Are Conservatives Hoping that a Terrorist Attack Happens in America?

Are Conservatives Hoping that a Terrorist Attack Happens in America?

  • Yes

    Votes: 16 42.1%
  • No

    Votes: 22 57.9%
  • Don't know/Unsure

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Are Conservatives Hoping that a Terrorist Attack Happens in America?

You can tell when the liberals are losing the debate big-time.

They come up with hysterical rants like that, disguised as "questions".
Lol the number of paranoid rants by the right exponentially out number the paranoid posts of the left .

Lets see.......over the last 2 days I've seen our right wing head job posters call for the summary execution of all democrats. Another demand that we start the race war. And another claim that Obama is trying to cause mass shootings.

Over just 2 days.
And they claim they are not nuts.
II'm digging the generalizations here. Fascinating
Yep the right is generalizing at top speed.
As a Jew I know what it is like to be called evil for my religion. I am not orthodox. I don't subscribe to a literal reading of the Torah. I don't support the current leadership of Israel, but I identify with the Jewish people deeply.

I prefer to be judged on my actions, not the religion or nation or skin color into which I was born.

I think anyone engaging in terrorism - from radical Islam to homegrown gun nuts - should be tortured to death.

Before you start putting Muslims on a train and slaughtering Muslim children, you should realize that there are many peaceful Muslim nations that have no problem with the West.

The goal of ISIS is to scare and intimidate moderate Muslim nations into hating and attacking the West. The goal of the Republican Party is to convince the U.S. Population that there is no such thing as a moderate Muslim - and that we must declare war against 1.4 billion people - thus ensuring an increase in blowback/terrorism. ISIS is depending on the west to bomb civilian Muslim populations. This is how they turn moderates against the west, making it impossible for Syria and Iraq to be rebuilt without a terminal US occupation, which will bankrupt the USA as surely as the Soviets were bankrupted in Afghanistan. This is the only way they can defeat the west, by destroying any partnership with moderate Muslims.

Your hatred of all Muslims helps ISIS, because it destroys any potential partnership between moderate, non-violent Muslims and the West. Without that partnership, the West will never be able to empower moderate Muslims to isolate and expunge the radicals.

The Republicans and ISIS need to radicalize Turkey, Egypt, and Jordan. You need Dubai to be a home for Jihad, even though it is currently filled with peaceful Muslims and Christians living together.. You and ISIS need non-violent Muslim nations to became anti-western jihadists.

Without a cosmic war for civilization, the ability of ISIS and the Republican Party to achieve and hold power goes down.
>>As a Jew I know what it is like to be called evil for my religion. I am not orthodox. I don't subscribe to a literal reading of the Torah. I don't support the State of Israel, but I identify with the Jewish people.<<

Well I do not expect you and I to agree on much. You do not support the state of Israel. Meaning what? They are the reason there is no peace in Palestine? I am always perplexed by those who have a totally different look at the last 100 years than others.

>>I prefer to be judged on my actions, not the religion or nation or skin color into which I was born. <<

Except this discussion is not about judging individuals. Nations and religions and ideologies are grounds for discussion and judgments of various nature.

>> Before you start putting Muslims on a train and slaughtering Muslim children, you should realize that there are many peaceful Muslim nations that have no problem with the West. <<

Yes, thank you. And before you embellish or engage in demagoguery we would prefer a more honest discourse.

>>The goal of ISIS is to scare and intimidate moderate Muslim nations into hating and attacking the West.<<

Their goals go far beyond that. I would go so far as to say what you state is a welcome byproduct of their primary mission. Whether the moderates go along with them or not will not stop the killing and the grand sinister long range designs.

>>The goal of the Republican Party is to convince the U.S. Population that there is no such thing as a moderate Muslim - and that we must declare war against 1.4 billion people - thus ensuring an increase in blowback/terrorism. <<

Ah, bunk. We are not so naïve. Do not let the internet rhetoric get in the way of sound reasoning. Yes, we KNOW, we KNOW, there are moderate Muslims who want nothing to do with violence. So what? I am sure most Germans and Japs wished they never got involved in WW2. The problem is not with the moderates, nor does anyone want to declare war on 1.4 billion Muslims. The problem is Islamic terrorism is a gigantic scourge on the entire planet. It will not go away, it must be dealt with! The problem is this includes many, many millions of Muslims all over the planet, and it is difficult to identify who and where. The problem is not with a majority of Muslims --- the problem is the religion of Islam itself! You do not sound very impressed with spiritual realities or ideas. Well I am. There is a devil and these demonic forces influence all of mankind. They have surely infiltrated the religion of Islam causing many of their adherents to act in a most horrific and evil way. Maybe if you were more Jewish in a religious way you might be more apt to consider that.

>>ISIS is depending on the west to bomb civilian Muslim populations. This is how they turn moderates against the west, making it impossible for Syria and Iraq to be rebuilt without a terminal US occupation, which will bankrupt the USA as surely as the Soviets were bankrupted in Afghanistan. This is the only way they can defeat the west, by destroying any partnership with moderate Muslims.<<

This is your theory. There are many other ways to assess what is going on. I do not think for a second what you state is their primary plan and primary hoped for results. I think all that is just a consequence of some of their other more driven designs. Devils delight in beheading and impaling children. They love to create terror and major grief, just for the sake of itself. They are creating evil and hatred in an almost haphazard manner. Wherever they see an opening, be it a train, a plane, a crazy Muslim father in the West willing to go shoot up a day care center, they say "do it!"

>>Your hatred of all Muslims helps ISIS, because it destroys any potential partnership between moderate, non-violent Muslims and the West. Without that partnership, the West will never be able to empower moderate Muslims to isolate and expunge the radicals.<<

I categorically reject what you accuse me of. I do not hate any Muslims, ok? I am rarely impressed with political tactics how our opponents like to describe who we are or what we are all about. It just so happens some of us consider Islamic terrorism to be a far, far, far greater evil and problem than perhaps you do or secular leftists do. I do not see how I can clarify it any more at this time.

>>The Republicans and ISIS need to radicalize Turkey, Egypt, and Jordan. You need Dubai to be a home for Jihad, even though it is currently filled with peaceful Muslims and Christians living together.. You and ISIS need non-violent Muslim nations to became anti-western jihadists. <<

No, it is simply your ideas and the ideas of pacifists and the B.S. insanity of our president are worthless. I have ideas of what to do but enough said for the present.

Thank You, I fully appreciated your post....:clap2:
I would never rally around obama. I do not consider him as my president. My president would believe in America, not continually deride it and try to change it into some third world socialist failure.

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Of course republican conservatives live in fear and many hope for terrorist attacks, it confirms their belief Armageddon and the end is near. Given our daily mass shootings brought to you by the NRA, a congress of tools, and a base of nutcase preppers, we already have enough craziness to keep them tuned to Savage, Hannity, Fox, and Limbaugh for who's to blame. Their leading candidate is a dyed in wool fascist who will sell out the base, that elects him, to corporate power, ironically even then they will cower in fear and bow and blame others. Nothing new here except the fact this insanity passes for normal in a republican party who created this Frankenstein and now tremble when the monster speaks. And you thought the tea party was crazy?

Why Fascist Is the Term That Best Describes Donald Trump

Trump lies and the fools follow: “You people are just lying. How stupid do you think we are?” Larry Wilmore delivers the epic Trump takedown the political press hasn’t managed

A few wonder at their creation: Private memo lays out how the GOP would deal with Trump as its nominee

A bit over the top but????

I don't think you know what Fascist means. It's becoming yet another word the left is overusing and losing it's bite. They've already worn out racist, bigot and homophobe.

They don't know what it means or its historical beginning. Facism is just another form of left wing socialism

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk




As a Jew I know what it is like to be called evil for my religion. I am not orthodox. I don't subscribe to a literal reading of the Torah. I don't support the current leadership of Israel, but I identify with the Jewish people deeply.

I prefer to be judged on my actions, not the religion or nation or skin color into which I was born.

I think anyone engaging in terrorism - from radical Islam to homegrown gun nuts - should be tortured to death.

Before you start putting Muslims on a train and slaughtering Muslim children, you should realize that there are many peaceful Muslim nations that have no problem with the West.

The goal of ISIS is to scare and intimidate moderate Muslim nations into hating and attacking the West. The goal of the Republican Party is to convince the U.S. Population that there is no such thing as a moderate Muslim - and that we must declare war against 1.4 billion people - thus ensuring an increase in blowback/terrorism. ISIS is depending on the west to bomb civilian Muslim populations. This is how they turn moderates against the west, making it impossible for Syria and Iraq to be rebuilt without a terminal US occupation, which will bankrupt the USA as surely as the Soviets were bankrupted in Afghanistan. This is the only way they can defeat the west, by destroying any partnership with moderate Muslims.

Your hatred of all Muslims helps ISIS, because it destroys any potential partnership between moderate, non-violent Muslims and the West. Without that partnership, the West will never be able to empower moderate Muslims to isolate and expunge the radicals.

The Republicans and ISIS need to radicalize Turkey, Egypt, and Jordan. You need Dubai to be a home for Jihad, even though it is currently filled with peaceful Muslims and Christians living together.. You and ISIS need non-violent Muslim nations to became anti-western jihadists.

Without a cosmic war for civilization, the ability of ISIS and the Republican Party to achieve and hold power goes down.
>>As a Jew I know what it is like to be called evil for my religion. I am not orthodox. I don't subscribe to a literal reading of the Torah. I don't support the State of Israel, but I identify with the Jewish people.<<

Well I do not expect you and I to agree on much. You do not support the state of Israel. Meaning what? They are the reason there is no peace in Palestine? I am always perplexed by those who have a totally different look at the last 100 years than others.

>>I prefer to be judged on my actions, not the religion or nation or skin color into which I was born. <<

Except this discussion is not about judging individuals. Nations and religions and ideologies are grounds for discussion and judgments of various nature.

>> Before you start putting Muslims on a train and slaughtering Muslim children, you should realize that there are many peaceful Muslim nations that have no problem with the West. <<

Yes, thank you. And before you embellish or engage in demagoguery we would prefer a more honest discourse.

>>The goal of ISIS is to scare and intimidate moderate Muslim nations into hating and attacking the West.<<

Their goals go far beyond that. I would go so far as to say what you state is a welcome byproduct of their primary mission. Whether the moderates go along with them or not will not stop the killing and the grand sinister long range designs.

>>The goal of the Republican Party is to convince the U.S. Population that there is no such thing as a moderate Muslim - and that we must declare war against 1.4 billion people - thus ensuring an increase in blowback/terrorism. <<

Ah, bunk. We are not so naïve. Do not let the internet rhetoric get in the way of sound reasoning. Yes, we KNOW, we KNOW, there are moderate Muslims who want nothing to do with violence. So what? I am sure most Germans and Japs wished they never got involved in WW2. The problem is not with the moderates, nor does anyone want to declare war on 1.4 billion Muslims. The problem is Islamic terrorism is a gigantic scourge on the entire planet. It will not go away, it must be dealt with! The problem is this includes many, many millions of Muslims all over the planet, and it is difficult to identify who and where. The problem is not with a majority of Muslims --- the problem is the religion of Islam itself! You do not sound very impressed with spiritual realities or ideas. Well I am. There is a devil and these demonic forces influence all of mankind. They have surely infiltrated the religion of Islam causing many of their adherents to act in a most horrific and evil way. Maybe if you were more Jewish in a religious way you might be more apt to consider that.

>>ISIS is depending on the west to bomb civilian Muslim populations. This is how they turn moderates against the west, making it impossible for Syria and Iraq to be rebuilt without a terminal US occupation, which will bankrupt the USA as surely as the Soviets were bankrupted in Afghanistan. This is the only way they can defeat the west, by destroying any partnership with moderate Muslims.<<

This is your theory. There are many other ways to assess what is going on. I do not think for a second what you state is their primary plan and primary hoped for results. I think all that is just a consequence of some of their other more driven designs. Devils delight in beheading and impaling children. They love to create terror and major grief, just for the sake of itself. They are creating evil and hatred in an almost haphazard manner. Wherever they see an opening, be it a train, a plane, a crazy Muslim father in the West willing to go shoot up a day care center, they say "do it!"

>>Your hatred of all Muslims helps ISIS, because it destroys any potential partnership between moderate, non-violent Muslims and the West. Without that partnership, the West will never be able to empower moderate Muslims to isolate and expunge the radicals.<<

I categorically reject what you accuse me of. I do not hate any Muslims, ok? I am rarely impressed with political tactics how our opponents like to describe who we are or what we are all about. It just so happens some of us consider Islamic terrorism to be a far, far, far greater evil and problem than perhaps you do or secular leftists do. I do not see how I can clarify it any more at this time.

>>The Republicans and ISIS need to radicalize Turkey, Egypt, and Jordan. You need Dubai to be a home for Jihad, even though it is currently filled with peaceful Muslims and Christians living together.. You and ISIS need non-violent Muslim nations to became anti-western jihadists. <<

No, it is simply your ideas and the ideas of pacifists and the B.S. insanity of our president are worthless. I have ideas of what to do but enough said for the present.


That's sure to leave a mark.
And how exactly is it that you know Obama has ignored warnings of threats?

I postulated a theory that conservatives (obviously not ALL conservatives, but certainly some of them) hope that a terrorist attack happens on American soil.

Well, stop making theories and make cogent points. Substantial ones. Nobody hopes for anything bad to happen, none of us would wish this kind of fate on anyone. Your theory is flawed.

That's not to say that I think they would be glad if anyone died, but I think it's clear that some conservatives would view such an event as political fodder to undermine a president they clearly despise and to postulate the notion that they're candidate, whomever that turns out to be, would do a better job of keeping America and Americans safe.

Nice way to walk it back, Michael Jackson.

Now, when you have head cases on the radio railing against Obama virtually 24 hours a day, making one outrageous unsubstantiated claim after another, a terrorist attack is just the kind of thing that makes them glean through their archives of nonsense looking for the one broadcast where they implied something like this was going to happen.

Obama does that to himself. He makes himself the political fodder. His silence regarding the terrorist attack in San Bernardino is nothing short of damning. His inability to contextualize this type of terrorism within the scope of radical Islam is dumbfounding. The words "radical islam" are blasphemous to him.
I ask that question because I know what the result would be. Conservatives certainly wouldn't 'rally 'round the president' like they would demand if a Republican was in the WH. No, they would assail Obama and blame him for the attack. So, given that belief, doesn't it seem like a terrorist attack on Americans inside of America is something that conservatives actually WANT to happen? That way, they could use the attack as a political bludgeon with which to hopefully discredit the president and propel their candidate into the presidency. As much as I hate to say it, that's the way it looks to me.

You mean like how the far left celebrated every soldiers death in Iraq from 2003 to 2009?
I ask that question because I know what the result would be. Conservatives certainly wouldn't 'rally 'round the president' like they would demand if a Republican was in the WH. No, they would assail Obama and blame him for the attack. So, given that belief, doesn't it seem like a terrorist attack on Americans inside of America is something that conservatives actually WANT to happen? That way, they could use the attack as a political bludgeon with which to hopefully discredit the president and propel their candidate into the presidency. As much as I hate to say it, that's the way it looks to me.

You mean like how the far left celebrated every soldiers death in Iraq from 2003 to 2009?

Put the crack pipe down, sir!
I ask that question because I know what the result would be. Conservatives certainly wouldn't 'rally 'round the president' like they would demand if a Republican was in the WH. No, they would assail Obama and blame him for the attack. So, given that belief, doesn't it seem like a terrorist attack on Americans inside of America is something that conservatives actually WANT to happen? That way, they could use the attack as a political bludgeon with which to hopefully discredit the president and propel their candidate into the presidency. As much as I hate to say it, that's the way it looks to me.

You mean like how the far left celebrated every soldiers death in Iraq from 2003 to 2009?

Put the crack pipe down, sir!

Says the far left drone that celebrated every soldiers death in Iraq from 2003 to 2009..

Obama creates the environment for an even bigger and bloodier war and you far left drones celebrate it..
Of course republican conservatives live in fear and many hope for terrorist attacks, it confirms their belief Armageddon and the end is near. Given our daily mass shootings brought to you by the NRA, a congress of tools, and a base of nutcase preppers, we already have enough craziness to keep them tuned to Savage, Hannity, Fox, and Limbaugh for who's to blame. Their leading candidate is a dyed in wool fascist who will sell out the base, that elects him, to corporate power, ironically even then they will cower in fear and bow and blame others. Nothing new here except the fact this insanity passes for normal in a republican party who created this Frankenstein and now tremble when the monster speaks. And you thought the tea party was crazy?

Why Fascist Is the Term That Best Describes Donald Trump

Trump lies and the fools follow: “You people are just lying. How stupid do you think we are?” Larry Wilmore delivers the epic Trump takedown the political press hasn’t managed

A few wonder at their creation: Private memo lays out how the GOP would deal with Trump as its nominee

A bit over the top but????

I don't think you know what Fascist means. It's becoming yet another word the left is overusing and losing it's bite. They've already worn out racist, bigot and homophobe.

They don't know what it means or its historical beginning. Facism is just another form of left wing socialism

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk





Keep showing us how stupid your are please.the entire concept of it was born from socialists

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
I ask that question because I know what the result would be. Conservatives certainly wouldn't 'rally 'round the president' like they would demand if a Republican was in the WH. No, they would assail Obama and blame him for the attack. So, given that belief, doesn't it seem like a terrorist attack on Americans inside of America is something that conservatives actually WANT to happen? That way, they could use the attack as a political bludgeon with which to hopefully discredit the president and propel their candidate into the presidency. As much as I hate to say it, that's the way it looks to me.

You mean like how the far left celebrated every soldiers death in Iraq from 2003 to 2009?

Put the crack pipe down, sir!

Says the far left drone that celebrated every soldiers death in Iraq from 2003 to 2009..

Obama creates the environment for an even bigger and bloodier war and you far left drones celebrate it..
Of course republican conservatives live in fear and many hope for terrorist attacks, it confirms their belief Armageddon and the end is near. Given our daily mass shootings brought to you by the NRA, a congress of tools, and a base of nutcase preppers, we already have enough craziness to keep them tuned to Savage, Hannity, Fox, and Limbaugh for who's to blame. Their leading candidate is a dyed in wool fascist who will sell out the base, that elects him, to corporate power, ironically even then they will cower in fear and bow and blame others. Nothing new here except the fact this insanity passes for normal in a republican party who created this Frankenstein and now tremble when the monster speaks. And you thought the tea party was crazy?

Why Fascist Is the Term That Best Describes Donald Trump

Trump lies and the fools follow: “You people are just lying. How stupid do you think we are?” Larry Wilmore delivers the epic Trump takedown the political press hasn’t managed

A few wonder at their creation: Private memo lays out how the GOP would deal with Trump as its nominee

A bit over the top but????

I don't think you know what Fascist means. It's becoming yet another word the left is overusing and losing it's bite. They've already worn out racist, bigot and homophobe.

They don't know what it means or its historical beginning. Facism is just another form of left wing socialism

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk





Keep showing us how stupid your are please.the entire concept of it was born from socialists

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
total bullshit as always
authoritarianism · totalitarianism · dictatorship ·
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  • (in general use) extreme right-wing, authoritarian, or intolerant views or practice.
leftism · welfarism · radicalism · progressivism ·
social democracy · communism · Marxism · labor movement
Of course republican conservatives live in fear and many hope for terrorist attacks, it confirms their belief Armageddon and the end is near. Given our daily mass shootings brought to you by the NRA, a congress of tools, and a base of nutcase preppers, we already have enough craziness to keep them tuned to Savage, Hannity, Fox, and Limbaugh for who's to blame. Their leading candidate is a dyed in wool fascist who will sell out the base, that elects him, to corporate power, ironically even then they will cower in fear and bow and blame others. Nothing new here except the fact this insanity passes for normal in a republican party who created this Frankenstein and now tremble when the monster speaks. And you thought the tea party was crazy?

Why Fascist Is the Term That Best Describes Donald Trump

Trump lies and the fools follow: “You people are just lying. How stupid do you think we are?” Larry Wilmore delivers the epic Trump takedown the political press hasn’t managed

A few wonder at their creation: Private memo lays out how the GOP would deal with Trump as its nominee

A bit over the top but????

I don't think you know what Fascist means. It's becoming yet another word the left is overusing and losing it's bite. They've already worn out racist, bigot and homophobe.

They don't know what it means or its historical beginning. Facism is just another form of left wing socialism

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk





Keep showing us how stupid your are please.the entire concept of it was born from socialists

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
total bullshit as always
authoritarianism · totalitarianism · dictatorship ·
despotism · autocracy · Nazism · rightism · nationalism · xenophobia · racism · anti-Semitism · jingoism · isolationism · neofascism · neo-Nazism
  • (in general use) extreme right-wing, authoritarian, or intolerant views or practice.
leftism · welfarism · radicalism · progressivism ·
social democracy · communism · Marxism · labor movement

Again using bullshit to refute history? It was a socialist names Mussolini that was the father of facism.

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The left just doesn't like being held accountable for their actions. IF terrorist attacks in the US rise the left WILL be held accountable for poor border security, enticing illegals to come here for government hand outs and sanctuary cities, and poor screening of refuges.
And there you have the very rationalization for why ALL CON$ervoFascists are praying for a 9/11 type terrorist attack on America, just so they can blame the Americans they hate for not agreeing with the Right.
Yep. Some have even admitted it.

I hope it is ISS. We know they are already here, thanks to Obama inviting the fuckers here. We can then shove this shit in the faces of liberals and democrats. Maybe it will stop any further immigration of these people.
Oh yeah...Prove it....
In his first interview as the chairman of the Arkansas Republican Party, Dennis Milligan told a reporter that America needs to be attacked by terrorists so that people will appreciate the work that President Bush has done to protect the country.

"At the end of the day, I believe fully the president is doing the right thing, and I think all we need is some attacks on American soil like we had on [Sept. 11, 2001]," Milligan said to the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, "and the naysayers will come around very quickly to appreciate not only the commitment for President Bush, but the sacrifice that has been made by men and women to protect this country."
I ask that question because I know what the result would be. Conservatives certainly wouldn't 'rally 'round the president' like they would demand if a Republican was in the WH. No, they would assail Obama and blame him for the attack. So, given that belief, doesn't it seem like a terrorist attack on Americans inside of America is something that conservatives actually WANT to happen? That way, they could use the attack as a political bludgeon with which to hopefully discredit the president and propel their candidate into the presidency. As much as I hate to say it, that's the way it looks to me.

Hoping? Hope refers to the potential of some future event...

Islam has attacked the US, IN THE US... MANY TIMES.

93 WTC
Downing of Flight 800
Ft. Hood
Boston Marathon
San Bernardino

The Ideological Left has enabled each and every one of these attacks. And this is only the beginning, UNLESS the Left is ignored and Islam is SHUT OUT of the US, ENTIRELY and SOON.
Of course republican conservatives live in fear and many hope for terrorist attacks, it confirms their belief Armageddon and the end is near. Given our daily mass shootings brought to you by the NRA, a congress of tools, and a base of nutcase preppers, we already have enough craziness to keep them tuned to Savage, Hannity, Fox, and Limbaugh for who's to blame. Their leading candidate is a dyed in wool fascist who will sell out the base, that elects him, to corporate power, ironically even then they will cower in fear and bow and blame others. Nothing new here except the fact this insanity passes for normal in a republican party who created this Frankenstein and now tremble when the monster speaks. And you thought the tea party was crazy?

Why Fascist Is the Term That Best Describes Donald Trump

Trump lies and the fools follow: “You people are just lying. How stupid do you think we are?” Larry Wilmore delivers the epic Trump takedown the political press hasn’t managed

A few wonder at their creation: Private memo lays out how the GOP would deal with Trump as its nominee

A bit over the top but????

I don't think you know what Fascist means. It's becoming yet another word the left is overusing and losing it's bite. They've already worn out racist, bigot and homophobe.

They don't know what it means or its historical beginning. Facism is just another form of left wing socialism

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk





Keep showing us how stupid your are please.the entire concept of it was born from socialists

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
total bullshit as always
authoritarianism · totalitarianism · dictatorship ·
despotism · autocracy · Nazism · rightism · nationalism · xenophobia · racism · anti-Semitism · jingoism · isolationism · neofascism · neo-Nazism
  • (in general use) extreme right-wing, authoritarian, or intolerant views or practice.
leftism · welfarism · radicalism · progressivism ·
social democracy · communism · Marxism · labor movement


How precious is that? Leftists bringing Leftist propaganda as 'definitions'.

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