Are we better off than we were a year ago ??

If you have evidence of voter fraud, produce it or shut up. To this point all of trumps audits and lackeys have failed to convince the SC.

I never lost, you did. Suck eggs.
2016 you did, and haven’t shut about to today
Do these numbers of COVID deaths look correct.
Any Adjustments needed, let me know Ray.
Now, these numbers are only UNDER trump, we shall get to Biden after you confirm or deny these trump COVID death numbers.

I don't think covid deaths are near correct and haven't been from the beginning.

My Uncle had colon cancer. He was staying with his son who took care of him. He couldn't walk so he never went anywhere. During his last days, my cousin called the family over to say their last likely goodbyes. About a dozen people were there and plenty of hugs and kisses went around.

When the ambulance got him to the ER, he tested positive for covid. They immediately alerted the family to the problem, and everybody in that room with him was either tested or quarantined. Nobody else had this highly contagious virus. My 94 year old Uncle died a few weeks later. When his kids got the death certificate, it was marked covid as main reason for death. Forget his age, the cancer, it was covid and it stayed that way.

My Uncle never had covid. If he did, it would be impossible for him not to have given it to at least one of the dozen people there on his last day at home.
The answer is "absolutely." We have vaccines now, far fewer people are dying from Covid, workplaces are open, and I could go to my choice of restaurants or bars or movie theaters today, if I wanted to. Last December *suuuuucked*.
You just admitted to complying with insanity.

my family never stopped meeting, we aren’t government sheep like you. We found restaurants open the entire 2020.

someone needs to prove outside the insanity.

and not one of us ever got that critically contagious virus!! Not one and none of us stopped our lives. Oh, no vaccines
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They are wrong and not only are they wrong on basic math, it's wrong to count the entirety of Biden presidency in a question about current Covid deaths.

Is this rocket science?
It is wrong to even consider Biden president.
It is wrong to even consider Biden president.

Deal with it nutbag.
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I don't think covid deaths are near correct and haven't been from the beginning.

My Uncle had colon cancer. He was staying with his son who took care of him. He couldn't walk so he never went anywhere. During his last days, my cousin called the family over to say their last likely goodbyes. About a dozen people were there and plenty of hugs and kisses went around.

When the ambulance got him to the ER, he tested positive for covid. They immediately alerted the family to the problem, and everybody in that room with him was either tested or quarantined. Nobody else had this highly contagious virus. My 94 year old Uncle died a few weeks later. When his kids got the death certificate, it was marked covid as main reason for death. Forget his age, the cancer, it was covid and it stayed that way.

My Uncle never had covid. If he did, it would be impossible for him not to have given it to at least one of the dozen people there on his last day at home.

Hospital doctor said your uncle had a PCR test confirmed Covid infection and that he died from it. You say NUUH. Should we belive you or medical professionals?

But aside from anecdotes, Covid-19 death rate is confirmed by excessive death rates, which do not care about diagnosis. Since the start of pandemic SOMETHING has killed ~700,000-1,000,000 over and above expected mortality. Do you have a clue what it could be?
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You doctor told your uncle had a PCR test confirmed Covid infection and that he died from it. You say NUUH.

Should we belive you or medical professionals?
Doctors don’t know cause of death! Whern will you ever understand science?
FACT remains - Biden is the 46th President of the United States, so maybe you should find some not-fucking-insane way of dealing with it.
I am doing nothing insane. Biden is not my president, or yours. He is illegitimate.
We don't have one.
Well there you go again denying simple FACT that Biden is the 46th POTUS.

Biden presides at the resolute desk in the WH, he issues executive orders and he signs laws passed by Congress...and you are fucking crazy.

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