Are those really Navy Seals at Boston Marathon?

I was wondering if there was any information on the supposed Navy Seals at the Boston Marathon finish line?


Probably quite a few retired Seals .
The guys in the photos were from a right wing private Military Organisation group .
All no doubt involved in the False Flag Operation .
Americans have been scammed once again .
[ame=]Navy Seals at Boston Marathon Bombing - YouTube[/ame]

I found this on youtube as well. Its a slide show.
Those supposed Navy Seals look to have the same backpacks as the Bombers had?

Is that right?
Close too. The government will never be able to prove it was those kids. They would have presented real evidence. All they show is a video of this kid walking by camera.
I was wondering if there was any information on the supposed Navy Seals at the Boston Marathon finish line?

The Resistance Report: Boston Marathon Navy Seal Pics, Videos, and Articles

Chill tin hat wearers... The Navy SEALS do not do that kind of domestic work.. That would be Homeland Sec, FBI, NSA, CIA, DEA, ATF, or any number of other acronyms, or just guys with equally bad taste who shop at any number of retail outlets...

Seems there is no rule on who can be openly discrete while wearing nondescript khakis with blue jacket and matching backpack...

LOL, you guys...So funny...:clap2:
Thanks for bumbing the tread with BS.

Damn dude ya got almost page because I stirred it up...Come on man, you don't know who they are, but navy seals they certainly are not... Why? Dude just ask yourself if it makes any sense before you post this crap...
Why was there "bomb-sniffing" dogs at the start and finish line?

Because they use bomb-sniffing dogs at a great many large events like that. The local K-9 units, the DEA, ATF and several other organizations use them. The navy seals DON"T... Jesus man quit buying into every utube video that comes along.. Use your damn head, stop letting other use it for you...

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