Zone1 Are Jews the choosen people of God?

When I referred to “ human beings” I was referring to the past horrific AntiSemitic History just SOME I made reference to To me, that appears obvious Daily alcohol? I don’t drink but if one wants to have a daily drink before dinner don’t see a problem. Drugs? Somehow I DON’T put that in the same category as the Hate the Jewish people have endured

For Nazis I am Jew - so I am a member of the so called "Jewish community of destiny" but I am no Jew and some Jews anyway say this community not exists any longer. I am a German and for me is the Holocaust no genocide but a fratricide. And I am a Catholic what needs no justification because I am what I am. And I see that you have opinions - specially political opinions - basing on aversions and affectations. What do you see in me? Human being or no human being? And what evil things Christians did do to you personally?

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You’re the one who’s not capable of proving your “ religion “I’m “ paranoid “ because I state facts with specific examples? You made a Statement ; it’s not up to me to “ prove “ it, It’s your job to validate your statement and prove it GOOD LUCK !! 👍 🇮🇱✡️

seems you are incapable of proving your religion - the lies of moses and abraham, surly the reason for your paranoia.
jesus was not the only person but one of many the jews are responsible for having not altered their ways to preclude their past history they themselves have brought to themselves - till justice is brought to bare for their false personifications they use for no other reason than their own personal gratuity.

I DON’T put that in the same category as the Hate the Jewish people have endured

you have a disconnect the same as a criminal that feels entitled to commit their crime - using a madeup religion to ingratiate yourself at the expense of those you accuse as the criminal of not understanding your needs - when the opposite is the truth ...

using false heavenly personifications, commandments claimed by the liar moses to persecute and victimize the innocent and then complain when jews are brought to justice for their crimes.

no worries, judaism is no different than the other two christianity, islam ... unless their is hope for any of them to succeed - which does not and will never exist ... torment - is their epilogue.

- something none of them as yourself ever bother to consider. for the crucifiers.
you have a disconnect the same as a criminal that feels entitled to commit their crime - using a madeup religion to ingratiate yourself at the expense of those you accuse as the criminal of not understanding your needs - when the opposite is the truth ...

using false heavenly personifications, commandments claimed by the liar moses to persecute and victimize the innocent and then complain when jews are brought to justice for their crimes.

no worries, judaism is no different than the other two christianity, islam ... unless their is hope for any of them to succeed - which does not and will never exist ... torment - is their epilogue.

- something none of them as yourself ever bother to consider. for the crucifiers.
You have a disconnect the same as a criminal ; not providing facts and making excuses for the hideous crimes in your own “ religion “ If any religion is a lie; it’s yours” The Virgin Birth” of someone who is JEWISH! Now, that’s a lie , something you can’t back up with your “ claims” of Moses and the Jewish people’s “ crimes” Since YOU brought up that subject; look at the Hideous Crimes “ Christians “ have committed against the Jewish Community for over 2,000 years Hopefully one day “ Christians “ will be brought to justice for their crimes 🤔
... The Virgin Birth” of someone who is JEWISH! Now, that’s a lie , ...

Or something what you do not [like to] understand. It has for example something to do with the word "freedom". Ever thought about? Somehow you could - if you would like to do so - compare the "virgin birth" with the exodus. The common element: to leave the slavery of death and to create a new form of human life from nowhere with nothing - except the will of god.

Sure you are able to degrade such an enigma to a subject of the stupidtiy of the masses of people which you view from the indiviudal position of a superintelligence without position. But is this real? Are you for example really able to explain why something exists at all? Why is not only nothing? Why such unbelievable complex stories - as they are written for example in the bible? And why reduce all great mystics often their whole unbelievable complex meditations and studies to something what seems easily able to be done from everyone?

Wäre das Wort ›Danke‹ das einzige Gebet, das du je sprichst, so würde es genügen.
Meister Eckhart
If the word 'thank you' were the only prayer you ever said, it would be enough.

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Or something what you do not [like to] understand. It has for example seomehting to do wth the word "freedom". Ever thought about? Somehow you could - if you would like to do so - the "virgin birth" with the exodus. The common element: to0 löeve thenösever of death and to create a human life from nowhere with nothing - except the will of god and the will of mother Mary. Sure you aer abelto degrade such an enigma to an subjerct of the stupidtiy of the masses of people which you veiw at from the indiviudal possiotin of a superintelligence without position. But this this real? Are you for example really able to explain why something eistst at all? Why is not only nothing?
MAYBE you should comment about the claims and lies of the other poster first
I don’t use drugs

Then I do not understand why your form to think is so tattered.

A stupid and ignorance assumption on your part

The problem is that you do not communicate - you postulate. But what you postulate is from my point of view not transparent, not understandable. Do you have a philosoper which you like?

Those who compose difficult, dark, interwoven, ambiguous speeches certainly do not really know what they want to say, but only have a dull awareness of it, struggling for a thought; but often they want to hide from themselves and others that they actually have nothing to say.
Arthur Schopenhauer
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Then I do not understand why your form to think is so tattered.

The problem is that you do not communicate - you postulate. But what you postulate is from my point of view not transparent, not understandable. Do you have a philosoper which you like?

Those who compose difficult, dark, interwoven, ambiguous speeches certainly do not really know what they want to say, but only have a dull awareness of it, struggling for a thought; but often they want to hide from themselves and others that they actually have nothing to say.
Arthur Schopenhauer

Why don’t you talk about the sexual life of savages? From an anthropological point of view.

It would make a nice change from the usual same-old same-old. And the mangled use of grammar.
Why don’t you talk about the sexual life of savages? From an anthropological point of view.

Why should I?

It would make a nice change from the usual same-old same-old. And the mangled use of grammar.

And why do you always say nothing except nonsense? Language and grammar are unimportant prisons. Think! I was for example shocked when I found out that I love Schopenhauer. Why this "dark philosopher"? Very easy: He is not dark. The whole world says so - but this is just simple not true. And I guess he also did not hate women - I fear he loved women more than he could bear. Did you like to know something about Schopenhauer? No? U-n-i-m-p-o-r-t-a-n-t ! I said something. I made myselve "angreifbar". When you use words you say nothing! "Angreifbar" means "attackable". But the sense behind this word is totally different. It means to be able to grasp something with the hands. A mother for example is always "angreifbar" for her child. Okay - this you also did not like to know. But you know it now. But what do you really like to know?
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Why should I?

And why do you always say nothing except nonsense? Language and grammar are unimportant prisons. Think! I was for example shocked when I found out that I love Schopenhauer. Why this "dark philosopher"? Very easy: He is not dark. The whole world says so - but this is just simple not true. And I guess he also did not hate women - I fear he loved women more than he could bear. Did you like to know something about Schopenhauer? No? U-n-i-m-p-o-r-t-a-n-t ! I said something. I made myselve "angreifbar". When you use words you say nothing! "Angreifbar" means "attackable". But the sense behind this word is totally different. It means to be able to grasp something with the hands. A mother for example is always "angreifbar" for her child. Okay - this you also did not like to know. But you know it now. But what do you really like to know?

Who are YOU to say what nonsense is?

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