Are Republicans for less government or more government interference in our lives?

Rs should lead with this in their campaigning. Put your ugly sickness right out there!
Like yourself, the R’s are scared shitless of realists like me, of people with the balls to speak the whole truth.
Are Republicans for less government or more government interference in our lives?
View attachment 722191
This is a prime example of why democrats can’t meme. Or do comedy.

Let’s take a quick lap around this drawing.

Morality police- if I can’t teach your 5 year old about transgenders and the gay lifestyle you’re the morality police.

Election police- if we can’t stuff ballot boxes with votes that don’t exist then you’re the election police.

Pregnancy police- if we can’t murder children until the moment they’re born then you’re the pregnancy police. Probably also the women in slavery police. And of course the women in the kitchen barefoot police.

See how fucking stupid you people are?
Are Republicans for less government or more government interference in our lives?
View attachment 722191
I'll try to unpack your question. To being, it's not a black or white issue. Yes, Republicans (Conservatives) are for less government, not no government. That should clear up some of your questions. If you want no interference at all then you would be speaking to Libertarians. Republicans recognize the need for government and taxation. However, not cradle to grave government control. You will find most Republicans differ on social issues and is a much larger tent than Democrats and Libertarians. Democrats will not accept any interference for the pregnant woman at any point in the pregnancy. Nor do Democrats accept any chance of a fetus being a living human being that should be protected. Most Republicans, including Mega Republicans, will accept abortions before the baby's heart beat or brainwaves exist. Many up to 3 months as well. Democrats won't accept laws restricting abortion up and to including birth and sometimes after birth.
As you Lefties recruit and harvest more and more filth in America….sadly more and more government is needed to harness your degenerates. This nation couldn’t stay safe, prosperous, civil, decent and first world if you Change America / Hate America weirdos went unimpeded. Look at ALL of your Democrat run multicultural shitholes….now extrapolate the data and TA-DA!

Golfing Gator
I am sure many people would consider you filth. Possibly most people.

The basis of fascism is there is a group of people who are better than everyone else. They must be the ones to rule. For the good of everyone, you cannot let the common man change the leadership of the chosen few who know what is best for everyone.

You are a fascist; fascist filth.
I'll try to unpack your question. To being, it's not a black or white issue. Yes, Republicans (Conservatives) are for less government, not no government. That should clear up some of your questions. If you want no interference at all then you would be speaking to Libertarians. Republicans recognize the need for government and taxation. However, not cradle to grave government control. You will find most Republicans differ on social issues and is a much larger tent than Democrats and Libertarians. Democrats will not accept any interference for the pregnant woman at any point in the pregnancy. Nor do Democrats accept any chance of a fetus being a living human being that should be protected. Most Republicans, including Mega Republicans, will accept abortions before the baby's heart beat or brainwaves exist. Many up to 3 months as well. Democrats won't accept laws restricting abortion up and to including birth and sometimes after birth.
Do you look at abortion as the most critical thing facing government. Does abortion define a government?
I am sure many people would consider you filth. Possibly most people.

The basis of fascism is there is a group of people who are better than everyone else. They must be the ones to rule. For the good of everyone, you cannot let the common man change the leadership of the chosen few who know what is best for everyone.

You are a fascist; fascist filth.
It would be reassuring to see mainstream Republicans vocally rejecting the kind of insanity BL gets off on.

But they don't. They seem to be fine with it.
Some of us are for less government intrusions in our lives, but the ones running want to run your life, tell you what to read, what to teach in schools and work, rule your body, etc. This doesn't seem like less government intrusion to me.
No, we want you to take responsibility for your life. Read whatever you want as an adult but stop pushing your porn on 5 year old kids. Yes, you will teach what we want in schools, it’s not a place to let the teachers freak flag fly. There will be guard rails. Rule your body and take care of it before it has another body inside that you feel the need to kill because you failed to do the first part.
Are Republicans for less government or more government interference in our lives?
View attachment 722191
Ok, let's look at the picture.

Morality police: what is the federal government doing to hinder your moral beliefs?

Election police: thats not the federal.government, that the states and the people trying to make sure only legal voters vote and no fraudulent votes are cast.

Pronoun police? That's a dem thing, and could not be used to describe repubs.

Book police: again, where is the federal government banning books? If you want to talk about the state level, we'll, yeah, some states are trying to ban sexually explicit books from schools.

Pregnancy police: this was actually the federal gov (scotus) removing power from themselves and returning it to the states, so, again, not really a big government sort of thing.

Anti woke squad: again, nothing to do with the federal gov.

Bible squad: again, nothing to do with the federal gov.
A person with obvious common sense can easily see how both sides SAY they are for less government and freedom......,only according to their viewpoint. Hypocrites.
Are Republicans for less government or more government interference in our lives?
View attachment 722191
Ahh, too bad. People are so pissed off at what you Dems do in our society they have to write new laws to keep your insanity away from kids.

The problem with your cartoon is the government isn’t doing any of that. It’s the people themselves.
Ok, let's look at the picture.

Morality police: what is the federal government doing to hinder your moral beliefs?

Election police: thats not the federal.government, that the states and the people trying to make sure only legal voters vote and no fraudulent votes are cast.

Pronoun police? That's a dem thing, and could not be used to describe repubs.

Book police: again, where is the federal government banning books? If you want to talk about the state level, we'll, yeah, some states are trying to ban sexually explicit books from schools.

Pregnancy police: this was actually the federal gov (scotus) removing power from themselves and returning it to the states, so, again, not really a big government sort of thing.

Anti woke squad: again, nothing to do with the federal gov.

Bible squad: again, nothing to do with the federal gov.
"It's different when we do it!"

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