are the dems that doubt barrs summary

Conspiracy theorists?
You know, they say that everytime you doubt the fed gov. Even when actual cables and emails get leaked..
What do you think? It definitely seems consistent logic :dunno:

William Barr is NOT the federal government. He is a Trump appointed AG. It’s a job requirement that you have no ethics and you’re prepared to lie for Trump.

Really? Is that why he was Bush's Attorney General? If I recall correctly, Trump had never met Barr before nominating him.

Yet he was aware that Barr said the investigation was flawed, and Trump was innocent, long before the investigation was complete.

The Senate didn't seem to have a problem with confirming him either time.
Conspiracy theorists?
You know, they say that everytime you doubt the fed gov. Even when actual cables and emails get leaked..
What do you think? It definitely seems consistent logic :dunno:

William Barr is NOT the federal government. He is a Trump appointed AG. It’s a job requirement that you have no ethics and you’re prepared to lie for Trump.

With that logic no one in the DoJ has ethics including Mueller
Conspiracy theorists?
You know, they say that everytime you doubt the fed gov. Even when actual cables and emails get leaked..
What do you think? It definitely seems consistent logic :dunno:

Four pages that quote only 1.5 sentences of the report can't possibly convey the information that we need and deserve from that report. It would hardly be adequate for a Jr High book report. Release the report, and then those questions will be answered.
I heard it was 1.7 sentences, liar.
If I recall correctly, Trump had never met Barr before nominating him.
Correct, his sole qualification, in the eyes of trump, was his negative opinion piece on the mueller probe. Which, of course, was actually a job application, as we all now know.

And this is why peole are right to ignore his summary and to demand to be able to decide for themselves.

Sole qualifications? I don’t think that means what you think it means
Conspiracy theorists?
You know, they say that everytime you doubt the fed gov. Even when actual cables and emails get leaked..
What do you think? It definitely seems consistent logic :dunno:
I read Cliff Notes on Moby Dick. I never read Moby Dick.

Do you imagine that I grasp all Melville had to say in his novel?
If I recall correctly, Trump had never met Barr before nominating him.
Correct, his sole qualification, in the eyes of trump, was his negative opinion piece on the mueller probe. Which, of course, was actually a job application, as we all now know.

And this is why peole are right to ignore his summary and to demand to be able to decide for themselves.
When the report does come out and it doesn't support your lies, how will you twist it then?
Conspiracy theorists?
You know, they say that everytime you doubt the fed gov. Even when actual cables and emails get leaked..
What do you think? It definitely seems consistent logic :dunno:

William Barr is NOT the federal government. He is a Trump appointed AG. It’s a job requirement that you have no ethics and you’re prepared to lie for Trump.

Really? Is that why he was Bush's Attorney General? If I recall correctly, Trump had never met Barr before nominating him.

Yet he was aware that Barr said the investigation was flawed, and Trump was innocent, long before the investigation was complete.

Everyone except dishonest partisan hacks knew he was innocent
Conspiracy theorists?
You know, they say that everytime you doubt the fed gov. Even when actual cables and emails get leaked..
What do you think? It definitely seems consistent logic :dunno:

William Barr is NOT the federal government. He is a Trump appointed AG. It’s a job requirement that you have no ethics and you’re prepared to lie for Trump.

Really? Is that why he was Bush's Attorney General? If I recall correctly, Trump had never met Barr before nominating him.

Yet he was aware that Barr said the investigation was flawed, and Trump was innocent, long before the investigation was complete.
No, what he said there was no legitimate predicate for the investigation, so the investigation itself was illegitimate, and therefore obstruction of justice was impossible since the investigation had no legitimate predicate. Perhaps in Stalin's Russia or in Hitler's Germany it was legitimate to hold investigations that were not based on legitimate grounds, but not the in US.

Got it. He ignored the fact that every investigative agency we have said Russia interfered with the intention of helping Trump. Barr is trying to shield Trump. I don't think he will be successful.
Conspiracy theorists?
You know, they say that everytime you doubt the fed gov. Even when actual cables and emails get leaked..
What do you think? It definitely seems consistent logic :dunno:
Did you notice that Barr now doubts Barr's summary?

Where did you get that silly idea? You need to learn to seperate your substance-abuse illusions from reality.
The news this morning.

You should try watching it sometime.

MSNBC or CNN? That's not news! That's the DNC fake news and outright lie dissemination service.
Just about everywhere today.
Conspiracy theorists?
You know, they say that everytime you doubt the fed gov. Even when actual cables and emails get leaked..
What do you think? It definitely seems consistent logic :dunno:

William Barr is NOT the federal government. He is a Trump appointed AG. It’s a job requirement that you have no ethics and you’re prepared to lie for Trump.

Really? Is that why he was Bush's Attorney General? If I recall correctly, Trump had never met Barr before nominating him.

Yet he was aware that Barr said the investigation was flawed, and Trump was innocent, long before the investigation was complete.
No, what he said there was no legitimate predicate for the investigation, so the investigation itself was illegitimate, and therefore obstruction of justice was impossible since the investigation had no legitimate predicate. Perhaps in Stalin's Russia or in Hitler's Germany it was legitimate to hold investigations that were not based on legitimate grounds, but not the in US.

Got it. He ignored the fact that every investigative agency we have said Russia interfered with the intention of helping Trump. Barr is trying to shield Trump. I don't think he will be successful.

Are those the same agencies that said Saddam was stockpiling new WMDs?
Barr was not legally tasked with giving a summary, other than by Trump. He even said today that his note was specifically not a summary of the report. He is tap dancing at Trump's behest to hide the report from us. Even you can't be dumb enough to think a note or two from Barr is enough to bury Mueller's report.

Hiding the report? How many times has Barr said that he is releasing the report?

Are you deaf, and blind? If you are, congrats on learning to use a computer!

Let me know when that happens.

When what happens? He has stated the report will be released no later than mid-April. Do you even bother watching or reading the news? Is that why you seem to have a terminal case of dumbass?

I know what he said. I just doubt he will do as he said and release the report in a form that can answer all the questions. He is Trump's Roy Cohn, and he was given the job only after his unsolicited letter claiming Mueller's investigation was flawed. Barr's credibility doesn't allow taking him at his word. After the report is released we'll see.

The only part that will not be released is that which cannot be released by law.

If you wait, why not STFU and stop lying?

Really? Barr said he would exclude anything that might tend to embarrass anybody. What legal restriction prevents the release of that?
Conspiracy theorists?
You know, they say that everytime you doubt the fed gov. Even when actual cables and emails get leaked..
What do you think? It definitely seems consistent logic :dunno:

William Barr is NOT the federal government. He is a Trump appointed AG. It’s a job requirement that you have no ethics and you’re prepared to lie for Trump.

Really? Is that why he was Bush's Attorney General? If I recall correctly, Trump had never met Barr before nominating him.

Yet he was aware that Barr said the investigation was flawed, and Trump was innocent, long before the investigation was complete.
No, what he said there was no legitimate predicate for the investigation, so the investigation itself was illegitimate, and therefore obstruction of justice was impossible since the investigation had no legitimate predicate. Perhaps in Stalin's Russia or in Hitler's Germany it was legitimate to hold investigations that were not based on legitimate grounds, but not the in US.

Got it. He ignored the fact that every investigative agency we have said Russia interfered with the intention of helping Trump. Barr is trying to shield Trump. I don't think he will be successful.

No, they said Russia interfered with the election. Why would they help Trump? They already had Clinton in their back pocket!
Hiding the report? How many times has Barr said that he is releasing the report?

Are you deaf, and blind? If you are, congrats on learning to use a computer!

Let me know when that happens.

When what happens? He has stated the report will be released no later than mid-April. Do you even bother watching or reading the news? Is that why you seem to have a terminal case of dumbass?

I know what he said. I just doubt he will do as he said and release the report in a form that can answer all the questions. He is Trump's Roy Cohn, and he was given the job only after his unsolicited letter claiming Mueller's investigation was flawed. Barr's credibility doesn't allow taking him at his word. After the report is released we'll see.

The only part that will not be released is that which cannot be released by law.

If you wait, why not STFU and stop lying?

Really? Barr said he would exclude anything that might tend to embarrass anybody. What legal restriction prevents the release of that?

The law, dumbass!
Conspiracy theorists?
You know, they say that everytime you doubt the fed gov. Even when actual cables and emails get leaked..
What do you think? It definitely seems consistent logic :dunno:

William Barr is NOT the federal government. He is a Trump appointed AG. It’s a job requirement that you have no ethics and you’re prepared to lie for Trump.

Really? Is that why he was Bush's Attorney General? If I recall correctly, Trump had never met Barr before nominating him.

Yet he was aware that Barr said the investigation was flawed, and Trump was innocent, long before the investigation was complete.

Everyone except dishonest partisan hacks knew he was innocent

Got it. You don't want the investigation results made public. Trump and Barr agree with you.
Conspiracy theorists?
You know, they say that everytime you doubt the fed gov. Even when actual cables and emails get leaked..
What do you think? It definitely seems consistent logic :dunno:

William Barr is NOT the federal government. He is a Trump appointed AG. It’s a job requirement that you have no ethics and you’re prepared to lie for Trump.

Really? Is that why he was Bush's Attorney General? If I recall correctly, Trump had never met Barr before nominating him.

Yet he was aware that Barr said the investigation was flawed, and Trump was innocent, long before the investigation was complete.

Everyone except dishonest partisan hacks knew he was innocent

Got it. You don't want the investigation results made public. Trump and Barr agree with you.

That's not what was said. Can you even read, dumbass?
Attorney General Barr says Mueller report to be released 'by mid-April'

"Barr said his office was working with Mueller to make the “redactions that are required” before releasing the report. This would include information related to sensitive investigative sources and methods, confidential grand jury proceedings, and “material that could affect other ongoing matters,” including ones Mueller referred to other DOJ offices."

"Barr also indicated the White House would not review the report prior to release, nor ask for material to be withheld due to executive privilege."
William Barr is NOT the federal government. He is a Trump appointed AG. It’s a job requirement that you have no ethics and you’re prepared to lie for Trump.

Really? Is that why he was Bush's Attorney General? If I recall correctly, Trump had never met Barr before nominating him.

Yet he was aware that Barr said the investigation was flawed, and Trump was innocent, long before the investigation was complete.
No, what he said there was no legitimate predicate for the investigation, so the investigation itself was illegitimate, and therefore obstruction of justice was impossible since the investigation had no legitimate predicate. Perhaps in Stalin's Russia or in Hitler's Germany it was legitimate to hold investigations that were not based on legitimate grounds, but not the in US.

Got it. He ignored the fact that every investigative agency we have said Russia interfered with the intention of helping Trump. Barr is trying to shield Trump. I don't think he will be successful.

Are those the same agencies that said Saddam was stockpiling new WMDs?

You're just being childish now. That's just another example of right wing lies being perpetuated forever. Bush knew there was no evidence of WMD.
George W. Bush really did lie about WMDs, and his aides are still lying for him
William Barr is NOT the federal government. He is a Trump appointed AG. It’s a job requirement that you have no ethics and you’re prepared to lie for Trump.

Really? Is that why he was Bush's Attorney General? If I recall correctly, Trump had never met Barr before nominating him.

Yet he was aware that Barr said the investigation was flawed, and Trump was innocent, long before the investigation was complete.
No, what he said there was no legitimate predicate for the investigation, so the investigation itself was illegitimate, and therefore obstruction of justice was impossible since the investigation had no legitimate predicate. Perhaps in Stalin's Russia or in Hitler's Germany it was legitimate to hold investigations that were not based on legitimate grounds, but not the in US.

Got it. He ignored the fact that every investigative agency we have said Russia interfered with the intention of helping Trump. Barr is trying to shield Trump. I don't think he will be successful.

No, they said Russia interfered with the election. Why would they help Trump? They already had Clinton in their back pocket!

I'm sure Mueller's report covered that. Now, if we could just see that report.
Conspiracy theorists?
You know, they say that everytime you doubt the fed gov. Even when actual cables and emails get leaked..
What do you think? It definitely seems consistent logic :dunno:

William Barr is NOT the federal government. He is a Trump appointed AG. It’s a job requirement that you have no ethics and you’re prepared to lie for Trump.

Really? Is that why he was Bush's Attorney General? If I recall correctly, Trump had never met Barr before nominating him.

Yet he was aware that Barr said the investigation was flawed, and Trump was innocent, long before the investigation was complete.
No, what he said there was no legitimate predicate for the investigation, so the investigation itself was illegitimate, and therefore obstruction of justice was impossible since the investigation had no legitimate predicate. Perhaps in Stalin's Russia or in Hitler's Germany it was legitimate to hold investigations that were not based on legitimate grounds, but not the in US.

Got it. He ignored the fact that every investigative agency we have said Russia interfered with the intention of helping Trump. Barr is trying to shield Trump. I don't think he will be successful.
Whatever the Russians may have done, there is no evidence, according to Mueller, that the President or anyone associated with his campaign colluded with Russia and when questioned about why that was ever alleged, top Obama officials, such as John Brennan, have been unable to explain why they may have thought so. Since there was never a legitimate predicate for the investigation, the investigation was illegitimate and therefore there could not have been any obstruction of justice.
Let me know when that happens.

When what happens? He has stated the report will be released no later than mid-April. Do you even bother watching or reading the news? Is that why you seem to have a terminal case of dumbass?

I know what he said. I just doubt he will do as he said and release the report in a form that can answer all the questions. He is Trump's Roy Cohn, and he was given the job only after his unsolicited letter claiming Mueller's investigation was flawed. Barr's credibility doesn't allow taking him at his word. After the report is released we'll see.

The only part that will not be released is that which cannot be released by law.

If you wait, why not STFU and stop lying?

Really? Barr said he would exclude anything that might tend to embarrass anybody. What legal restriction prevents the release of that?

The law, dumbass!

Which law?

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