Are racial stats constitutional?


Gold Member
Aug 10, 2012
The government's compilation and use of racial statistics has done more harm than good. Nothing has polarized Black and White America more.

While most blacks are good Christian citizens, the smaller number of Black criminals continue to represent the face that most white people associate with blackness. When you make no distinctions between criminal or non criminal elements of a particular group and use derogatory statistical information to define an entire segment of any society, a question of Constitutionality arises.

How can a man be free when he is judged by the actions of others who just happen to look like him? How can life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness be attained if everything you do is viewed under a cloud of suspicion by people who can influence your life decisions and social outcomes. Discrimination prevails and is buttressed by statistics. Statistics that have no other purpose but to keep the races apart!

I know I quoted parts of the Declaration of Independence above but I have to note it because some troll is sure to think i don't know the difference between the DOI and the Constitution!
The government's compilation and use of racial statistics has done more harm than good. Nothing has polarized Black and White America more.

While most blacks are good Christian citizens, the smaller number of Black criminals continue to represent the face that most white people associate with blackness. When you make no distinctions between criminal or non criminal elements of a particular group and use derogatory statistical information to define an entire segment of any society, a question of Constitutionality arises.

How can a man be free when he is judged by the actions of others who just happen to look like him? How can life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness be attained if everything you do is viewed under a cloud of suspicion by people who can influence your life decisions and social outcomes. Discrimination prevails and is buttressed by statistics. Statistics that have no other purpose but to keep the races apart!

I know I quoted parts of the Declaration of Independence above but I have to note it because some troll is sure to think i don't know the difference between the DOI and the Constitution!

Who has been harmed? And how?

If one bad apple is spoling the whole bunch, reasonable apples would eradicate the bad apple.

When you hear of a black man getting arrested, the NBBP, Sharpton and the rest of the race baiters come out to defend the perp instead of condeming him for bringing shame upon their race and harm to their community.

So you see, you can paint the good citizens with the same brush as the bad citizens when the good protects, condones and make excuses for the bad. They would rather blame whitey, than take responsibility. IMO
I'll take the black community as a whole a hell of a lot more serious after the million man/person march to D.C. to protest the senseless brutality of black-on-black murders and other serious crimes and a subsequent million on the march to protest their community's 70+% out of wedlock birth rate.

Until blacks confront and reform those two issues alone, the vast majority of their community is doomed to continue its downward spiral to worse and worse lifestyles.
The government's compilation and use of racial statistics has done more harm than good. Nothing has polarized Black and White America more.

While most blacks are good Christian citizens, the smaller number of Black criminals continue to represent the face that most white people associate with blackness. When you make no distinctions between criminal or non criminal elements of a particular group and use derogatory statistical information to define an entire segment of any society, a question of Constitutionality arises.

How can a man be free when he is judged by the actions of others who just happen to look like him? How can life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness be attained if everything you do is viewed under a cloud of suspicion by people who can influence your life decisions and social outcomes. Discrimination prevails and is buttressed by statistics. Statistics that have no other purpose but to keep the races apart!

I know I quoted parts of the Declaration of Independence above but I have to note it because some troll is sure to think i don't know the difference between the DOI and the Constitution!

That has got to be the most remarkable apology for "killing the messenger" I have ever read.

Do you really think somebody living in ghetto needs STATS to know that living there is dangerous?
Another one to add to the list;

The Constitution is racist, online-learning is racist, learning is racist, tests are racist, history is racist, America is racist, western civilization is racist, Europe is racist, whites are racist, conservatives are racist, firemen are racist, colorblindness is racist, equal opportunity is racist, the truth is racist, fairness is racist, "live and let live" is racist, self-determination is racist, free association is racist, rights are racist...
The government's compilation and use of racial statistics has done more harm than good. Nothing has polarized Black and White America more.

While most blacks are good Christian citizens, the smaller number of Black criminals continue to represent the face that most white people associate with blackness. When you make no distinctions between criminal or non criminal elements of a particular group and use derogatory statistical information to define an entire segment of any society, a question of Constitutionality arises.

How can a man be free when he is judged by the actions of others who just happen to look like him? How can life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness be attained if everything you do is viewed under a cloud of suspicion by people who can influence your life decisions and social outcomes. Discrimination prevails and is buttressed by statistics. Statistics that have no other purpose but to keep the races apart!

I know I quoted parts of the Declaration of Independence above but I have to note it because some troll is sure to think i don't know the difference between the DOI and the Constitution!

Who has been harmed? And how?

If one bad apple is spoling the whole bunch, reasonable apples would eradicate the bad apple.

When you hear of a black man getting arrested, the NBBP, Sharpton and the rest of the race baiters come out to defend the perp instead of condeming him for bringing shame upon their race and harm to their community.

So you see, you can paint the good citizens with the same brush as the bad citizens when the good protects, condones and make excuses for the bad. They would rather blame whitey, than take responsibility. IMO

Isn't it obvious who has been harmed. Blacks who are good tax paying citizens are being harmed.

HOW? Just look at the crap white laymen spew here about Blacks in general. None are really experts on the subject but the INTERNET affords easy access to statistics that measure ALL blacks by the same yardstick! That is WRONG! That generalization harms because it places ALL blacks in the same mould! The Trayvon Martin profiling and shooting is a perfect outcropping of that generalization as is the incident where black teens were shot because they played their music too loud!

But it doesn't stop there! Depending on their location, Blacks release their children to an educational system that doesn't prepare them to compete in the ever changing technological society of today. Then , when the GRE, SAT OR IQ Tests come around the predictable outcome is actually a self fulfilling prophecy, manufactured by the system itself!

As far as your generalization about the alleged support for a "black man being arrested," that is just poppycock! Unless you can give me a real example to work with I'll file that lie under the label of BS!
Lonestar_logic said:
So you see, you can paint the good citizens with the same brush as the bad citizens when the good protects, condones and make excuses for the bad. They would rather blame whitey, than take responsibility. IMO

Your logic fails you, Lonestar! It is NEVER alright to paint the good with the same brush as the bad. Further, you are clueless! Black working Christians are often the chief victims of Black Criminals. They certainly don't condone criminal behavior but, they find it hard or almost impossible to escape it. Only recently, in some regions of the country, have middle classed blacks seeking to vacate their high crime environs been able to do so. In the past White people resisted any assimilation by blacks of any stripe into their neighborhoods thereby leaving decent Black citizens to fend for themselves even though they paid taxes for police protection that rarely served their needs
The government's compilation and use of racial statistics has done more harm than good. Nothing has polarized Black and White America more.

While most blacks are good Christian citizens, the smaller number of Black criminals continue to represent the face that most white people associate with blackness. When you make no distinctions between criminal or non criminal elements of a particular group and use derogatory statistical information to define an entire segment of any society, a question of Constitutionality arises.

How can a man be free when he is judged by the actions of others who just happen to look like him? How can life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness be attained if everything you do is viewed under a cloud of suspicion by people who can influence your life decisions and social outcomes. Discrimination prevails and is buttressed by statistics. Statistics that have no other purpose but to keep the races apart!

I know I quoted parts of the Declaration of Independence above but I have to note it because some troll is sure to think i don't know the difference between the DOI and the Constitution!

That has got to be the most remarkable apology for "killing the messenger" I have ever read.

Do you really think somebody living in ghetto needs STATS to know that living there is dangerous?

Are you myopic? It is not the denizens of the ghetto that feed upon the spurious statistics that weigh all Blacks by the same negative data.
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I'll take the black community as a whole a hell of a lot more serious after the million man/person march to D.C. to protest the senseless brutality of black-on-black murders and other serious crimes and a subsequent million on the march to protest their community's 70+% out of wedlock birth rate.

Until blacks confront and reform those two issues alone, the vast majority of their community is doomed to continue its downward spiral to worse and worse lifestyles.

Well, the white murder rate is rather significant too, as is out of wedlock births. Will you respect whites more when they get those numbers under control?
Another one to add to the list;

The Constitution is racist, online-learning is racist, learning is racist, tests are racist, history is racist, America is racist, western civilization is racist, Europe is racist, whites are racist, conservatives are racist, firemen are racist, colorblindness is racist, equal opportunity is racist, the truth is racist, fairness is racist, "live and let live" is racist, self-determination is racist, free association is racist, rights are racist...

At one time or another ALL of those things were racist until some one protested and changed them. Some died to evoke change! You could be on to something!
I'll take the black community as a whole a hell of a lot more serious after the million man/person march to D.C. to protest the senseless brutality of black-on-black murders and other serious crimes and a subsequent million on the march to protest their community's 70+% out of wedlock birth rate.

Until blacks confront and reform those two issues alone, the vast majority of their community is doomed to continue its downward spiral to worse and worse lifestyles.

Well, the white murder rate is rather significant too, as is out of wedlock births. Will you respect whites more when they get those numbers under control?
I expect blacks would be more respected if their rates of things like murder, out-of-wedlock births and so on came within a reasonable distance of those of whites. In fact, I'm sure all Americans would be greatly relieved.
I'll take the black community as a whole a hell of a lot more serious after the million man/person march to D.C. to protest the senseless brutality of black-on-black murders and other serious crimes and a subsequent million on the march to protest their community's 70+% out of wedlock birth rate.

Until blacks confront and reform those two issues alone, the vast majority of their community is doomed to continue its downward spiral to worse and worse lifestyles.

Well, the white murder rate is rather significant too, as is out of wedlock births. Will you respect whites more when they get those numbers under control?
I expect blacks would be more respected if their rates of things like murder, out-of-wedlock births and so on came within a reasonable distance of those of whites. In fact, I'm sure all Americans would be greatly relieved.

Would gun sales go down? I guess if only white murderers are out there we can all relax and sing Kum By YA! And why are you so concerned about out of wed lock births when you favor a system that locks up the baby's daddy frequently for victimless crimes like using or selling drugs! Something whites do at the same rate but are locked up far less often!
Well, the white murder rate is rather significant too, as is out of wedlock births. Will you respect whites more when they get those numbers under control?
I expect blacks would be more respected if their rates of things like murder, out-of-wedlock births and so on came within a reasonable distance of those of whites. In fact, I'm sure all Americans would be greatly relieved.

Would gun sales go down? I guess if only white murderers are out there we can all relax and sing Kum By YA! And why are you so concerned about out of wed lock births when you favor a system that locks up the baby's daddy frequently for victimless crimes like using or selling drugs! Something whites do at the same rate but are locked up far less often!
You are petulantly ranting and putting words in my mouth. You obviously know nothing about me. My response was to your observation, which I suppose was made for the purposes of deflecting the very dire socioeconomic situation of black America.

That will do nothing at all to help those you are defending and is an equally daft argument as questioning the constitutionality of racial statistics. You want to help; get that chip off your shoulder and face up to the stark reality before you.
The government's compilation and use of racial statistics has done more harm than good. Nothing has polarized Black and White America more.


I know I quoted parts of the Declaration of Independence above but I have to note it because some troll is sure to think i don't know the difference between the DOI and the Constitution!

(My bold)

The census is mandated by the Constitution. How else would you know how the country is progressing, which segments are advancing, where roads, bridges, other infracture needs to be built/repaired? The census addresses all segments of the population - the above, plus Hispanics, Asians, Native Peoples, Pacific Islanders, other European. It's impossible to make rational plans without a history to work from, or a current status, or targets to work towards.
The government's compilation and use of racial statistics has done more harm than good. Nothing has polarized Black and White America more.


I know I quoted parts of the Declaration of Independence above but I have to note it because some troll is sure to think i don't know the difference between the DOI and the Constitution!

(My bold)

The census is mandated by the Constitution. How else would you know how the country is progressing, which segments are advancing, where roads, bridges, other infracture needs to be built/repaired? The census addresses all segments of the population - the above, plus Hispanics, Asians, Native Peoples, Pacific Islanders, other European. It's impossible to make rational plans without a history to work from, or a current status, or targets to work towards.

The Census doesn't need to identify Americas by race. Americans have the same basic needs no matter who or where they are. Using racial identity in the process tends to exacerbate the possibility of discrimination by planners and developers.

But, the Census is not the focus of my complaint! The DOJ's NCIC and UCR are the most volatile components of racial profiling that exist in the USA. The stats therein provide the basis for all the negative rhetoric concerning Blacks and Hispanics as distinctive groups with high proclivity to commit crime. Yet, amazingly, rarely is anything done to curb the intra racial violence and crime perpetrated on innocent Blacks. White society looks at the Back community and wonders why they can't get things under control. Well, look in the mirror. WIth all of the resources at their disposal, whites can't get their/B]criminals under control... SO, how the hell do you expect blacks, whose taxes go to pay for police resources aimed at keeping them in their places, are going to do any better.
The government's compilation and use of racial statistics has done more harm than good. Nothing has polarized Black and White America more.

While most blacks are good Christian citizens, the smaller number of Black criminals continue to represent the face that most white people associate with blackness. When you make no distinctions between criminal or non criminal elements of a particular group and use derogatory statistical information to define an entire segment of any society, a question of Constitutionality arises.

How can a man be free when he is judged by the actions of others who just happen to look like him? How can life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness be attained if everything you do is viewed under a cloud of suspicion by people who can influence your life decisions and social outcomes. Discrimination prevails and is buttressed by statistics. Statistics that have no other purpose but to keep the races apart!

I know I quoted parts of the Declaration of Independence above but I have to note it because some troll is sure to think i don't know the difference between the DOI and the Constitution!

I see what you are saying, but if one group of people is six times as likely to kill me when I walk down the street, I think I have a right to know that and act accordingly.
The government's compilation and use of racial statistics has done more harm than good. Nothing has polarized Black and White America more.

While most blacks are good Christian citizens, the smaller number of Black criminals continue to represent the face that most white people associate with blackness. When you make no distinctions between criminal or non criminal elements of a particular group and use derogatory statistical information to define an entire segment of any society, a question of Constitutionality arises.

How can a man be free when he is judged by the actions of others who just happen to look like him? How can life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness be attained if everything you do is viewed under a cloud of suspicion by people who can influence your life decisions and social outcomes. Discrimination prevails and is buttressed by statistics. Statistics that have no other purpose but to keep the races apart!

I know I quoted parts of the Declaration of Independence above but I have to note it because some troll is sure to think i don't know the difference between the DOI and the Constitution!

Who has been harmed? And how?

If one bad apple is spoling the whole bunch, reasonable apples would eradicate the bad apple.

When you hear of a black man getting arrested, the NBBP, Sharpton and the rest of the race baiters come out to defend the perp instead of condeming him for bringing shame upon their race and harm to their community.

So you see, you can paint the good citizens with the same brush as the bad citizens when the good protects, condones and make excuses for the bad. They would rather blame whitey, than take responsibility. IMO

Isn't it obvious who has been harmed. Blacks who are good tax paying citizens are being harmed.

HOW? Just look at the crap white laymen spew here about Blacks in general. None are really experts on the subject but the INTERNET affords easy access to statistics that measure ALL blacks by the same yardstick! That is WRONG! That generalization harms because it places ALL blacks in the same mould! The Trayvon Martin profiling and shooting is a perfect outcropping of that generalization as is the incident where black teens were shot because they played their music too loud!

But it doesn't stop there! Depending on their location, Blacks release their children to an educational system that doesn't prepare them to compete in the ever changing technological society of today. Then , when the GRE, SAT OR IQ Tests come around the predictable outcome is actually a self fulfilling prophecy, manufactured by the system itself!

As far as your generalization about the alleged support for a "black man being arrested," that is just poppycock! Unless you can give me a real example to work with I'll file that lie under the label of BS!

How can facts harm anyone?

Mumia Abu-Jamal?
The government's compilation and use of racial statistics has done more harm than good. Nothing has polarized Black and White America more.

While most blacks are good Christian citizens, the smaller number of Black criminals continue to represent the face that most white people associate with blackness. When you make no distinctions between criminal or non criminal elements of a particular group and use derogatory statistical information to define an entire segment of any society, a question of Constitutionality arises.

How can a man be free when he is judged by the actions of others who just happen to look like him? How can life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness be attained if everything you do is viewed under a cloud of suspicion by people who can influence your life decisions and social outcomes. Discrimination prevails and is buttressed by statistics. Statistics that have no other purpose but to keep the races apart!

I know I quoted parts of the Declaration of Independence above but I have to note it because some troll is sure to think i don't know the difference between the DOI and the Constitution!

I see what you are saying, but if one group of people is six times as likely to kill me when I walk down the street, I think I have a right to know that and act accordingly.

What street are you walking down? If you are in a predominately middle class Black neighborhood with manicured lawns and brick houses, all your statistical input is doing is alarming you needlessly. If you are walking near a trailer park with confederate flags billowing in the wind, while shady tattooed characters are sitting around a fire drinking from jars, and eyeballing you; don't fear them, they aren't black BUT THEY ARE FAR MORE LIKELY TO KILL YOU! But thats alright, they ain't black...
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