Are Democrats Just Dumb?

Check it out. Yet another butthurt thread from the Republican snowflakes, all so so hysterical about how everyone keeps pointing out how corrupt and dishonest they are.

But then, what else can the Trump snowflakes do? It"s not like they can defend their own embrace of corruption, treason and incompetence. The only thing they can do is cry and try to deflect.

No, Trump-snowflakes, we're not going to stop laughing at you just because you cry at us harder. We enjoy seeing you cry. We don't care if we trigger you. You need to be dragged into the real world, no matter how much it upsets you.

HAHAHAHAHAHA, you are a REAL comedian you should go on snl and become a headliner, of course no one but stupid liberals would see you. We are just telling the truth and watching you ants burn in the magnifying glass.
Trump obviously watches SNL.
You've got everything backwards. Yes, Dems are dumb, you're hammering home the fact. You lost, you cry, you bitch and complain and then think it will work if you simply accuse the other side?

That's a special kind of stupid.

That's a special kind of dishonest.

Which side is the side posting these endless "The other side are poopyheads" threads?

That's your side, snowflake. You're projecting you bitchy whining ways on to the normal people.

I think there are smart Dems at the top and know exactly what they are doing. The feed propaganda through various media sources and their lemmings run with it, not fully grasping the issue.

Like the Russian conspiracy. The underlying theme is Democrat corruption but they can't see what they haven't been told.

Evidence really doesn't matter to you, does it, little snowflake? You're living in your own delusional cult bubble, where all evidence is auto-defined as "fake news" and "democratic corruption".

That is the factor common to all of the Trumpswabs, the fact that they're profoundly stupid human beings. We have to write them off. They can't be saved until they want to be saved, and they'll have to hit rock bottom before that happens.
]You've got everything backwards. Yes, Dems are dumb, you're hammering home the fact. You lost, you cry, you bitch and complain and then think it will work if you simply accuse the other side?

That's a special kind of stupid.

That's a special kind of dishonest.

Which side is the one posting endless "The other side are poopyheads" threads?

That's your side, snowflake. You're projecting you bitchy whining ways on to the normal people.

I think there are smart Dems at the top and know exactly what they are doing. The feed propaganda through various media sources and their lemmings run with it, not fully grasping the issue.

Like the Russian conspiracy. The underlying theme is Democrat corruption but they can't see what they haven't been told.

Evidence really doesn't matter to you, does it, little snowflake? You're living in your own delusional cult bubble, where all evidence is auto-defined as "fake news" and "democratic corruption".

That is the factor common to all of the Trumpswabs, the fact that they're all just profoundly stupid human beings. We have to write them off. They can't be saved until they want to be saved, and they'll have to hit rock bottom before that happens.
You spittled all over your little "I hate Trump" baby bib. Now try to back up your statement, where's your evidence?
This story is all they have and they're gonna run with it.

All we have??

Hahahahahahahaha ...

The Russia story was all but buried under the carnival of grift and incompetence that comprised the first two months of the Trump administration.

It was only the Jeff Sessions' volcanic explosion of corruption and stupidity that brought it back to the fore.
Many of us wanted Bernie, but voted for Hillary because we were smart enough not to vote for the disaster who is in the White House now.
The Democrat hive wasn't given much of a candidate choice in the last election.

Either a corrupt lying old crone, or an even older has-been hippy commie. .... :cuckoo: .. :lol:
Bernie was the best candidate running on either side and would have beaten Trump.
This story is all they have and they're gonna run with it.

All we have??

Hahahahahahahaha ...

The Russia story was all but buried under the carnival of grift and incompetence that comprised the first two months of the Trump administration.

It was only the Jeff Sessions' volcanic explosion of corruption and stupidity that brought it back to the fore.
They want to hold their noses and say that nothing stinks.

Yes, I agree...Sanders had a chance if it wasn't for all of his free stuff...Too far liberal..

The DNC screwed him and he still doesn't say a bad thing about them... Trump can not skip a night without insulting someone..

Donald J. Trump

I hear that sleepy eyes sunni man will be fired like a dog? I can't imagine what is taking so long!

6:04 AM - 3 MAR 2017

Donald J. Trump

Why does owebo constantly seek out trivial nonsense?

6:07 AM - 3 MAR 2017

Donald J. Trump

Do you believe highly overrated Lumpy? What a dope!

6:09 AM - 3 MAR 2017

Try The Donald Trump Insult Generator
This story is all they have and they're gonna run with it.

All we have??

Hahahahahahahaha ...

The Russia story was all but buried under the carnival of grift and incompetence that comprised the first two months of the Trump administration.

It was only the Jeff Sessions' volcanic explosion of corruption and stupidity that brought it back to the fore.
When you have proof that they discussed the campaign, I'll be happy to see it.

Otherwise, he met with them as a member of the foreign relations committee.
Many of us wanted Bernie, but voted for Hillary because we were smart enough not to vote for the disaster who is in the White House now.
The Democrat hive wasn't given much of a candidate choice in the last election.

Either a corrupt lying old crone, or an even older has-been hippy commie. .... :cuckoo: .. :lol:
Bernie was the best candidate running on either side and would have beaten Trump.
You're assuming there are more socialists than capitalists here. Wrong.
Many of us wanted Bernie, but voted for Hillary because we were smart enough not to vote for the disaster who is in the White House now.
The Democrat hive wasn't given much of a candidate choice in the last election.

Either a corrupt lying old crone, or an even older has-been hippy commie. .... :cuckoo: .. :lol:
Bernie was the best candidate running on either side and would have beaten Trump.
You're assuming there are more socialists than capitalists here. Wrong.
No, I am assuming that Americans are smarter than they looked in the last election. I was really proven wrong when I assured my European friends that there were not enough stupid people in America to elect Trump.
These Democrat Moon Bats think being assholes will get them more votes in 2018 and 2020. The idiots forget what happen to them in 2010, 2014 and 2016.

Instead of changing the bat shit crazy positions that caused them to lose Congress, the Presidency and over 1000 national offices in the last eight years they think being pink pussy hat wearing assholes and creating fake news is the winning strategy.

How is the Swamp there in Florida?

I was raised in the Green Swamp. Everything is great.
I was really proven wrong when I assured my European friends that there were not enough stupid people in America to elect Trump.
Another vivid example of why people didn't vote Democrat.
Anthony Bourdain? You have to be kidding.
Yep. Attack the messenger, ignore the message.

That's happened a big 'ol bunch o' times already.

I'm sure Trump and his supporters appreciate that.
I was really proven wrong when I assured my European friends that there were not enough stupid people in America to elect Trump.
Another vivid example of why people didn't vote Democrat.
Anthony Bourdain? You have to be kidding.
Yep. Attack the messenger, ignore the message.

That's happened a big 'ol bunch o' times already.

I'm sure Trump and his supporters appreciate that.

The democrats have moved too far to the left. They have become so over the top inclusive that they can't criticize even the craziest among their own. Join the movement and anything goes. As a result, people get mauled over by crazy leftist (or literally: punched in the face) and no one is condemning the actions. In fact, the leftists are applauding these people for being in their team.

This might have worked in non-internet age, but now everyone can see the gig. It doesn't help that the opposition is someone like Trump who immediately condemns the KKK or whatever.
I was really proven wrong when I assured my European friends that there were not enough stupid people in America to elect Trump.
Another vivid example of why people didn't vote Democrat.
Anthony Bourdain? You have to be kidding.
Yep. Attack the messenger, ignore the message.

That's happened a big 'ol bunch o' times already.

I'm sure Trump and his supporters appreciate that.

The democrats have moved too far to the left. They have become so over the top inclusive that they can't criticize even the craziest among their own. Join the movement and anything goes. As a result, people get mauled over by crazy leftist (or literally: punched in the face) and no one is condemning the actions. In fact, the leftists are applauding these people for being in their team.

This might have worked in non-internet age, but now everyone can see the gig. It doesn't help that the opposition is someone like Trump who immediately condemns the KKK or whatever.
Yes. The party has been taken over by "progressives", people who are not liberal AT ALL in the traditional sense.

What they refuse to see is how their behaviors have hurt the party politically.
Many of us wanted Bernie, but voted for Hillary because we were smart enough not to vote for the disaster who is in the White House now.
The Democrat hive wasn't given much of a candidate choice in the last election.

Either a corrupt lying old crone, or an even older has-been hippy commie. .... :cuckoo: .. :lol:
Bernie was the best candidate running on either side and would have beaten Trump.
You're assuming there are more socialists than capitalists here. Wrong.
No, I am assuming that Americans are smarter than they looked in the last election. I was really proven wrong when I assured my European friends that there were not enough stupid people in America to elect Trump.
Americans are not all like you Nazis.....

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