Are Blacks More Racist Than Whites? Most Americans Say Yes

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If you cannot respond intelligently, this discussion between you and I is over.
What's intelligent to the wolf is not gonna be intelligent to the sheep.
It don't make a flying fuck what color an employer is; it don't matter what religion they are... you know the standard line... If an employer don't want to hire you, they should not feel compelled to.
So are you saying that employers should discriminate based on race and be pro white ?
My last employer, familiar with my work was black and his wife Mexican. His perception of me is that I must be a Mexican. He hired me based upon a stereotype. Of the 52 employees in that company, I counted seven whites (including me.) This is in a town with over 80 percent of the residents being white. The company has been there for years and the whites don't give a rat's ass about the racial makeup of that company.Okay, you want to call me a liar again. WTF?
If white people don't give a rats ass about racial make up company then why is racial discrimination so strong in companies ?
Okay, you want to deny that the early Egyptians were not black? I'll give you that one
The early Egyptians were black
but you'll regret it if you conjure up enough common sense to stay in this discussion. Now for the second part of what you quoted... and the answer is:

"A foreigner cannot own agricultural lands or, similarly, lands that can be reclaimed for agricultural purposes all over Egypt."

Buying Property in Egypt

"Law 230/1996 further states that a foreigner may not own more than two real estate units in Egypt for residency purposes (for himself and his immediate family), each of which may not exceed 4,000 square meters. However, the Prime Minister may at his own discretion exempt non-Egyptians from the above two requirement."

So, prior to 1996 foreigners could not buy any kind of land in Egypt, and even today they are very limited. I think an I'm sorry is order, but do you have it in you?
Can you point to where I said "A foreigner cannot own agricultural lands or, similarly, lands that can be reclaimed for agricultural purposes all over Egypt." ?

Finally, you try to make the same point a lot of people do when they screw someone over and then become recipients of their own medicine. In any event, it was the whites that put an end to slavery as you know it.
Slavery has never ended. Slavery was just the first stage of white supremacy. Racism is slavery.

The central impact of the African Transatlantic Slave trade you brush aside is the legacy. And it’s that legacy that connects us and everyone else posting in this forum today and will continue until the day it’s resolved or addressed.

You cannot (and here is the challenge if you are up for it) point to any other form of slavery (present, past or pre-historic) that has had such an immense and global impact on this planet than the African Holocaust

The outcome of that operation is the crucial factor which in terms of scale and magnitude has gone unsurpassed and has had a profound effect on millions worldwide. Not just because of slavery, that was just the starting point. But because white supremacy would not allow themselves to see blacks as humans and it carried on long after the slave trade was abolished.
It still exists; you support it every day and if you claim you don't then you are a liar. All of us buy goods made in foreign countries that use slave labor. Sometimes we buy stuff from the good old USA, knowing (or having reason to believe) it was produced by slave labor. Where is your outrage then? Oh Hell no. You aren't boycotting Walmart. If the price is right, you're all about it.
And who are the companies who exploit the slave labour ? White people. Your people.

Take for example the computer or I-phone your on now. How do you think that works ? All I-Phones or Laptop need a mineral called conglese coltan other wise it won't work

Now who do you think own's coltan deposits in the Congo ? Who is forcing kids as young as seven to work in back breaking and dangerous condition ? The white supremacist like you. The likes Vodaphone, Apple and Microsoft

That's how white supremacy runs. You create a dependency on the people you are shitting on. You name the problem, the disease, the human suffering, or the abject misery visited upon millions, and I'll bet any money I can put a white face on it.
You just keep coming here and doing the pity me line.

You seem to think I am in the business of telling sob stories to appeal to the pity of whites. That assumes a favourable view of whites and a paternalistic view of blacks that you seem to share but I do not. As I have made plain elsewhere whites have hearts of stone when it comes to blacks and history shows that.

Second this USMB. Let's be clear. I have been on here a year and in that time. It's only me and IM2 and MarcATL JQPublic1 and katsteve2012 that have opinions that go against the grain. They are the only ones that I've have seen post stuff that challenges racism-white supremacy. Meanwhile USMB has 43 thousand members who all go a long with the dominant narrative

As I said - That my posts are such an affront to you speaks VOLUMES about the privilege you posses, where even a single small instance of contrary opinions are a threat to you. And causes you to erupt like a hilarious volcano.

Not to mention that white supremacists claim to be victims of all kinds of things: taxes, big government, immigrants, reverse discrimination, secular humanism, “radical Islam,” you name it.

White supremacists love victimhood

So long as they’re the ones who get to choose which victims count.

Yeah we know Correll.

Don't try the talking about the 15th amendment son. We all know that amendment was not followed.

Try to be less stupid.
Yeah we know Correll.

Don't try the talking about the 15th amendment son. We all know that amendment was not followed.

Try to be less stupid.

Unbelievable. We all know that the "provisions" were to ensure that certain "practices and barriers that "affected" the overall right of people who were historically disenfranchised to vote were controlled.

Although the "provisions" were not the actual voting rights act, they were a component of ensuring that the "process" of voting was equal in areas where it had a history of inequality.

Certain racist assholes will nit pick and play semantics anyway possible in order to deflect.

The voting rights of blacks do not come up for renewal.

That is not nitpicking.

What he is trying to imply, not state openly, because then it can be easily refuted,

is that without special federal oversight, evil white racists would end black voting as per the Jim Crow South, of several generations ago.

What gets me, is that in saying that, he is utterly insulting the whites of this country, yet the libs are happy to just accept it.

Calling them "Cucks" is really making more and more sense to me.

I am acutely aware of what most whi post here are "attempting to imply" in most threads.

Every reason for the provisions is crystal clear, and although they do not directly affect the core right of the vote, they are a component of the process of voting.

As for what he stated being "utterly insulting to the white people of this country", that is an overly sensitive reaction.

It is likely that when this legislation was signed into law, the majority of those expressing such outrage at being insulted were not even here, so such hypersensitivity is absurd.

As far as "cucks" go, Im not certain what its relationship to this thread is. Its a stupid expression.

Generally used by stupid people.

THe insult is not the law being signed in 1965.

THe insult is claiming that it is still needed today, as though the whites today are straining at the leash to bring back toll taxes and literacy tests.

That white libs see you blacks insulting them and still suck up to you, despite your obvious racist contempt, is them being "Cucks".

There was no insult against "the whites of today" Unless you are a collectivist.

The smear directed at whites is clear.

Your lie is dismissed.
1965 Voting Rights Provisions to Expire
1965 Voting Rights Provisions to Expire

Congress voted in 2006 to extend the black right to vote for 25 more yeas. So can one of you good republican conservative non racist whites facing the same racism as blacks explain to me when does white peoples right to vote come before congress for renewal?

Or is this another one you guys are to cowardly to answer so you'll call me a racist instead?

The 1965 voting rights provisions is not "black people's right to vote".

Try to be less stupid.

Yeah we know Correll.

Don't try the talking about the 15th amendment son. We all know that amendment was not followed.

Try to be less stupid.

If you know that, then why did you refer to the "black right to vote"?

Because it was the blacks right to vote. Do not try to pretend the 15th was followed junior. .

Wow. I see what you are trying say. But you are too dumb to actually say it.

Thank you for once again insulting every white in this country, by pretending that they are the same today as they were in 1955.

I'm not insulting every white in this country by saying there are whites who still have the same attitude whites had in1818. Because there are whites who say the same thing. You are a prime example of it.
So can one of you good republican conservative non racist whites facing the same racism as blacks explain to me when does white peoples right to vote come before congress for renewal?
.So t me play your game with you.

Congress voted in 2006 to extend the black right to vote for 25 more yeas. So can one of you good republican conservative non racist whites facing the same racism as blacks explain to me when does provisions of white peoples right to vote come before congress for renewal?

They did not extend the black right to vote for 25 years. They extended special protections for blacks, for 25 years.

There are no laws in place giving similar special protection to whites.

Thus, your question is idiotic.

A better question is, in 2018, do we really still need special protections for blacks.

Or is this another one you guys are to cowardly to answer so you'll call me a racist instead?

I answered it, and explained why your question was stupid. It is not the first time I answered it.

To this point we get cowardice from these racists. They want to pretend he 15th amendment as plowed.

No one said that. Yet you are calling whites racist based on a made up lie of yours.

That's a fine example of why we call you a racist. Because you call whites racist based on less than nothing.

Thy don't want to talk abut poll taxes, tests and things of that nature. Bloody Sunday is just a song by U2, those people did not get beat up for trying to register to vote. After all, there was the 15th amendment so this just couldn't have happened.

Are you really so stupid that you don't see that by asking the question the way you did, that YOU were the one that took all that OFF the table?

If you had been honest about what the 65 act did, then that would have been the issues discussed.

Punk ass lying bastards. Try another method.

YOu are the punk ass liar, as I have explained. Repeatedly.

So can one of you good republican conservative non racist whites facing the same racism as blacks explain to me when does provisions of white peoples right to vote come before congress for renewal?

See, by lying about what the act does, you take poll taxes and the like, off the table.

How could I reply to that, with anything about poll taxes and the like?

Nothing is taken off he table, this is the excuse you use to not answer the question. You can't answer the question.

But we all know what the answer is.[/QUOTE]

Well you screwed that post up.

You asked about the black right to vote,

and then bitched when we addressed that, what you said, ie the stupid zinger you made, instead of the what the act was actually about.

YOu have to choose between your stupid zinger, or what the act was actually about.

Right now, all you are doing it being a fool.
Unbelievable. We all know that the "provisions" were to ensure that certain "practices and barriers that "affected" the overall right of people who were historically disenfranchised to vote were controlled.

Although the "provisions" were not the actual voting rights act, they were a component of ensuring that the "process" of voting was equal in areas where it had a history of inequality.

Certain racist assholes will nit pick and play semantics anyway possible in order to deflect.

The voting rights of blacks do not come up for renewal.

That is not nitpicking.

What he is trying to imply, not state openly, because then it can be easily refuted,

is that without special federal oversight, evil white racists would end black voting as per the Jim Crow South, of several generations ago.

What gets me, is that in saying that, he is utterly insulting the whites of this country, yet the libs are happy to just accept it.

Calling them "Cucks" is really making more and more sense to me.

I am acutely aware of what most whi post here are "attempting to imply" in most threads.

Every reason for the provisions is crystal clear, and although they do not directly affect the core right of the vote, they are a component of the process of voting.

As for what he stated being "utterly insulting to the white people of this country", that is an overly sensitive reaction.

It is likely that when this legislation was signed into law, the majority of those expressing such outrage at being insulted were not even here, so such hypersensitivity is absurd.

As far as "cucks" go, Im not certain what its relationship to this thread is. Its a stupid expression.

Generally used by stupid people.

THe insult is not the law being signed in 1965.

THe insult is claiming that it is still needed today, as though the whites today are straining at the leash to bring back toll taxes and literacy tests.

That white libs see you blacks insulting them and still suck up to you, despite your obvious racist contempt, is them being "Cucks".

There was no insult against "the whites of today" Unless you are a collectivist.

The smear directed at whites is clear.

Your lie is dismissed.
The "smear" is all in the imaginations of small minded people, who claim to "have no guilt", but in reality act guilty as hell.

YOU, and your pathetic persecution complex are dismissed.
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I'm laughing at these racists in here lying about how much they don't think about race. There are over 4,000 threads in this section primarily by whits about race where they think about bring white.

And you participate on most of those threads because you are... I don't even have to say anything.

I've not participated in most of the threads. Again arguing against the racism of whites is not racism. Saying there are whites who are racists is not saying all whites are racist so that's not racism. Debunking/strongly rebuking what racists such as you and others in here say is not racism. Saying whites do not experience racism is not racism. Calling you out on your racism is not calling all whites racist.. You are a racist. We all know it.

Unless the white person agrees with you on every aspect of race, they are a racist. You are delusional and everybody knows that. Making false claims makes you a pathological liar and most of us know that.

Saying whites do not experience racism is pure idiocy. Therefore, you piss a lot of people off and keep them on these threads. You are my poster boy when people ask me why I don't think blacks should become citizens. If they all think like you, then it would be a colossal mistake. And what bothers me most about the situation is that there are people like you, spewing venomous hatred that a lot of blacks refuse to condemn. For that reason, I don't condemn the real white racists. And they don't like me!

I'm going to say something to you because I'm fed up with your racism. It is something I am not ashamed to say will make me hate you as an individual and pray that God will help me to forgive you after today, but I guess we cannot avoid this because I've always felt if I had to make this point, it would amount to groveling at the feet of black supremacists. But, before I write this next paragraph, know this: I don't need your validation or anyone elses. What I'm about to say is just to prove that you are a liar, racist and in this discussion only to demean people while talking out your ass.

You said about me, "You are a racist. We all know it." Do "we"? Again, my response is not intended to grovel at your feet like the person who says, I'm not a racist. My best friend, relative, etc. is black. This is being done to prove to every person here that you don't know what the Hell you're talking about; that you are wrong; and that if you don't issue an apology, it will be obvious who the real racist is.

My sister married a Lebanese and my uncle married a very dark Mexican lady. My sister and aunt have since passed, but my uncle will tell you that all of my family members felt more comfortable in my house than any of our other relatives. And one of my aunts is a Democrat!

When I first got into being a foster parent, it came about when an old lady came to me with a small boy whose mother was Honduran and his father Mexican. The parents, here without papers, left and abandoned their baby. He was with me through the most important years of his life. I tried to adopt him, but the mother finally got her excrement together and got custody of him back. His pictures are still all over my house.

As a foster parent, I've had to care for children of every race imaginable. Many times children need / want things above and beyond what .DFACS was willing to cover. I have no problem going into my own pocket and buying things just for a smile - just to see their eyes light up. Years ago a very young teen was here without papers, working a job and trying to eke out a living. When an amnesty period came around, I did the paperwork and helped him get his papers. My charge was merely telling him I expected him to become a good citizen. Today, he tells people I am his father. And, when I need things like my car fixed or something done around the house, he shows up without any hesitation.

Here was a guy that at 14, leaves his country. His father was killed when this boy was an infant. He had no education, didn't speak English, had no family support system, no papers, nothing. Yet he starts out in construction, working double shifts and ultimately going back to school. I went to his graduation, not realizing what he thought about me. He was telling people I was his dad. Today he owns his own garage. He thinks my small gestures put him where he is - and while I am grateful for that, he did it on his own.

On and on I could go with stories like this - or you can read about my many run ins with neo-Nazis on this board. But, IM2, you come here bitching every day about white racists. You pretend you can sniff them out. Meanwhile I know there are people who face the wrath of both black and white people that are able to come to this country and make something of themselves. If you put forth the effort, you can be as equal to - and sometimes greater than the average white person in this country. I'm not groveling at the feet of anyone here to "prove" I'm not a white racist. My point here is to show that IM2 is the racist and that he holds no special ability to be able to judge others.

If God thinks I'm a white racist, he will get to judge me. I don't care what everybody else thinks about it. God will judge me. And when I die, if God asks me if I treated others as I wanted to be treated, I will say yes sir. If he asks for an accounting of my life, I'm hoping that what I did will please Him (though I am a sinner.) If he asks if I loved my neighbor, I'm hoping I'll be past this thread by then. I'll have to work really hard to forgive you IM2. But, if others see the venomous hatred you've spewed, the divisiveness you create, the code of intolerance you live by, and the lies you hide behind AND if they rebuke you and force you to reevaluate your message, I might be able to forgive you and answer God another way. And maybe tomorrow this post won't bother me as much as it does today. Hate, revenge, malice, dishonesty - these are not a way of life that will bring you peace or contentment.

No, you are a racist for what you have posted. You see humone I know I'm on the right side. I know you are not. You see, God isn't going to be asking you for yes or no answers. God is going to ask you why you believed that other human beings did not have the right be citizens in a nation you lived in. You will then understand as God explains to you how that is not loving your neighbors as you would yourself. What you will work hard to do is of no consequence to me, because I don't need your forgiveness for things I did not do.

You are a racist, and now you want to lie about me because I stand up to your evil. I'm not re evaluating my message because you have decided to make assumptions. Not all whites are racists, I've said that, but I do not have to continue making disclaimers because a punk ass bitch like you got his feelings hurt.

Blacks are not more racist than whites. You can't name one law or policy made by blacks that has ever denied a white person anything in this country. You cannot describe any system by blacks that allowed for the things Essen mentioned to be done to whites by blacks BY LAW. All you can do is whine like the bitch made pussy you are and call us racists because we don't believe whites face the same, or worse racism from backs as we have had to endure from whites. American History shows we are right. American history shows you are not. And certainly a poll of 1500 people out of 300 million or more doesn't support that claim either.

I'm at peace and very content. You are the one with problems.

Oh mighty master, I forgot. YOU have all the answers. YOU must be God to know what questions he is going to ask me.

Well, here is a little reality that you aren't going to like. America was in the process of becoming the greatest nation in the annals of history before, during and after our laws called for a separation of the races.

I suppose God - or you must have been drunk as a skunk to bless a nation that was that unfair. WHAT were you thinking?

You are really screwed up. You can love your neighbor without letting them crash in your living room every night. Your dishonesty is duly noted. You love those goal posts that are America did this and America did that.

Well, it was your great great grandpappy that got sold into slavery by a dude with skin blacker than yours. Now that black dude back in Africa got rich and happy - your ancestors didn't become a gourmet meal for cannibals. He still owns your country and is still laughing his ass off at you.

Then again, the guy you're doing high fives with on this thread may be a descendant of that black dude that captured your great great grandpappy, but you aren't mad at him. Your race is your religion.

As the FACTS show, you had it far better here than most whites during slavery. Check this out:

Time on the Cross - Wikipedia

Here are a couple of excerpts:

"The authors evaluated oral interviews conducted by the Federal Writers' Project of the Works Progress Administration, United States Census information, and other statistical data to assert that many slaves were encouraged to marry and maintain households, they were given garden plots, the dehumanizing practice of "slave breeding" was virtually non-existent, the quality of their daily diets and medical care were comparable to the white population, and many trusted slaves were given great responsibility in managing plantations. This was in contrast to other accounts of the dehumanizing effects of slavery.

Fogel and Engerman asserted that slavery had a reciprocal economic benefit for slave owners and slaves. They wrote, "slave owners expropriated far less than generally presumed, and over the course of a lifetime a slave field hand received approximately ninety percent of the income produced."(p. 5-6) They were estimating the value of housing, clothing, food and other benefits received by the slaves and argued that they lived as well in material terms as did free urban laborers; life was difficult for both classes.[3]
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A what? I see six dots, what are you trying to say?

The 6 dots are symbolic of a word that begins with "n" and ends with "r".

Ray Charles could see that.

That was a reach. Liar. Everybody else that knows what IM2 is has stated it. That is why I said read the thread. You can only repeat something so many times.

Well prove me to be a liar.

As opposed to playing "64 questions", snd "name that tune", say what you meant by:

"If IM2 wss my blood brother, he would still be a ......"

I believe that the words posters here use for IM2 are liar, racist, asshole, moron - and several more have been uttered many times in describing IM2.

And, if the same shit came out of my own brother's mouth, I would tell him he was all of the above.

You seem to have problems posting quotes made by me that prove your accusations. Every else one here doesn't see shit. The majority posting here are white racists like you. Those who are not see things the way I do.

Did I ever tell you that you are absolutely delusional? You don't even believe the horsepuckey you peddle. You keep repeating it hoping you can convince yourself. It's not working, obviously.
1965 Voting Rights Provisions to Expire
1965 Voting Rights Provisions to Expire

Congress voted in 2006 to extend the black right to vote for 25 more yeas. So can one of you good republican conservative non racist whites facing the same racism as blacks explain to me when does white peoples right to vote come before congress for renewal?

Or is this another one you guys are to cowardly to answer so you'll call me a racist instead?

The 1965 voting rights provisions is not "black people's right to vote".

Try to be less stupid.

Yeah we know Correll.

Don't try the talking about the 15th amendment son. We all know that amendment was not followed.

Try to be less stupid.
1965 Voting Rights Provisions to Expire
1965 Voting Rights Provisions to Expire

Congress voted in 2006 to extend the black right to vote for 25 more yeas. So can one of you good republican conservative non racist whites facing the same racism as blacks explain to me when does white peoples right to vote come before congress for renewal?

Or is this another one you guys are to cowardly to answer so you'll call me a racist instead?

The 1965 voting rights provisions is not "black people's right to vote".

Try to be less stupid.

Yeah we know Correll.

Don't try the talking about the 15th amendment son. We all know that amendment was not followed.

Try to be less stupid.

Unbelievable. We all know that the "provisions" were to ensure that certain "practices and barriers that "affected" the overall right of people who were historically disenfranchised to vote were controlled.

Although the "provisions" were not the actual voting rights act, they were a component of ensuring that the "process" of voting was equal in areas where it had a history of inequality.

Certain racist assholes will nit pick and play semantics anyway possible in order to deflect.

The voting rights of blacks do not come up for renewal.

That is not nitpicking.

What he is trying to imply, not state openly, because then it can be easily refuted,

is that without special federal oversight, evil white racists would end black voting as per the Jim Crow South, of several generations ago.

What gets me, is that in saying that, he is utterly insulting the whites of this country, yet the libs are happy to just accept it.

Calling them "Cucks" is really making more and more sense to me.

I did not state that voting rights are coming up for renewal. Neither did he state that directly.

In a sense, that's exactly what he did. Here is what he said:

"... explain to me when does white peoples right to vote come before congress for renewal?"
.So t me play your game with you.

Congress voted in 2006 to extend the black right to vote for 25 more yeas. So can one of you good republican conservative non racist whites facing the same racism as blacks explain to me when does provisions of white peoples right to vote come before congress for renewal?

They voted in 2006 to extend the protective provisions, not the black right to vote. The right to vote for minorities was never up for renewal.
The 1965 voting rights provisions is not "black people's right to vote".

Try to be less stupid.

Yeah we know Correll.

Don't try the talking about the 15th amendment son. We all know that amendment was not followed.

Try to be less stupid.
The 1965 voting rights provisions is not "black people's right to vote".

Try to be less stupid.

Yeah we know Correll.

Don't try the talking about the 15th amendment son. We all know that amendment was not followed.

Try to be less stupid.

Unbelievable. We all know that the "provisions" were to ensure that certain "practices and barriers that "affected" the overall right of people who were historically disenfranchised to vote were controlled.

Although the "provisions" were not the actual voting rights act, they were a component of ensuring that the "process" of voting was equal in areas where it had a history of inequality.

Certain racist assholes will nit pick and play semantics anyway possible in order to deflect.

The voting rights of blacks do not come up for renewal.

That is not nitpicking.

What he is trying to imply, not state openly, because then it can be easily refuted,

is that without special federal oversight, evil white racists would end black voting as per the Jim Crow South, of several generations ago.

What gets me, is that in saying that, he is utterly insulting the whites of this country, yet the libs are happy to just accept it.

Calling them "Cucks" is really making more and more sense to me.

I did not state that voting rights are coming up for renewal. Neither did he state that directly.

In a sense, that's exactly what he did. Here is what he said:

"... explain to me when does white peoples right to vote come before congress for renewal?"

That was a question. And actually was a civilized question. How is that a "smear" to the entire whiten population of this country?
.So t me play your game with you.

Congress voted in 2006 to extend the black right to vote for 25 more yeas. So can one of you good republican conservative non racist whites facing the same racism as blacks explain to me when does provisions of white peoples right to vote come before congress for renewal?

They voted in 2006 to extend the protective provisions, not the black right to vote. The right to vote for minorities was never up for renewal.

That being said, why do any "protective provisions" need to be on the table?

Why can't all Americans vote under the same guidelines without protective provisions even being necessary?
  • Thanks
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.So t me play your game with you.

Congress voted in 2006 to extend the black right to vote for 25 more yeas. So can one of you good republican conservative non racist whites facing the same racism as blacks explain to me when does provisions of white peoples right to vote come before congress for renewal?

They voted in 2006 to extend the protective provisions, not the black right to vote. The right to vote for minorities was never up for renewal.

So they did vote to renew the right for blacks to vote. What the fuck do you think those protective provisions were for you stupid fucker? Without those we do not fucking vote! Damn, why in fuck do you bastards chose to play these fucked up games. Either be mother fucking men or women about this or shut the fuck up. The question for every white person here is this:

So can one of you good republican conservative non racist whites facing the same racism as blacks explain to me when does white peoples right to vote come before congress for renewal?
Yeah we know Correll.

Don't try the talking about the 15th amendment son. We all know that amendment was not followed.

Try to be less stupid.
Yeah we know Correll.

Don't try the talking about the 15th amendment son. We all know that amendment was not followed.

Try to be less stupid.

Unbelievable. We all know that the "provisions" were to ensure that certain "practices and barriers that "affected" the overall right of people who were historically disenfranchised to vote were controlled.

Although the "provisions" were not the actual voting rights act, they were a component of ensuring that the "process" of voting was equal in areas where it had a history of inequality.

Certain racist assholes will nit pick and play semantics anyway possible in order to deflect.

The voting rights of blacks do not come up for renewal.

That is not nitpicking.

What he is trying to imply, not state openly, because then it can be easily refuted,

is that without special federal oversight, evil white racists would end black voting as per the Jim Crow South, of several generations ago.

What gets me, is that in saying that, he is utterly insulting the whites of this country, yet the libs are happy to just accept it.

Calling them "Cucks" is really making more and more sense to me.

I did not state that voting rights are coming up for renewal. Neither did he state that directly.

In a sense, that's exactly what he did. Here is what he said:

"... explain to me when does white peoples right to vote come before congress for renewal?"

That was a question. And actually was a civilized question. How is that a "smear" to the entire whiten population of this country?

I didn't say anything about a smear. I'm just pointing out that, in effect, he was saying that the black right to vote was up for renewal and it was not.

If he knew that it was the provisions up for renewal and not the black right to vote, then why ask the question as to when the white right to vote comes before Congress for renewal? Wouldn't that be irrelevant considering that neither the white nor black right to vote was at issue?
Still going around and around and around here I see... LOL.

Listen, because of the provisions provided to the blacks over the years, and this in order to get them up to speed in everything that is available as American, we have had many whites over these years who had to sacrifice a huge amount in order to make it all happen for them. Fact !!!!

Blacks who are disrespectful of this today, in my opinion is a very deplorable thing. Whites who are disrespectful of this is also a deplorable thing.

The wealthy whites and wealthy blacks who were able to escape the forced melting pot back in the 60's, couldn't take their entire cultures along with them (i.e.when they both scattered like flies from the government demands to come together by forcing them too), so many who weren't wealthy were left behind to basically be subjected to conforming in the situation, yet sadly many were abused either by a black vengeful reverse racism if were the case against the whites who made vulnerable as individuals, and who wanted to retain their white culture or on the otherside be abused by white racism in the situation if were the case against those blacks who were also made vulnerable as independent thinkers or individuals that wanted to retain their African culture in the situation. Both sides gave up alot, and should be respected for it.

Now on both sides you had those who were more than willing to work it out, but alot of abuse went on as well in the entire situation for both sides that were affected.

People made vulnerable on either side of the isle suffered in the situation, and to not understand this just leads to more racism that is then directed at either side, and this from either side at any given instance in it all.

Right now we have vulnerabilities on both sides that are still suffering abuse in the situations, and we have those taking advantage of those vulnerabilities from both sides... I'm not sure where it will all end up over time.

The wealthy on both sides were able to escape, but the subjects ended up carrying the heaviest load in it all.

Cultural rot is the biggest thing going today, where as people's cultures are being diluted, banned, changed, reconformed, outlawed, and even killed off.

How to respect each other does lay within the proper education, jobs, ethics, morals, respect for the law, and to have standards that most if not all can somehow agree upon.

Create a police force that truly is tuned into the communities in which they work, and break down the storm trooper look. Quit hiring bullies that we're bullies before they ever came to a police job in life. These kinds of characters can be spotted a mile away by their stance, character, and actions in life. It's time to lose the storm trooper look, and be more friendly looking, and be more tuned to the character within the society in which one is dealing with on a daily basis.

If can't change that, then pick the leadership very carefully so they can change it. We don't need storm troopers as cops on the street. Now with that said, we don't need a citizenship that tries to set up the cops when that citizenship decides to be corrupt in order to get it's way, and refuses to abide by the laws. This ain't good either.

This country needs to go back in time to a time when race relations we're best, and they were getting better, then study it, revisit it, and go from there.

Come on people, it ain't rocket science.

Birth rates are also a huge factor in it all, where as if the government is involved, then we all are screwed. This has been proven over time. We need to get government out of the business of conforming this nation into what it wants instead of what the people want. To many highjackers taking control of government in which over time has been empowering the wrong people who want to reverse years and years of sacrifice and struggles in this country.

Don't see Trump as a divider, but more of a uniter of all Americans (as a footnote), but that's just my thoughts on that.

Now how we all somehow work together, and preserve our unique cultures should be the quest going foward in order to wrap it all up. It can be done, and it can be respected by all if done right.
The 6 dots are symbolic of a word that begins with "n" and ends with "r".

Ray Charles could see that.

That was a reach. Liar. Everybody else that knows what IM2 is has stated it. That is why I said read the thread. You can only repeat something so many times.

Well prove me to be a liar.

As opposed to playing "64 questions", snd "name that tune", say what you meant by:

"If IM2 wss my blood brother, he would still be a ......"

I believe that the words posters here use for IM2 are liar, racist, asshole, moron - and several more have been uttered many times in describing IM2.

And, if the same shit came out of my own brother's mouth, I would tell him he was all of the above.

You seem to have problems posting quotes made by me that prove your accusations. Every else one here doesn't see shit. The majority posting here are white racists like you. Those who are not see things the way I do.

Did I ever tell you that you are absolutely delusional? You don't even believe the horsepuckey you peddle. You keep repeating it hoping you can convince yourself. It's not working, obviously.

I don't have to convince myself of the truth. Now either produce some quotes from me that are racist, or shut the hell up. I am the one who started a thread about gaslighting and that's all you are doing.
.So t me play your game with you.

Congress voted in 2006 to extend the black right to vote for 25 more yeas. So can one of you good republican conservative non racist whites facing the same racism as blacks explain to me when does provisions of white peoples right to vote come before congress for renewal?

They voted in 2006 to extend the protective provisions, not the black right to vote. The right to vote for minorities was never up for renewal.

So they did vote to renew the right for blacks to vote. What the fuck do you think those protective provisions were for you stupid fucker?

Let it be known that you were the first to insult. I have been nothing but civil and respectful in all our interactions. This was totally unnecessary.

Without those we do not fucking vote!

Incorrect. If they had allowed the provisions to expire, blacks would still have the right to vote. The provisions were only added protections to ensure that their right to vote would not be impeded or hindered in any way. Obviously they added an expiration date because they felt that, in time, they would no longer be needed.
.So t me play your game with you.

Congress voted in 2006 to extend the black right to vote for 25 more yeas. So can one of you good republican conservative non racist whites facing the same racism as blacks explain to me when does provisions of white peoples right to vote come before congress for renewal?

They voted in 2006 to extend the protective provisions, not the black right to vote. The right to vote for minorities was never up for renewal.

That being said, why do any "protective provisions" need to be on the table?

Why can't all Americans vote under the same guidelines without protective provisions even being necessary?

I would ask the same question. I don't think they're necessary any longer myself. I was merely pointing out that IM2 seems to think that without the provisions being renewed, blacks lose the right to vote and that is simply not true.
Unbelievable. We all know that the "provisions" were to ensure that certain "practices and barriers that "affected" the overall right of people who were historically disenfranchised to vote were controlled.

Although the "provisions" were not the actual voting rights act, they were a component of ensuring that the "process" of voting was equal in areas where it had a history of inequality.

Certain racist assholes will nit pick and play semantics anyway possible in order to deflect.

The voting rights of blacks do not come up for renewal.

That is not nitpicking.

What he is trying to imply, not state openly, because then it can be easily refuted,

is that without special federal oversight, evil white racists would end black voting as per the Jim Crow South, of several generations ago.

What gets me, is that in saying that, he is utterly insulting the whites of this country, yet the libs are happy to just accept it.

Calling them "Cucks" is really making more and more sense to me.

I did not state that voting rights are coming up for renewal. Neither did he state that directly.

In a sense, that's exactly what he did. Here is what he said:

"... explain to me when does white peoples right to vote come before congress for renewal?"

That was a question. And actually was a civilized question. How is that a "smear" to the entire whiten population of this country?

I didn't say anything about a smear. I'm just pointing out that, in effect, he was saying that the black right to vote was up for renewal and it was not.

If he knew that it was the provisions up for renewal and not the black right to vote, then why ask the question as to when the white right to vote comes before Congress for renewal? Wouldn't that be irrelevant considering that neither the white nor black right to vote was at issue?

Those provisions are why we can vote. So the question I asked was valid. The 15th amendment was not followed so stop pretending that it gave us the right to vote. Until those provisions were made we did not have the right to vote. Since you guys want to talk shit. then you whites here tell me when a second amendment in the constitution was added to insure that the rights of whites to vote were enforced.
.So t me play your game with you.

Congress voted in 2006 to extend the black right to vote for 25 more yeas. So can one of you good republican conservative non racist whites facing the same racism as blacks explain to me when does provisions of white peoples right to vote come before congress for renewal?

They voted in 2006 to extend the protective provisions, not the black right to vote. The right to vote for minorities was never up for renewal.

So they did vote to renew the right for blacks to vote. What the fuck do you think those protective provisions were for you stupid fucker?

Let it be known that you were the first to insult. I have been nothing but civil and respectful in all our interactions. This was totally unnecessary.

Without those we do not fucking vote!

Incorrect. If they had allowed the provisions to expire, blacks would still have the right to vote. The provisions were only added protections to ensure that their right to vote would not be impeded or hindered in any way. Obviously they added an expiration date because they felt that, in time, they would no longer be needed.

I know you'd like to believe that but blacks had the right to vote. But blacks weren't able to therefore the right really did not exist.
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