Are Conservatives Hoping that a Terrorist Attack Happens in America?

Are Conservatives Hoping that a Terrorist Attack Happens in America?

  • Yes

    Votes: 16 42.1%
  • No

    Votes: 22 57.9%
  • Don't know/Unsure

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Are Conservatives Hoping that a Terrorist Attack Happens in America?

You can tell when the liberals are losing the debate big-time.

They come up with hysterical rants like that, disguised as "questions".
Except CON$ervoFascists have SPITEFULLY been hoping Americans will suffer from the day Obama was elected so that Americans will learn a painful lesson while the CON$ gleefully watch.

November 5, 2008
RUSH: I hope all your Joe the Plumbers are unemployed in six months! There.

October 31, 2008
RUSH: Joe the Plumber. Now, Joe the Plumber is an average citizen

March 27, 2013
RUSH: We're talking about schadenfreude. You know what schadenfreude is. That is loving, that is enjoying the discomfort of others, in a certain set of circumstances. That's enjoying when people get theirs. Like when people who are dead wrong about something but don't know it, find out that they're dead wrong and they suffer from it? Schadenfreude is enjoying that.

February 13, 2009
I Hope the Stimulus Package Fails
RUSH: I hope it prolongs the recession.

August 23, 2010
RUSH: I don't say something I don't mean. I live in Literalville.
Maybe you need to understand our alarm.

I refer to your alarm as "pants shitting".

We (at least, many like myself) are not saying all Muslims are terrorists. We are not saying all Muslims are the problem.


They went there to see if it's true the average muslim guy's woman as more facial hair than his goat and smells worse too.

Muslim scum are always calling for violence. It's in their DNA. A true cancer in this world.

More Muslims in America means more typically Muslim baggage and garbage.

We should never let another Muslim into this country.
No More Muslims, we have quite enough thank you.

We are saying ISLAM is the problem!! The religion itself! Not all those who follow it.

A total crock of shit.

You want to compare violence by religion? Other fools have made the mistake of going there.

A 70 year old picture (i'm guessing, could be older, 90 years older more like) to prove a contemporary point?
Age doesn't make it any less relavent.
By your"logic" the Constitution is not contemporary.
bear in mind most , if not all, of the folks in that picture are democrats.
Nope, they are ALL Southern CON$ervoFascists of any Party.
I postulated a theory that conservatives (obviously not ALL conservatives, but certainly some of them) hope that a terrorist attack happens on American soil. That's not to say that I think they would be glad if anyone died, but I think it's clear that some conservatives would view such an event as political fodder to undermine a president they clearly despise
Unfortunately you give the practitioners of the hate religion of CON$ervoFascism too much credit. The more Americans who die the happier they will be as they dance and cheer from the rooftops.
I want a riot. A white riot.
Riots are never any good. Never.
April 24, 2008
CALLER: I wish you would play those comments back and let your listeners hear that again.

RUSH: No, I'm not going to. I'll sing it again.

CALLER: I know you --

RUSH: (singing) "I'm dreaming of a ri-ots." Are you happy now?

CALLER: (silence)

RUSH: Now, what's in my mind when I'm doing that? You tell me, mind reader.

CALLER: I hope your listeners --

RUSH: (singing) "I'm dreaming of a riot."
Of course republican conservatives live in fear and many hope for terrorist attacks, it confirms their belief Armageddon and the end is near. Given our daily mass shootings brought to you by the NRA, a congress of tools, and a base of nutcase preppers, we already have enough craziness to keep them tuned to Savage, Hannity, Fox, and Limbaugh for who's to blame. Their leading candidate is a dyed in wool fascist who will sell out the base, that elects him, to corporate power, ironically even then they will cower in fear and bow and blame others. Nothing new here except the fact this insanity passes for normal in a republican party who created this Frankenstein and now tremble when the monster speaks. And you thought the tea party was crazy?

Why Fascist Is the Term That Best Describes Donald Trump

Trump lies and the fools follow: “You people are just lying. How stupid do you think we are?” Larry Wilmore delivers the epic Trump takedown the political press hasn’t managed

A few wonder at their creation: Private memo lays out how the GOP would deal with Trump as its nominee

A bit over the top but????

I don't think you know what Fascist means. It's becoming yet another word the left is overusing and losing it's bite. They've already worn out racist, bigot and homophobe.

They don't know what it means or its historical beginning. Facism is just another form of left wing socialism

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Keep showing us how stupid your are please.the entire concept of it was born from socialists

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The Fascist Threat

In reviewing the history of the rise of fascism, Flynn wrote:

“One of the most baffling phenomena of fascism is the almost incredible collaboration between men of the extreme Right and the extreme Left in its creation. The explanation lies at this point. Both Right and Left joined in this urge for regulation. The motives, the arguments, and the forms of expression were different but all drove in the same direction. And this was that the economic system must be controlled in its essential functions and this control must be exercised by the producing groups."

Flynn writes that the right and the left disagreed on precisely who fits the bill as the producer group. The left tends to celebrate laborers as producers. The right tends to favor business owners as producers. The political compromise — and it still goes on today – was to cartelize both."

Of course republican conservatives live in fear and many hope for terrorist attacks, it confirms their belief Armageddon and the end is near. Given our daily mass shootings brought to you by the NRA, a congress of tools, and a base of nutcase preppers, we already have enough craziness to keep them tuned to Savage, Hannity, Fox, and Limbaugh for who's to blame. Their leading candidate is a dyed in wool fascist who will sell out the base, that elects him, to corporate power, ironically even then they will cower in fear and bow and blame others. Nothing new here except the fact this insanity passes for normal in a republican party who created this Frankenstein and now tremble when the monster speaks. And you thought the tea party was crazy?

Why Fascist Is the Term That Best Describes Donald Trump

Trump lies and the fools follow: “You people are just lying. How stupid do you think we are?” Larry Wilmore delivers the epic Trump takedown the political press hasn’t managed

A few wonder at their creation: Private memo lays out how the GOP would deal with Trump as its nominee

A bit over the top but????

I don't think you know what Fascist means. It's becoming yet another word the left is overusing and losing it's bite. They've already worn out racist, bigot and homophobe.

They don't know what it means or its historical beginning. Facism is just another form of left wing socialism

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Keep showing us how stupid your are please.the entire concept of it was born from socialists

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The Fascist Threat

In reviewing the history of the rise of fascism, Flynn wrote:

“One of the most baffling phenomena of fascism is the almost incredible collaboration between men of the extreme Right and the extreme Left in its creation. The explanation lies at this point. Both Right and Left joined in this urge for regulation. The motives, the arguments, and the forms of expression were different but all drove in the same direction. And this was that the economic system must be controlled in its essential functions and this control must be exercised by the producing groups."

Flynn writes that the right and the left disagreed on precisely who fits the bill as the producer group. The left tends to celebrate laborers as producers. The right tends to favor business owners as producers. The political compromise — and it still goes on today – was to cartelize both."


The only retard is you. Who else will you use to prove you don't know shit? Gonna try another progressive liar?

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The left just doesn't like being held accountable for their actions. IF terrorist attacks in the US rise the left WILL be held accountable for poor border security, enticing illegals to come here for government hand outs and sanctuary cities, and poor screening of refuges.
And there you have the very rationalization for why ALL CON$ervoFascists are praying for a 9/11 type terrorist attack on America, just so they can blame the Americans they hate for not agreeing with the Right.

When I look at your post I see willful dishonesty and broad brushing. The left when called on the carpet for their actions, instead of growing a pair and taking responsibility they fabricate lies like the above post. Pathetic.
I don't think you know what Fascist means. It's becoming yet another word the left is overusing and losing it's bite. They've already worn out racist, bigot and homophobe.
They don't know what it means or its historical beginning. Facism is just another form of left wing socialism

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Keep showing us how stupid your are please.the entire concept of it was born from socialists

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total bullshit as always
authoritarianism · totalitarianism · dictatorship ·
despotism · autocracy · Nazism · rightism · nationalism · xenophobia · racism · anti-Semitism · jingoism · isolationism · neofascism · neo-Nazism
  • (in general use) extreme right-wing, authoritarian, or intolerant views or practice.
leftism · welfarism · radicalism · progressivism ·
social democracy · communism · Marxism · labor movement


How precious is that? Leftists bringing Leftist propaganda as 'definitions'.
Since when is Webster's leftist?
Talk about desperate.
I don't think you know what Fascist means. It's becoming yet another word the left is overusing and losing it's bite. They've already worn out racist, bigot and homophobe.
They don't know what it means or its historical beginning. Facism is just another form of left wing socialism

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk




Keep showing us how stupid your are please.the entire concept of it was born from socialists

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk


The Fascist Threat

In reviewing the history of the rise of fascism, Flynn wrote:

“One of the most baffling phenomena of fascism is the almost incredible collaboration between men of the extreme Right and the extreme Left in its creation. The explanation lies at this point. Both Right and Left joined in this urge for regulation. The motives, the arguments, and the forms of expression were different but all drove in the same direction. And this was that the economic system must be controlled in its essential functions and this control must be exercised by the producing groups."

Flynn writes that the right and the left disagreed on precisely who fits the bill as the producer group. The left tends to celebrate laborers as producers. The right tends to favor business owners as producers. The political compromise — and it still goes on today – was to cartelize both."

The only retard is you. Who else will you use to prove you don't know shit? Gonna try another progressive liar?

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
Somebody's lying and it ain't us.
If you are attempting to rewrite history learn some first.
They don't know what it means or its historical beginning. Facism is just another form of left wing socialism

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk




Keep showing us how stupid your are please.the entire concept of it was born from socialists

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk


The Fascist Threat

In reviewing the history of the rise of fascism, Flynn wrote:

“One of the most baffling phenomena of fascism is the almost incredible collaboration between men of the extreme Right and the extreme Left in its creation. The explanation lies at this point. Both Right and Left joined in this urge for regulation. The motives, the arguments, and the forms of expression were different but all drove in the same direction. And this was that the economic system must be controlled in its essential functions and this control must be exercised by the producing groups."

Flynn writes that the right and the left disagreed on precisely who fits the bill as the producer group. The left tends to celebrate laborers as producers. The right tends to favor business owners as producers. The political compromise — and it still goes on today – was to cartelize both."

The only retard is you. Who else will you use to prove you don't know shit? Gonna try another progressive liar?

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
Somebody's lying and it ain't us.
If you are attempting to rewrite history learn some first.
You wouldn't know history if it was at the bottom of a bong .

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I ask that question because I know what the result would be. Conservatives certainly wouldn't 'rally 'round the president' like they would demand if a Republican was in the WH. No, they would assail Obama and blame him for the attack. So, given that belief, doesn't it seem like a terrorist attack on Americans inside of America is something that conservatives actually WANT to happen? That way, they could use the attack as a political bludgeon with which to hopefully discredit the president and propel their candidate into the presidency. As much as I hate to say it, that's the way it looks to me.

If we had a President terrorists actually feared retaliation from, conservatives would rally just fine. As it is though we have a limp dick Muslim-sympathizer in charge. US is a freefire zone for terrorists.
I ask that question because I know what the result would be. Conservatives certainly wouldn't 'rally 'round the president' like they would demand if a Republican was in the WH. No, they would assail Obama and blame him for the attack. So, given that belief, doesn't it seem like a terrorist attack on Americans inside of America is something that conservatives actually WANT to happen? That way, they could use the attack as a political bludgeon with which to hopefully discredit the president and propel their candidate into the presidency. As much as I hate to say it, that's the way it looks to me.
Yes of course. We masturbate about it even. The thought of people, especially women and children, being turned into hamburger meat excites us to no end. Of course we'll blame obama. That's why we would commit the acts in the first place, while blaming it on some innocent Muslim.
Are Conservatives Hoping that a Terrorist Attack Happens in America?

Of course, it's obvious.
I ask that question because I know what the result would be. Conservatives certainly wouldn't 'rally 'round the president' like they would demand if a Republican was in the WH. No, they would assail Obama and blame him for the attack. So, given that belief, doesn't it seem like a terrorist attack on Americans inside of America is something that conservatives actually WANT to happen? That way, they could use the attack as a political bludgeon with which to hopefully discredit the president and propel their candidate into the presidency. As much as I hate to say it, that's the way it looks to me.

If we had a President terrorists actually feared retaliation from, conservatives would rally just fine. As it is though we have a limp dick Muslim-sympathizer in charge. US is a freefire zone for terrorists.
Hilarious. Obama took out Bin Laden after Republicans let him go and stopped for him. You can't impeach Obama for making Republicans look ridiculous. They just look ridiculous. That's not Obama's fault.
I ask that question because I know what the result would be. Conservatives certainly wouldn't 'rally 'round the president' like they would demand if a Republican was in the WH. No, they would assail Obama and blame him for the attack. So, given that belief, doesn't it seem like a terrorist attack on Americans inside of America is something that conservatives actually WANT to happen? That way, they could use the attack as a political bludgeon with which to hopefully discredit the president and propel their candidate into the presidency. As much as I hate to say it, that's the way it looks to me.

If we had a President terrorists actually feared retaliation from, conservatives would rally just fine. As it is though we have a limp dick Muslim-sympathizer in charge. US is a freefire zone for terrorists.
Hilarious. Obama took out Bin Laden after Republicans let him go and stopped for him. You can't impeach Obama for making Republicans look ridiculous. They just look ridiculous. That's not Obama's fault.
It took Obama 6 fucking hours to make that decision that sounds like a huge pussy to me.

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Keep showing us how stupid your are please.the entire concept of it was born from socialists

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The Fascist Threat

In reviewing the history of the rise of fascism, Flynn wrote:

“One of the most baffling phenomena of fascism is the almost incredible collaboration between men of the extreme Right and the extreme Left in its creation. The explanation lies at this point. Both Right and Left joined in this urge for regulation. The motives, the arguments, and the forms of expression were different but all drove in the same direction. And this was that the economic system must be controlled in its essential functions and this control must be exercised by the producing groups."

Flynn writes that the right and the left disagreed on precisely who fits the bill as the producer group. The left tends to celebrate laborers as producers. The right tends to favor business owners as producers. The political compromise — and it still goes on today – was to cartelize both."

The only retard is you. Who else will you use to prove you don't know shit? Gonna try another progressive liar?

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
Somebody's lying and it ain't us.
If you are attempting to rewrite history learn some first.
You wouldn't know history if it was at the bottom of a bong .

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
you just keep telling yourself that...
I ask that question because I know what the result would be. Conservatives certainly wouldn't 'rally 'round the president' like they would demand if a Republican was in the WH. No, they would assail Obama and blame him for the attack. So, given that belief, doesn't it seem like a terrorist attack on Americans inside of America is something that conservatives actually WANT to happen? That way, they could use the attack as a political bludgeon with which to hopefully discredit the president and propel their candidate into the presidency. As much as I hate to say it, that's the way it looks to me.

If we had a President terrorists actually feared retaliation from, conservatives would rally just fine. As it is though we have a limp dick Muslim-sympathizer in charge. US is a freefire zone for terrorists.
Hilarious. Obama took out Bin Laden after Republicans let him go and stopped for him. You can't impeach Obama for making Republicans look ridiculous. They just look ridiculous. That's not Obama's fault.
It took Obama 6 fucking hours to make that decision that sounds like a huge pussy to me.

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
more proof you're a fucking idiot,
damn good thing you don't hold or will ever hold a position of authority somebody in your own cabinet would have done you in ,for the good of mankind.
I ask that question because I know what the result would be. Conservatives certainly wouldn't 'rally 'round the president' like they would demand if a Republican was in the WH. No, they would assail Obama and blame him for the attack. So, given that belief, doesn't it seem like a terrorist attack on Americans inside of America is something that conservatives actually WANT to happen? That way, they could use the attack as a political bludgeon with which to hopefully discredit the president and propel their candidate into the presidency. As much as I hate to say it, that's the way it looks to me.

If we had a President terrorists actually feared retaliation from, conservatives would rally just fine. As it is though we have a limp dick Muslim-sympathizer in charge. US is a freefire zone for terrorists.
Hilarious. Obama took out Bin Laden after Republicans let him go and stopped for him. You can't impeach Obama for making Republicans look ridiculous. They just look ridiculous. That's not Obama's fault.
It took Obama 6 fucking hours to make that decision that sounds like a huge pussy to me.

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
more proof you're a fucking idiot,
damn good thing you don't hold or will ever hold a position of authority somebody in your own cabinet would have done you in ,for the good of mankind.
The truth hurts doesn't it? Your president was having a hard time calling for the death of a subhuman terrorist scumbag.... your president probably idolized him

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