Are republicans playing with fire when it comes to obamacare?


Next question?
Five years after RomneyCare was enacted, 60 percent of the voters of Massachusetts said it needed to be fixed.

But...75 percent said they wanted to keep it around.

In 2014, 49 states saw the number of uninsured go down. All but Kansas.

So the answer is YES, the Republicans are playing with fire.


Most people realize that Obamacare was a bad idea, many of them are people who were forced to buy it.

The answer is no.
It is not irrelevant that 49 states saw their number of uninsured go down last year.

It is not irrelevant that the legislation which inspired ObamaCare was super popular after five years, even though it needed to be fixed.

Clamp your hands over your eyes at your own peril, willfully blind monkey.

What happened in Massachusetts was irrelevant.

The reason that the number of uninsured went down was because they will be punished by the IRS if they didn't sign up. There is a big difference. Those aren't people who are going to be upset if it's no longer forced on them is it?

Popular? Can you show that? From what I've heard it is unpopular.
So as I understand this, you feel strongly that it would be political suicide for the GOP to rewrite, amend, or replace the current program because millions of people would be dumped from their current program? Sounds vaguely familiar, will they get to keep their doctors? Let the American people decide this on election day, you may be surprised.
Yes that's what I am saying,you can blame the insurance companies and the bastard doctors for not taking their insurance not Obama. I see where you come from.

Your credibility dropped to near zero with this post.

Ill tell you what.....according to your logic....

"don't blame those 47 senators for writing that letter. Blame the leaders of Iran for reading it"

forcing people to buy health insurance has got to be unconstitutional no matter what the 'supremes' say .
Well, yeah because Obamacare is loved by all!!!! What's it up to... like 35% approval?

What's the Republican plan's approval up to?

Oh, wait. They don't have one...

Typical leftwing drivel.... "let's fix something that isn't broken and then when we fuck it all up ask what's your plan to fix our fuckup." Thanks to your plan my premiums are up 45% and my OOP is up nearly $5,000.

Yeah, nobody's buying that shit except leftwing loons like yourself... the ACA is a DISASTER.
So the commiecrats push through a crap law without one republican vote and now with the prospects of that law falling down around the commiecrats heads because they failed to cover their bases, is all the republicans fault? More than 80% of Americans didn't want the law at the time it was passed, more than 70% still don't like it and you think republicans will take the heat for something they had literally nothing to do with?

My question is what do you think about your dear leader not having a plan B, he's had more than enough time to come up with one while this case has worked its way through the courts.
Well, yeah because Obamacare is loved by all!!!! What's it up to... like 35% approval?

What's the Republican plan's approval up to?

Oh, wait. They don't have one...

Typical leftwing drivel.... "let's fix something that isn't broken and then when we fuck it all up ask what's your plan to fix our fuckup." Thanks to your plan my premiums are up 45% and my OOP is up nearly $5,000.

Yeah, nobody's buying that shit except leftwing loons like yourself... the ACA is a DISASTER.
It is hard to implement fixes when you have a president that will the best thingt to do is have the SCOTUS declare it unconstitutional and force it to be fixed.....not rocket science.

What will the fix be? Ask those that crafted the piece of shit. Did they not have an alternate plan if it failed?
Well, yeah because Obamacare is loved by all!!!! What's it up to... like 35% approval?

What's the Republican plan's approval up to?

Oh, wait. They don't have one...

Typical leftwing drivel.... "let's fix something that isn't broken and then when we fuck it all up ask what's your plan to fix our fuckup." Thanks to your plan my premiums are up 45% and my OOP is up nearly $5,000.

Yeah, nobody's buying that shit except leftwing loons like yourself... the ACA is a DISASTER.

the ACA is a DISASTER.

and here to stay. If you don't believe it just watch your Republican congress in action... DOING NOTHING .

bitch til you drop I could care less if you have a stroke.
Say SC rules in favor of republicans with their latest decision...
A. What's the republicans plan to insure all these people its stealing insurance from?
B.Do republicans even care that MILLIONS will lose healthcare insurance?

Questions I have been asking for a long time.
and I am betting all you hear is crickets huh? They will always have their die hard fanatical core but when poor southern whites turn on the GOP they are in deep shit.
Hey is the role of our politicians to legislate laws that are within the guidelines of the constitution. if it is proven to be not constitutional, it must be amended or abolished.

You can not blame the GOP for questioning its should appreciate it.

But not you. I see what your posts say. You are not a thinker. You are a regurgitator. Now, that is OK if you were regurgitating facts. That would make you sound intelligent. But instead you are regurgitating the spin of the facts. That is why you sound like a moron.
Say SC rules in favor of republicans with their latest decision...
A. What's the republicans plan to insure all these people its stealing insurance from?
False premise, strawman.
B.Do republicans even care that MILLIONS will lose healthcare insurance?
Why do you care?
C. Do republicans realize that by shitting on millions of Americans they are merely pushing them to vote Democrat in the elections next year?
isn this what you want? Why do you care?
D. IF I say happens and its a Democratic WAVE comes true. The republicans wishes may be destroyed because by stopping the vast chunk of Obamacare now will I think insure a one payer system is voted into place as it should be done before Obamacare happened.
isnt this what you want? Why do you care?
F. Republicans will rant,rave and pull hair out like never before and the rest of the CIVILIZED world will laugh at them for wanting to deny American Citizens healthcare.
outright lie -- no one wants to deny anyone health care.
G. Between refusing to come up with BETTER REAL solutions to Obamacare...
False premise.

In reality, you know Obamacare is doomed, that nothing will replace it, that federal power will be reduced, and The Obama will have nothing to claim as a Legacy Success.
forcing people to buy health insurance has got to be unconstitutional no matter what the 'supremes' say .
Its a tax. Taxes are legal. I agree we shouldn't be forced but I also think it shouldn't be an issue. We should have universal healthcare. Our taxes should go towards taking care of US not for foreign aide or military adventures.
forcing people to buy health insurance has got to be unconstitutional no matter what the 'supremes' say .
Its a tax. Taxes are legal. I agree we shouldn't be forced but I also think it shouldn't be an issue. We should have universal healthcare. Our taxes should go towards taking care of US not for foreign aide or military adventures.
2 questions:
1: Why do you support forcing people to provide goods and services to others w/o compensation, creating a condition of state enforced involuntary servitude?
2: Is it legal for the federal governent to force everyone to buy a gun (if legal for them to do so) or pay a tax penalty?
So the commiecrats push through a crap law without one republican vote and now with the prospects of that law falling down around the commiecrats heads because they failed to cover their bases, is all the republicans fault? More than 80% of Americans didn't want the law at the time it was passed, more than 70% still don't like it and you think republicans will take the heat for something they had literally nothing to do with?

My question is what do you think about your dear leader not having a plan B, he's had more than enough time to come up with one while this case has worked its way through the courts.
Disaster Looming For Republicans As Poll Finds 64 Want To Keep Obamacare Subsidies
What we need is this

What Would Universal Healthcare Look Like in the U.S.
forcing people to buy health insurance has got to be unconstitutional no matter what the 'supremes' say .
Its a tax. Taxes are legal. I agree we shouldn't be forced but I also think it shouldn't be an issue. We should have universal healthcare. Our taxes should go towards taking care of US not for foreign aide or military adventures.
2 questions:
1: Why do you support forcing people to provide goods and services to others w/o compensation, creating a condition of state enforced involuntary servitude?
2: Is it legal for the federal governent to force everyone to buy a gun (if legal for them to do so) or pay a tax penalty?
1. Healthcare is a right not a commodity to be bought and paid for and the richer you are the better care u get,if yer poor well yer SOL
2. Require no,suggest hell yea. Its not something you need to have a healthy happy life.
forcing people to buy health insurance has got to be unconstitutional no matter what the 'supremes' say .
Its a tax. Taxes are legal. I agree we shouldn't be forced but I also think it shouldn't be an issue. We should have universal healthcare. Our taxes should go towards taking care of US not for foreign aide or military adventures.
2 questions:
1: Why do you support forcing people to provide goods and services to others w/o compensation, creating a condition of state enforced involuntary servitude?
2: Is it legal for the federal governent to force everyone to buy a gun (if legal for them to do so) or pay a tax penalty?
Well, yes. The colonialists (the male non-slaves) were required to purchase arms at private expense and join their local militias.
The gop's problem is that if the scotus ex-nays the federal exchange is that they're hopelessly internally deadlocked. Some accept that the gop had no opposition to using taxes to subsidize private insurance until Obama proposed it. There are principled objections to the top down approach of Obamacare, and there are objections that in reality Obamacare did nothing to reform the lack of transparency in the HC market in terms of which providers have better outcomes and what something really costs. However, on the other hand, some gopers now believe the govt has no role whatsoever in the HC markets. And that latter group will win the internal battle and most likely determine the next potus nominee.
The OP thinks the folks that became insured for the first time with ObamaCare are the type of people that vote. The OP doesn't know anything about population dynamics or voters profiles.

The OP needs to take a basic level government class at a community college.

The Republicans aren't going to suffer a backlash at all.
So the commiecrats push through a crap law without one republican vote and now with the prospects of that law falling down around the commiecrats heads because they failed to cover their bases, is all the republicans fault? More than 80% of Americans didn't want the law at the time it was passed, more than 70% still don't like it and you think republicans will take the heat for something they had literally nothing to do with?

My question is what do you think about your dear leader not having a plan B, he's had more than enough time to come up with one while this case has worked its way through the courts.
Disaster Looming For Republicans As Poll Finds 64 Want To Keep Obamacare Subsidies
What we need is this

What Would Universal Healthcare Look Like in the U.S.

I guess you haven't been watching the news lately, the republicans say they have a plan if the supreme court strikes down the illegal subsidies, which is one more than your dear leader has. But don't be surprised if they gut many of the mandates and taxes that are driving medical device manufactures offshore.
Ahahahaha some of you libs still think Obamacare is popular, Dem politicians think its about as popular as a case of shingles :laugh:

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