Are we better off than we were a year ago ??

Let's see...we were all locked down last year. Gasoline was cheap cause no one was buying it. People were not working and goods were not being made or sold. The first COVID vaccine had just been approved and people were desperate to get a shot.

Little did we know that the man who had lost the election was plotting to overturn the results. He had been proclaiming "massive voter fraud for weeks and his very poor legal team was in the process of losing over 60 court cases. Yes, there was great hope and joy with the incoming administration. Little did we realize that within weeks, the United States Capitol would be attacked by a mob that had bought into trump's BIG LIE.

Now, wages are up, people are not dying at the rate that they were last year, and gasoline prices are stabilizing. Yes, I am much better off than last year. Preparing to build a new house, which should be mortgage free.

But I am concerned about this country. We have a cancer in this country that is trying to turn our democratic republic into an autocracy governed by the elite and those elected to state legislatures. If they (repub party) are successful, a man's vote will mean nothing. People will be elected according to the notion of the political party in the majority of each state. That would be the death of our country and could precede our second Civil War.....all because a whiner and a baby who cannot admit he lost an election began a BIG LIE and convince many of his cult that he was telling the truth.
Now, wages are up, people are not dying at the rate that they were last year, and gasoline prices are stabilizing. Yes, I am much better off than last year. Preparing to build a new house, which should be mortgage free.

Wages are up but you are buying less with them, so that's a push. Gasoline prices are stabilizing at $1.30 or more than we were paying last year. Good for you building a house with the lumber prices today. You must have taken economics in school. But the question was not are you better off because you don't have to read meanie Tweets, the question was are we (as in all the people) better off and the answer is clearly no according to every poll, even the most leftist ones.

But I am concerned about this country. We have a cancer in this country that is trying to turn our democratic republic into an autocracy governed by the elite and those elected to state legislatures. If they (repub party) are successful, a man's vote will mean nothing. People will be elected according to the notion of the political party in the majority of each state. That would be the death of our country and could precede our second Civil War.....all because a whiner and a baby who cannot admit he lost an election began a BIG LIE and convince many of his cult that he was telling the truth.

I'm always so entertained by you leftist and your TDS. I've been following politics a long time and never in my life do I remember the Communist party so scared of one man. Your threat to Democracy doesn't lie with him, it lies in the Communist party ever since they became the anti-white party. Make whites a minority and we can easily slip in Socialism as the stepping stone to a full Communist country. That's the threat we face. Don't believe me, just look at NYC. They want illegals to vote in their elections now. How anti-American can you get?
Not yet but will be when everybody runs out of government money and has to return to work. Skip that. In this pork bill they want to grant amnesty to illegals so they can legally work. Supply and demand.
Isn't that around the time inflation also comes down?
Wages are up but you are buying less with them, so that's a push. Gasoline prices are stabilizing at $1.30 or more than we were paying last year. Good for you building a house with the lumber prices today. You must have taken economics in school. But the question was not are you better off because you don't have to read meanie Tweets, the question was are we (as in all the people) better off and the answer is clearly no according to every poll, even the most leftist ones.

I'm always so entertained by you leftist and your TDS. I've been following politics a long time and never in my life do I remember the Communist party so scared of one man. Your threat to Democracy doesn't lie with him, it lies in the Communist party ever since they became the anti-white party. Make whites a minority and we can easily slip in Socialism as the stepping stone to a full Communist country. That's the threat we face. Don't believe me, just look at NYC. They want illegals to vote in their elections now. How anti-American can you get?
Ray can you please stop talking about recession gas as being the norm.

We've been over this many times - A year ago people weren't driving and crude hit NEGATIVE price. It's silly to expect gas prices to be that low in a stable economy.
Ray can you please stop talking about recession gas as being the norm.

We've been over this many times - A year ago people weren't driving and crude hit NEGATIVE price. It's silly to expect gas prices to be that low in a stable economy.
when you leave.
Ray can you please stop talking about recession gas as being the norm.

We've been over this many times - A year ago people weren't driving and crude hit NEGATIVE price. It's silly to expect gas prices to be that low in a stable economy.

Demand is only part of it. We now have an entire anti-energy administration in charge of the country and the investors totally understand that. They preached anti-energy when campaigning and once in, showed investors they weren't just talking the talk.
Isn't that around the time inflation also comes down?
It should depending on if this pork bill passes. The CBO scored it at 5 trillion dollars meaning over 3 trillion would be added to our debt. Printing phony money brings down the value of the dollar thus increasing inflation. Yes, the labor market will help, but the question is how long will that take to correct itself.
Demand is only part of it. We now have an entire anti-energy administration in charge of the country and the investors totally understand that. They preached anti-energy when campaigning and once in, showed investors they weren't just talking the talk.
We have an entire ANTI-WORK administration, causing a labor shortage by handing out free money.

The America-destroying Democrats are building inflation by both ends: increasing demand by flooding the market with free money (well, not free….OPM), and decreasing supply by paying people not to work and thus creating a labor shortage.

We have enemies running the White House. Putin must laugh himself to sleep every night.
It should depending on if this pork bill passes. The CBO scored it at 5 trillion dollars meaning over 3 trillion would be added to our debt. Printing phony money brings down the value of the dollar thus increasing inflation. Yes, the labor market will help, but the question is how long will that take to correct itself.
I don’t want to jinx anything, but I don’t think it will pass. Fully 2/3rds of Americans (that would be everyone but the 1/3rd diehard liberals) think the bill will add inflation AND 2/3rds of Americans say they feel the hardship of current inflation.

Any Congress Critter who votes to increase inflation will be booted out in November.
I don’t want to jinx anything, but I don’t think it will pass. Fully 2/3rds of Americans (that would be everyone but the 1/3rd diehard liberals) think the bill will add inflation AND 2/3rds of Americans say they feel the hardship of current inflation.

Any Congress Critter who votes to increase inflation will be booted out in November.

It actually failed last night from what I heard and people don't expect it to be back for the rest of the year. But they're going to keep trying.

It's unfortunate but a lot of people don't care about the spending or debt. If it adds fuel to the inflation fire is the only thing that will get their attention. That's why I've been saying for a while that if we are going to waste money like they want to, we should all have to pay for it. I propose a national consumer tax. Say 10 cents on the dollar. The tax would be strictly for deficit spending and anything left over at the end of the fiscal year, we apply that to the national debt.

If they want to add free college, the tax goes to 12 cents on the dollar. They want to put charging stations all over the country, that ups it to 13 cents on the dollar.

If people had to actually pay for all this spending, you'd see how fast they'd get interested in how to stop it. The way things are, they can spend 10 trillion dollars and most people wouldn't blink an eye. That's the problem.
We have an entire ANTI-WORK administration, causing a labor shortage by handing out free money.

The America-destroying Democrats are building inflation by both ends: increasing demand by flooding the market with free money (well, not free….OPM), and decreasing supply by paying people not to work and thus creating a labor shortage.

We have enemies running the White House. Putin must laugh himself to sleep every night.

The gravy train stopped in September, but that doesn't mean people didn't save up a lot of that money and were able to continue not working. That money will run out, people will have no choice but to go to work, and that's when the labor shortage will shorten.
The gravy train stopped in September, but that doesn't mean people didn't save up a lot of that money and were able to continue not working. That money will run out, people will have no choice but to go to work, and that's when the labor shortage will shorten.

Don't forget the refundable Child Tax Credit that is still in place. Coupled with standard unemployment, that will allow many of those that are not working with children to continue sitting at home.
The gravy train stopped in September, but that doesn't mean people didn't save up a lot of that money and were able to continue not working. That money will run out, people will have no choice but to go to work, and that's when the labor shortage will shorten.
Exactly! I know someone who turned down work because she didn’t have to pay rent, plus she was getting $900 in government child support. She told me that the rent moratorium stopped in December and she just took a part-time job.

That will repeat itself millions of times over the next several weeks, as long as The Democrat Socialists don’t find a way to reinstate freebies because….omicron (that hits you like a common cold).
Don't forget the refundable Child Tax Credit that is still in place. Coupled with standard unemployment, that will allow many of those that are not working with children to continue sitting at home.
They really need to call a spade a spade and stop calling it a tax credit. Half the people getting it pay no income tax at all. It’s pure welfare. IOW, the Dems have moved half the country onto welfare.
Exactly! I know someone who turned down work because she didn’t have to pay rent, plus she was getting $900 in government child support. She told me that the rent moratorium stopped in December and she just took a part-time job.

That will repeat itself millions of times over the next several weeks, as long as The Democrat Socialists don’t find a way to reinstate freebies because….omicron (that hits you like a common cold).

She's still in real trouble because the rent thing only delayed them paying. They still have to pay rent. She may end up getting evicted and sued by her landlord.

The government can postpone our actions against our tenants but they can't force us to provide a product or service for free. Most of what we collect in rent we spend on the tenants (mortgage, utilities, taxes, insurance, maintenance and repair) so that comes out of our pocket up front. Anybody that thinks just because they didn't have to pay rent doesn't mean they got free rent didn't understand the policy.
Don't forget the refundable Child Tax Credit that is still in place. Coupled with standard unemployment, that will allow many of those that are not working with children to continue sitting at home.

And Dementia increased food stamps to the highest level in the history of the program last month.

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