countries whose people wanting their own homeland. katsteve2012 wrote:

"Those are thinly veiled inferences that unless you study the past, you will not understand.

Keeping with thought, those "ideals" often translate to this "statement" in the minds of non whites:

"We built America, not you. You exist here because we allow you too. and based on its history, we have the right to determine if YOU should be here or not"

Of course, since for the most part, EVERY tax paying American citizen who was born here and resides here, has a right to be here

I would say that katsteve2012 was at least 80 percent right in that assessment. What pisses me off about the whites is that, it is like katsteve2012 says, "Those are thinly veiled inferences..." In my mind, whites don't have a clue as to their history nor their destiny. In many cases they DO cherry pick which laws and which tidbits they want to post on these boards in support of their ideology - which is almost as weak as that of the black extremists.

I realize that black people don't want to hear this, but whites DID build this nation. Pharaoh Khufu is credited with building the Great Pyramid in about 2551 B.C. So, when you Google him you will find that he is credited with that feat. Did he haul the rocks, sweat his ass off, and do the physical labor? No. Did he draw up the blueprints and supervise all the laborers? So, who were the people that DID the physical labor? Nobody cares and nobody bothers to record it for the most part.

Our system of laws; the Constitution, Declaration of Independence, Articles of Confederation and the many major decisions that took the idea and put them into an achievable form in the United States was the product of white people.

Their intention was to build a homeland for whites. While you think on that I'm going to be thinking about the rest of the answer to katsteve2012's response that every tax paying citizen has a "right" to be here. He'll be coming back. He cannot afford to miss the answer.

I hate to tell you but Whites did not build this nation. This system was the product of whites excluding everyone else from the decision making process. You made claims about Americans fighting wars without claiming a single bit of land for themselves. Are you insane?

If whites wanted a homeland for whites they should have stayed where it was all white. Because this country was not going to be all white when at last 500 non white nations were already here. Sane whites understand their history. That is why you post his crap anonymously in a race and racism section in a small internet forum because you know good and well that you are posting a bunch of extremist crap. You don't dare take this any non white forum. That's why I say you are a coward. I'm here with a few blacks in a mostly white forum opposing the racism of the likes of you with fact. You post your drivel only here where whites who are as dumb and racist as you will cosign and make you feel good about yourself.


You called me a coward. The buck stops there. Okay. The reality is since I was a young kid, I've been willing to meet anyone, at any time. Going on an all black forum is not cowardice. It would be the same as calling you chickenshit for not taking your racist tripe to a Klan rally and showing up alone.

When I was growing up, there are some things you did not say to another man. It usually meant you were shopping for a fight. Today, people like you can say idiotic things and I accept personal challenges, then I'm accused of threatening people. That is why, man to man, you spew shit you don't have the balls to say to people's face. IF you meant to call me out, you'd have done so in a PM. So, if you see a coward, it's the one that looks at you in the mirror every day.

For years I sponsored public meetings twice a month. I've been on tv, radio, and in newspapers. The last guy who made the same claims as you on this board is a National Socialist. He was so gutless that he shoots through my kitchen window. So, Klan with a tan, blow smoke all you like, but YOU are the one who wants me to walk into an ambush because you've proven that YOU can't handle the truth and think the odds won't favor you unless the odds are stacked against me 10 to 1. You are spineless and you don't have even a portion of the truth.
Molly doesn't seem to understand why she's been called a racist. In her mind she's has never made a racist commemt.

You would think using the "N" word amongst themselves would be nothing but a reason to incite anger with white people, why use a word you hate to be called by white people, unless it is to start shit?

These ae just 2..

You call people racists (as I've pointed out before.) You just dance around the subject and let others hint at it while you second their sentiment. You're part of that group people call the KIan with a tan.

There is no klan with a tan. What you define as racism is not racism.
Total bullshit. I have never said anything racist.
Feigned affront
The following - the first image should be very familiar to some of you - what were you all saying about "that's the past"? I'd swear I've heard some of these "slogans" as recently as the last 30 days)

Hate is hate, and henious crimes are henious crimes no matter what color you are. Now go and get all the tragic cases of hate crimes and murder over the years be it white or black victims involved.

Those you noted above are definitely tragic and sad for sure, and most in America find such history and current events deplorable.

Dwelling on the past when the majority is moving on from it, does make the motives appear suspect when asking for money and such to be distributed to individuals that are not true to the causes of abolishing racism. Sadly they may actually take the money in order to fuel the hate and vengeful thinking of those who would use the past for evil intent and purposes, instead of truly using it as a way for all here to continue to heal by finally someday being unified, and not instead being divided.
There is no klan with a tan. What you define as racism is not racism.

Prejudice, bigotry, intolerance - call it what you like. Wrong is wrong.

The attitude that I have to agree with views such as yours in order to express an opinion may not be your definition of racism, but no matter what you'd like to call it, it is wrong.

You're a joke. I've never said you had to agree with me. You came in here talking about standing up to someone and got your ass handed to you. We do not have to accept your racist views, and we don't have to tolerate them. Refusing to tolerate racism is not bigotry. And blacks doing that are not extremists. There are no black extremists here.

I don't have a definition of racism, but the dictionary does.

Definition of racism

1 : a belief that
race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race

2 a : a doctrine or political program based on the assumption of racism and designed to execute its principles

b : a political or social system founded on racism

So you show me where in the hell this definition says that opposing racist ideology and beliefs such as what you have presented is racism.


This reply is a continuation of posts 1445 and 1448:

I have established in prior posts that the founders created a Constitution that was specific to building a constitutional Republic for the benefit of themselves and their posterity (their race) as evidenced by most of the early state constitutions.

America has fought many wars to secure the Liberties of foreign nations - and all without claiming a single acre of land for themselves. The policies of this country include giving BILLIONS of dollars to countries whose people wanting their own homeland. katsteve2012 wrote:

"Those are thinly veiled inferences that unless you study the past, you will not understand.

Keeping with thought, those "ideals" often translate to this "statement" in the minds of non whites:

"We built America, not you. You exist here because we allow you too. and based on its history, we have the right to determine if YOU should be here or not"

Of course, since for the most part, EVERY tax paying American citizen who was born here and resides here, has a right to be here

I would say that katsteve2012 was at least 80 percent right in that assessment. What pisses me off about the whites is that, it is like katsteve2012 says, "Those are thinly veiled inferences..." In my mind, whites don't have a clue as to their history nor their destiny. In many cases they DO cherry pick which laws and which tidbits they want to post on these boards in support of their ideology - which is almost as weak as that of the black extremists.

I realize that black people don't want to hear this, but whites DID build this nation. Pharaoh Khufu is credited with building the Great Pyramid in about 2551 B.C. So, when you Google him you will find that he is credited with that feat. Did he haul the rocks, sweat his ass off, and do the physical labor? No. Did he draw up the blueprints and supervise all the laborers? So, who were the people that DID the physical labor? Nobody cares and nobody bothers to record it for the most part.

Our system of laws; the Constitution, Declaration of Independence, Articles of Confederation and the many major decisions that took the idea and put them into an achievable form in the United States was the product of white people.

Their intention was to build a homeland for whites. While you think on that I'm going to be thinking about the rest of the answer to katsteve2012's response that every tax paying citizen has a "right" to be here. He'll be coming back. He cannot afford to miss the answer.

I hate to tell you but Whites did not build this nation. This system was the product of whites excluding everyone else from the decision making process. You made claims about Americans fighting wars without claiming a single bit of land for themselves. Are you insane?

If whites wanted a homeland for whites they should have stayed where it was all white. Because this country was not going to be all white when at last 500 non white nations were already here. Sane whites understand their history. That is why you post his crap anonymously in a race and racism section in a small internet forum because you know good and well that you are posting a bunch of extremist crap. You don't dare take this any non white forum. That's why I say you are a coward. I'm here with a few blacks in a mostly white forum opposing the racism of the likes of you with fact. You post your drivel only here where whites who are as dumb and racist as you will cosign and make you feel good about yourself.


You called me a coward. The buck stops there. Okay. The reality is since I was a young kid, I've been willing to meet anyone, at any time. Going on an all black forum is not cowardice. It would be the same as calling you chickenshit for not taking your racist tripe to a Klan rally and showing up alone.

When I was growing up, there are some things you did not say to another man. It usually meant you were shopping for a fight. Today, people like you can say idiotic things and I accept personal challenges, then I'm accused of threatening people. That is why, man to man, you spew shit you don't have the balls to say to people's face. IF you meant to call me out, you'd have done so in a PM. So, if you see a coward, it's the one that looks at you in the mirror every day.

For years I sponsored public meetings twice a month. I've been on tv, radio, and in newspapers. The last guy who made the same claims as you on this board is a National Socialist. He was so gutless that he shoots through my kitchen window. So, Klan with a tan, blow smoke all you like, but YOU are the one who wants me to walk into an ambush because you've proven that YOU can't handle the truth and think the odds won't favor you unless the odds are stacked against me 10 to 1. You are spineless and you don't have even a portion of the truth.

Then take your argument to an all black forum. I've done all of what you have done and more. I am here in a forum of whites expressing my opposition to white racism. Why would you be s scared of an ambush if your views are what is needed to be heard. I'm not asking you to do anything I'm not dig but you are scared to do what I suggest. You came in here talking that Billy Jack bullshit and I am standing up with you man up and busting your ass at every turn. I'm and the he blacks here are outnumbered here 10 to 1 and we keep on whupping ass. Seems to me you are the one who can't handle the truth and think the odds won't favor you unless the odds at in YOUR favor.

There ain't no klan with a tan grand cyclops, there is only the pale skinned KKK who believes America is New Jerusalem and made to be a whites only nation.
Molly doesn't seem to understand why she's been called a racist. In her mind she's has never made a racist commemt.

You would think using the "N" word amongst themselves would be nothing but a reason to incite anger with white people, why use a word you hate to be called by white people, unless it is to start shit?

These ae just 2..

You call people racists (as I've pointed out before.) You just dance around the subject and let others hint at it while you second their sentiment. You're part of that group people call the KIan with a tan.

There is no klan with a tan. What you define as racism is not racism.
Total bullshit. I have never said anything racist.

Of course you never have Molly. Yeah, that's the ticket.
You call people racists (as I've pointed out before.) You just dance around the subject and let others hint at it while you second their sentiment. You're part of that group people call the KIan with a tan.

There is no klan with a tan. What you define as racism is not racism.

Prejudice, bigotry, intolerance - call it what you like. Wrong is wrong.

The attitude that I have to agree with views such as yours in order to express an opinion may not be your definition of racism, but no matter what you'd like to call it, it is wrong.

You're a joke. I've never said you had to agree with me. You came in here talking about standing up to someone and got your ass handed to you. We do not have to accept your racist views, and we don't have to tolerate them. Refusing to tolerate racism is not bigotry. And blacks doing that are not extremists. There are no black extremists here.

I don't have a definition of racism, but the dictionary does.

Definition of racism

1 : a belief that
race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race

2 a : a doctrine or political program based on the assumption of racism and designed to execute its principles

b : a political or social system founded on racism

So you show me where in the hell this definition says that opposing racist ideology and beliefs such as what you have presented is racism.


This reply is a continuation of posts 1445 and 1448:

I have established in prior posts that the founders created a Constitution that was specific to building a constitutional Republic for the benefit of themselves and their posterity (their race) as evidenced by most of the early state constitutions.

America has fought many wars to secure the Liberties of foreign nations - and all without claiming a single acre of land for themselves. The policies of this country include giving BILLIONS of dollars to countries whose people wanting their own homeland. katsteve2012 wrote:

"Those are thinly veiled inferences that unless you study the past, you will not understand.

Keeping with thought, those "ideals" often translate to this "statement" in the minds of non whites:

"We built America, not you. You exist here because we allow you too. and based on its history, we have the right to determine if YOU should be here or not"

Of course, since for the most part, EVERY tax paying American citizen who was born here and resides here, has a right to be here

I would say that katsteve2012 was at least 80 percent right in that assessment. What pisses me off about the whites is that, it is like katsteve2012 says, "Those are thinly veiled inferences..." In my mind, whites don't have a clue as to their history nor their destiny. In many cases they DO cherry pick which laws and which tidbits they want to post on these boards in support of their ideology - which is almost as weak as that of the black extremists.

I realize that black people don't want to hear this, but whites DID build this nation. Pharaoh Khufu is credited with building the Great Pyramid in about 2551 B.C. So, when you Google him you will find that he is credited with that feat. Did he haul the rocks, sweat his ass off, and do the physical labor? No. Did he draw up the blueprints and supervise all the laborers? So, who were the people that DID the physical labor? Nobody cares and nobody bothers to record it for the most part.

Our system of laws; the Constitution, Declaration of Independence, Articles of Confederation and the many major decisions that took the idea and put them into an achievable form in the United States was the product of white people.

Their intention was to build a homeland for whites. While you think on that I'm going to be thinking about the rest of the answer to katsteve2012's response that every tax paying citizen has a "right" to be here. He'll be coming back. He cannot afford to miss the answer.

I hate to tell you but Whites did not build this nation. This system was the product of whites excluding everyone else from the decision making process. You made claims about Americans fighting wars without claiming a single bit of land for themselves. Are you insane?

If whites wanted a homeland for whites they should have stayed where it was all white. Because this country was not going to be all white when at last 500 non white nations were already here. Sane whites understand their history. That is why you post his crap anonymously in a race and racism section in a small internet forum because you know good and well that you are posting a bunch of extremist crap. You don't dare take this any non white forum. That's why I say you are a coward. I'm here with a few blacks in a mostly white forum opposing the racism of the likes of you with fact. You post your drivel only here where whites who are as dumb and racist as you will cosign and make you feel good about yourself.

This is Part 4 of THIS IS WHAT NEEDS TO BE SAID. You will find the first three parts of this in posts 1445, 1448, and 1460 of this thread.

The white people founded this Republic and our system of jurisprudence is predicated on biblical principles established Anglo Saxon laws. No amount of revisionist history changes that fact.

WHEN my forefathers came to this country, they were trying to escape the tyranny of King George in order to establish a nation conceived in Liberty. It is on this point that both the left and the right get things wrong and we all take a turn that leads to these incessant pissing matches.

The Declaration of Independence states:

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

An unalienable Right is a Right that is above the law. You are born with such Rights. These Rights are not dependent upon the government for their existence. There is a faction out there that disputes this because other men may have the power to deny you your Rights and / or supposedly vote them into oblivion. So, they say they don't exist. But, America was founded on the foundational principle that these Rights DO exist. Thomas Jefferson, the same guy who penned the Declaration of Independence wrote:

"The Declaration of Independence . . . [is the] declaratory charter of our rights, and the rights of man."

Man may have the power to deny you those Rights, but he certainly lacks the authority. It is on this point that both white racists and black racists are so extreme, they don't realize that they believe the same thing.

The Trumpeteers want to keep so - called "illegal aliens" out of the United States because they are not "legal citizens." And so they conjure up all these theories about how unalienable Rights don't apply unless you are a legal citizen (sic.) They want to punish American employers because they hire the candidate that works best for them. It's no different than when the blacks demanded jobs in private companies and wanted racial quotas, preferential hiring schemes, etc. Both sides end up arguing the same, identical position - both twisting the laws to give them an advantage over others.

Unalienable Rights exist or they do not. Both sides fail to understand the importance of this issue and it is the ROOT CAUSE that most racial disputes are never resolved on these boards.

Okay, I won't overdo this. One concept at a time. Then, if you read all my posts, you'll begin to see the picture reveal itself - and you've never seen it before.
Feigned affront
The following - the first image should be very familiar to some of you - what were you all saying about "that's the past"? I'd swear I've heard some of these "slogans" as recently as the last 30 days)

Hate is hate, and henious crimes are henious crimes no matter what color you are. Now go and get all the tragic cases of hate crimes and murder over the years be it white or black victims involved.

Those you noted above are definitely tragic and sad for sure, and most in America find such history and current events deplorable.

Dwelling on the past when the majority is moving on from it, does make the motives appear suspect when asking for money and such to be distributed to individuals that are not true to the causes of abolishing racism. Sadly they may actually take the money in order to fuel the hate and vengeful thinking of those who would use the past for evil intent and purposes, instead of truly using it as a way for all here to continue to heal by finally someday being unified, and not instead being divided.

This section of USMB is a high definition exhibition of how the majority hasn't moved past a damn thing. And if you want us to stop asking for reparations then stop paying Native Americans reparations for things that happened in the past.

Or drop that argument.
Prejudice, bigotry, intolerance - call it what you like. Wrong is wrong.

The attitude that I have to agree with views such as yours in order to express an opinion may not be your definition of racism, but no matter what you'd like to call it, it is wrong.

You're a joke. I've never said you had to agree with me. You came in here talking about standing up to someone and got your ass handed to you. We do not have to accept your racist views, and we don't have to tolerate them. Refusing to tolerate racism is not bigotry. And blacks doing that are not extremists. There are no black extremists here.

I don't have a definition of racism, but the dictionary does.

Definition of racism

1 : a belief that
race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race

2 a : a doctrine or political program based on the assumption of racism and designed to execute its principles

b : a political or social system founded on racism

So you show me where in the hell this definition says that opposing racist ideology and beliefs such as what you have presented is racism.


This reply is a continuation of posts 1445 and 1448:

I have established in prior posts that the founders created a Constitution that was specific to building a constitutional Republic for the benefit of themselves and their posterity (their race) as evidenced by most of the early state constitutions.

America has fought many wars to secure the Liberties of foreign nations - and all without claiming a single acre of land for themselves. The policies of this country include giving BILLIONS of dollars to countries whose people wanting their own homeland. katsteve2012 wrote:

"Those are thinly veiled inferences that unless you study the past, you will not understand.

Keeping with thought, those "ideals" often translate to this "statement" in the minds of non whites:

"We built America, not you. You exist here because we allow you too. and based on its history, we have the right to determine if YOU should be here or not"

Of course, since for the most part, EVERY tax paying American citizen who was born here and resides here, has a right to be here

I would say that katsteve2012 was at least 80 percent right in that assessment. What pisses me off about the whites is that, it is like katsteve2012 says, "Those are thinly veiled inferences..." In my mind, whites don't have a clue as to their history nor their destiny. In many cases they DO cherry pick which laws and which tidbits they want to post on these boards in support of their ideology - which is almost as weak as that of the black extremists.

I realize that black people don't want to hear this, but whites DID build this nation. Pharaoh Khufu is credited with building the Great Pyramid in about 2551 B.C. So, when you Google him you will find that he is credited with that feat. Did he haul the rocks, sweat his ass off, and do the physical labor? No. Did he draw up the blueprints and supervise all the laborers? So, who were the people that DID the physical labor? Nobody cares and nobody bothers to record it for the most part.

Our system of laws; the Constitution, Declaration of Independence, Articles of Confederation and the many major decisions that took the idea and put them into an achievable form in the United States was the product of white people.

Their intention was to build a homeland for whites. While you think on that I'm going to be thinking about the rest of the answer to katsteve2012's response that every tax paying citizen has a "right" to be here. He'll be coming back. He cannot afford to miss the answer.

I hate to tell you but Whites did not build this nation. This system was the product of whites excluding everyone else from the decision making process. You made claims about Americans fighting wars without claiming a single bit of land for themselves. Are you insane?

If whites wanted a homeland for whites they should have stayed where it was all white. Because this country was not going to be all white when at last 500 non white nations were already here. Sane whites understand their history. That is why you post his crap anonymously in a race and racism section in a small internet forum because you know good and well that you are posting a bunch of extremist crap. You don't dare take this any non white forum. That's why I say you are a coward. I'm here with a few blacks in a mostly white forum opposing the racism of the likes of you with fact. You post your drivel only here where whites who are as dumb and racist as you will cosign and make you feel good about yourself.


You called me a coward. The buck stops there. Okay. The reality is since I was a young kid, I've been willing to meet anyone, at any time. Going on an all black forum is not cowardice. It would be the same as calling you chickenshit for not taking your racist tripe to a Klan rally and showing up alone.

When I was growing up, there are some things you did not say to another man. It usually meant you were shopping for a fight. Today, people like you can say idiotic things and I accept personal challenges, then I'm accused of threatening people. That is why, man to man, you spew shit you don't have the balls to say to people's face. IF you meant to call me out, you'd have done so in a PM. So, if you see a coward, it's the one that looks at you in the mirror every day.

For years I sponsored public meetings twice a month. I've been on tv, radio, and in newspapers. The last guy who made the same claims as you on this board is a National Socialist. He was so gutless that he shoots through my kitchen window. So, Klan with a tan, blow smoke all you like, but YOU are the one who wants me to walk into an ambush because you've proven that YOU can't handle the truth and think the odds won't favor you unless the odds are stacked against me 10 to 1. You are spineless and you don't have even a portion of the truth.

Then take your argument to an all black forum. I've done all of what you have done and more. I am here in a forum of whites expressing my opposition to white racism. Why would you be s scared of an ambush if your views are what is needed to be heard. I'm not asking you to do anything I'm not dig but you are scared to do what I suggest. You came in here talking that Billy Jack bullshit and I am standing up with you man up and busting your ass at every turn. I'm and the he blacks here are outnumbered here 10 to 1 and we keep on whupping ass. Seems to me you are the one who can't handle the truth and think the odds won't favor you unless the odds at in YOUR favor.

There ain't no klan with a tan grand cyclops, there is only the pale skinned KKK who believes America is New Jerusalem and made to be a whites only nation.

You're a spineless little man / woman without integrity, courage, or the ability to distinguish between right and wrong. It appears to me that you are getting your ass kicked on a forum made up of a cross section of America and you want others to step into an all black forum because when the audience is diverse, you are being laughed at for the nutjob you've proven to be.
There is no klan with a tan. What you define as racism is not racism.

Prejudice, bigotry, intolerance - call it what you like. Wrong is wrong.

The attitude that I have to agree with views such as yours in order to express an opinion may not be your definition of racism, but no matter what you'd like to call it, it is wrong.

You're a joke. I've never said you had to agree with me. You came in here talking about standing up to someone and got your ass handed to you. We do not have to accept your racist views, and we don't have to tolerate them. Refusing to tolerate racism is not bigotry. And blacks doing that are not extremists. There are no black extremists here.

I don't have a definition of racism, but the dictionary does.

Definition of racism

1 : a belief that
race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race

2 a : a doctrine or political program based on the assumption of racism and designed to execute its principles

b : a political or social system founded on racism

So you show me where in the hell this definition says that opposing racist ideology and beliefs such as what you have presented is racism.


This reply is a continuation of posts 1445 and 1448:

I have established in prior posts that the founders created a Constitution that was specific to building a constitutional Republic for the benefit of themselves and their posterity (their race) as evidenced by most of the early state constitutions.

America has fought many wars to secure the Liberties of foreign nations - and all without claiming a single acre of land for themselves. The policies of this country include giving BILLIONS of dollars to countries whose people wanting their own homeland. katsteve2012 wrote:

"Those are thinly veiled inferences that unless you study the past, you will not understand.

Keeping with thought, those "ideals" often translate to this "statement" in the minds of non whites:

"We built America, not you. You exist here because we allow you too. and based on its history, we have the right to determine if YOU should be here or not"

Of course, since for the most part, EVERY tax paying American citizen who was born here and resides here, has a right to be here

I would say that katsteve2012 was at least 80 percent right in that assessment. What pisses me off about the whites is that, it is like katsteve2012 says, "Those are thinly veiled inferences..." In my mind, whites don't have a clue as to their history nor their destiny. In many cases they DO cherry pick which laws and which tidbits they want to post on these boards in support of their ideology - which is almost as weak as that of the black extremists.

I realize that black people don't want to hear this, but whites DID build this nation. Pharaoh Khufu is credited with building the Great Pyramid in about 2551 B.C. So, when you Google him you will find that he is credited with that feat. Did he haul the rocks, sweat his ass off, and do the physical labor? No. Did he draw up the blueprints and supervise all the laborers? So, who were the people that DID the physical labor? Nobody cares and nobody bothers to record it for the most part.

Our system of laws; the Constitution, Declaration of Independence, Articles of Confederation and the many major decisions that took the idea and put them into an achievable form in the United States was the product of white people.

Their intention was to build a homeland for whites. While you think on that I'm going to be thinking about the rest of the answer to katsteve2012's response that every tax paying citizen has a "right" to be here. He'll be coming back. He cannot afford to miss the answer.

I hate to tell you but Whites did not build this nation. This system was the product of whites excluding everyone else from the decision making process. You made claims about Americans fighting wars without claiming a single bit of land for themselves. Are you insane?

If whites wanted a homeland for whites they should have stayed where it was all white. Because this country was not going to be all white when at last 500 non white nations were already here. Sane whites understand their history. That is why you post his crap anonymously in a race and racism section in a small internet forum because you know good and well that you are posting a bunch of extremist crap. You don't dare take this any non white forum. That's why I say you are a coward. I'm here with a few blacks in a mostly white forum opposing the racism of the likes of you with fact. You post your drivel only here where whites who are as dumb and racist as you will cosign and make you feel good about yourself.

This is Part 4 of THIS IS WHAT NEEDS TO BE SAID. You will find the first three parts of this in posts 1445, 1448, and 1460 of this thread.

The white people founded this Republic and our system of jurisprudence is predicated on biblical principles established Anglo Saxon laws. No amount of revisionist history changes that fact.

WHEN my forefathers came to this country, they were trying to escape the tyranny of King George in order to establish a nation conceived in Liberty. It is on this point that both the left and the right get things wrong and we all take a turn that leads to these incessant pissing matches.

The Declaration of Independence states:

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

An unalienable Right is a Right that is above the law. You are born with such Rights. These Rights are not dependent upon the government for their existence. There is a faction out there that disputes this because other men may have the power to deny you your Rights and / or supposedly vote them into oblivion. So, they say they don't exist. But, America was founded on the foundational principle that these Rights DO exist. Thomas Jefferson, the same guy who penned the Declaration of Independence wrote:

"The Declaration of Independence . . . [is the] declaratory charter of our rights, and the rights of man."

Man may have the power to deny you those Rights, but he certainly lacks the authority. It is on this point that both white racists and black racists are so extreme, they don't realize that they believe the same thing.

The Trumpeteers want to keep so - called "illegal aliens" out of the United States because they are not "legal citizens." And so they conjure up all these theories about how unalienable Rights don't apply unless you are a legal citizen (sic.) They want to punish American employers because they hire the candidate that works best for them. It's no different than when the blacks demanded jobs in private companies and wanted racial quotas, preferential hiring schemes, etc. Both sides end up arguing the same, identical position - both twisting the laws to give them an advantage over others.

Unalienable Rights exist or they do not. Both sides fail to understand the importance of this issue and it is the ROOT CAUSE that most racial disputes are never resolved on these boards.

Okay, I won't overdo this. One concept at a time. Then, if you read all my posts, you'll begin to see the picture reveal itself - and you've never seen it before.

We knew what the picture was long before you posed this lunacy. We've seen it before.You are a raving white racist loon.
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