Are republicans playing with fire when it comes to obamacare?

So the commiecrats push through a crap law without one republican vote and now with the prospects of that law falling down around the commiecrats heads because they failed to cover their bases, is all the republicans fault? More than 80% of Americans didn't want the law at the time it was passed, more than 70% still don't like it and you think republicans will take the heat for something they had literally nothing to do with?

My question is what do you think about your dear leader not having a plan B, he's had more than enough time to come up with one while this case has worked its way through the courts.
Disaster Looming For Republicans As Poll Finds 64 Want To Keep Obamacare Subsidies
What we need is this

What Would Universal Healthcare Look Like in the U.S.

So, let me be clear... it is a looming disaster for Republicans if the policies liberals advocate are ruled unconstitutional?

What the hell does that say about liberalism?

You people are nuts.

Typical leftwing drivel.... "let's fix something that isn't broken

Something that isn't broken?


The Soggy response:


Broken? I see nothing broken!
So the commiecrats push through a crap law without one republican vote and now with the prospects of that law falling down around the commiecrats heads because they failed to cover their bases, is all the republicans fault? More than 80% of Americans didn't want the law at the time it was passed, more than 70% still don't like it and you think republicans will take the heat for something they had literally nothing to do with?

My question is what do you think about your dear leader not having a plan B, he's had more than enough time to come up with one while this case has worked its way through the courts.
Disaster Looming For Republicans As Poll Finds 64 Want To Keep Obamacare Subsidies
What we need is this

What Would Universal Healthcare Look Like in the U.S.

I guess you haven't been watching the news lately, the republicans say they have a plan if the supreme court strikes down the illegal subsidies, which is one more than your dear leader has. But don't be surprised if they gut many of the mandates and taxes that are driving medical device manufactures offshore.
yeah, it's called Cobra, and it's not helpful to those who need subsidies to buy insurance.
The GOP sold us all down the river. The Democrats have telegraphed for DECADES what they would do about the health care problem if given a chance.

HillaryCare and RomneyCare and ObamaCare are virtually indistinguishable.

And how did the GOP counter this? By doing NOTHING in the way of comprehensive health care reform. And that is a DEAD GIVEAWAY they wanted the Democrats to have their way.

The rest is just theater for the rubes. The GOP cannot let them catch on, under any circumstances.

We are headed for single payer, and the GOP Establishment is fully complicit in that.

You rubes who are defending the GOP Establishment's inaction and sellout are idiots.

The fact the GOP has NOTHING on the table to replace ObamaCare should be a GIGANTIC CLUE. Just how fucking stupid are you people?
So the commiecrats push through a crap law without one republican vote and now with the prospects of that law falling down around the commiecrats heads because they failed to cover their bases, is all the republicans fault? More than 80% of Americans didn't want the law at the time it was passed, more than 70% still don't like it and you think republicans will take the heat for something they had literally nothing to do with?

My question is what do you think about your dear leader not having a plan B, he's had more than enough time to come up with one while this case has worked its way through the courts.
Disaster Looming For Republicans As Poll Finds 64 Want To Keep Obamacare Subsidies
What we need is this

What Would Universal Healthcare Look Like in the U.S.

I guess you haven't been watching the news lately, the republicans say they have a plan if the supreme court strikes down the illegal subsidies, which is one more than your dear leader has. But don't be surprised if they gut many of the mandates and taxes that are driving medical device manufactures offshore.
yeah, it's called Cobra, and it's not helpful to those who need subsidies to buy insurance.
well, maybe the time has come to address why medical costs are so high...

Everyone got caught up in how expensive health coverage was.....but the GOP wanted to address what causes the coverage to be so high....the President opted to just make it easier for people to deal with the higher costs.

Kind of bass ackwards if you ask me.
With respect to the Democrats signaling for decades what they would do if given a chance, the GOP reminds me of the guards in this scene:

Typical leftwing drivel.... "let's fix something that isn't broken

Something that isn't broken?


The Soggy response:


Broken? I see nothing broken!

So, given that graph is legit, which for the sake of argument, let's say it is..,.. tell me how the ACA fixes that? Tell me how mandating that people buy insurance or pay a fine reduces HC expenditures as a % of GDP?

Yeah, right.. it doesn't.. nor is it designed to. As usual, you liberals can't tell symptoms from actual problems.
@ OP. Nope, I don't think they are playing with fire. If the Supreme Court rules against federal subsidies, The law will either need to be rewritten, or it will collapse.

It's not the GOP's fault that the law was poorly written. It was written and passed by 100% Democrats.

And that's the long and the short of it.

NO ONE is going to forget that the DEMs pushed this law against the will of the people. Hell, MASSACHUSETTS elected a Republican to try to stop it.

So, either the President works with Congress to fix it, or let it fail...either way it's on the Democrats heads...not Republicans.
So the commiecrats push through a crap law without one republican vote and now with the prospects of that law falling down around the commiecrats heads because they failed to cover their bases, is all the republicans fault? More than 80% of Americans didn't want the law at the time it was passed, more than 70% still don't like it and you think republicans will take the heat for something they had literally nothing to do with?

My question is what do you think about your dear leader not having a plan B, he's had more than enough time to come up with one while this case has worked its way through the courts.
Disaster Looming For Republicans As Poll Finds 64 Want To Keep Obamacare Subsidies
What we need is this

What Would Universal Healthcare Look Like in the U.S.

I guess you haven't been watching the news lately, the republicans say they have a plan if the supreme court strikes down the illegal subsidies, which is one more than your dear leader has. But don't be surprised if they gut many of the mandates and taxes that are driving medical device manufactures offshore.
yeah, it's called Cobra, and it's not helpful to those who need subsidies to buy insurance.
well, maybe the time has come to address why medical costs are so high...

Everyone got caught up in how expensive health coverage was.....but the GOP wanted to address what causes the coverage to be so high....the President opted to just make it easier for people to deal with the higher costs.

Kind of bass ackwards if you ask me.

Exactly... which as luck would have it.. has only made it more expensive... typical government bullshit.
If we are talking about the SC ruling on if those who got subsidies through the federal exchange can keep them the impact on Republicans would be minimal. The only thing the court would be doing is ruling that law be enforced as written and it was written by Democrats passed solely on Democrat votes and signed into law by a Democrat President who also on his own tried to change the law to allow for something that was not in it which he does not have the authority to do.
The GOP sold us all down the river. The Democrats have telegraphed for DECADES what they would do about the health care problem if given a chance.

HillaryCare and RomneyCare and ObamaCare are virtually indistinguishable.

And how did the GOP counter this? By doing NOTHING in the way of comprehensive health care reform. And that is a DEAD GIVEAWAY they wanted the Democrats to have their way.

The rest is just theater for the rubes. The GOP cannot let them catch on, under any circumstances.

We are headed for single payer, and the GOP Establishment is fully complicit in that.

You rubes who are defending the GOP Establishment's inaction and sellout are idiots.

The fact the GOP has NOTHING on the table to replace ObamaCare should be a GIGANTIC CLUE. Just how fucking stupid are you people?
I'm not sure the gop wanted the dems to have their way, but I do agree that the effect of Obamacare is to head towards single payor.

Jarhead ignores it, but every gop proposal that did something to address marketplace was trashed by the gop itself. Bennett in Utah even lost to a Tea Partier who denies there's any govt role. What happened was that any goper who wanted to address the issue was prone to having a TP challenger, and Obamacare's road to single payor gave even the potential positive senators like Hatch and Grassley an excuse to just say "no."
@ OP. Nope, I don't think they are playing with fire. If the Supreme Court rules against federal subsidies, The law will either need to be rewritten, or it will collapse.

The entire waste of time and money in the courts could easily have been avoided by simply adding three words to the ACA.

But the GOP is not about fixing things that are broken, as has been abundantly made clear in this topic.

And you can be sure that if the subsidies are ruled illegal, the GOP still won't add those three words. They will choose instead to throw millions of people out of insurance.

And THAT is playing with fire.
So the commiecrats push through a crap law without one republican vote and now with the prospects of that law falling down around the commiecrats heads because they failed to cover their bases, is all the republicans fault? More than 80% of Americans didn't want the law at the time it was passed, more than 70% still don't like it and you think republicans will take the heat for something they had literally nothing to do with?

My question is what do you think about your dear leader not having a plan B, he's had more than enough time to come up with one while this case has worked its way through the courts.
Disaster Looming For Republicans As Poll Finds 64 Want To Keep Obamacare Subsidies
What we need is this

What Would Universal Healthcare Look Like in the U.S.

I guess you haven't been watching the news lately, the republicans say they have a plan if the supreme court strikes down the illegal subsidies, which is one more than your dear leader has. But don't be surprised if they gut many of the mandates and taxes that are driving medical device manufactures offshore.
yeah, it's called Cobra, and it's not helpful to those who need subsidies to buy insurance.
well, maybe the time has come to address why medical costs are so high...

Everyone got caught up in how expensive health coverage was.....but the GOP wanted to address what causes the coverage to be so high....the President opted to just make it easier for people to deal with the higher costs.

Kind of bass ackwards if you ask me.

Exactly... which as luck would have it.. has only made it more expensive... typical government bullshit.
The number one operating cost of all private practice doctors is the cost of their mal practice insurance. A typical practice in middle America has that cost equal to the net profit of the practice.
Whereas real estate is the number one cost to a private hospital, the cost of mal practice insurance runs a close second.

And those numbers are base numbers...meaning before any claims are made. It is based on the assumed claims that will arise.
And, if the ACA is making HI so cheap.. why are so many subsidies being offered?

What a joke...
The GOP sold us all down the river. The Democrats have telegraphed for DECADES what they would do about the health care problem if given a chance.

HillaryCare and RomneyCare and ObamaCare are virtually indistinguishable.

And how did the GOP counter this? By doing NOTHING in the way of comprehensive health care reform. And that is a DEAD GIVEAWAY they wanted the Democrats to have their way.

The rest is just theater for the rubes. The GOP cannot let them catch on, under any circumstances.

We are headed for single payer, and the GOP Establishment is fully complicit in that.

You rubes who are defending the GOP Establishment's inaction and sellout are idiots.

The fact the GOP has NOTHING on the table to replace ObamaCare should be a GIGANTIC CLUE. Just how fucking stupid are you people?

Comprehensive, the commiecrat code word for draconian bullshit. The feds should get out of health care completely and quit distorting the market.
@ OP. Nope, I don't think they are playing with fire. If the Supreme Court rules against federal subsidies, The law will either need to be rewritten, or it will collapse.

The entire waste of time and money in the courts could easily have been avoided by simply adding three words to the ACA.

But the GOP is not about fixing things that are broken, as has been abundantly made clear in this topic.

And you can be sure that if the subsidies are ruled illegal, the GOP still won't add those three words. They will choose instead to throw millions of people out of insurance.

And THAT is playing with fire.

No, it's about fixing what is actually broken... not creating a broken down duplicate of the NIH... which is where we are being taken by you and your fellow liberals/progressive nincompoops.
The GOP sold us all down the river. The Democrats have telegraphed for DECADES what they would do about the health care problem if given a chance.

HillaryCare and RomneyCare and ObamaCare are virtually indistinguishable.

And how did the GOP counter this? By doing NOTHING in the way of comprehensive health care reform. And that is a DEAD GIVEAWAY they wanted the Democrats to have their way.

The rest is just theater for the rubes. The GOP cannot let them catch on, under any circumstances.

We are headed for single payer, and the GOP Establishment is fully complicit in that.

You rubes who are defending the GOP Establishment's inaction and sellout are idiots.

The fact the GOP has NOTHING on the table to replace ObamaCare should be a GIGANTIC CLUE. Just how fucking stupid are you people?
I'm not sure the gop wanted the dems to have their way, but I do agree that the effect of Obamacare is to head towards single payor.

Jarhead ignores it, but every gop proposal that did something to address marketplace was trashed by the gop itself. Bennett in Utah even lost to a Tea Partier who denies there's any govt role. What happened was that any goper who wanted to address the issue was prone to having a TP challenger, and Obamacare's road to single payor gave even the potential positive senators like Hatch and Grassley an excuse to just say "no."
Nice try. But wrong.
I followed the process quite closely. Tort reform was the number one item the GOP wanted to address. They were well aware that such would decrease costs to the medical industry, thus decreasing the cost of medical care. It was not even considered by the democrats in power.

And yes....only a fucking idiot was not aware that the overall long term plan of Obama and his advisors was to ultimately force us into a single payer system.

And once the SCOTUS finds the ACA is unconstitutional, that will likely prompt the move to a single payer.

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