Are There Any Intelligent Trump Followers?

Is anything discussed here , or is this just ppl yellin at oneanother? I'll put my 2 cents in. Of course there's intelligent Trump supporters. I'm not sure there are any wise Trump supporters tough. If I personally can draw up the person who is the last type of person I would want to give the power to take over the world Trump would come mighty close. Especially because I don't think you can take over the world without destroying it in the process.

Well, I can think of at least two people that rank below Trump in who one wouldn't want to give power.

Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders.
K. So you are not disturbed by the fact that Trump called Mexicans, drug addicts, criminals and rapist. That he carries a giant chip on his shoulders and he feels any insult by whomever deserves a full aray of retaliation. That he obviously is narcisstic. I mean we just witnessed a republican debate where he felt the need to defend the size of his dick. What happens when he has to deal with putin taking over the ukraine to put an hypothetical in. I'm not sure he wouldn't start a war because putin doesn't want to do as he sais.

Has any candidate ever been attacked by another candidate about the size of his penis?

And, no, Trump called some illegal aliens drug addicts, criminals and rapists. Just as some natural born Americans are.

And I guess you prefer the current "leading from behind" to standing up for the USA, right?
first of all he didn't call SOME Mexican immegrants those names. He called MOST of them those names but he was so nice to add after that. Some I ASUME are good ppl. That is blatently racist. Second the correct response when someone sais you have a small penis when you're running for president is .... nothing. You don't indulge something like that with a response it's demeaning and you perpetuate a story that shouldn't be one. Third I don't support any of the republican candidates.

Since I don't have a penis I wouldn't know. But men do seem to be sensitive about that.

But if yours is not operating at peak, perhaps that's why you aren't sensitive.
You're absolutly right I'm not sensitive about it. You haven't replied to the first part tough. You know, the part where he is being blatently racist. That doesn't disturb you?
Trump speaks using many of the same techniques employed by Hitler and Goebbels to manipulate an angry but gullible populace.
Is anything discussed here , or is this just ppl yellin at oneanother? I'll put my 2 cents in. Of course there's intelligent Trump supporters. I'm not sure there are any wise Trump supporters tough. If I personally can draw up the person who is the last type of person I would want to give the power to take over the world Trump would come mighty close. Especially because I don't think you can take over the world without destroying it in the process.

Well, I can think of at least two people that rank below Trump in who one wouldn't want to give power.

Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders.
K. So you are not disturbed by the fact that Trump called Mexicans, drug addicts, criminals and rapist. That he carries a giant chip on his shoulders and he feels any insult by whomever deserves a full aray of retaliation. That he obviously is narcisstic. I mean we just witnessed a republican debate where he felt the need to defend the size of his dick. What happens when he has to deal with putin taking over the ukraine to put an hypothetical in. I'm not sure he wouldn't start a war because putin doesn't want to do as he sais.

Has any candidate ever been attacked by another candidate about the size of his penis?

And, no, Trump called some illegal aliens drug addicts, criminals and rapists. Just as some natural born Americans are.

And I guess you prefer the current "leading from behind" to standing up for the USA, right?
Penis.......which other candidate would be stupid enough to talk about it in a Presidential debate?

Marco Rubio brought it up first.
Little Marco and Lyin' Ted.....such a distinguished statesman.
Well, I can think of at least two people that rank below Trump in who one wouldn't want to give power.

Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders.
K. So you are not disturbed by the fact that Trump called Mexicans, drug addicts, criminals and rapist. That he carries a giant chip on his shoulders and he feels any insult by whomever deserves a full aray of retaliation. That he obviously is narcisstic. I mean we just witnessed a republican debate where he felt the need to defend the size of his dick. What happens when he has to deal with putin taking over the ukraine to put an hypothetical in. I'm not sure he wouldn't start a war because putin doesn't want to do as he sais.

Has any candidate ever been attacked by another candidate about the size of his penis?

And, no, Trump called some illegal aliens drug addicts, criminals and rapists. Just as some natural born Americans are.

And I guess you prefer the current "leading from behind" to standing up for the USA, right?
Penis.......which other candidate would be stupid enough to talk about it in a Presidential debate?

Marco Rubio brought it up first.
Little Marco and Lyin' Ted.....such a distinguished statesman.
americangirl still kinda waiting for a response. Are you evading the question, or just me lol.
K. So you are not disturbed by the fact that Trump called Mexicans, drug addicts, criminals and rapist. That he carries a giant chip on his shoulders and he feels any insult by whomever deserves a full aray of retaliation. That he obviously is narcisstic. I mean we just witnessed a republican debate where he felt the need to defend the size of his dick. What happens when he has to deal with putin taking over the ukraine to put an hypothetical in. I'm not sure he wouldn't start a war because putin doesn't want to do as he sais.

Has any candidate ever been attacked by another candidate about the size of his penis?

And, no, Trump called some illegal aliens drug addicts, criminals and rapists. Just as some natural born Americans are.

And I guess you prefer the current "leading from behind" to standing up for the USA, right?
Penis.......which other candidate would be stupid enough to talk about it in a Presidential debate?

Marco Rubio brought it up first.
Little Marco and Lyin' Ted.....such a distinguished statesman.
americangirl still kinda witig for a response. Are you evading the question, or just me lol.
I'm still waiting for any kind of rational response from these people.
Has any candidate ever been attacked by another candidate about the size of his penis?

And, no, Trump called some illegal aliens drug addicts, criminals and rapists. Just as some natural born Americans are.

And I guess you prefer the current "leading from behind" to standing up for the USA, right?
Penis.......which other candidate would be stupid enough to talk about it in a Presidential debate?

Marco Rubio brought it up first.
Little Marco and Lyin' Ted.....such a distinguished statesman.
americangirl still kinda witig for a response. Are you evading the question, or just me lol.
I'm still waiting for any kind of rational response from these people.
Well I guess I have my answer there. That really didn't take long. Correl at least went toe to toe with me for a couple of hours the other day lol.
Well, I can think of at least two people that rank below Trump in who one wouldn't want to give power.

Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders.
K. So you are not disturbed by the fact that Trump called Mexicans, drug addicts, criminals and rapist. That he carries a giant chip on his shoulders and he feels any insult by whomever deserves a full aray of retaliation. That he obviously is narcisstic. I mean we just witnessed a republican debate where he felt the need to defend the size of his dick. What happens when he has to deal with putin taking over the ukraine to put an hypothetical in. I'm not sure he wouldn't start a war because putin doesn't want to do as he sais.

Has any candidate ever been attacked by another candidate about the size of his penis?

And, no, Trump called some illegal aliens drug addicts, criminals and rapists. Just as some natural born Americans are.

And I guess you prefer the current "leading from behind" to standing up for the USA, right?
first of all he didn't call SOME Mexican immegrants those names. He called MOST of them those names but he was so nice to add after that. Some I ASUME are good ppl. That is blatently racist. Second the correct response when someone sais you have a small penis when you're running for president is .... nothing. You don't indulge something like that with a response it's demeaning and you perpetuate a story that shouldn't be one. Third I don't support any of the republican candidates.

Since I don't have a penis I wouldn't know. But men do seem to be sensitive about that.

But if yours is not operating at peak, perhaps that's why you aren't sensitive.
You're absolutly right I'm not sensitive about it. You haven't replied to the first part tough. You know, the part where he is being blatently racist. That doesn't disturb you?

How is stating that some illegal aliens who are Mexican are criminals, racist?

I seriously do not understand that.
K. So you are not disturbed by the fact that Trump called Mexicans, drug addicts, criminals and rapist. That he carries a giant chip on his shoulders and he feels any insult by whomever deserves a full aray of retaliation. That he obviously is narcisstic. I mean we just witnessed a republican debate where he felt the need to defend the size of his dick. What happens when he has to deal with putin taking over the ukraine to put an hypothetical in. I'm not sure he wouldn't start a war because putin doesn't want to do as he sais.

Has any candidate ever been attacked by another candidate about the size of his penis?

And, no, Trump called some illegal aliens drug addicts, criminals and rapists. Just as some natural born Americans are.

And I guess you prefer the current "leading from behind" to standing up for the USA, right?
Penis.......which other candidate would be stupid enough to talk about it in a Presidential debate?

Marco Rubio brought it up first.
Little Marco and Lyin' Ted.....such a distinguished statesman.
americangirl still kinda waiting for a response. Are you evading the question, or just me lol.

I was doing other things. I don't answer to you.
hate to be the bearer of bad news republicans but where is drumpf going to get the few billion he'll need IF he's your candidate?? Many big donors won't be shelling out and he's not reaching for a billion Face it Your repub party is shattered in a million pieces and hopefully won't be put back together again and you stand a good chance of losing the senate too GOD IS GREAT
K. So you are not disturbed by the fact that Trump called Mexicans, drug addicts, criminals and rapist. That he carries a giant chip on his shoulders and he feels any insult by whomever deserves a full aray of retaliation. That he obviously is narcisstic. I mean we just witnessed a republican debate where he felt the need to defend the size of his dick. What happens when he has to deal with putin taking over the ukraine to put an hypothetical in. I'm not sure he wouldn't start a war because putin doesn't want to do as he sais.

Has any candidate ever been attacked by another candidate about the size of his penis?

And, no, Trump called some illegal aliens drug addicts, criminals and rapists. Just as some natural born Americans are.

And I guess you prefer the current "leading from behind" to standing up for the USA, right?
first of all he didn't call SOME Mexican immegrants those names. He called MOST of them those names but he was so nice to add after that. Some I ASUME are good ppl. That is blatently racist. Second the correct response when someone sais you have a small penis when you're running for president is .... nothing. You don't indulge something like that with a response it's demeaning and you perpetuate a story that shouldn't be one. Third I don't support any of the republican candidates.

Since I don't have a penis I wouldn't know. But men do seem to be sensitive about that.

But if yours is not operating at peak, perhaps that's why you aren't sensitive.
You're absolutly right I'm not sensitive about it. You haven't replied to the first part tough. You know, the part where he is being blatently racist. That doesn't disturb you?

How is stating that some illegal aliens who are Mexican are criminals, racist?

I seriously do not understand that.
“When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending the best. They’re sending people that have lots of problems and they’re bringing those problems. They’re bringing drugs, they’re bringing crime. They’re rapists and some, I assume, are good people, but I speak to border guards and they’re telling us what we’re getting.” This is the quote. Now first of you're right you don't answer to me and I do appoligise. Now please tell me why you feel this quote is not racist. Please explain to me wen someone first sais. Mexico doesn't send his best. Then specifies why they're not the best (they have problems) then specifies those problems (drugs,crime,rapists) and then put the only assumption in that entire quote on the fact that some are good ppl?
Penis.......which other candidate would be stupid enough to talk about it in a Presidential debate?

Marco Rubio brought it up first.
Little Marco and Lyin' Ted.....such a distinguished statesman.
americangirl still kinda witig for a response. Are you evading the question, or just me lol.
I'm still waiting for any kind of rational response from these people.
Well I guess I have my answer there. That really didn't take long. Correl at least went toe to toe with me for a couple of hours the other day lol.
They'll all come back later with the same dull wit answers.
Has any candidate ever been attacked by another candidate about the size of his penis?

And, no, Trump called some illegal aliens drug addicts, criminals and rapists. Just as some natural born Americans are.

And I guess you prefer the current "leading from behind" to standing up for the USA, right?
first of all he didn't call SOME Mexican immegrants those names. He called MOST of them those names but he was so nice to add after that. Some I ASUME are good ppl. That is blatently racist. Second the correct response when someone sais you have a small penis when you're running for president is .... nothing. You don't indulge something like that with a response it's demeaning and you perpetuate a story that shouldn't be one. Third I don't support any of the republican candidates.

Since I don't have a penis I wouldn't know. But men do seem to be sensitive about that.

But if yours is not operating at peak, perhaps that's why you aren't sensitive.
You're absolutly right I'm not sensitive about it. You haven't replied to the first part tough. You know, the part where he is being blatently racist. That doesn't disturb you?

How is stating that some illegal aliens who are Mexican are criminals, racist?

I seriously do not understand that.
“When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending the best. They’re sending people that have lots of problems and they’re bringing those problems. They’re bringing drugs, they’re bringing crime. They’re rapists and some, I assume, are good people, but I speak to border guards and they’re telling us what we’re getting.” This is the quote. Now first of you're right you don't answer to me and I do appoligise. Now please tell me why you feel this quote is not racist. Please explain to me wen someone first sais. Mexico doesn't send his best. Then specifies why they're not the best (they have problems) then specifies those problems (drugs,crime,rapists) and then put the only assumption in that entire quote on the fact that some are good ppl?

How's it racist?
first of all he didn't call SOME Mexican immegrants those names. He called MOST of them those names but he was so nice to add after that. Some I ASUME are good ppl. That is blatently racist. Second the correct response when someone sais you have a small penis when you're running for president is .... nothing. You don't indulge something like that with a response it's demeaning and you perpetuate a story that shouldn't be one. Third I don't support any of the republican candidates.

Since I don't have a penis I wouldn't know. But men do seem to be sensitive about that.

But if yours is not operating at peak, perhaps that's why you aren't sensitive.
You're absolutly right I'm not sensitive about it. You haven't replied to the first part tough. You know, the part where he is being blatently racist. That doesn't disturb you?

How is stating that some illegal aliens who are Mexican are criminals, racist?

I seriously do not understand that.
“When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending the best. They’re sending people that have lots of problems and they’re bringing those problems. They’re bringing drugs, they’re bringing crime. They’re rapists and some, I assume, are good people, but I speak to border guards and they’re telling us what we’re getting.” This is the quote. Now first of you're right you don't answer to me and I do appoligise. Now please tell me why you feel this quote is not racist. Please explain to me wen someone first sais. Mexico doesn't send his best. Then specifies why they're not the best (they have problems) then specifies those problems (drugs,crime,rapists) and then put the only assumption in that entire quote on the fact that some are good ppl?

How's it racist?
When you put traits on an entire population as opposed to individuals that's racism. A small exeption especially because he put it as an assumption is less then a fig leaf. If you don't see that i don't know how to explain it better.
Is anything discussed here , or is this just ppl yellin at oneanother? I'll put my 2 cents in. Of course there's intelligent Trump supporters. I'm not sure there are any wise Trump supporters tough. If I personally can draw up the person who is the last type of person I would want to give the power to take over the world Trump would come mighty close. Especially because I don't think you can take over the world without destroying it in the process.

Well, I can think of at least two people that rank below Trump in who one wouldn't want to give power.

Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders.
K. So you are not disturbed by the fact that Trump called Mexicans, drug addicts, criminals and rapist. That he carries a giant chip on his shoulders and he feels any insult by whomever deserves a full aray of retaliation. That he obviously is narcisstic. I mean we just witnessed a republican debate where he felt the need to defend the size of his dick. What happens when he has to deal with putin taking over the ukraine to put an hypothetical in. I'm not sure he wouldn't start a war because putin doesn't want to do as he sais.

Has any candidate ever been attacked by another candidate about the size of his penis?

And, no, Trump called some illegal aliens drug addicts, criminals and rapists. Just as some natural born Americans are.

And I guess you prefer the current "leading from behind" to standing up for the USA, right?
first of all he didn't call SOME Mexican immegrants those names. He called MOST of them those names but he was so nice to add after that. Some I ASUME are good ppl. That is blatently racist. Second the correct response when someone sais you have a small penis when you're running for president is .... nothing. You don't indulge something like that with a response it's demeaning and you perpetuate a story that shouldn't be one. Third I don't support any of the republican candidates.

It is not racist to discuss the large numbers of criminals coming over the border.

It is utterly mad to claim that it is.
Is anything discussed here , or is this just ppl yellin at oneanother? I'll put my 2 cents in. Of course there's intelligent Trump supporters. I'm not sure there are any wise Trump supporters tough. If I personally can draw up the person who is the last type of person I would want to give the power to take over the world Trump would come mighty close. Especially because I don't think you can take over the world without destroying it in the process.

Well, I can think of at least two people that rank below Trump in who one wouldn't want to give power.

Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders.
K. So you are not disturbed by the fact that Trump called Mexicans, drug addicts, criminals and rapist. That he carries a giant chip on his shoulders and he feels any insult by whomever deserves a full aray of retaliation. That he obviously is narcisstic. I mean we just witnessed a republican debate where he felt the need to defend the size of his dick. What happens when he has to deal with putin taking over the ukraine to put an hypothetical in. I'm not sure he wouldn't start a war because putin doesn't want to do as he sais.

Has any candidate ever been attacked by another candidate about the size of his penis?

And, no, Trump called some illegal aliens drug addicts, criminals and rapists. Just as some natural born Americans are.

And I guess you prefer the current "leading from behind" to standing up for the USA, right?
first of all he didn't call SOME Mexican immegrants those names. He called MOST of them those names but he was so nice to add after that. Some I ASUME are good ppl. That is blatently racist. Second the correct response when someone sais you have a small penis when you're running for president is .... nothing. You don't indulge something like that with a response it's demeaning and you perpetuate a story that shouldn't be one. Third I don't support any of the republican candidates.

It is not racist to discuss the large numbers of criminals coming over the border.

It is utterly mad to claim that it is.
Ah so you truly believe that statement?
Since I don't have a penis I wouldn't know. But men do seem to be sensitive about that.

But if yours is not operating at peak, perhaps that's why you aren't sensitive.
You're absolutly right I'm not sensitive about it. You haven't replied to the first part tough. You know, the part where he is being blatently racist. That doesn't disturb you?

How is stating that some illegal aliens who are Mexican are criminals, racist?

I seriously do not understand that.
“When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending the best. They’re sending people that have lots of problems and they’re bringing those problems. They’re bringing drugs, they’re bringing crime. They’re rapists and some, I assume, are good people, but I speak to border guards and they’re telling us what we’re getting.” This is the quote. Now first of you're right you don't answer to me and I do appoligise. Now please tell me why you feel this quote is not racist. Please explain to me wen someone first sais. Mexico doesn't send his best. Then specifies why they're not the best (they have problems) then specifies those problems (drugs,crime,rapists) and then put the only assumption in that entire quote on the fact that some are good ppl?

How's it racist?
When you put traits on an entire population as opposed to individuals that's racism. A small exeption especially because he put it as an assumption is less then a fig leaf. If you don't see that i don't know how to explain it better.

Mexican is not a race, for starters. So it can't be racism.

But if you want to say it's an ethnic slur, the fact that it is small part of that nationality -- illegal alien Mexicans who are criminals means it's not a slur against the ethnic group, just that small portion.
You're absolutly right I'm not sensitive about it. You haven't replied to the first part tough. You know, the part where he is being blatently racist. That doesn't disturb you?

How is stating that some illegal aliens who are Mexican are criminals, racist?

I seriously do not understand that.
“When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending the best. They’re sending people that have lots of problems and they’re bringing those problems. They’re bringing drugs, they’re bringing crime. They’re rapists and some, I assume, are good people, but I speak to border guards and they’re telling us what we’re getting.” This is the quote. Now first of you're right you don't answer to me and I do appoligise. Now please tell me why you feel this quote is not racist. Please explain to me wen someone first sais. Mexico doesn't send his best. Then specifies why they're not the best (they have problems) then specifies those problems (drugs,crime,rapists) and then put the only assumption in that entire quote on the fact that some are good ppl?

How's it racist?
When you put traits on an entire population as opposed to individuals that's racism. A small exeption especially because he put it as an assumption is less then a fig leaf. If you don't see that i don't know how to explain it better.

Mexican is not a race, for starters. So it can't be racism.

But if you want to say it's an ethnic slur, the fact that it is small part of that nationality -- illegal alien Mexicans who are criminals means it's not a slur against the ethnic group, just that small portion.
So lets say 100 illegals come across the border, more then half to put the most positive spin on SOME are criminals, drug addicts and rapists. How does that even work. Mexico empties it jails to put everybody across who's a criminal?
How is stating that some illegal aliens who are Mexican are criminals, racist?

I seriously do not understand that.
“When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending the best. They’re sending people that have lots of problems and they’re bringing those problems. They’re bringing drugs, they’re bringing crime. They’re rapists and some, I assume, are good people, but I speak to border guards and they’re telling us what we’re getting.” This is the quote. Now first of you're right you don't answer to me and I do appoligise. Now please tell me why you feel this quote is not racist. Please explain to me wen someone first sais. Mexico doesn't send his best. Then specifies why they're not the best (they have problems) then specifies those problems (drugs,crime,rapists) and then put the only assumption in that entire quote on the fact that some are good ppl?

How's it racist?
When you put traits on an entire population as opposed to individuals that's racism. A small exeption especially because he put it as an assumption is less then a fig leaf. If you don't see that i don't know how to explain it better.

Mexican is not a race, for starters. So it can't be racism.

But if you want to say it's an ethnic slur, the fact that it is small part of that nationality -- illegal alien Mexicans who are criminals means it's not a slur against the ethnic group, just that small portion.
So lets say 100 illegals come across the border, more then half to put the most positive spin on SOME are criminals, drug addicts and rapists. How does that even work. Mexico empties it jails to put everybody across who's a criminal?

Are ALL the Mexicans coming here or do a majority stay in their home country?

Of the small portion that come to the US ILLEGALLY, a portion are indeed criminals. As are the US illegal populations from ME countries, South American countries and even European countries.

So how is it racist? Particularly when Mexican isn't a race?
Has any candidate ever been attacked by another candidate about the size of his penis?

And, no, Trump called some illegal aliens drug addicts, criminals and rapists. Just as some natural born Americans are.

And I guess you prefer the current "leading from behind" to standing up for the USA, right?
Penis.......which other candidate would be stupid enough to talk about it in a Presidential debate?

Marco Rubio brought it up first.
Little Marco and Lyin' Ted.....such a distinguished statesman.
americangirl still kinda witig for a response. Are you evading the question, or just me lol.
I'm still waiting for any kind of rational response from these people.

Liar. You've had plenty of "rational" and well thought out responses.
K. So you are not disturbed by the fact that Trump called Mexicans, drug addicts, criminals and rapist. That he carries a giant chip on his shoulders and he feels any insult by whomever deserves a full aray of retaliation. That he obviously is narcisstic. I mean we just witnessed a republican debate where he felt the need to defend the size of his dick. What happens when he has to deal with putin taking over the ukraine to put an hypothetical in. I'm not sure he wouldn't start a war because putin doesn't want to do as he sais.

Has any candidate ever been attacked by another candidate about the size of his penis?

And, no, Trump called some illegal aliens drug addicts, criminals and rapists. Just as some natural born Americans are.

And I guess you prefer the current "leading from behind" to standing up for the USA, right?
first of all he didn't call SOME Mexican immegrants those names. He called MOST of them those names but he was so nice to add after that. Some I ASUME are good ppl. That is blatently racist. Second the correct response when someone sais you have a small penis when you're running for president is .... nothing. You don't indulge something like that with a response it's demeaning and you perpetuate a story that shouldn't be one. Third I don't support any of the republican candidates.

Since I don't have a penis I wouldn't know. But men do seem to be sensitive about that.

But if yours is not operating at peak, perhaps that's why you aren't sensitive.
You're absolutly right I'm not sensitive about it. You haven't replied to the first part tough. You know, the part where he is being blatently racist. That doesn't disturb you?

How is stating that some illegal aliens who are Mexican are criminals, racist?

I seriously do not understand that.

Good luck getting a straight answer.

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