are minirities to blame for the economic meltdown ??


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2011
it is a known fact that acorn and other leftist minority backing community organizers shook down and protested banks and with the lefts community reinvestment act waged war to force banks to make risky loans in in minority communities and now we reap the rewards !!!minorities
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it is a known fact that acorn and other leftist minority backing community organizers shook down and protested banks and with the lefts community reinvestment act waged war to force banks to make risky loans in in minority communities and now we reap the rewards !!!

No, it's due to Republican deregulation and moving business to China. Republicans, working with the Chamber of Commerce, funded by the Chinese, found their success beyond their wildest dreams moving millions of jobs to China from 2001 to 2008. The beauty of Google. Being able to find the facts. No wonder Republicans hate it so much.
it is a known fact that acorn and other leftist minority backing community organizers shook down and protested banks and with the lefts community reinvestment act waged war to force banks to make risky loans in in minority communities and now we reap the rewards !!!

No, it's due to Republican deregulation and moving business to China. Republicans, working with the Chamber of Commerce, funded by the Chinese, found their success beyond their wildest dreams moving millions of jobs to China from 2001 to 2008. The beauty of Google. Being able to find the facts. No wonder Republicans hate it so much.


I disagree. It was acorn! Is that OP for real? Wow.

Oh and exactly what did acorn do that was wrong by the way?
it is a known fact that acorn and other leftist minority backing community organizers shook down and protested banks and with the lefts community reinvestment act waged war to force banks to make risky loans in in minority communities and now we reap the rewards !!!

No, it's due to Republican deregulation and moving business to China. Republicans, working with the Chamber of Commerce, funded by the Chinese, found their success beyond their wildest dreams moving millions of jobs to China from 2001 to 2008. The beauty of Google. Being able to find the facts. No wonder Republicans hate it so much.
high taxes are the reason companies left !!! and i guess Bill Clintons NAFTA was great for America also don't force banks to make risky loans to people who will not be able to pay them back !! it only takes a few foreclosed homes in a neighborhood to drive property values down !!!it is called the domino effect !!
it is a known fact that acorn and other leftist minority backing community organizers shook down and protested banks and with the lefts community reinvestment act waged war to force banks to make risky loans in in minority communities and now we reap the rewards !!!

No miniatures ARE.
it is a known fact that acorn and other leftist minority backing community organizers shook down and protested banks and with the lefts community reinvestment act waged war to force banks to make risky loans in in minority communities and now we reap the rewards !!!

Q. are minirities to blame for the economic meltdown?

A. You bet. Those damn minirities are the cause of many things: illiteracy, racism, ignorance and many forms of mental illness. I'm sure you caught all of these from hanging out with minorities.

I suggest you go to confusion and have your brain rinsed with holy water (whatever they rinsed your brain with before too, that was clearly effective).
are minirities to blame for the economic meltdown ??

Absolutely! Everyone except myself is to blame for it.

No wait! I did and do buy Chinese stuff.
are minirities to blame for the economic meltdown ??

no the minirities are victoms.. like
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it is a known fact that acorn and other leftist minority backing community organizers shook down and protested banks and with the lefts community reinvestment act waged war to force banks to make risky loans in in minority communities and now we reap the rewards !!!

No, it's due to Republican deregulation and moving business to China. Republicans, working with the Chamber of Commerce, funded by the Chinese, found their success beyond their wildest dreams moving millions of jobs to China from 2001 to 2008. The beauty of Google. Being able to find the facts. No wonder Republicans hate it so much.


I disagree. It was acorn! Is that OP for real? Wow.

Oh and exactly what did acorn do that was wrong by the way?
are you trying to imply that minority groups did not stage sit ins and protest at banks that they felt were not loaning enough money to them ??? are you trying to say that the dems in congress did not block Bush when he tried to get oversight on the sub prime industry ???are you saying the congressional black caucus didn't call Bush a racist when he tried to investigate Fanny and Freddie ??? we haven't forgotten !!
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If loaning was the only cause of the meltdown then individual banks would have failed and that would have been it. The worldwide trading of unsecured bad debt packages with AAA ratings was the cause.
If loaning was the only cause of the meltdown then individual banks would have failed and that would have been it. The worldwide trading of unsecured bad debt packages with AAA ratings was the cause.
packaged up and sold worldwide !!! they poisoned the well !!
Plastic money sucks. Time for cash on the barrel head no matter what race you are. The fake money experiment is a big failure that a lot of people got rich on by playing the scam.
Do we actually think that gambling is the way to fix our economy?
If loaning was the only cause of the meltdown then individual banks would have failed and that would have been it. The worldwide trading of unsecured bad debt packages with AAA ratings was the cause.
packaged up and sold worldwide !!! they poisoned the well !!

Yep the Banks did. The govt did not force them to package and sell the "junk" securities. And neither did the govt force the ratings agencies to rate them AAA with absolutely no basis for doing so.
Neither did the govt force the banks to make NINJA loans.
Plastic money sucks. Time for cash on the barrel head no matter what race you are. The fake money experiment is a big failure that a lot of people got rich on by playing the scam.
Do we actually think that gambling is the way to fix our economy?

Apparently many of our finiancial leaders did and many still do.
If loaning was the only cause of the meltdown then individual banks would have failed and that would have been it. The worldwide trading of unsecured bad debt packages with AAA ratings was the cause.
packaged up and sold worldwide !!! they poisoned the well !!

Yep the Banks did. The govt did not force them to package and sell the "junk" securities. And neither did the govt force the ratings agencies to rate them AAA with absolutely no basis for doing so.
Neither did the govt force the banks to make NINJA loans.

I'm becoming more convinced that our govt can do nothing to control what the financial "industry" does. ( other than take kickbacks )
packaged up and sold worldwide !!! they poisoned the well !!

Yep the Banks did. The govt did not force them to package and sell the "junk" securities. And neither did the govt force the ratings agencies to rate them AAA with absolutely no basis for doing so.
Neither did the govt force the banks to make NINJA loans.

I'm becoming more convinced that our govt can do nothing to control what the financial "industry" does. ( other than take kickbacks )

And provide jobs for politicians and their families/supporters.
it is a known fact that acorn and other leftist minority backing community organizers shook down and protested banks and with the lefts community reinvestment act waged war to force banks to make risky loans in in minority communities and now we reap the rewards !!!minorities

Yes. It's part of our plan.
it is a known fact that acorn and other leftist minority backing community organizers shook down and protested banks and with the lefts community reinvestment act waged war to force banks to make risky loans in in minority communities and now we reap the rewards !!!minorities

Yes. It's part of our plan.
to do what ???

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